Change log for GMV_CHECKER

Date Changes
2024-03-13 Enhancement:
- Added a Grok pattern to parse unparsed logs.
- Mapped "user_disp_name" to "principal.user.user_display_name".
- Mapped "user_role" to "principal.user.user_role".
- If "field2" is present, then mapped "field2" to "principal.user.attribute.permission.description".
- If value of the field "field2" is "R", then set "principal.user.attribute.permission.type" to "DATA_READ".
- If value of the field "field2" is "W", then set "principal.user.attribute.permission.type" to "DATA_WRITE".
- If "field3" is present, then mapped "field3" to "principal.user.attribute.permission.description".
- If value of the field "field3" is "R", then set "principal.user.attribute.permission.type" to "DATA_READ".
- If value of the field "field3" is "W", then set "principal.user.attribute.permission.type" to "DATA_WRITE".
2022-04-20 Bug - Removed host-specific condition.
2022-03-28 Enhancement-Mapped the following fields:
collected_timestamp, event_timestamp, host, type, Event type, ip, user, description.
2022-03-23 Feature Request-Mapped agent_hostname to principal.hostname.
Added mapping for a new unique log.