Mapping changes in Zeek (Bro) parser

This document describes the changes made in the Zeek (Bro) default parser on 2022-09-28.

The Zeek (Bro) default parser update on 2022-09-28 uses the logs as defined in the official Zeek documentation.

The following table lists the field mapping changes between the Zeek (Bro) parser previous versions and Zeek (Bro) default parser version 2022-09-28:

Log type Fields Mapping in previous version Mapping in default parser version 2022-09-28
ssl server_name target.hostname network.tls.client.server_name
ja3 network.tls.client.ja3 Not mapped.
ja3s network.tls.server.ja3s Not mapped.
metadata.description is set to "SSL/TLS handshake info" Not mapped.
ssh client network.tls.client.certificate.version principal.platform_version
server network.tls.server.certificate.version target.platform_version
host_key target.labels about.labels
host_key_alg target.labels about.labels
kex_alg target.labels about.labels
mac_alg target.labels about.labels
compression_alg target.labels about.labels
cipher_alg target.labels about.labels
auth_attempts target.labels about.labels
auth_success security_result.action about.labels
event_type metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
http network.application_protocol is set to "HTTP" Not mapped.
files received_bytes network.received_bytes target.file.size
dhcp domain principal.administrative_domain target.administrative_domain
dhcp_info network.dhcp.type
smb_files action metadata.description metadata.description" is set to "action: %{action} on: %{name}"
network.application_protocol is set to "SMB" Not mapped.
kerberos user_name principal.user.userid Not mapped.
user_email principal.user.email_addresses Not mapped.
event_type metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
ftp uid metadata.product_log_id Not mapped.
file_size principal.file.size src.file.size
x509 event_type metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT"
id metadata.product_log_id Not mapped.
_system_name principal.hostname Not mapped.
smb_mapping path target.file.full_path
network.application_protocol is set to "SMB" Not mapped.
nltm metadata.description is set to "NTLM" Not mapped.
dce_rpc metadata.description is set to "DCE_RPC" Not mapped.
network.application_protocol is set to "RPC" Not mapped.
tunnel metadata.description is set to "Tunnel" Not mapped.
tunnel_type additional.fields security_result.description
action additional.fields security_result.description
mysql event_type metadata.event_type" is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type" is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
metadata.description is set to "MYSQL" Not mapped.
cmd additional.fields metadata.description
arg additional.fields principal.process.command_line
rows additional.fields security_result.description
radius extensions.auth.type is set to "AUTHTYPE_UNSPECIFIED" Not mapped.