Collect Microsoft Sentinel logs

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This parser extracts fields from Microsoft Sentinel JSON logs, performs transformations like IP address extraction and string manipulation, and maps the extracted data to the UDM, including principal, target, security_result, and metadata fields. It also handles various data types and merges extracted entities into the UDM structure.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Access to Microsoft Sentinel.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest the Microsoft Sentinel logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed (for example, Microsoft Sentinel Logs).
  4. Select Webhook as the Source type.
  5. Select Microsoft Sentinel as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Optional: Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Split delimiter: the delimiter that is used to separate log lines, such as \n.
    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.
    • Ingestion labels: the label to be applied to the events from this feed.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review your new feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.
  10. Click Generate Secret Key to generate a secret key to authenticate this feed.
  11. Copy and store the secret key as you cannot view this secret again. You can generate a new secret key again, but regeneration of the secret key makes the previous secret key obsolete.
  12. From the Details tab, copy the feed endpoint URL from the Endpoint Information field. You need to specify this endpoint URL in your client application.
  13. Click Done.

Create an API key for the webhook feed

  1. Go to Google Cloud console > Credentials.

    Go to Credentials

  2. Click Create credentials, and then select API key.

  3. Restrict the API key access to the Google Security Operations API.

Specify the endpoint URL

  1. In your client application, specify the HTTPS endpoint URL provided in the webhook feed.
  2. Enable authentication by specifying the API key and secret key as part of the custom header in the following format:

    X-goog-api-key = API_KEY
    X-Webhook-Access-Key = SECRET

    Recommendation: Specify the API key as a header instead of specifying it in the URL. If your webhook client doesn't support custom headers, you can specify the API key and secret key using query parameters in the following format:


Replace the following:

  • ENDPOINT_URL: the feed endpoint URL.
  • API_KEY: the API key to authenticate to Google Security Operations.
  • SECRET: the secret key that you generated to authenticate the feed.

Configure Logic App for Microsoft Sentinel Incidents

To configure Logic App for Microsoft Sentinel Incidents, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Azure Portal.
  2. Click Create a resource.
  3. Search for Logic App.
  4. Click Create to start the creation process.
  5. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Subscription: Select the subscription.
    • Resource group: Select the resource group.
    • Name: Enter a name for the Logic App.
    • Region: Select the region.
    • Log Analytics workspace: Select the Log Analytics workspace.
  6. Click Review + create.
  7. Click Create.
  8. After the Logic App is created, click Go to resource.
  9. Click Development Tools > Logic App Designer.
  10. Click Add a trigger.
  11. Search for Microsoft Sentinel.
  12. Select Microsoft Sentinel incident as the trigger.
  13. If you haven't already created a connection to Microsoft Sentinel, you'll need to do so now. Click Create new and follow the prompts to authenticate.
  14. Click Insert a new step.
  15. Click Add an action.
  16. Search for and select HTTP as the action.
  17. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • URI: the feed endpoint URL.
    • Method: POST
    • Headers: Add the following headers:
      • Content-Type: application/json
      • X-goog-api-key: the API key to authenticate to Google Security Operations.
      • X-Webhook-Access-Key: the secret key that you generated to authenticate the feed.

Configure Logic App for Microsoft Sentinel Alerts

To configure Logic App for Microsoft Sentinel Alerts, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Azure Portal Home Page.
  2. Click Create a resource.
  3. Search for Logic App.
  4. Click Create to start the creation process.
  5. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Subscription: Select the subscription.
    • Resource group: Select the resource group.
    • Name: Enter a name for the Logic App.
    • Region: Select the region.
    • Log Analytics workspace: Select the Log Analytics workspace.
  6. Click Review + create.
  7. Click Create.
  8. After the Logic App is created, click Go to resource.
  9. Click Development Tools > Logic App Designer.
  10. Click Add a trigger.
  11. Search for Microsoft Sentinel.
  12. Select Microsoft Sentinel alert as the trigger.
  13. If you haven't already created a connection to Microsoft Sentinel, you'll need to do so now. Click Create new and follow the prompts to authenticate.
  14. Click Insert a new step.
  15. Click Add an action.
  16. Search for and select HTTP as the action.
  17. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • URI: the feed endpoint URL.
    • Method: POST
    • Headers: Add the following headers:
      • Content-Type: application/json
      • X-goog-api-key: the API key to authenticate to Google Security Operations.
      • X-Webhook-Access-Key: the secret key that you generated to authenticate the feed.

Configure Automation rules for Microsoft Sentinel

To configure Automation rules for Microsoft Sentinel, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Microsoft Sentinel Workspace.
  2. Click Configuration > Automation.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select Automation rule.
  5. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Name: Enter a name for the automation rule.
    • Trigger: select When incident is created.
    • Actions: select Run playbook > Logic App created for incidents.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Select Automation rule.
  9. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Name: Enter a name for the automation rule.
    • Trigger: select When incident is updated.
    • Condition: click Add > Condition (And) > Status > Changed.
    • Actions: select Run playbook > Logic App created for incidents.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Click Create.
  12. Select Automation rule.
  13. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Name: Enter a name for the automation rule.
    • Trigger: select When alert is created.
    • Actions: select Run playbook > Logic App created for alerts.
  14. Click Apply.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
AlertGenerationStatus security_result.detection_fields.AlertGenerationStatus Directly mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing.
AlertLink principal.labels.AlertLink Directly mapped.
AlertName security_result.rule_name Directly mapped.
AlertSeverity security_result.severity Directly mapped, converted to uppercase. If the value is one of HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, CRITICAL, or UNKNOWN_SEVERITY, it's mapped to security_result.severity. Otherwise, it's mapped to security_result.severity_details.
AlertType security_result.threat_name Directly mapped.
Category security_result.detection_fields.Category Directly mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing.
CompromisedEntity principal.resource.attribute.labels.CompromisedEntity Directly mapped.
CompromisedEntityId security_result.detection_fields.CompromisedEntityId Directly mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing.
ConfidenceLevel security_result.confidence_details Directly mapped.
ConfidenceScore security_result.detection_fields.ConfidenceScore Directly mapped.
cribl_pipe additional.fields.cribl_pipe Directly mapped.
Description security_result.description Directly mapped.
DestinationDevice security_result.detection_fields.DestinationDevice OR target.ip Mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing. If the value is a valid IP address, it's mapped to target.ip. Otherwise, it's mapped as a detection field.
DestinationDeviceAddress target.ip Mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing, only if a valid IP address.
DeviceId security_result.detection_fields.DeviceId Directly mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing.
DisplayName security_result.summary Directly mapped.
EndTime about.labels.EndTime Directly mapped.
Entities.Address principal.asset.ip Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing. Only IP addresses are mapped.
Entities.HostName principal.asset.hostname OR principal.asset.ip Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing. If the value is a valid IP address, it's mapped to principal.asset.ip. Otherwise, it's mapped to principal.asset.hostname.
Entities.IoTDevice.DeviceId security_result.detection_fields.IoTDeviceID Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
Entities.IoTDevice.DeviceType security_result.detection_fields.IoTDeviceType Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
Entities.IoTDevice.DeviceTypeId security_result.detection_fields.IoTDeviceTypeId Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
Entities.IoTDevice.Importance security_result.detection_fields.IoTDeviceImportance Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
Entities.IoTDevice.IoTSecurityAgentId security_result.detection_fields.IoTSecurityAgentId Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
Entities.IoTDevice.Manufacturer security_result.detection_fields.IoT Manufacturer Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
Entities.IoTDevice.OperatingSystem principal.asset.platform_software.platform_version Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing, trailing spaces removed.
Entities.IoTDevice.PurdueLayer security_result.detection_fields.IoT PurdueLayer Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
Entities.IoTDevice.Sensor security_result.detection_fields.IoT Sensor Extracted from the Entities array after JSON parsing.
ExtendedProperties.Protocol security_result.detection_fields.Protocol Directly mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing.
ExtendedProperties.SensorId security_result.detection_fields.SensorId Directly mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing.
ExtendedProperties.SourceDevice principal.ip OR security_result.detection_fields.SourceDevice Mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing. If the value is a valid IP address, it's mapped to principal.ip. Otherwise, it's mapped as a detection field.
ExtendedProperties.SourceDeviceAddress principal.ip Mapped from the ExtendedProperties field after JSON parsing, only if a valid IP address.
IsIncident security_result.detection_fields.IsIncident Directly mapped, converted to string.
ProcessingEndTime about.labels.ProcessingEndTime Directly mapped.
ProductComponentName principal.resource.attribute.labels.ProductComponentName Directly mapped.
ProductName principal.resource.attribute.labels.ProductName Directly mapped.
ProviderName principal.resource.attribute.labels.ProviderName Directly mapped.
ResourceId principal.resource.product_object_id, Directly mapped.
SourceComputerId principal.asset.asset_id Directly mapped, prefixed with "SourceComputerId:".
SourceSystem security_result.detection_fields.SourceSystem Directly mapped.
StartTime about.labels.StartTime Directly mapped.
Status security_result.detection_fields.Status Directly mapped.
SystemAlertId metadata.product_log_id Directly mapped.
Tactics Extracted from the Tactics field after JSON parsing and backslash removal.
Techniques Extracted from the Techniques field after JSON parsing and backslash removal.
TenantId additional.fields.TenantId Directly mapped.
TimeGenerated about.labels.TimeGenerated Directly mapped.
timestamp metadata.event_timestamp, events.timestamp Directly mapped.
VendorName metadata.vendor_name Directly mapped.
VendorOriginalId additional.fields.VendorOriginalId Directly mapped.
_time metadata.event_timestamp, events.timestamp Parsed as a timestamp using UNIX or UNIX_MS format.
(Parser Logic) metadata.event_type Set to "USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS" if principal, target, and ResourceId are present. Otherwise, set to "GENERIC_EVENT".
(Parser Logic) metadata.log_type Set to "MICROSOFT_SENTINEL".
(Parser Logic) metadata.product_name Set to "MICROSOFT_SENTINEL".



  • Mapped "ResourceId" to "".
  • When "ResourceId" is 'not null' and event has one of "principal" or "target" as 'not null', then map "metadata.event_type" to "USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS".


  • Newly created parser.

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