Change log for FALCO_IDS

Date Changes
2024-03-06 Bug-Fix:
- Changed the name of the label for "output_fields.tags" from "tags" to "tags_label".
2023-05-23 Extracted and mapped 'host-IP' and 'host-name' field from 'output' field.
Changed event_type from 'GENERIC_EVENT' to related 'metadata.event_type' wherever possible.
2022-08-26 Mapped "priority" to "resource.attribute.labels" and key is priority.
Added Condition to check whether is in the form of email or not before mapping it to
2022-08-01 Mapped "output" to "metadata.description"
Mapped "priority" to "security_result.priority" and "security_result.severity"
Mapped "rule" to "security_result.rule_name"
Mapped "time" to "date"
Mapped "" to ""
Mapped "" to ""
Mapped "" to ""
Mapped "" to "target.asset.asset_id"
Mapped "output_fields.container.image.repository" to "target.file.full_path"
Mapped "" to ""
Mapped "output_fields.evt.arg.fd" to "resource.attribute.labels" and key is "evt_arg_fd"
Mapped "output_fields.evt.arg.filename" to "resource.attribute.labels" and "evt_arg_filename"
Mapped "output_fields.evt.arg.mode" to "resource.attribute.labels" and "evt_arg_mode"
Mapped "" to "resource.attribute.labels" and "fd_name"
Mapped "" to "target.ip"
Mapped "" to "target.hostname"
Mapped "" to "additional.fields" and key is "k8s_ns_name"
Mapped "" to "additional.fields" and key is "k8s_pod_name"
Mapped "output_fields.ol-env" to "resource.attribute.labels" and key is "ol-env"
Mapped "output_fields.pod-ip" to "observer.ip"
Mapped "output_fields.pod-name" to "observer.hostname"
Mapped "output_fields.proc.cmdline" to "target.resource.attribute.labels" and key is "proc_cmdline"
Mapped "output_fields.user.loginuid" to "target.user.userid"
Mapped "" to "principal.user.user_display_name"
Mapped "output_fields.ebpf_enabled" to "target.resource.attribute.labels" and key is "ebpf_enabled"
Mapped "" to "principal.user.email_addresses"
Mapped "" to "principal.ip"
Mapped "" to "principal.hostname"
Mapped "output_fields.falco.pod.ip" to "observer.ip"
Mapped "" to "observer.hostname"
Mapped "output_fields.falco.ssrid" to "resource.product_object_id"
Mapped "output_fields.tags" to "target.labels" and key is "tags"