Mengumpulkan data Sysmon Microsoft Windows
Dokumen ini:
- menjelaskan arsitektur deployment dan langkah-langkah penginstalan, serta konfigurasi yang diperlukan yang menghasilkan log yang didukung oleh peristiwa Chronicle Parser for Microsoft Windows Sysmon. Untuk mengetahui ringkasan penyerapan data Chronicle, lihat Penyerapan data ke Chronicle.
- menyertakan informasi tentang cara parser memetakan kolom dalam log asli ke kolom Chronicle Unified Data Model.
Informasi dalam dokumen ini berlaku untuk parser dengan label penyerapan WINDOWS_SYSMON. Label penyerapan mengidentifikasi parser mana yang menormalisasi data log mentah ke format UDM terstruktur.
Sebelum memulai
Meninjau arsitektur deployment yang direkomendasikan
Diagram ini merepresentasikan komponen inti yang direkomendasikan dalam arsitektur deployment untuk mengumpulkan dan mengirimkan data Sysmon Microsoft Windows ke Chronicle. Bandingkan informasi ini dengan lingkungan Anda untuk memastikan komponen tersebut diinstal. Setiap deployment pelanggan akan berbeda dari representasi ini dan mungkin lebih kompleks. Hal berikut diperlukan:
- Sistem dalam arsitektur deployment dikonfigurasi dengan zona waktu UTC.
- Sysmon diinstal di server, endpoint, dan pengontrol domain.
- Server Microsoft Windows kolektor menerima log dari server, endpoint, dan pengontrol domain.
Sistem Microsoft Windows dalam arsitektur deployment menggunakan:
- Langganan yang Dimulai Sumber untuk mengumpulkan peristiwa di beberapa perangkat.
- Layanan WinRM untuk manajemen sistem jarak jauh.
NXLog diinstal di server Window kolektor untuk meneruskan log ke Forwarder Chronicer.
Forwarder Chronicle diinstal di server Microsoft Windows pusat atau server Linux.
Meninjau perangkat dan versi yang didukung
Parser Chronicle mendukung log yang dibuat oleh versi server Microsoft Windows berikut. Microsoft Windows Server dirilis dengan edisi berikut: Foundation, Essentials, Standard, dan Datacenter. Skema log peristiwa yang dihasilkan oleh setiap edisi tidak berbeda.
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Parser Chronicle mendukung log yang dihasilkan oleh:
- Microsoft Windows 7 dan sistem klien yang lebih tinggi
- Sysmon versi 13.24.
Parser Chronicle mendukung log yang dikumpulkan oleh Community atau Enterprise Edition NXLog.
Meninjau jenis log yang didukung
Parser Chronicle mendukung jenis log berikut yang dihasilkan oleh Microsoft Windows Sysmon. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang jenis log ini, lihat dokumentasi Sysmon Microsoft Windows. Alat ini mendukung log yang dibuat dengan teks bahasa Inggris dan tidak didukung dengan log yang dibuat dalam bahasa selain bahasa Inggris.
Jenis Log | Deskripsi |
Log Sistem | Saluran Sysmon berisi 27 ID Peristiwa. (ID Peristiwa: 1 hingga 26, dan 255). Untuk mengetahui deskripsi jenis log ini, lihat dokumentasi Peristiwa Sysmon Microsoft Windows |
Mengonfigurasi server, endpoint, dan pengontrol domain Microsoft Windows
- Menginstal dan mengonfigurasi server, endpoint, dan pengontrol domain. Untuk mengetahui informasinya, lihat dokumentasi Konfigurasi Sysmon Microsoft Windows.
- Siapkan server Microsoft Windows kolektor untuk mengurai log yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa sistem.
- Siapkan server Microsoft Windows atau Linux pusat
- Konfigurasikan semua sistem dengan zona waktu UTC.
- Konfigurasi perangkat untuk meneruskan log ke server Microsoft Windows kolektor.
- Mengonfigurasi Langganan yang Dimulai Sumber di sistem Microsoft Windows. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan Langganan yang Dimulai Sumber.
- Aktifkan WinRM pada server dan klien Microsoft Windows. Untuk mengetahui informasinya, lihat Penginstalan dan konfigurasi untuk Microsoft Windows Remote Management.
Mengonfigurasi Forwarder NXLog dan Chronicle
- Instal NXLog pada server Microsoft Windows kolektor. Ikuti dokumentasi NXLog, termasuk informasi tentang cara mengonfigurasi NXLog untuk mengumpulkan log dari Sysmon.
Buat file konfigurasi untuk NXLog. Gunakan modul input im_msvistalog. Berikut adalah contoh konfigurasi NXLog. Ganti nilai
dengan informasi tentang server pusat Microsoft Windows atau Linux tujuan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi NXLog tentang modul om_tcp.define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog define SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_ADDRESS <hostname> define SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT <port> define CERTDIR %ROOT%\cert define CONFDIR %ROOT%\conf define LOGDIR %ROOT%\data define LOGFILE %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log LogFile %LOGFILE% Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\ SpoolDir %ROOT%\data <Extension _json> Module xm_json </Extension> <Input windows_sysmon_eventlog> Module im_msvistalog <QueryXML> <QueryList> <Query Id="0"> <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select> </Query> </QueryList> </QueryXML> ReadFromLast False SavePos False </Input> <Output out_chronicle_sysmon> Module om_tcp Host %SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_ADDRESS% Port %SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT% Exec $EventTime = integer($EventTime) / 1000; Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000; Exec to_json(); </Output> <Route r2> Path windows_sysmon_eventlog => out_chronicle_sysmon </Route>
Instal forwarder Chronicle di server Microsoft Windows atau Linux pusat. Lihat artikel Menginstal dan mengonfigurasi forwarder di Linux atau Menginstal dan mengonfigurasi forwarder di Microsoft Windows untuk mengetahui informasi cara menginstal dan mengonfigurasi forwarder.
Konfigurasi penerusan Chronicle untuk mengirim log ke Chronicle. Berikut adalah contoh konfigurasi forwarder.
- syslog: common: enabled: true data_type: WINDOWS_SYSMON Data_hint: batch_n_seconds: 10 batch_n_bytes: 1048576 tcp_address: connection_timeout_sec: 60
Mulai layanan NXLog.
Referensi pemetaan kolom: kolom peristiwa perangkat ke kolom UDM
Bagian ini menjelaskan cara parser memetakan kolom log perangkat asli ke kolom Model Data Terpadu (UDM). Pemetaan kolom mungkin berbeda berdasarkan ID Peristiwa.
Kolom umum
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
Kategori | security_result.summary dan metadata.product_event_type |
AccountName | principal.user.userid |
Domain | principal.administrative_domain |
RecordNumber | metadata.product_log_id |
HostName | principal.hostname |
UserID | principal.user.windows_sid |
SeverityValue | security_result.severity |
ProcessID | |
ProviderGuid | observer.asset_id |
LogonId | |
ThreadID | additional.fields.key ditetapkan ke thread_id dan
nilai disimpan di additional.fields.value.string_value |
Saluran | additional.fields.key ditetapkan ke channel dan
nilai disimpan di additional.fields.value.string_value |
EventID | security_result.rule_name ditetapkan ke EventID: <EventID> metadata.product_event_type ditetapkan ke <Category> [<EventID>] |
ID peristiwa: 1
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_LAUNCH |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | target.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | target.process.file.full_path |
Description | metadata.description |
CommandLine | target.process.command_line |
CurrentDirectory | additional.fields.key set to current_directory and
value stored in additional.fields.value.string_value |
User | Domain stored in principal.administrative_domain Username stored in principal.user.userid |
Hashes | Based on Hash algorithm.
ParentProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ParentProcessGuid> |
ParentProcessId | |
ParentImage | principal.process.file.full_path |
ParentCommandLine | principal.process.command_line |
ID peristiwa: 2
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to FILE_MODIFICATION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetFilename | target.file.full_path |
CreationUtcTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to CreationUtcTime and value
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
PreviousCreationUtcTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to PreviousCreationUtcTime and
value stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
ID peristiwa: 3
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to NETWORK_CONNECTION security_result.action set to ALLOW network.direction set to OUTBOUND |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
User | Domain stored in principal.administrative_domain Username stored in principal.user.userid |
Protocol | network.ip_protocol |
SourceIp | principal.ip |
SourcePort | principal.port |
DestinationIp | target.ip |
DestinationHostname | target.hostname |
DestinationPort | target.port |
ID peristiwa: 4
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to SETTING_MODIFICATION target.resource.resource_type set to SETTING target.resource.resource_subtype set to State |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
State | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ID peristiwa: 5
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_TERMINATION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | target.process.file.full_path |
ID peristiwa: 6
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ImageLoaded | principal.process.file.full_path |
Hashes | The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
Signed | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signed and value set to
target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
Signature | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signature and value stored in
target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SignatureStatus | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to SignatureStatus and value
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
ID peristiwa: 7
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
ImageLoaded | target.process.file.full_path |
Description | metadata.description |
Hashes | The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
Signed | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signed and value stored in
target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
Signature | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Signature Signature value in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SignatureStatus | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to SignatureStatus and value
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
ID peristiwa: 8
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
SourceProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<SourceProcessGuid> |
SourceProcessId | |
SourceImage | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetProcessGuid | target.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<TargetProcessGuid> |
TargetProcessId | |
TargetImage | target.process.file.full_path |
ID peristiwa: 9
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to FILE_READ
If the |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
Device | target.file.full_path |
ID peristiwa: 10
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_OPEN target.resource.resource_subtype set to GrantedAccess |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
SourceProcessGUID | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<SourceProcessGUID> |
SourceProcessId | |
SourceImage | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetProcessGUID | target.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<TargetProcessGUID> |
TargetProcessId | |
TargetImage | target.process.file.full_path |
GrantedAccess | |
ID peristiwa: 11
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to FILE_CREATION target.resource.resource_subtype set to CreationUtcTime |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetFilename | target.file.full_path |
CreationUtcTime | |
ID peristiwa: 12
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
If the Message the field contains CreateKey|CreateValue , then
metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_CREATION If the Message field contains DeleteKey|DeleteValue , thenmetadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_DELETION Otherwise, metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetObject | target.registry.registry_key |
ID peristiwa: 13
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetObject | target.registry.registry_key |
Details | target.registry.registry_value_data |
ID peristiwa: 14
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetObject | src.registry.registry_key |
NewName | target.registry.registry_key |
ID peristiwa: 15
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to FILE_CREATION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetFilename | target.file.full_path |
CreationUtcTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to CreationUtcTime and value
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
Hash | The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
ID peristiwa: 16
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to SETTING_MODIFICATION |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessID | |
Configuration | The value is stored in target.process.command_line when this field value
contains any command line or processThe value is stored in target.process.file.full_path when this field value
contains the configuration file path. |
ConfigurationFileHash | The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
ID peristiwa: 17
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_UNCATEGORIZED target.resource.resource_type set to PIPE |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | target.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
PipeName | |
Image | target.process.file.full_path |
ID peristiwa: 18
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_UNCATEGORIZED target.resource.resource_type set to PIPE |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | target.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field target.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
PipeName | |
Image | target.process.file.full_path |
ID peristiwa: 19
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
Operation | |
User | The Domain is stored in principal.administrative_domain The Username is stored in principal.user.userid |
EventNamespace | target.file.full_path |
Name | target.application |
Query | |
ID peristiwa: 20
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
Operation | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Operation and the value is
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
User | The domain is stored in principal.administrative_domain The Username is stored in principal.user.userid |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Name Name value in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
Type | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Type and the value is stored
in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
Destination | |
ID peristiwa: 21
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
Operation | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Operation and the value is
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
User | The domain is stored in principal.administrative_domain The username is stored in principal.user.userid |
Consumer | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Consumer and the value is
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
Filter | |
ID peristiwa: 22
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to NETWORK_DNS network.application_protocol set to DNS |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
QueryName | network.dns.questions |
QueryStatus | Stored in security_result.summary as Query Status: <QueryStatus> |
QueryResults | Type is saved to network.dns.answers.type with values separated by a
semicolon (;)Data is saved to Values that do not have type are mapped to . |
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
ID peristiwa: 23
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to FILE_DELETION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
User | Domain stored into principal.administrative_domain Username stored in principal.user.userid |
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetFilename | target.file.full_path |
Hashes | The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
IsExecutable | Field target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to IsExecutable and the
value is stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
Archived | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Archived and the value is
stored in target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
ID peristiwa: 24
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to RESOURCE_READ |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | target.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | target.process.file.full_path |
ClientInfo | ip stored in target.ip hostname stored in target.hostname user stored in principal.user.userid |
Hashes | The field populated is determined by the Hash algorithm.
Archived | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to Archived and value stored in
target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
ID peristiwa: 25
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to PROCESS_LAUNCH |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | target.process.product_specific_process_id stored as
SYSMON:<ProcessGuid> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
Image | target.process.file.full_path |
ID peristiwa: 26
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to FILE_DELETION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id set to
SYSMON:<%{ProcessGuid}> |
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
User | Domain set to principal.administrative_domain Username set to principal.user.userid |
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetFilename | target.file.full_path |
Hashes | Based on Hash algorithm. MD5 set to target.process.file.md5 SHA256 set to target.process.file.sha256 SHA1 set to target.process.file.sha1 |
IsExecutable | target.resource.attribute.labels.key set to IsExecutable & value in
target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
ID peristiwa: 29
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to FILE_CREATION |
RuleName | security_result.rule_name |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ProcessGuid | principal.process.product_specific_process_id is set to
PROCESS_GUID is the ProcessGuid . The ProcessGuid field is a unique value for this process across a domain to make event correlation easier.
ProcessId | |
IntegrityLevel | The value for the field principal.process.integrity_level_rid
is determined based on the value of the field IntegrityLevel as follows:
User | Domain is set to principal.administrative_domain Username is set to principal.user.userid |
Image | principal.process.file.full_path |
TargetFilename | target.file.full_path |
Hashes | Based on the hash algorithm, the following values are set:
ID peristiwa: 255
Kolom NXLog | Kolom UDM |
metadata.event_type set to SERVICE_UNSPECIFIED metadata.product_event_type set to Error - [255] target.application set to Microsoft Sysmon |
UtcTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
ID | security_result.summary |
Description | security_result.description |