Change log for INFOBLOX_DNS

Date Changes
2024-09-24 Enhancement:
- Changed mapping of syslog header "hostname" from "target.hostname" to "intermediary.hostname".
- Removed trailing period character from "".
2024-08-19 Enhancement:
- Added conditional check for "intermediary_ip".
- Renamed "dns_domain" to "dns_answer_domain".
- Added for loop to retrieve "dns_query_type", "ttl_data", "dns_domain", "dns_class", "intermediary_ip", and "intermediary_host".
- Mapped "dns_domain" to "".
- Mapped "ttl_data" to "dns.answers.ttl".
- Mapped "dns_query_type" to "dns.answer.type"
- Mapped "dns_class" to "dns.answer.class"".
- Mapped "intermediary_ip" or "intermediary_host" to "".
2023-10-17 Enhancement:
- Added a Grok pattern to handle unparsed logs.
2023-06-19 Enhancement:
Wrote a Grok pattern to extract 'hostname','ip' and 'port' and changed 'event_type'accordingly.
2023-01-19 Enhancement:
- Added Grok pattern to support new Syslog.
- Added mapping for following:
- If log contains any ip protocol, such as TCP or UDP, value is mapped to "network.ip_protocol"..
- If log contains any intermediary IP address or hostname, value is mapped to "intermediary.ip/intermediary.hostname".
2022-09-09 Enhancement:
- Modified and properly mapped the field 'syslog_timestamp' to 'metadata.event_timestamp'.
2022-08-25 Enhancement:
- Mapped the field 'syslog_timestamp' to 'metadata.event_timestamp'.
- Added grok and conditional checks for the field 'smac' mapped to 'principal.mac'.
- Added conditional checks for the field 'dns_domain' mapped to 'network.dns.questions'.
- Added conditional checks for the field 'name1' mapped to ''.
- Added conditional checks for the field 'ttl1' mapped to 'network.dns.answers.ttl'.
2022-07-15 Bugfix - Removed last character if it is dot from,,
2022-06-02 Bug-fix - IP was not extracted properly from syslog log so modified the grok to extract it properly.
Enhancement - Provided support for CEF format logs.
Mapped the following new fields:-
InfobloxB1OPHIPAddress to principal.ip
InfobloxDNSQType to dns.questions.type
destinationDnsDomain to
InfobloxB1Region to principal.location.country_or_region
2022-04-28 Removed extra word "query:" from "" field.
2022-02-09 Enhancement:
Wrote a grok to extract 'hostname' and changed 'event_type'accordingly.
- Mapped 'src_host' to 'principal.hostname'.
- Mapped appropriate 'event_type'.