Coletar registros do Zscaler Webproxy

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Este documento descreve como exportar registros do Zscaler Webproxy configurando um feed de operações de segurança do Google e como os campos de registro são mapeados para os campos do modelo de dados unificado (UDM, na sigla em inglês) do Google SecOps.

Para mais informações, consulte Visão geral da ingestão de dados no Google SecOps.

Uma implantação típica consiste no Zscaler Webproxy e no feed de webhook do Google SecOps configurado para enviar registros ao Google SecOps. Cada implantação do cliente pode ser diferente e mais complexa.

A implantação contém os seguintes componentes:

  • Zscaler Webproxy: a plataforma em que você coleta registros.

  • Feed do Google SecOps: o feed do Google SecOps que busca logs do Zscaler Webproxy e grava logs no Google SecOps.

  • Google SecOps: retém e analisa os registros.

Um rótulo de ingestão identifica o analisador que normaliza os dados de registro brutos para o formato estruturado do UDM. As informações neste documento se aplicam ao analisador com o rótulo de transferência ZSCALER_WEBPROXY.

Antes de começar

  • Confira se você tem acesso ao console do Zscaler Internet Access. Para mais informações, consulte Ajuda do ZIA para acesso seguro à Internet e ao SaaS.
  • Verifique se você está usando o Zscaler Webproxy 2024 ou uma versão mais recente.
  • Verifique se todos os sistemas na arquitetura de implantação estão configurados com o fuso horário UTC.
  • Verifique se você tem a chave de API necessária para concluir a configuração do feed no Google SecOps. Para mais informações, consulte Como configurar chaves de API.

Configurar um feed de ingestão no Google SecOps para processar os registros do Zscaler Webproxy

  1. Acesse Configurações do SIEM > Feeds.
  2. Clique em Adicionar novo.
  3. No campo Nome do feed, insira um nome para o feed (por exemplo, Zscaler Webproxy Logs).
  4. Selecione Webhook como o Tipo de origem.
  5. Selecione Zscaler como o Tipo de registro.
  6. Clique em Próxima.
  7. Opcional: insira valores para os seguintes parâmetros de entrada:
    1. Delimitador de divisão: o delimitador usado para separar as linhas de registro. Deixe em branco se não for usado.
    2. Namespace do recurso: o namespace do recurso.
    3. Rótulos de ingestão: o rótulo a ser aplicado aos eventos desse feed.
  8. Clique em Próxima.
  9. Revise a configuração do novo feed e clique em Enviar.
  10. Clique em Generate Secret Key para gerar uma chave secreta para autenticar esse feed.

Configurar o Zscaler Webproxy

  1. No console do Zscaler Internet Access, clique em Administration > Nanolog Streaming Service > Cloud NSS Feeds e clique em Add Cloud NSS Feed.
  2. A janela Add Cloud NSS Feed vai aparecer. Na janela Adicionar feed de NSS do Cloud, insira os detalhes.
  3. Digite um nome para o feed no campo Nome do feed.
  4. Selecione NSS para Web em Tipo de NSS.
  5. Selecione o status na lista Status para ativar ou desativar o feed do NSS.
  6. Mantenha o valor no menu suspenso SIEM Rate como Unlimited. Para suprimir o fluxo de saída devido a licenciamento ou outras restrições, mude o valor.
  7. Selecione Outro na lista Tipo de SIEM.
  8. Selecione Desativada na lista Autenticação OAuth 2.0.
  9. Insira um limite de tamanho para uma carga útil de solicitação HTTP individual na prática recomendada do SIEM em Tamanho máximo do lote. Por exemplo, 512 KB.
  10. Insira o URL HTTPS do endpoint de API Chronicle no URL da API no seguinte formato:

    • CHRONICLE_REGION: região em que a instância do Chronicle está hospedada. Por exemplo, EUA.
    • GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER: número do projeto BYOP. Receba isso do C4.
    • LOCATION: região do Chronicle. Por exemplo, EUA.
    • CUSTOMER_ID: ID do cliente do Chronicle. Receber do C4.
    • FEED_ID: o ID do feed mostrado na interface do feed no novo webhook criado
    • URL da API de exemplo:
  11. Clique em Adicionar cabeçalho HTTP para adicionar mais cabeçalhos HTTP com chaves e valores.

    Por exemplo, Header 1: Key1: X-goog-api-key e Value1: chave de API gerada nas credenciais da API do Google Cloud BYOP.

  12. Selecione Registros da Web na lista Tipos de registro.

  13. Selecione JSON na lista Tipo de saída do feed.

  14. Defina Caracter de escape do feed como , \ ".

  15. Para adicionar um novo campo ao Formato de saída do feed,selecione Personalizado na lista Tipo de saída do feed.

  16. Copie e cole o Formato de saída do feed e adicione novos campos. Confira se os nomes das chaves correspondem aos nomes dos campos.

  17. Confira a seguir o formato de saída do feed padrão:

      \{ "sourcetype" : "zscalernss-web", "event" : \{"datetime":"%d{yy}-%02d{mth}-%02d{dd} %02d{hh}:%02d{mm}:%02d{ss}","reason":"%s{reason}","event_id":"%d{recordid}","protocol":"%s{proto}","action":"%s{action}","transactionsize":"%d{totalsize}","responsesize":"%d{respsize}","requestsize":"%d{reqsize}","urlcategory":"%s{urlcat}","serverip":"%s{sip}","requestmethod":"%s{reqmethod}","refererURL":"%s{ereferer}","useragent":"%s{eua}","product":"NSS","location":"%s{elocation}","ClientIP":"%s{cip}","status":"%s{respcode}","user":"%s{elogin}","url":"%s{eurl}","vendor":"Zscaler","hostname":"%s{ehost}","clientpublicIP":"%s{cintip}","threatcategory":"%s{malwarecat}","threatname":"%s{threatname}","filetype":"%s{filetype}","appname":"%s{appname}","pagerisk":"%d{riskscore}","threatseverity":"%s{threatseverity}","department":"%s{edepartment}","urlsupercategory":"%s{urlsupercat}","appclass":"%s{appclass}","dlpengine":"%s{dlpeng}","urlclass":"%s{urlclass}","threatclass":"%s{malwareclass}","dlpdictionaries":"%s{dlpdict}","fileclass":"%s{fileclass}","bwthrottle":"%s{bwthrottle}","contenttype":"%s{contenttype}","unscannabletype":"%s{unscannabletype}","deviceowner":"%s{deviceowner}","devicehostname":"%s{devicehostname}","keyprotectiontype":"%s{keyprotectiontype}"\}\}
  18. Selecione o fuso horário do campo Time no arquivo de saída na lista Timezone. Por padrão, o fuso horário é definido como o da sua organização.

  19. Revise as configurações definidas.

  20. Clique em Salvar para testar a conectividade. Se a conexão for bem-sucedida, uma marca de seleção verde acompanhada da mensagem Test Connectivity Successful: OK (200) vai aparecer.

Para mais informações sobre os feeds do Google SecOps, consulte a documentação sobre feeds do Google SecOps. Para informações sobre os requisitos de cada tipo de feed, consulte Configuração de feed por tipo.

Se você tiver problemas ao criar feeds, entre em contato com o suporte do Google SecOps.

Referência do mapeamento de campo

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo ZSCALER_WEBPROXY e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Zscaler.
metadata.event_type If the ClientIP log field value is not empty and the serverip log field value is not empty and the proto log field value contain one of the following values, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_HTTP.
  • HTTP
Else, if the ClientIP log field value is not empty and the serverip log field value is not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.

Else, if the user log field value is not empty or the deviceowner log field value is not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_UNCATEGORIZED.

Else, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Web Proxy.
sourcetype additional.fields[sourcetype]
datetime metadata.event_timestamp
tz additional.fields[tz]
ss additional.fields[ss]
mm additional.fields[mm]
hh additional.fields[hh]
dd additional.fields[dd]
mth additional.fields[mth]
yyyy additional.fields[yyyy]
mon additional.fields[mon]
day additional.fields[day]
department principal.user.department
b64dept principal.user.department
edepartment principal.user.department
user principal.user.email_addresses
b64login principal.user.email_addresses
elogin principal.user.email_addresses
ologin additional.fields[ologin]
cloudname principal.user.attribute.labels[cloudname]
company principal.user.company_name
throttlereqsize security_result.detection_fields[throttlereqsize]
throttlerespsize security_result.detection_fields[throttlerespsize]
bwthrottle security_result.detection_fields[bwthrottle]
security_result.category If the bwthrottle log field value is equal to Yes, then the security_result.category UDM field is set to POLICY_VIOLATION.
bwclassname security_result.detection_fields[bwclassname]
obwclassname security_result.detection_fields[obwclassname]
bwrulename security_result.rule_name
appname target.application
appclass target.security_result.detection_fields[appclass]
module target.security_result.detection_fields[module]
app_risk_score target.security_result.risk_score If the app_risk_score log field value matches the regular expression pattern [0-9]+, then the app_risk_score log field is mapped to the security_result.risk_score UDM field.
datacentercountry target.location.country_or_region
dlpdictionaries security_result.detection_fields[dlpdictionaries]
odlpdict security_result.detection_fields[odlpdict]
dlpdicthitcount security_result.detection_fields[dlpdicthitcount]
dlpengine security_result.detection_fields[dlpengine]
odlpeng security_result.detection_fields[odlpeng]
dlpidentifier security_result.detection_fields[dlpidentifier]
dlpmd5 security_result.detection_fields[dlpmd5]
dlprulename security_result.rule_name
odlprulename security_result.detection_fields[odlprulename]
fileclass additional.fields[fileclass]
filetype target.file.mime_type
filename target.file.full_path
b64filename target.file.full_path
efilename target.file.full_path
filesubtype additional.fields[filesubtype]
upload_fileclass additional.fields[upload_fileclass]
upload_filetype target.file.mime_type If the filetype log field value is equal to None and the upload_filetype log field value is not equal to None, then the upload_filetype log field is mapped to the target.file.mime_type UDM field.
upload_filename target.file.full_path If the filename log field value is equal to None and the upload_filename log field value is not equal to None, then the upload_filename log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
b64upload_filename target.file.full_path
eupload_filename target.file.full_path
upload_filesubtype additional.fields[upload_filesubtype]
upload_doctypename additional.fields[upload_doctypename]
unscannabletype security_result.detection_fields[unscannabletype]
rdr_rulename intermediary.security_result.rule_name
b64rdr_rulename intermediary.security_result.rule_name
intermediary.resource.resource_type If the rdr_rulename log field value is not empty, then the intermediary.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to GATEWAY.
ordr_rulename additional.fields[ordr_rulename]
fwd_type intermediary.resource.attribute.labels[fwd_type]
ofwd_gw_name security_result.detection_fields[ofwd_gw_name]
fwd_gw_ip intermediary.ip
zpa_app_seg_name additional.fields[zpa_app_seg_name]
b64zpa_app_seg_name additional.fields[zpa_app_seg_name]
ozpa_app_seg_name additional.fields[ozpa_app_seg_name]
reqdatasize additional.fields[reqdatasize]
reqhdrsize additional.fields[reqhdrsize]
requestsize network.sent_bytes
respdatasize additional.fields[respdatasize]
resphdrsize additional.fields[resphdrsize]
responsesize network.received_bytes
transactionsize additional.fields[transactionsize]
contenttype additional.fields[contenttype]
df_hosthead security_result.detection_fields[df_hosthead]
df_hostname security_result.detection_fields[df_hostname]
hostname target.hostnametarget.asset.hostname
b64host target.hostnametarget.asset.hostname
ehost target.hostnametarget.asset.hostname
refererURL network.http.referral_url
b64referer network.http.referral_url
ereferer network.http.referral_url
erefererpath additional.fields[erefererpath]
refererhost additional.fields[refererhost]
erefererhost additional.fields[refererhost]
requestmethod network.http.method
reqversion additional.fields[reqversion]
status network.http.response_code
respversion additional.fields[respversion]
ua_token additional.fields[ua_token]
useragent network.http.user_agent
b64ua network.http.user_agent
eua network.http.user_agent
useragent network.http.parsed_user_agent
b64ua network.http.parsed_user_agent
eua network.http.parsed_user_agent
uaclass additional.fields[uaclass]
url target.url
b64url target.url
eurl target.url
eurlpath additional.fields[eurlpath]
mobappname additional.fields[mobappname]
b64mobappname additional.fields[mobappname]
emobappname additional.fields[mobappname]
mobappcat additional.fields[mobappcat]
mobdevtype additional.fields[mobdevtype]
clt_sport principal.port
ClientIP principal.ip
ocip security_result.detection_fields[ocip]
cpubip additional.fields[cpubip]
ocpubip additional.fields[ocpubip]
clientpublicIP principal.nat_ip
serverip target.ip
network.application_protocol If the protocol log field value contain one of the following values, then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to HTTP.
  • HTTP
Else, if the protocol log field value contain one of the following values, then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to HTTPS.
  • SSL
Else, the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL.
alpnprotocol additional.fields[alpnprotocol]
trafficredirectmethod intermediary.resource.attribute.labels[trafficredirectmethod]
userlocationname If the userlocationname log field value is not equal to None, then the userlocationname log field is mapped to the UDM field.
rulelabel security_result.rule_name If the action log field value is equal to Blocked, then the rulelabel log field is mapped to the security_result.rule_name UDM field.
b64rulelabel security_result.rule_name
erulelabel security_result.rule_name
ruletype security_result.rule_type
reason security_result.description If the action log field value is equal to Blocked, then the reason log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field.
action security_result.action_details
security_result.action If the action log field value is equal to Allowed, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.

Else, if the action log field value is equal to Blocked, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.
urlfilterrulelabel security_result.rule_name
b64urlfilterrulelabel security_result.rule_name
eurlfilterrulelabel security_result.rule_name
ourlfilterrulelabel security_result.detection_fields[ourlfilterrulelabel]
apprulelabel target.security_result.rule_name
b64apprulelabel target.security_result.rule_name
oapprulelabel security_result.detection_fields[oapprulelabel]
bamd5 target.file.md5
sha256 target.file.sha256
ssldecrypted security_result.detection_fields[ssldecrypted]
externalspr security_result.about.artifact.last_https_certificate.extension.certificate_policies
keyprotectiontype security_result.about.artifact.last_https_certificate.extension.key_usage
clientsslcipher network.tls.client.supported_ciphers
clienttlsversion network.tls.version
clientsslsessreuse security_result.detection_fields[clientsslsessreuse]
cltsslfailreason security_result.detection_fields[cltsslfailreason]
cltsslfailcount security_result.detection_fields[cltsslfailcount]
srvsslcipher network.tls.cipher
srvtlsversion security_result.detection_fields[srvtlsversion]
srvocspresult security_result.detection_fields[srvocspresult]
srvcertchainvalpass security_result.detection_fields[srvcertchainvalpass]
srvwildcardcert security_result.detection_fields[srvwildcardcert]
serversslsessreuse security_result.detection_fields[server_ssl_sess_reuse]
srvcertvalidationtype security_result.detection_fields[srvcertvalidationtype]
srvcertvalidityperiod security_result.detection_fields[srvcertvalidityperiod]
is_ssluntrustedca security_result.detection_fields[is_ssluntrustedca]
is_sslselfsigned security_result.detection_fields[is_sslselfsigned]
is_sslexpiredca security_result.detection_fields[is_sslexpiredca]
pagerisk security_result.risk_score
security_result.severity If the pagerisk log field value is greater than or equal to 90 and the pagerisk log field value is less than or equal to 100, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to CRITICAL.

If the pagerisk log field value is greater than or equal to 75 and the pagerisk log field value is less than or equal to 89, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH.

If the pagerisk log field value is greater than or equal to 46 and the pagerisk log field value is less than or equal to 74, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM.

If the pagerisk log field value is greater than or equal to 1 and the pagerisk log field value &is less than or equal to 45, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW.

If the pagerisk log field value is equal to 0, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to NONE.
threatname security_result.threat_name
b64threatname security_result.threat_name
threatclass security_result.associations.description
urlclass security_result.detection_fields[urlclass]
urlsupercategory security_result.category_details
urlcategory security_result.category_details
b64urlcat security_result.category_details
ourlcat security_result.detection_fields[ourlcat]
urlcatmethod security_result.detection_fields[urlcatmethod]
bypassed_traffic security_result.detection_fields[bypassed_traffic]
bypassed_etime security_result.detection_fields[bypassed_etime]
deviceappversion additional.fields[deviceappversion]
devicehostname principal.asset.hostname
odevicehostname security_result.detection_fields[odevicehostname]
devicemodel principal.asset.hardware.model
devicename principal.asset.asset_id
odevicename security_result.detection_fields[odevicename]
principal.asset.platform_software.platform If the deviceostype log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)iOS, then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to IOS.

Else, if the deviceostype log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Android, then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to ANDROID.

Else, if the deviceostype log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Windows, then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS.

Else, if the deviceostype log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)MAC, then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC.

Else, if the deviceostype log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Other, then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_PLATFORM.
deviceowner principal.user.userid
odeviceowner security_result.detection_fields[odeviceowner]
devicetype principal.asset.category
external_devid additional.fields[external_devid]
flow_type additional.fields[flow_type]
ztunnelversion additional.fields[ztunnelversion]
event_id metadata.product_log_id
productversion metadata.product_version
nsssvcip about.ip
eedone additional.fields[eedone]