Mengumpulkan log Zscaler CASB

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Dokumen ini menjelaskan cara mengekspor log Zscaler CASB dengan menyiapkan feed Google Security Operations dan cara kolom log dipetakan ke kolom Unified Data Model (UDM) Google SecOps.

Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Ringkasan penyerapan data ke Google SecOps.

Deployment standar terdiri dari Zscaler CASB dan feed Webhook Google SecOps yang dikonfigurasi untuk mengirim log ke Google SecOps. Setiap deployment pelanggan dapat berbeda dan mungkin lebih kompleks.

  1. Login ke konsol Google SecOps.
  2. Buka Setelan SIEM > Agen Pengumpulan.
  3. Download File Autentikasi Proses Transfer. Simpan file dengan aman di sistem tempat Bindplane akan diinstal.
  • Zscaler CASB: Platform tempat Anda mengumpulkan log.

  • Feed Google SecOps: Feed Google SecOps yang mengambil log dari Zscaler CASB dan menulis log ke Google SecOps.

Menginstal Agen Bindplane

Penginstalan Windows

Sebelum memulai

  • Pastikan Anda memiliki akses ke konsol Akses Internet Zscaler. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Bantuan ZIA Akses Internet dan SaaS yang Aman.
  • Pastikan Anda menggunakan Zscaler CASB 2024 atau yang lebih baru.
  • Pastikan semua sistem dalam arsitektur deployment dikonfigurasi dengan zona waktu UTC.
  • Pastikan Anda memiliki kunci API yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan penyiapan feed di Google SecOps. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan kunci API.

Penginstalan Linux

  1. Buka Setelan SIEM > Feed.
  2. Klik Tambahkan baru.
  3. Di kolom Nama feed, masukkan nama untuk feed (misalnya, Log Zscaler CASB).
  4. Pilih Webhook sebagai Jenis Sumber.
  5. Pilih Zscaler CASB sebagai Log Type.
  6. Klik Berikutnya.
  7. Opsional: Tentukan nilai untuk parameter input berikut:
    1. Pemisah pemisahan: pemisah yang digunakan untuk memisahkan baris log (kosongkan jika pemisah tidak digunakan).
    2. Namespace aset: namespace aset.
    3. Label penyerapan: label yang akan diterapkan ke peristiwa dari feed ini.
  8. Klik Berikutnya.
  9. Tinjau konfigurasi feed baru Anda di layar Finalize, lalu klik Submit.
  10. Klik Buat Kunci Rahasia untuk membuat kunci rahasia guna mengautentikasi feed ini.

Menyiapkan CASB Zscaler

Referensi penginstalan tambahan

Mengonfigurasi Agen Bindplane untuk menyerap Syslog dan mengirimnya ke Google SecOps

  1. Akses file konfigurasi:

    • Cari file config.yaml. Biasanya, file ini berada di direktori /etc/bindplane-agent/ di Linux atau di direktori penginstalan di Windows.
    • Buka file menggunakan editor teks (misalnya, nano, vi, atau Notepad).
  2. Edit file config.yaml sebagai berikut:

            # Replace the below port <54525> and IP <> with your specific values
            listen_address: "" 
            compression: gzip
            # Adjust the creds location below according the placement of the credentials file you downloaded
            creds: '{ json file for creds }'
            # Replace <customer_id> below with your actual ID that you copied
            customer_id: <customer_id>
            # You can apply ingestion labels below as preferred
            log_type: SYSLOG
            namespace: vmware_nsx
            raw_log_field: body
                    - tcplog
                    - chronicle/chronicle_w_labels
    • CHRONICLE_REGION: region tempat instance Google SecOps Anda dihosting (misalnya, US).
    • GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER: Nomor project BYOP (dapatkan dari C4).
    • LOCATION: Region Google SecOps (misalnya, US).
    • CUSTOMER_ID: ID pelanggan Google SecOps (dapatkan dari C4).
    • FEED_ID: ID feed yang ditampilkan di UI Feed pada webhook baru yang dibuat.

    Contoh URL API:

Mulai ulang Agen Bindplane untuk menerapkan perubahan

  • Di Linux, untuk memulai ulang Agen Bindplane, jalankan perintah berikut:

    sudo systemctl restart bindplane-agent
  • Di Windows, untuk memulai ulang Agen Bindplane, Anda dapat menggunakan konsol Services atau memasukkan perintah berikut:

    net stop BindPlaneAgent && net start BindPlaneAgent

Mengonfigurasi Zscaler Cloud Web Security

  1. Login ke konsol Admin Zscaler Analytics.
  2. Pilih Administrasi > Setelan > Layanan streaming Nanolog (NSS).
  3. Pilih Feed NSS.
  4. Klik Tambahkan.
  5. Di jendela Add NSS feed yang muncul, lakukan hal berikut:

    1. Nama feed: masukkan nama feed.
    2. Jenis NSS: pilih NSS untuk web atau NSS untuk firewall, bergantung pada persyaratan Anda.
    3. NSS name: pilih virtual machine (VM) NSS yang mengumpulkan log dari cloud (hanya satu VM NSS yang dapat dipetakan ke feed).
    4. Status: pilih Enabled untuk mengaktifkan feed.
    5. SIEM IP: masukkan alamat IP server syslog/Bindplane.
    6. Port TCP SIEM: masukkan nomor port server syslog/Bindplane untuk komunikasi TCP (Zscaler hanya mendukung koneksi TCP).
    7. Jenis log: pilih Log web atau Log firewall berdasarkan jenis NSS yang dipilih.
    8. Jenis output feed: pilih Kustom.
    9. Format output feed: tentukan log web atau log firewall.
    10. Obfuscation pengguna: pilih Nonaktif untuk menampilkan nama pengguna login dalam output. Untuk nilai acak, pilih Aktifkan.
    11. Zona waktu: pilih zona waktu yang sesuai (zona waktu default adalah GMT).
    12. Log duplikat: masukkan jumlah menit yang diperlukan NSS untuk mengirim log duplikat (Anda dapat memilih waktu berdasarkan persyaratan Anda).
    13. Filter transaksi: ada berbagai parameter yang tersedia berdasarkan parameter tersebut, Anda dapat memfilter log yang dikirim oleh Virtual Machine NSS.

    Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang berbagai kumpulan filter, lihat bagian dokumen NSS di Portal bantuan.

  6. Gunakan konsol admin Kebijakan atau konsol admin Analytics:

    1. Untuk menggunakan konsol admin Kebijakan, klik Selesai.
    2. Untuk menggunakan konsol admin Analytics, klik Simpan. Setelah jendela Tambahkan feed NSS ditutup, kembali ke jendela sebelumnya, dan detail feed yang ditambahkan akan ditampilkan di bagian Konfigurasi feed.
  7. Gunakan konsol admin Kebijakan atau konsol admin Analytics:

    1. Untuk menggunakan konsol admin Kebijakan, lakukan tindakan berikut:
      • Di bagian Konfigurasi feed, klik Simpan.
      • Klik Aktifkan sekarang (status hasilnya akan muncul di jendela baru).
      • Klik Selesai.
    2. Untuk menggunakan konsol admin Analytics, klik Aktifkan sekarang (status hasilnya akan muncul di bagian atas jendela).

Mengonfigurasi feed log web dan firewall

Di kolom Format output feed, gunakan feed berikut:

  • Jika pengumpulan mendukung format yang disesuaikan, tentukan feed log web berikut:

    |ZSCALER|DATE|%s{mon} %d{dd} %02d{hh}:%02d{mm}:%02d{ss}|NSSFEEDIP|%s{nsssvcip}|CLIENTINTIP|%s{cintip}|RECORDID|%d{recordid}|LOGINNAME|%s{login}|PROTOCOL|%s{proto}|URL|%s{url}|HOST|%s{host}|ACTION|%s{action}|REASON|%s{reason}|RISKSCORE|%d{riskscore}|APPNAME|%s{appname}|APPCLASS|%s{appclass}|REQSIZE|%d{reqsize}|RESPSIZE|%d{respsize}|CTIME|%d{ctime}|URLCLASS|%s{urlclass}|SUPERCAT|%s{urlsupercat}|URLCAT|%s{urlcat}|MALWARECAT|%s{malwarecat}|MALWARECLASS|%s{malwareclass}|THREATNAME|%s{threatname}|FILETYPE|%s{filetype}|FILECLASS|%s{fileclass}|DLPENGINE|%s{dlpeng}|DLPDICT|%s{dlpdict}|BWTHROTTLE|%s{bwthrottle}|LOCATION|%s{location}|DEPARTMENT|%s{dept}|CLIENTIP|%s{cip}|DESTINATIONIP|%s{sip}|REQMETHOD|%s{reqmethod}|RESPCODE|%s{respcode}|USERAGENT|%s{ua}|REFERER|%s{referer}|MD5HASH|%s{bamd5}|DLPRULENAME|%s{dlprulename}|DLPMD5|%s{dlpmd5}|DLPIDENTIFIER|%d{dlpidentifier}|DLPDICTHITCOUNT|%s{dlpdicthitcount}|\n
  • Jika kolektor mendukung langganan feed firewall, tentukan feed firewall berikut:

    |ZSCALERFIREWALL|DATE|%s{mon}%d{dd} %02d{hh}:%02d{mm}:%02d{ss}|CLIENTIP|%s{csip}|RECORDID|%d{recordid}|LOGINNAME|%s{login}|PROTOCOL|%s{ipproto}|ACTION|%s{action}|DESTINATIONIP|%s{cdip}|SOURCEPORT|%d{csport}|DESTINATIONPORT|%d{cdport}|CLIENTTUNIP|%s{tsip}|CLIENTTUNPORT|%d{tsport}|LOCATION|%s{location}|DEPARTMENT|%s{dept}|DESTINATIONCOUNTRY|%s{destcountry}|INCOMINGBYTES|%ld{inbytes}|NETWORKAPP|%s{nwapp}|NETWORKSVC|%s{nwsvc}|RULELABEL|%s{rulelabel}|NATTING|%s{dnat}|SESSIONDURATION|%d{duration}|AGGREGATEDSESSION|%d{numsessions}|AVERAGEDURATION|%d{avgduration}|TUNNELTYPE|%s{ttype}|SERVERDESTPORT|%d{sdport}|SERVERSOURCEIP|%s{ssip}|SERVERSOURCEPORT|%d{ssport}|IPCAT|%s{ipcat}|\n
    1. Pilih zona waktu untuk kolom Time dalam file output di daftar Timezone. Secara default, zona waktu ditetapkan ke zona waktu organisasi Anda.
    2. Tinjau setelan yang dikonfigurasi.
    3. Klik Simpan untuk menguji konektivitas. Jika koneksi berhasil, tanda centang hijau yang disertai pesan Uji Konektivitas Berhasil: OK (200) akan muncul.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang feed Google SecOps, lihat dokumentasi feed Google SecOps. Untuk mengetahui informasi tentang persyaratan untuk setiap jenis feed, lihat Konfigurasi feed menurut jenis.

Jika Anda mengalami masalah saat membuat feed, hubungi dukungan Google SecOps.

Tabel Pemetaan UDM

Referensi pemetaan kolom: ZSCALER_CASB

Tabel berikut mencantumkan kolom log dari jenis log ZSCALER_CASB dan kolom UDM yang sesuai.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
sourcetype security_result.detection_fields[sourcetype]
objtypename2 about.resource.resource_subtype
externalownername additional.fields[externalownername]
act_cnt additional.fields[act_cnt]
attchcomponentfiletypes additional.fields[attchcomponentfiletypes]
channel_name additional.fields[channel_name]
collabscope additional.fields[collabscope]
day additional.fields[day]
dd additional.fields[dd]
dlpdictcount security_result.detection_fields[dlpdictcount] If the dlpdictcount log field value is not empty and the dlpdictcount log field value is not equal to None, then the dlpdictcount log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.dlpdictcount UDM field.
dlpenginenames security_result.detection_fields[dlpenginenames] If the dlpenginenames log field value is not empty and the dlpenginenames log field value is not equal to None, then the dlpenginenames log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.dlpenginenames UDM field.
epochlastmodtime additional.fields[epochlastmodtime]
extcollabnames additional.fields[extcollabnames]
extownername additional.fields[extownername]
file_msg_id additional.fields[file_msg_id]
fileid additional.fields[fileid]
filescantimems additional.fields[filescantimems]
filetypecategory additional.fields[filetypecategory]
hh additional.fields[hh]
messageid additional.fields[messageid]
mm additional.fields[mm]
mon additional.fields[mon]
msgsize additional.fields[msgsize]
mth additional.fields[mth]
num_ext_recpts additional.fields[num_ext_recpts]
num_int_recpts additional.fields[num_int_recpts]
numcollab additional.fields[numcollab]
rtime additional.fields[rtime]
ss additional.fields[ss]
suburl additional.fields[suburl]
tenant additional.fields[tenant]
tz additional.fields[tz]
upload_doctypename additional.fields[upload_doctypename]
yyyy additional.fields[yyyy]
collabnames additional.fields[collabnames]
companyid additional.fields[companyid]
component additional.fields[component]
intcollabnames additional.fields[intcollabnames] If intcollabnames log field value does not match the regular expression pattern None then, for index in intcollabnames, the index is mapped to the additional.fields.value.list_value UDM field.
internal_collabnames additional.fields[internal_collabnames]
external_collabnames additional.fields[externalcollabnames]
num_external_collab additional.fields[num_external_collab]
num_internal_collab additional.fields[num_internal_collab]
repochtime additional.fields[repochtime]
eventtime metadata.event_timestamp If the eventtime log field value is not empty, then the eventtime log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
epochtime metadata.event_timestamp If the epochtime log field value is not empty, then the epochtime log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
time metadata.event_timestamp If the time log field value is not empty, then the time log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
datetime metadata.event_timestamp If the datetime log field value is not empty, then the datetime log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_UNCATEGORIZED.
act_type_name metadata.product_event_type
recordid metadata.product_log_id
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to CASB.
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Zscaler.
sender If the sender log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the sender log field is mapped to the UDM field.
extrecptnames For index in extrecptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
internal_recptnames For index in internal_recptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
external_recptnames For index in external_recptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
intrecptnames For index in intrecptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
applicationname principal.application If the applicationname log field value is not empty, then the applicationname log field is mapped to the principal.application UDM field.

Else, the appname log field is mapped to the principal.application UDM field.
src_ip principal.ip
fullurl principal.url If the fullurl log field is not empty and the fullurl log field value is not equal to Unknown URL, then the fullurl log field is mapped to the principal.url UDM field.
is_admin_act principal.user.attribute.labels[is_admin_act]
principal.user.attribute.roles.type If the is_admin_act log field value is equal to 1, then the principal.user.attribute.roles.type UDM field is set to ADMINISTRATOR.
company principal.user.company_name
department principal.user.department
dept principal.user.department
user principal.user.email_addresses If the user log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the user log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
username principal.user.email_addresses If the username log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the username log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
owner principal.user.email_addresses If the owner log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the owner log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
login principal.user.email_addresses If the login log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the login log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
login principal.user.userid If the login log field value does not match the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$, then the login log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
security_result.associations.type If the malware log field value is not empty, then the security_result.associations.type UDM field is set to MALWARE.
dlpdictnames security_result.detection_fields[dlpdictnames]
dlpidentifier security_result.detection_fields[dlpidentifier]
filedownloadtimems additional.fields[filedownloadtimems]
malwareclass security_result.detection_fields[malwareclass]
msgid security_result.detection_fields[msgid]
oattchcomponentfilenames security_result.detection_fields[oattchcomponentfilenames]
obucketname security_result.detection_fields[obucketname]
obucketowner security_result.detection_fields[obucketowner]
ochannel_name security_result.detection_fields[ochannel_name]
ocollabnames security_result.detection_fields[ocollabnames]
odlpdictnames security_result.detection_fields[odlpdictnames]
odlpenginenames security_result.detection_fields[odlpenginenames]
oextcollabnames security_result.detection_fields[oextcollabnames]
oexternal_collabnames security_result.detection_fields[oexternal_collabnames]
oexternal_recptnames security_result.detection_fields[oexternal_recptnames]
oexternalownername security_result.detection_fields[oexternalownername]
oextownername security_result.detection_fields[oextownername]
oextrecptnames security_result.detection_fields[oextrecptnames]
ofile_msg_id security_result.detection_fields[ofile_msg_id]
ofileid security_result.detection_fields[ofileid]
ofullurl security_result.detection_fields[ofullurl]
ohostname security_result.detection_fields[ohostname]
ointcollabnames security_result.detection_fields[ointcollabnames]
ointernal_collabnames security_result.detection_fields[ointernal_collabnames]
ointernal_recptnames security_result.detection_fields[ointernal_recptnames]
ointrecptnames security_result.detection_fields[ointrecptnames]
omessageid security_result.detection_fields[omessageid]
omsgid security_result.detection_fields[omsgid]
oowner security_result.detection_fields[oowner]
orulelabel security_result.detection_fields[orulelabel]
osender security_result.detection_fields[osender]
osharedchannel_hostname security_result.detection_fields[osharedchannel_hostname]
otenant security_result.detection_fields[otenant]
ouser security_result.detection_fields[ouser]
any_incident security_result.detection_fields[any_incident]
is_inbound security_result.detection_fields[is_inbound]
policy security_result.rule_labels[policy]
ruletype security_result.rule_labels[ruletype]
rulelabel security_result.rule_name
security_result.severity If the severity log field value is equal to High, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to Medium, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to Low, then the security_result.sevrity UDM field is set to LOW.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to Information, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.
threatname security_result.threat_name If the threatname log field value is not empty and the dlpdictcount log field value is not equal to None, then the threatname log field is mapped to the security_result.threat_name UDM field.
filesource target.file.full_path If the filesource log field value is not empty, then the filesource log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
filepath target.file.full_path If the filesource log field value is not empty, then the filesource log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.

Else if the filepath log field value is not empty, then the filepath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
lastmodtime target.file.last_modification_time If the lastmodtime log field value is not empty, then the lastmodtime log field is mapped to the target.file.last_modification_time UDM field.
file_msg_mod_time target.file.last_modification_time If the lastmodtime log field value is not empty, then the lastmodtime log field is mapped to the target.file.last_modification_time UDM field.

Else if the file_msg_mod_time log field value is not empty, then the file_msg_mod_time log field is mapped to the target.file.fullpath UDM field.
filemd5 target.file.md5 If the filemd5 log field value is not equal to None and the filemd5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$, then the filemd5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field.

Else, if the attchcomponentmd5s log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$, then the attchcomponentmd5s log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field.
filetypename target.file.mime_type
filename target.file.names
attchcomponentfilenames target.file.names
sha target.file.sha256
attchcomponentfilesizes target.file.size If the attchcomponentfilesizes log field value is not empty, then the attchcomponentfilesizes log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field.
filesize target.file.size If the attchcomponentfilesizes log field value is not empty, then the attchcomponentfilesizes log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field.

Else if the filesize log field value is not empty, then the filesize log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field.
sharedchannel_hostname target.hostname If the hostname log field value is not empty, then the hostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.

Else if the sharedchannel_hostname log field value is not empty, then the sharedchannel_hostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.
hostname target.hostname If the hostname log field value is not empty, then the hostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.
datacentercountry target.location.country_or_region
bucketowner target.resource.attribute.labels[bucketowner]
projectname target.resource.attribute.labels[projectname]
bucketname If the bucketname log field value is not empty, then the bucketname log field is mapped to the UDM field.
objnames1 If the objnames1 log field value is not empty, then the objnames1 log field is mapped to the UDM field.
objectname If the objectname log field value is not empty, then the objectname log field is mapped to the UDM field.
reponame If the reponame log field value is not empty, then the reponame log field is mapped to the UDM field.
object_name_1 If the object_name_1 log field value is not empty, then the object_name_1 log field is mapped to the UDM field.
bucketid target.resource.product_object_id
objtypename1 target.resource.resource_subtype If the objtypename1 log field value is not empty, then the objtypename1 log field is mapped to the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field.
objecttype target.resource.resource_subtype If the objecttype log field value is not empty, then the objecttype log field is mapped to the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field.
object_type target.resource.resource_subtype
target.resource.resource_type If the bucketname log field value is not empty, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_BUCKET.

If the reponame log field value is not empty, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to REPOSITORY.

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