Active Directory

This document provides guidance on how to integrate Active Directory with Google Security Operations SOAR.

Integration version: 36.0

This integration uses one or more open source components. You can download a zipped copy of the full source code of this integration from the Cloud Storage bucket.

Use cases

The Active Directory integration can help you solve the following use cases:

  • Activate and deactivate users: use Google SecOps capabilities to deactivate a potentially compromised user account and prevent further unauthorized access.

  • Reset passwords: use Google SecOps capabilities to automatically reset the user password in Active Directory and notify the user of the change.

  • Manage groups: use Google SecOps capabilities to add new users to the appropriate security groups based on their role and ensure that the users have the correct access permissions.

  • Retrieve User Information: use Google SecOps capabilities to retrieve user details such as group memberships, last sign in time, and contact information about a specific user account.

  • Automate offboarding: use Google SecOps capabilities to disable accounts, remove them from groups, and transfer file ownership in a case when an employee offboards.

Before you begin

To successfully integrate Active Directory with Google SecOps, it is required that you configure the /etc/hosts file.

If you have the DNS resolution configured with your DNS setup and your Active Directory domain is resolved by the fully qualified DNS name, you don't need to configure the /etc/hosts file.

Configure the /etc/hosts file

To configure the /etc/hosts file, complete the following steps:

  1. On your remote agent container image, go to the /etc/hosts file.

  2. To edit the /etc/hosts file, enter the following command: sudo vi /etc/hosts/.

  3. In the /etc/hosts file, add the IP address and the hostname of the host that you use to connect to Active Directory, such as hostname.example.

  4. Save the changes.

If you don't need the certification authority certificate for the integration, proceed to configuring the integration parameters.

If you need the certification authority certificate for the integration, proceed to the following section.

Optional: Configure the certification authority (CA) certificate

If required, you can configure the Active Directory integration using a certification authority (CA) certificate file.

To configure the integration with a CA certificate, complete the following steps:

  1. To obtain the CA certificate, enter the cat mycert.crt command:

    bash-3.2# cat mycert.crt
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. To encode the root CA certificate file to the base64 format with the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- strings, enter the cat mycert.crt |base64 command:

    bash-3.2# cat mycert.crt |base64
  3. Copy the BASE64_ENCODED_CERTIFICATE_STRING value and enter it in the CA Certificate File - parsed into Base64 String parameter value field in Google SecOps Active Directory integration configuration.

  4. To configure the Server parameter Google SecOps Active Directory integration configuration, enter the hostname of your Active Directory server, not the IP address.

  5. Click Test to test the configuration.

Integrate Active Directory with Google SecOps

The Active Directory integration requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Server Required

The IP address or a hostname of the Active Directory server.

This parameter also accepts DNS names instead of IP addresses.

This parameter doesn't support custom ports.

Username Required

The email address of the user to connect to Active Directory, such as

This parameter also accepts the userPrincipalName attribute.

Domain Required

The full DNS path to your domain within the network namespace.

To configure this parameter, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your domain if the following format: SUBDOMAIN.ROOT_DOMAIN.

For example, if your internal Active Directory domain is example.local, the FQDN to enter is example.local. If your internal Active Directory domain is, the FQDN to enter is
Password Required

The password for the user account.

Custom Query Fields Optional

Custom fields of the Active Directory integration, such as customField1, customField2.

CA Certificate File - parsed into Base64 String Optional

The CA certificate file string encoded into the base64 format that you obtained when configuring the CA certificate. To configure this parameter, enter the full BASE64_ENCODED_CERTIFICATE_STRING value.

Use SSL Optional

If selected, the integration verifies that the SSL certificate for connecting to Active Directory is valid.

Not selected by default.

For instructions about configuring an integration in Google SecOps, see Configure integrations.

You can make changes at a later stage if needed. After you configure an integration instance, you can use it in playbooks. For more information about configuring and supporting multiple instances, see Supporting multiple instances.


For more information about actions, see Respond to pending actions from your workdesk and Perform a manual action.

Add User to Group

Use the Add User to Group action to add user to groups.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs

The Add User to Group action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Group Name Required

A comma-separated list of groups to add users to.

Action outputs

The Add User to Group action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Output messages Available
Script result Available
Output messages

The Add User to Group action can return the following output messages:

Output message Message description

Successfully added the following users to the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory: ENTITY_ID

The following users were already a part of the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory: ENTITY_ID

Action wasn't able to add the following users to the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory: ENTITY_ID

No users were added to the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory.

No users were added to the provided groups in Active Directory.

The action succeeded.
Error executing action "Add User to Group". Reason: ERROR_REASON

The action failed.

Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials.

Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Add User to Group action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Change Host OU

Use the Change Host OU action to change the organizational unit (OU) of a host.

This action runs on the Google SecOps Hostname entity.

Action inputs

The Change Host OU action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
OU Name Required

The name of the new user OU.

Action outputs

The Change Host OU action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Change Host OU action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Change User OU

Use the Change User OU action to change the organizational unit (OU) of a user.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs

The Change User OU action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
OU Name Required

The name of the new user OU.

Action outputs

The Change User OU action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Change User OU action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Disable Account

Use the Disable Account action to disable a user account.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Disable Account action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Disable Account action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Disable Computer

Use the Disable Computer action to disable a computer account.

This action runs on the Google SecOps Hostname entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Disable Computer action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Disable Computer action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Enable Account

Use the Enable Account action to enable a user account.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Enable Account action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Enable Account action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Enable Computer

Use the Enable Computer action to enable a computer account.

This action runs on the Google SecOps Hostname entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Enable Computer action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Enable Computer action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Enrich Entities

Use the Enrich Entities action to enrich the Hostname or Username entities with Active Directory properties.

This action is asynchronous. Adjust the script timeout value in the Google SecOps IDE for the action, if needed.

The Enrich Entities action runs on the following Google SecOps entities:

  • User
  • Hostname

Action inputs

The Enrich Entities action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Mark entities as internal Required

If selected, the action automatically marks the successfully enriched entities as internal entities.

Specific Attribute Names To Enrich With Optional

A comma-separated list of attribute names to enrich the entities with.

If you don't set any value, the action enriches entities with all available attributes. If an attribute contains multiple values, the action enriches the attribute with all available values.

This parameter is case sensitive.

Should Case Wall table be filtered by the specified attributes? Optional

If selected, the action populates the case wall table only with attributes that you specified in the Specific Attribute Names To Enrich With parameter value.

Not selected by default.

Should JSON result be filtered by the specified attributes? Optional

If selected, the JSON result returns only attributes that you specified in the Specific Attribute Names To Enrich With parameter value.

Not selected by default.

Action outputs

The Enrich Entities action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Entity enrichment table Available
JSON result Available
Script result Available
Entity enrichment

The Enrich Entities action supports the following entity enrichment:

Enrichment field name Logic
AD_primaryGroupID The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_logonCount The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_cn The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_countryCode The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectClass The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_userPrincipalName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_adminCount The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lastLogonTimestamp The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_manager The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_instanceType The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_distinguishedName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_dSCorePropagationData The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectSid The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_whenCreated The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_uSNCreated The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lockoutTime The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_badPasswordTime The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_pwdLastSet The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_sAMAccountName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectCategory The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lastLogon The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectGUID The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_whenChanged The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_badPwdCount The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_accountExpires The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_displayName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_name The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_memberOf The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_codePage The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_userAccountControl The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_sAMAccountType The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_uSNChanged The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_sn The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_givenName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lastLogoff The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
JSON result

The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Enrich Entities action:

        "EntityResult": {
            "primaryGroupID": [513],
            "logonCount": [6505],
            "cn": ["user name"],
            "countryCode": [0],
            "objectClass": ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson"],
            "userPrincipalName": [""],
            "adminCount": [1],
            "lastLogonTimestamp": ["2019-01-09 08:42:03.540783+00:00"],
            "manager": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host name,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "instanceType": [4],
            "distinguishedName": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "dSCorePropagationData": ["2019-01-14 14:39:16+00:00"],
            "msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes": [0],
            "objectSid": ["ID"],
            "whenCreated": ["2011-11-07 08:00:44+00:00"],
            "uSNCreated": [7288202],
            "lockoutTime": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"],
            "badPasswordTime": ["date"],
            "pwdLastSet": ["date"],
            "sAMAccountName": ["example"],
            "objectCategory": ["CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=host,DC=LOCAL"],
            "lastLogon": ["2019-01-14 17:13:54.463070+00:00"],
            "objectGUID": ["GUID"],
            "whenChanged": ["2019-01-14 16:49:01+00:00"],
            "badPwdCount": [1],
            "accountExpires": ["9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"],
            "displayName": ["example user"],
            "name": ["user"],
            "memberOf": ["CN=\\\\u05e7\\\\u05d1\\\\u05d5\\\\u05e6\\\\u05d4 \\\\u05d1\\\\u05e2\\\\u05d1\\\\u05e8\\\\u05d9\\\\u05ea,OU=TEST,OU=QA,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Local Admin,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "codePage": [0],
            "userAccountControl": [111],
            "sAMAccountType": [805306368],
            "uSNChanged": [15301168],
            "sn": ["example"],
            "givenName": ["user"],
            "lastLogoff": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
        "Entity": ""
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Enrich Entities action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Force Password Update

Use the Force Password Update action to require a user to change their password upon the following sign-in.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Force Password Update action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Force Password Update action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Get Group Members

Use the Get Group Members action to retrieve the members of a specified Active Directory group.

This action supports retrieving both the user and hostname members and supports searching within nested groups.

Action inputs

The Get Group Members action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Group Name Required

The name of the group for the list of group members.

Members Type Required

The member type of the group.

The default value is User.

Perform Nested Search Optional

If selected, the action retrieves additional details about the groups that are a part of the main group.

Not selected by default.

Limit Required

The maximum number of listings to retrieve from Active Directory.

The default value is 100.

Action outputs

The Get Group Members action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Available
Script result Available
JSON result

The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Get Group Members action:

    "cn":"Example User1",
    "displayName":"Example User1",
    "distinguishedName":"CN=Example User1,OU=User Accounts,DC=example,DC=local"
    "cn":"Example User2",
    "displayName":"Example User2",
    "distinguishedName":"CN=Example User2,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=local"
    "cn":"Example User3",
    "displayName":"Example User3",
    "distinguishedName":"CN=Example User3,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=local"
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Get Group Members action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Get Manager Contact Details

Use the Get Manager Contact Details action to obtain the manager contact details from Active Directory.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Get Manager Contact Details action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Entity enrichment table Available
JSON result Available
Output messages Available
Script result Available
Entity enrichment

The Get Manager Contact Details action supports the following entity enrichment:

Enrichment field name Logic
AD_Manager_Name The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_Manager_phone The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_primaryGroupID The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_logonCount The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_cn The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_countryCode The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectClass The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_userPrincipalName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_adminCount The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lastLogonTimestamp The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_manager The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_instanceType The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_distinguishedName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_dSCorePropagationData The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectSid The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_whenCreated The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_uSNCreated The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lockoutTime The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_badPasswordTime The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_pwdLastSet The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_sAMAccountName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectCategory The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lastLogon The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_objectGUID The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_whenChanged The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_badPwdCount The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_accountExpires The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_displayName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_name The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_memberOf The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_codePage The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_userAccountControl The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_sAMAccountType The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_uSNChanged The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_sn The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_givenName The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
AD_lastLogoff The action returns the value if it exists in the JSON result.
JSON result

The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Get Manager Contact Details action:

            "primaryGroupID": [513],
            "logonCount": [6505],
            "cn": ["user name"],
            "countryCode": [0],
            "objectClass": ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson"],
            "userPrincipalName": [""],
            "adminCount": [1],
            "lastLogonTimestamp": ["2019-01-09 08:42:03.540783+00:00"],
            "manager": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host name,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "instanceType": [4],
            "distinguishedName": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "dSCorePropagationData": ["2019-01-14 14:39:16+00:00"],
            "msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes": [0],
            "objectSid": ["ID"],
            "whenCreated": ["2011-11-07 08:00:44+00:00"],
            "uSNCreated": [7288202],
            "lockoutTime": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"],
            "badPasswordTime": ["date"],
            "pwdLastSet": ["date"],
            "sAMAccountName": ["example"],
            "objectCategory": ["CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=host,DC=LOCAL"],
            "lastLogon": ["2019-01-14 17:13:54.463070+00:00"],
            "objectGUID": ["{id}"],
            "whenChanged": ["2019-01-14 16:49:01+00:00"],
            "badPwdCount": [1],
            "accountExpires": ["9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"],
            "displayName": ["example"],
            "name": ["user"],
            "memberOf": ["CN= u05e7 u05d1 u05d5 u05e6 u05d4  u05d1 u05e2 u05d1 u05e8 u05d9 u05ea,OU=TEST,OU=QA,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Local Admin,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "codePage": [0],
            "userAccountControl": [111],
            "sAMAccountType": [805306368],
            "uSNChanged": [15301168],
            "sn": ["example"],
            "givenName": ["user"],
            "lastLogoff": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"]
        "Entity": ""
Output messages

The Ping action can return the following output messages:

Output message Message description

All entities were processed successfully.

Some entities were processed successfully and some weren't. Please check the action log for further information.

No entities were processed.

The action succeeded.
Error executing action "Get Manager Contact Details". Reason: ERROR_REASON

The action failed.

Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials.

Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Get Manager Contact Details action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Is User in Group

Use the Is User in Group action to check if the user is a member of a specific group.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs

The Is User in Group action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Group Name Required

The group name to check, such as administrators.

Action outputs

The Is User in Group action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Available
Script result Available
JSON result

The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Is User in Group action:

        "EntityResult": true,
        "Entity": "USER1@EXAMPLE.COM"
    }, {
        "EntityResult": false,
        "Entity": "USER2@EXAMPLE.COM"
    }, {
        "EntityResult": true,
        "Entity": "USER3@EXAMPLE.COM"
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Is User in Group action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

List User Groups

Use the List User Groups action to obtain a list of all user groups that are available in Active Directory.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The List User Groups action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Available
Script result Available
JSON result

The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the List User Groups action:

        "EntityResult": ["Domain Users"],
        "Entity": ""
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the List User Groups action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False


Use the Ping action to test the connectivity to Active Directory.

This action runs on all Google SecOps entities.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Ping action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Ping action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Release Locked Account

Use the Release Locked Account action to unblock a locked account.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs


Action outputs

The Release Locked Account action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Release Locked Account action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Remove User From Group

Use the Remove User From Group action to remove the user from groups.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs

The Remove User From Group action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Group Name Required

A comma-separated list of groups to remove the users from.

Action outputs

The Remove User From Group action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Output messages Available
Script result Available
Output messages

The Remove User From Group action can return the following output messages:

Output message Message description

Successfully removed the following users from the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory: ENTITY_ID

The following users were not a part of the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory: ENTITY_ID

Action wasn't able to remove the following users from the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory: ENTITY_ID

No users were removed from the group "GROUP_NAME" in Active Directory.

No users were removed from the provided groups in Active Directory.

The action succeeded.
Error executing action "Remove User From Group". Reason: ERROR_REASON

The action failed.

Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials.

Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Remove User From Group action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Search Active Directory

Use the Search Active Directory action to search Active Directory using a specified query.

This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.

Action inputs

The Search Active Directory action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Query String Required

The query string to execute in Active Directory.

Limit Optional

The maximum number of listings to retrieve from Active Directory.

Action outputs

The Search Active Directory action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Available
Output messages Available
Script result Available
JSON result

The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Search Active Directory action:

        "primaryGroupID": [
        "logonCount": [
        "cn": [
          "user name"
        "countryCode": [
        "objectClass": [
        "userPrincipalName": [
        "adminCount": [
        "lastLogonTimestamp": [
          "2019-01-09 08:42:03.540783+00:00"
        "manager": [
          "CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host name,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"
        "instanceType": [
        "distinguishedName": [
          "CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"
        "dSCorePropagationData": [
          "2019-01-14 14:39:16+00:00"
        "msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes": [
        "objectSid": [
        "whenCreated": [
          "2011-11-07 08:00:44+00:00"
        "uSNCreated": [
        "lockoutTime": [
          "1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
        "badPasswordTime": [
        "pwdLastSet": [
        "sAMAccountName": [
        "objectCategory": [
        "lastLogon": [
          "2019-01-14 17:13:54.463070+00:00"
        "objectGUID": [
        "whenChanged": [
          "2019-01-14 16:49:01+00:00"
        "badPwdCount": [
        "accountExpires": [
          "9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"
        "displayName": [
        "name": [
        "memberOf": [
          "CN=\\\\u05e7\\\\u05d1\\\\u05d5\\\\u05e6\\\\u05d4 \\\\u05d1\\\\u05e2\\\\u05d1\\\\u05e8\\\\u05d9\\\\u05ea,OU=TEST,OU=QA,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL",
          "CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL",
          "CN=Local Admin,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"
        "codePage": [
        "userAccountControl": [
        "sAMAccountType": [
        "uSNChanged": [
        "sn": [
        "givenName": [
        "lastLogoff": [
          "1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
Output messages

The Search Active Directory action can return the following output messages:

Output message Message description

Successfully performed the query "QUERY_STRING" in Active Directory.

No results to show following the query: "QUERY_STRING".

The action succeeded.
Error executing action "Search Active Directory". Reason: ERROR_REASON

The action failed.

Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials.

Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Search Active Directory action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Set User Password

Use the Set User Password action to configure the user password.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs

The Set User Password action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
New Password Required

A new password value.

Action outputs

The Set User Password action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Script result Available
Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Set User Password action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Update attributes of an AD Host

Use the Update attributes of an AD Host action to update the attributes for the current hosts in Active Directory.

This action runs on the Google SecOps Hostname entity.

Action inputs

The Update attributes of an AD Host action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Attribute Name Required

The name of the attribute to update, such as Description.

Attribute Value Required

A new value for the attribute.

Action outputs

The Update attributes of an AD Host action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Output messages Available
Script result Available
Output messages

The Update attributes of an AD Host action can return the following output messages:

Output message Message description

Active Directory - Following entities were updated successfully: ENTITY_ID_LIST.

No suitable entities were found.

The action succeeded.
Failed to update the ATTRIBUTE_NAME for the following entities: ENTITY_ID_LIST.

The action failed.

Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials.

Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Update attributes of an AD Host action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

Update attributes of an AD User

Use the Update attributes of an AD User action to update the attributes for the current users in Active Directory.

This action runs on the Google SecOps User entity.

Action inputs

The Update attributes of an AD User action requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Attribute Name Required

The name of the attribute to update, such as Description.

Attribute Value Required

A new value for the attribute.

Action outputs

The Update attributes of an AD User action provides the following outputs:

Action output type Availability
Case wall attachment Not available
Case wall link Not available
Case wall table Not available
Enrichment table Not available
JSON result Not available
Output messages Available
Script result Available
Output messages

The Update attributes of an AD User action can return the following output messages:

Output message Message description

Active Directory - Following entities were updated successfully: ENTITY_ID_LIST.

No suitable entities were found.

The action succeeded.
Failed to update the ATTRIBUTE_NAME for the following entities: ENTITY_ID_LIST.

The action failed.

Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials.

Script result

The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Update attributes of an AD User action:

Script result name Value
is_success True or False

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