Change log for OPENSSH

Date Changes
2024-01-23 Enhancement:
- Modified a Grok pattern to parse the entire value in "target.user.userid".
2023-10-05 Enhancement:
- Modified the existing mapping: "target.file.sha256" mapped to "network.tls.client.certificate.sha256".
2023-08-25 Enhancement:
- Added a Grok pattern to parse unparsed logs and mapped the fields accordingly.
2023-05-05 Enhancement:
- Modified the existing mapping, "principal.hostname" mapped to "target.hostanme".
2022-10-25 Enhancement:
Added and modified GROK pattern for "message" and "description" fields.
Mapped "pwd" to "target.file.full_path".
Mapped "Sha256" to "target.file.sha256".
Mapped "command" to "target.process.command_line".
Mapped "tty" to "security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels".
Mapped "metadata.event_type" as "STATUS_UPDATE" wherever possible.
2022-05-18 User login action logs such as "auth success - with public key, auth success - with password, auth fail with password" are handled.
Mapped "USER_LOGIN" to "metadata.event_type".
Mapped "User name" to "target.user.userid".
Mapped "Source ip" to "principal.ip".
Mapped "Source port" to "principal.port".
Mapped "MECHANISM_UNSPECIFIED" to "extensions.auth.mechanism".