Collect Microsoft Windows Sysmon data

Supported in:

This document:

  • describes the deployment architecture and installation steps, plus any required configuration that produce logs supported by the Google Security Operations Parser for Microsoft Windows Sysmon events. For an overview of Google Security Operations data ingestion, see Data ingestion to Google Security Operations.
  • includes information about how the parser maps fields in the original log to Google Security Operations Unified Data Model fields.

Information in this document applies to the parser with the WINDOWS_SYSMON ingestion label. The ingestion label identifies which parser normalizes raw log data to structured UDM format.

Before you begin

This diagram represents the recommended core components in a deployment architecture to collect and send Microsoft Windows Sysmon data to Google Security Operations. Compare this information with your environment to be sure these components are installed. Each customer deployment will differ from this representation and may be more complex. The following is required:

  • Systems in the deployment architecture are configured with the UTC time zone.
  • Sysmon is installed on servers, endpoints, and domain controllers.
  • The collector Microsoft Windows server receives logs from servers, endpoints, and domain controllers.
  • Microsoft Windows systems in the deployment architecture use:

    • Source Initiated Subscriptions to collect events across multiple devices.
    • WinRM service for remote system management.
  • NXLog is installed on the collector Window server to forward logs to Google Security Operations forwarder.

  • Google Security Operations forwarder is installed on a central Microsoft Windows server or Linux server.

    Deployment architecture

Review the supported devices and versions

The Google Security Operations parser supports logs generated by the following Microsoft Windows server versions. Microsoft Windows Server is released with the following editions: Foundation, Essentials, Standard, and Datacenter. The event schema of logs generated by each edition does not differ.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Google Security Operations parser supports logs generated by:

  • Microsoft Windows 7 and higher client systems
  • Sysmon version 13.24.

Google Security Operations parser supports logs collected by NXLog Community or Enterprise Edition.

Review the supported log types

The Google Security Operations parser supports the following log types generated by Microsoft Windows Sysmon. For more information about these log types, see the Microsoft Windows Sysmon documentation. It supports logs generated with English language text and is not supported with logs generated in non-English languages.

Log Type Description
Sysmon Logs Sysmon channel contains 27 Event Ids. (Event Id: 1 to 26, and 255).
For a description of this log type, see the Microsoft Windows Sysmon Events documentation

Configure Microsoft Windows servers, endpoints, and domain controllers

  1. Install and configure the servers, endpoints, and domain controllers. For information, see Microsoft Windows Sysmon Configuration documentation.
  2. Set up a collector Microsoft Windows server to parse the collected logs from multiple systems.
  3. Set up the central Microsoft Windows or Linux server
  4. Configure all systems with the UTC time zone.
  5. Configure the devices to forward logs to the collector Microsoft Windows server.

Configure the BindPlane Agent

Collect the Windows Sysmon logs by using the BindPlane Agent. After installation, the BindPlane Agent service appears as the observerIQ service in the list of Windows services.

  1. Install the BindPlane Agent on the collector that is running on a Windows server. For more information about installing the BindPlane Agent, see the BindPlane Agent installation instructions.
  2. Create a configuration file for the BindPlane Agent with the following contents.

        channel: Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational
        raw: true
        creds: '{
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "malachite-projectname",
        "private_key_id": `PRIVATE_KEY_ID`,
        "private_key": `PRIVATE_KEY`,
        "client_id": `CLIENT_ID`,
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "client_x509_cert_url": "`SERVICSERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME`%40malachite-`PROJECT_ID`",
        "universe_domain": ""
      log_type: 'WINDOWS_SYSMON'
      override_log_type: false
      raw_log_field: body
      customer_id: `CUSTOMER_ID`
            - windowseventlog/sysmon
          processors: [batch]
          exporters: [chronicle/winsysmon]
  3. Replace the PRIVATE_KEY_ID, PRIVATE_KEY SERVICSERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME,PROJECT_ID, CLIENT_ID and CUSTOMER_ID with the respective values from the service account JSON file which you can download from Google Cloud Platform. For more information about service account keys, see Create and delete service account keys documentation.

  4. To start the observerIQ agent service, select Services > Extended > the observerIQ Service > start.

Configure NXLog and Google Security Operations forwarder

  1. Install NXLog on the collector that is running on a Windows server. Follow the NXLog documentation, including information about configuring NXLog to collect logs from Sysmon.
  2. Create a configuration file for NXLog. Use the im_msvistalog input module. Here is an example NXLog configuration. Replace <hostname> and <port> values with information about the destination central Microsoft Windows or Linux server. For more information, see NXLog documentation about the om_tcp module.

    define ROOT     C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
    define CERTDIR  %ROOT%\cert
    define CONFDIR  %ROOT%\conf
    define LOGDIR   %ROOT%\data
    define LOGFILE  %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log
    LogFile %LOGFILE%
    Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
    CacheDir  %ROOT%\data
    Pidfile   %ROOT%\data\
    SpoolDir  %ROOT%\data
    <Extension _json>
        Module      xm_json
    <Input windows_sysmon_eventlog>
        Module  im_msvistalog
                <Query Id="0">
                    <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>
        ReadFromLast  False
        SavePos  False
    <Output out_chronicle_sysmon>
        Module      om_tcp
        Exec        $EventTime = integer($EventTime) / 1000;
        Exec        $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000;
        Exec        to_json();
    <Route r2>
        Path    windows_sysmon_eventlog => out_chronicle_sysmon
  3. Install the Google Security Operations forwarder on the central Microsoft Windows or Linux server. See the Installing and configuring the forwarder on Linux or Installing and configuring the forwarder on Microsoft Windows for information about installing and configuring the forwarder.

  4. Configure the Google Security Operations forwarder to send logs to Google Security Operations. Here is an example forwarder configuration.

      - syslog:
            enabled: true
            data_type: WINDOWS_SYSMON
            batch_n_seconds: 10
            batch_n_bytes: 1048576
          connection_timeout_sec: 60
  5. Start the NXLog service.

Field mapping reference: device event fields to UDM fields

This section describes how the parser maps original device log fields to Unified Data Model (UDM) fields. The field mapping may differ by Event Id.

Field mapping reference: Event Identifier to Event Type

The following table lists the WINDOWS_SYSMON log types and their corresponding UDM event types.
Event Identifier Event Type Security Category
12 If the Message log field value matches the regular expression pattern CreateKey|CreateValue then, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_CREATION.
Else if the Message log field value matches the regular expression pattern DeleteKey|DeleteValue then, the UDM field is set to REGISTRY_DELETION.
Else, the UDM field is set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION.

Field mapping reference: WINDOWS_SYSMON

The following table lists the log fields of the WINDOWS_SYSMON log type and their corresponding UDM fields.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Microsoft.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon.
UtcTime metadata.event_timestamp
EventID metadata.product_event_type
If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 then, the metadata.product_event_type UDM field is set to Error - [255].
Else EventID log field is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type UDM field.
RecordNumber metadata.product_log_id
EventRecordID metadata.product_log_id
Version metadata.product_version
If the EventID log field value is equal to 4 then, Version log field is mapped to the metadata.product_version UDM field.
QueryResults The type_value and data_value fields are extracted from QueryResults log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the data_value log field is mapped to the UDM field.
QueryResults network.dns.answers.type The type_value and data_value fields are extracted from QueryResults log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the type_value log field is mapped to the network.dns.answers.type UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, QueryName log field is mapped to the UDM field.
Protocol network.ip_protocol
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, Protocol log field is mapped to the network.ip_protocol UDM field.
ParentCommandLine principal.process.command_line
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, ParentCommandLine log field is mapped to the principal.process.command_line UDM field.
User principal.administrative_domain The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern.
If the principal_administrative_domain log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_administrative_domain extracted field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field.
Else Domain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field.
Domain principal.administrative_domain The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern.
If the principal_administrative_domain log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_administrative_domain extracted field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field.
Else Domain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field.
HostName principal.hostname
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field.
Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field.
Computer principal.hostname
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field.
Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field.
HostName principal.asset.hostname
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field.
Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field.
Computer principal.asset.hostname
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field.
Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field.
SourceIp principal.ip
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, SourceIp log field is mapped to the principal.ip UDM field.
SourcePort principal.port
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, SourcePort log field is mapped to the principal.port UDM field.
ImageLoaded principal.process.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value is equal to 6 then, ImageLoaded log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.
Image principal.process.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 2
  • 3
  • 7
  • 9
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 22
  • 23
  • 26
then, Image log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.
SourceImage principal.process.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 8
  • 10
then, SourceImage log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.
ParentImage principal.process.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, ParentImage log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 2
  • 3
  • 7
  • 9
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
and if the ExecutionProcessID log field value is not empty then, ExecutionProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field.
Else ProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field.
SourceProcessId If the EventID log field value is equal to 8 then, SourceProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field.
ParentProcessId If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, ParentProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field.
ProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 22
  • 23
  • 26
then, principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{ProcessGuid}.
ParentProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{ParentProcessGuid}.
SourceProcessGuid principal.process.product_specific_process_id
If the EventID log field value is equal to 8 then, principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{SourceProcessGuid}.
SourceProcessGUID principal.process.product_specific_process_id
If the EventID log field value is equal to 10 then, principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{SourceProcessGUID}.
User principal.user.userid The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is not equal to 24 and if the principal_user_userid log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_user_userid extracted field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
ClientInfo principal.user.userid The host and user_id fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 and if the user_id log field value is not empty and the ClientInfo log field value is not empty then, user_id extracted field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
Else ClientInfo log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
AccountName principal.user.userid The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is not equal to 24 and if the principal_user_userid log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_user_userid extracted field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
Else AccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
SourceUser principal.user.userid
UserID principal.user.windows_sid
Description security_result.description
If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 and if the Description log field value is not equal to - then, Description log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field.
RuleName security_result.rule_name
EventID security_result.rule_name The security_result.rule_name UDM field is set to EventID: %{EventID}.
If the Level log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 0
  • 3
  • 4
or the Level log field value is equal to Information then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.
Else, If Level log field value is equal to 2 or the Level log field value is equal to Error then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to ERROR.
If the SeverityValue log field value does not contain one of the following values:
  • Empty
  • -
and if the SeverityValue log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL. Else, if SeverityValue log field value is equal to 4 then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to ERROR. Else, if SeverityValue log field value is equal to 5 then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to CRITICAL.
Category about.labels[Category ID] The category_id and category_tag fields are extracted from Category log field using the Grok pattern. category_id extracted field is mapped to the about.labels.Category ID UDM field.
QueryStatus security_result.summary If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the security_result.summary UDM field is set to QueryStatus: %{QueryStatus}.
ID security_result.summary If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 then, ID log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field.
Category security_result.summary The category_id and category_tag fields are extracted from Category log field using the Grok pattern.
If the category_id log field value is not empty then, category_tag extracted field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field.
Else Category log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field.
CurrentDirectory additional.fields[current_directory]
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, CurrentDirectory log field is mapped to the additional.fields.current_directory UDM field.
OriginalFileName src.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, OriginalFileName log field is mapped to the src.file.full_path UDM field.
TargetObject src.registry.registry_key
If the EventID log field value is equal to 14 then, TargetObject log field is mapped to the src.registry.registry_key UDM field.
Name target.application
If the EventID log field value is equal to 19 then, Name log field is mapped to the target.application UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 then, the target.application UDM field is set to Microsoft Sysmon.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 7
and if the Description log field value is not equal to - then, Description log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 7
and if the Product log field value is not equal to - then, Product log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 7
and if the Company log field value is not equal to - then, Company log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 7
and if the FileVersion log field value is not equal to - then, FileVersion log field is mapped to the UDM field.
EventNamespace target.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value is equal to 19 then, EventNamespace log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
Device target.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value is equal to 9 then, Device log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
TargetFilename target.file.full_path
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 2
  • 11
  • 15
  • 23
  • 26
then, TargetFilename log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
DestinationHostname target.asset.hostname If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationHostname log field is mapped to the target.asset.hostname UDM field.
ClientInfo target.asset.hostname The host and user_id fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. The target_ip and host fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 then, host extracted field is mapped to the target.asset.hostname UDM field.
DestinationHostname target.hostname If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationHostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.
ClientInfo target.hostname The host and user_id fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. The target_ip and host fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 then, host extracted field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.
ClientInfo target.ip The target_ip and host fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 then, target_ip extracted field is mapped to the target.ip UDM field.
DestinationIp target.ip If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationIp log field is mapped to the target.ip UDM field.
DestinationPort target.port
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationPort log field is mapped to the target.port UDM field.
CommandLine target.process.command_line
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, CommandLine log field is mapped to the target.process.command_line UDM field.
Configuration target.process.command_line
If the EventID log field value is equal to 16 and if the ConfigurationFileHash log field value contain one of the following values:
  • Empty
  • -
then, Configuration log field is mapped to the target.process.command_line UDM field.
ImageLoaded target.process.file.full_path If the EventID log field value is equal to 7 then, ImageLoaded log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field.
TargetImage target.process.file.full_path If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 8
  • 10
then, TargetImage log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field.
Image target.process.file.full_path If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 5
  • 17
  • 18
  • 24
  • 25
then, Image log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field.
Configuration target.process.file.full_path If the EventID log field value is equal to 16 and if the ConfigurationFileHash log field value does not contain one of the following values:
  • Empty
  • -
then, Configuration log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field.
Hashes target.process.file.md5 The KV filter is used to extract the MD5 from the Hashes log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, MD5 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field.
Hash target.process.file.md5 The KV filter is used to extract the MD5 from the Hashe log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, MD5 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field.
ConfigurationFileHash target.process.file.md5 The KV filter is used to extract the MD5 from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, MD5 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field.
Hashes target.process.file.sha1 The KV filter is used to extract the SHA1 from the Hashes log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, SHA1 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field.
Hash target.process.file.sha1 The KV filter is used to extract the SHA1 from the Hash log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, SHA1 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field.
ConfigurationFileHash target.process.file.sha1 The KV filter is used to extract the SHA1 from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, SHA1 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field.
Hashes target.process.file.sha256 The KV filter is used to extract the SHA256 from the Hashes log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, SHA256 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field.
Hash target.process.file.sha256 The KV filter is used to extract the SHA256 from the Hash log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, SHA256 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field.
ConfigurationFileHash target.process.file.sha256 The KV filter is used to extract the SHA256 from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 26
then, SHA256 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field.
Hashes The KV filter is used to extract the IMPHASH from the Hashes log field.
IMPHASH extracted field is mapped to the UDM field.
Hash The KV filter is used to extract the IMPHASH from the Hash log field.
IMPHASH extracted field is mapped to the UDM field.
ConfigurationFileHash The KV filter is used to extract the IMPHASH from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.
IMPHASH extracted field is mapped to the UDM field.
TargetProcessId If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 8
  • 10
then, TargetProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field.
ProcessId If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 5
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
and if the ExecutionProcessID log field value is not empty then, ExecutionProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field.
Else ProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field.
ProcessID If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 5
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
and if the ExecutionProcessID log field value is not empty then, ExecutionProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field.
Else ProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field.
TargetProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id If the EventID log field value is equal to 8 then, the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{TargetProcessGuid}.
TargetProcessGUID target.process.product_specific_process_id If the EventID log field value is equal to 10 then, the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{TargetProcessGUID}.
ProcessGuid target.process.product_specific_process_id
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 1
  • 17
  • 18
  • 24
  • 25
then, the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{ProcessGuid}.
NewName target.registry.registry_key
If the EventID log field value is equal to 14 then, NewName log field is mapped to the target.registry.registry_key UDM field.
TargetObject target.registry.registry_key
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 12
  • 13
then, TargetObject log field is mapped to the target.registry.registry_key UDM field.
Details target.registry.registry_value_data
If the EventID log field value is equal to 13 then, Details log field is mapped to the target.registry.registry_value_data UDM field.
PreviousCreationUtcTime target.resource.attribute.labels.key[PreviousCreationUtcTime]
If the EventID log field value is equal to 2 then, PreviousCreationUtcTime log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Archived target.resource.attribute.labels[Archived]
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 23
  • 24
then, Archived log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Consumer target.resource.attribute.labels[Consumer]
If the EventID log field value is equal to 21 then, Consumer log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
CreationUtcTime target.resource.attribute.labels[CreationUtcTime]
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 2
  • 15
then, CreationUtcTime log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
IsExecutable target.resource.attribute.labels[IsExecutable]
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 23
  • 26
then, IsExecutable log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Name target.resource.attribute.labels[Name]
If the EventID log field value is equal to 20 then, Name log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Operation target.resource.attribute.labels[Operation]
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
then, Operation log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Signature target.resource.attribute.labels[Signature]
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 6
  • 7
then, Signature log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
SignatureStatus target.resource.attribute.labels[SignatureStatus]
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 6
  • 7
then, SignatureStatus log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Signed target.resource.attribute.labels[Signed]
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 6
  • 7
then, Signed log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Type target.resource.attribute.labels[Type]
If the EventID log field value is equal to 20 then, Type log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field.
Type additional.fields[Type]
If the EventID log field value is equal to 25 then, Type log field is mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 4 then, State log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 11 then, CreationUtcTime log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 17
  • 18
then, PipeName log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 21 then, Filter log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 20 then, Destination log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 19 then, Query log field is mapped to the UDM field.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 10 and if the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0080$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0002$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0040$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0400$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x1000$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0200$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0100$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_SET_QUOTA.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0800$ and if the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0001$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_TERMINATE.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0008$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_VM_OPERATION.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0010$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_VM_READ.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0020$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_VM_WRITE.
Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x00100000L$ then, the UDM field is set to SYNCHRONIZE.
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 4
  • 16
then, the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to SETTING.
Else, If EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 17
  • 18
then, the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to PIPE.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 11 then, the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to CreationUtcTime.
Else, If EventID log field value is equal to 10 then, the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to GrantedAccess.
Else, If EventID log field value is equal to 4 then, the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to State.
TargetUser target.user.userid
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, the network.direction UDM field is set to OUTBOUND.
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
ProviderGuid observer.asset_id ProviderGuid log field is mapped to the observer.asset_id UDM field.
Keywords additional.fields[Keywords]
ThreadID additional.fields[thread_id]
ThreadID additional.fields[ThreadID]
Channel additional.fields[channel]
Opcode additional.fields[Opcode]
LogonGuid additional.fields[LogonGuid]
TerminalSessionId additional.fields[TerminalSessionId]
SourcePortName additional.fields[SourcePortName]
SourceIsIpv6 additional.fields[SourceIsIpv6]
DestinationPortName additional.fields[DestinationPortName]
DestinationIsIpv6 additional.fields[DestinationIsIpv6]
Initiated additional.fields[Initiated]
SchemaVersion additional.fields[SchemaVersion]
CallTrace additional.fields[CallTrace]
If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS.
NewThreadId additional.fields[NewThreadId]
StartAddress additional.fields[StartAddress]
StartFunction additional.fields[StartFunction]
StartModule additional.fields[StartModule]
ParentUser additional.fields[ParentUser]
IntegrityLevel target.process.integrity_level_rid
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
  • 18
  • 17
  • 16
  • 5
  • 4
  • 1
and if the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Untrusted) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Low) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Medium) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(High) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(System) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Protected) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480.
IntegrityLevel principal.process.integrity_level_rid
If the EventID log field value does not contain one of the following values:
  • 18
  • 17
  • 16
  • 5
  • 4
  • 1
and if the IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Untrusted) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Low) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Medium) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(High) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(System) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384.
Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Protected) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480.
Computer additional.fields[Computer]
If the HostName log field value is not empty or the Hostname log field value is not empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the additional.fields.Computer UDM field.
Task security_result.summary