Coletar dados do Sysmon do Microsoft Windows
Este documento:
- descreve a arquitetura de implantação e as etapas de instalação, além de qualquer configuração necessária que produza registros com suporte do Analisador de operações de segurança do Google para eventos do Sysmon do Microsoft Windows. Para ter uma visão geral da ingestão de dados do Google Security Operations, consulte Ingestão de dados para as Operações de segurança do Google.
- inclui informações sobre como o analisador mapeia campos no registro original para os campos do modelo de dados unificado do Google Security Operations.
As informações neste documento se aplicam ao analisador com o rótulo de transferência WINDOWS_SYSMON. O rótulo de transferência identifica qual analisador normaliza os dados de registro brutos para o formato estruturado do UDM.
Antes de começar
Analisar a arquitetura de implantação recomendada
Este diagrama representa os componentes principais recomendados em uma arquitetura de implantação para coletar e enviar dados do Sysmon do Microsoft Windows para o Google Security Operations. Compare essas informações com seu ambiente para garantir que esses componentes estejam instalados. Cada implantação do cliente vai ser diferente dessa representação e pode ser mais complexa. Os seguintes requisitos são obrigatórios:
- Os sistemas na arquitetura de implantação são configurados com o fuso horário UTC.
- O Sysmon é instalado em servidores, endpoints e controladores de domínio.
- O servidor Microsoft Windows do coletor recebe registros de servidores, endpoints e controladores de domínio.
Os sistemas Microsoft Windows na arquitetura de implantação usam:
- Use as assinaturas iniciadas pela origem para coletar eventos em vários dispositivos.
- Serviço WinRM para gerenciamento remoto do sistema.
O NXLog é instalado no servidor de coleta do Windows para encaminhar registros ao forwarder do Google Security Operations.
O encaminhador de operações de segurança do Google é instalado em um servidor central do Microsoft Windows ou Linux.
Analisar os dispositivos e as versões compatíveis
O analisador de operações de segurança do Google é compatível com os registros gerados pelas seguintes versões do servidor Microsoft Windows. O Microsoft Windows Server é lançado com as seguintes edições: Foundation, Essentials, Standard e Datacenter. O esquema de eventos dos registros gerados por cada edição não é diferente.
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012
O analisador das Operações de segurança do Google oferece suporte a registros gerados por:
- Sistemas de cliente Microsoft Windows 7 e mais recentes
- Versão 13.24 do Sysmon.
O analisador do Google Security Operations oferece suporte a registros coletados pela edição Enterprise ou Community do NXLog.
Analisar os tipos de registro compatíveis
O analisador do Google Security Operations oferece suporte aos seguintes tipos de registro gerados pelo Sysmon do Microsoft Windows. Para mais informações sobre esses tipos de registro, consulte a documentação do Microsoft Windows Sysmon. Ele aceita registros gerados com texto em inglês, mas não é compatível com registros gerados em outros idiomas.
Tipo de registro | Descrição |
Registros do Sysmon | O canal Sysmon contém 27 IDs de evento. (ID do evento: 1 a 26 e 255). Para uma descrição desse tipo de registro, consulte a documentação do Microsoft Windows Sysmon Events. |
Configurar servidores, endpoints e controladores de domínio do Microsoft Windows
- Instale e configure os servidores, endpoints e controladores de domínio. Para mais informações, consulte a documentação de configuração do Sysmon do Microsoft Windows.
- Configure um servidor coletor do Microsoft Windows para analisar os registros coletados de vários sistemas.
- Configurar o servidor central do Microsoft Windows ou Linux
- Configure todos os sistemas com o fuso horário UTC.
- Configure os dispositivos para encaminhar registros para o servidor Microsoft Windows do coletor.
- Configure as assinaturas iniciadas pela fonte em sistemas Microsoft Windows. Para mais informações, consulte Como configurar uma assinatura iniciada pela fonte.
- Ative o WinRM em servidores e clientes do Microsoft Windows. Para mais informações, consulte Instalação e configuração do Microsoft Windows Remote Management.
Configurar o agente do BindPlane
Colete os registros do Sysmon do Windows usando o agente BindPlane.
Após a instalação, o serviço do agente do BindPlane aparece como o serviço observerIQ
na lista de serviços do Windows.
- Instale o agente do BindPlane no coletor que está sendo executado em um servidor Windows. Para mais informações sobre a instalação do agente do BindPlane, consulte as instruções de instalação do agente do BindPlane.
Crie um arquivo de configuração para o agente do BindPlane com o seguinte conteúdo.
receivers: windowseventlog/sysmon: channel: Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational raw: true processors: batch: exporters: chronicle/winsysmon: endpoint: creds: '{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "malachite-projectname", "private_key_id": `PRIVATE_KEY_ID`, "private_key": `PRIVATE_KEY`, "client_email":"`SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME`@malachite-`PROJECT_ID`", "client_id": `CLIENT_ID`, "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url":"", "client_x509_cert_url": "`SERVICSERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME`%40malachite-`PROJECT_ID`", "universe_domain": "" }' log_type: 'WINDOWS_SYSMON' override_log_type: false raw_log_field: body customer_id: `CUSTOMER_ID` service: pipelines: logs/winsysmon: receivers: - windowseventlog/sysmon processors: [batch] exporters: [chronicle/winsysmon]
pelos respectivos valores do arquivo JSON da conta de serviço, que pode ser transferido por download da Google Cloud plataforma. Para mais informações sobre chaves de conta de serviço, consulte a documentação sobre como criar e excluir chaves de conta de serviço.Para iniciar o serviço de agente do observerIQ, selecione Services > Extended > o serviço do observerIQ > start.
Configurar o NXLog e o forwarder do Google Security Operations
- Instale o NXLog no coletor em execução em um servidor Windows. Siga a documentação do NXLog, incluindo informações sobre como configurar o NXLog para coletar registros do Sysmon.
Crie um arquivo de configuração para o NXLog. Use o módulo de entrada im_msvistalog. Confira um exemplo de configuração do NXLog. Substitua os valores
por informações sobre o servidor central do Microsoft Windows ou Linux de destino. Para mais informações, consulte a documentação do NXLog sobre o módulo om_tcp.define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog define SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_ADDRESS <hostname> define SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT <port> define CERTDIR %ROOT%\cert define CONFDIR %ROOT%\conf define LOGDIR %ROOT%\data define LOGFILE %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log LogFile %LOGFILE% Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\ SpoolDir %ROOT%\data <Extension _json> Module xm_json </Extension> <Input windows_sysmon_eventlog> Module im_msvistalog <QueryXML> <QueryList> <Query Id="0"> <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select> </Query> </QueryList> </QueryXML> ReadFromLast False SavePos False </Input> <Output out_chronicle_sysmon> Module om_tcp Host %SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_ADDRESS% Port %SYSMON_OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT% Exec $EventTime = integer($EventTime) / 1000; Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000; Exec to_json(); </Output> <Route r2> Path windows_sysmon_eventlog => out_chronicle_sysmon </Route>
Instale o encaminhador de operações de segurança do Google no servidor central do Microsoft Windows ou Linux. Consulte Como instalar e configurar o forwarder no Linux ou Como instalar e configurar o forwarder no Microsoft Windows para informações sobre como instalar e configurar o forwarder.
Configure o encaminhador do Google Security Operations para enviar registros a ele. Confira um exemplo de configuração do forwarder.
- syslog: common: enabled: true data_type: WINDOWS_SYSMON Data_hint: batch_n_seconds: 10 batch_n_bytes: 1048576 tcp_address: connection_timeout_sec: 60
Inicie o serviço NXLog.
Referência de mapeamento de campo: campos de eventos do dispositivo para campos de UDM
Esta seção descreve como o analisador mapeia os campos de registro do dispositivo original para os campos do modelo de dados unificado (UDM, na sigla em inglês). O mapeamento de campo pode variar de acordo com o ID do evento.
Referência de mapeamento de campo: identificador de evento para tipo de evento
A tabela a seguir lista os tipos de registroWINDOWS_SYSMON
e os tipos de evento do UDM correspondentes.
Event Identifier | Event Type | Security Category |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
If the Message log field value matches the regular expression pattern CreateKey|CreateValue then, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_CREATION . Else if the Message log field value matches the regular expression pattern DeleteKey|DeleteValue then, the UDM field is set to REGISTRY_DELETION .Else, the UDM field is set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION . |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
255 |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: WINDOWS_SYSMON
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo WINDOWS_SYSMON
e os campos correspondentes do UDM.
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
SourceName |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Microsoft . |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon . |
UtcTime |
metadata.event_timestamp |
EventID |
metadata.product_event_type |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 then, the metadata.product_event_type UDM field is set to Error - [255] . Else EventID log field is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type UDM field. |
RecordNumber |
metadata.product_log_id |
EventRecordID |
metadata.product_log_id |
Version |
metadata.product_version |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 4 then, Version log field is mapped to the metadata.product_version UDM field. |
QueryResults | |
The type_value and data_value fields are extracted from QueryResults log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the data_value log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
QueryResults |
network.dns.answers.type |
The type_value and data_value fields are extracted from QueryResults log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the type_value log field is mapped to the network.dns.answers.type UDM field. |
QueryName | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, QueryName log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
Protocol |
network.ip_protocol |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, Protocol log field is mapped to the network.ip_protocol UDM field. |
ParentCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, ParentCommandLine log field is mapped to the principal.process.command_line UDM field. |
User |
principal.administrative_domain |
The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern. If the principal_administrative_domain log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_administrative_domain extracted field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. Else Domain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
Domain |
principal.administrative_domain |
The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern. If the principal_administrative_domain log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_administrative_domain extracted field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. Else Domain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
HostName |
principal.hostname |
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. |
Computer |
principal.hostname |
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. |
HostName |
principal.asset.hostname |
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field. Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field. |
Computer |
principal.asset.hostname |
If the Hostname log field value is empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field. Else HostName log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field and Hostname log field is mapped to the principal.asset.hostname UDM field. |
SourceIp |
principal.ip |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, SourceIp log field is mapped to the principal.ip UDM field. |
SourcePort |
principal.port |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, SourcePort log field is mapped to the principal.port UDM field. |
ImageLoaded |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 6 then, ImageLoaded log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
Image |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Image log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
SourceImage |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SourceImage log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
ParentImage |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, ParentImage log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
ProcessId | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
ExecutionProcessID log field value is not empty then, ExecutionProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field. Else ProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
SourceProcessId | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 8 then, SourceProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
ParentProcessId | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, ParentProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
ProcessID | |
ProcessGuid |
principal.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{ProcessGuid} . |
ParentProcessGuid |
principal.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{ParentProcessGuid} . |
SourceProcessGuid |
principal.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 8 then, principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{SourceProcessGuid} . |
SourceProcessGUID |
principal.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 10 then, principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{SourceProcessGUID} . |
User |
principal.user.userid |
The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is not equal to 24 and if the principal_user_userid log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_user_userid extracted field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
ClientInfo |
principal.user.userid |
The host and user_id fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 and if the user_id log field value is not empty and the ClientInfo log field value is not empty then, user_id extracted field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. Else ClientInfo log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
AccountName |
principal.user.userid |
The principal_user_userid and principal_administrative_domain fields are extracted from User log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is not equal to 24 and if the principal_user_userid log field value is not empty and the User log field value is not empty then, principal_user_userid extracted field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. Else AccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
SourceUser |
principal.user.userid |
UserID |
principal.user.windows_sid |
Description |
security_result.description |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 and if the Description log field value is not equal to - then, Description log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field. |
RuleName |
security_result.rule_name |
EventID |
security_result.rule_name |
The security_result.rule_name UDM field is set to EventID: %{EventID} . |
security_result.severity |
If the Level log field value contain one of the following values:
Level log field value is equal to Information then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL . Else, If Level log field value is equal to 2 or the Level log field value is equal to Error then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to ERROR . If the SeverityValue log field value does not contain one of the following values:
SeverityValue log field value contain one of the following values:
security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL . Else, if SeverityValue log field value is equal to 4 then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to ERROR . Else, if SeverityValue log field value is equal to 5 then, the security_result.severity UDM field is set to CRITICAL . |
Category |
about.labels[Category ID] |
The category_id and category_tag fields are extracted from Category log field using the Grok pattern. category_id extracted field is mapped to the about.labels.Category ID UDM field. |
QueryStatus |
security_result.summary |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the security_result.summary UDM field is set to QueryStatus: %{QueryStatus} . |
ID |
security_result.summary |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 then, ID log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field. |
Category |
security_result.summary |
The category_id and category_tag fields are extracted from Category log field using the Grok pattern. If the category_id log field value is not empty then, category_tag extracted field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field. Else Category log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field. |
CurrentDirectory |
additional.fields[current_directory] |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, CurrentDirectory log field is mapped to the additional.fields.current_directory UDM field. |
OriginalFileName |
src.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, OriginalFileName log field is mapped to the src.file.full_path UDM field. |
TargetObject |
src.registry.registry_key |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 14 then, TargetObject log field is mapped to the src.registry.registry_key UDM field. |
Name |
target.application |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 19 then, Name log field is mapped to the target.application UDM field. If the EventID log field value is equal to 255 then, the target.application UDM field is set to Microsoft Sysmon . |
Description | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Description log field value is not equal to - then, Description log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
Product | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Product log field value is not equal to - then, Product log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
Company | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Company log field value is not equal to - then, Company log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
FileVersion | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
FileVersion log field value is not equal to - then, FileVersion log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
EventNamespace |
target.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 19 then, EventNamespace log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
Device |
target.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 9 then, Device log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
TargetFilename |
target.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
TargetFilename log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
DestinationHostname |
target.asset.hostname |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationHostname log field is mapped to the target.asset.hostname UDM field. |
ClientInfo |
target.asset.hostname |
The host and user_id fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. The target_ip and host fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 then, host extracted field is mapped to the target.asset.hostname UDM field. |
DestinationHostname |
target.hostname |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationHostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field. |
ClientInfo |
target.hostname |
The host and user_id fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. The target_ip and host fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 then, host extracted field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field. |
ClientInfo |
target.ip |
The target_ip and host fields are extracted from ClientInfo log field using the Grok pattern. If the EventID log field value is equal to 24 then, target_ip extracted field is mapped to the target.ip UDM field. |
DestinationIp |
target.ip |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationIp log field is mapped to the target.ip UDM field. |
DestinationPort |
target.port |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, DestinationPort log field is mapped to the target.port UDM field. |
CommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 1 then, CommandLine log field is mapped to the target.process.command_line UDM field. |
Configuration |
target.process.command_line |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 16 and if the ConfigurationFileHash log field value contain one of the following values:
Configuration log field is mapped to the target.process.command_line UDM field. |
ImageLoaded |
target.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 7 then, ImageLoaded log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
TargetImage |
target.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
TargetImage log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
Image |
target.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Image log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
Configuration |
target.process.file.full_path |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 16 and if the ConfigurationFileHash log field value does not contain one of the following values:
Configuration log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
Hashes |
target.process.file.md5 |
The KV filter is used to extract the MD5 from the Hashes log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
MD5 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
Hash |
target.process.file.md5 |
The KV filter is used to extract the MD5 from the Hashe log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
MD5 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
ConfigurationFileHash |
target.process.file.md5 |
The KV filter is used to extract the MD5 from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
MD5 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
Hashes |
target.process.file.sha1 |
The KV filter is used to extract the SHA1 from the Hashes log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SHA1 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
Hash |
target.process.file.sha1 |
The KV filter is used to extract the SHA1 from the Hash log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SHA1 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
ConfigurationFileHash |
target.process.file.sha1 |
The KV filter is used to extract the SHA1 from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SHA1 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
Hashes |
target.process.file.sha256 |
The KV filter is used to extract the SHA256 from the Hashes log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SHA256 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
Hash |
target.process.file.sha256 |
The KV filter is used to extract the SHA256 from the Hash log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SHA256 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
ConfigurationFileHash |
target.process.file.sha256 |
The KV filter is used to extract the SHA256 from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SHA256 extracted field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
Hashes | |
The KV filter is used to extract the IMPHASH from the Hashes log field.IMPHASH extracted field is mapped to the UDM field. |
Hash | |
The KV filter is used to extract the IMPHASH from the Hash log field.IMPHASH extracted field is mapped to the UDM field. |
ConfigurationFileHash | |
The KV filter is used to extract the IMPHASH from the ConfigurationFileHash log field.IMPHASH extracted field is mapped to the UDM field. |
TargetProcessId | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
TargetProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
ProcessId | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
ExecutionProcessID log field value is not empty then, ExecutionProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field. Else ProcessId log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
ProcessID | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
ExecutionProcessID log field value is not empty then, ExecutionProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field. Else ProcessID log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
TargetProcessGuid |
target.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 8 then, the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{TargetProcessGuid} . |
TargetProcessGUID |
target.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 10 then, the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{TargetProcessGUID} . |
ProcessGuid |
target.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field is set to SYSMON:%{ProcessGuid} . |
NewName |
target.registry.registry_key |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 14 then, NewName log field is mapped to the target.registry.registry_key UDM field. |
TargetObject |
target.registry.registry_key |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
TargetObject log field is mapped to the target.registry.registry_key UDM field. |
Details |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 13 then, Details log field is mapped to the target.registry.registry_value_data UDM field. |
PreviousCreationUtcTime |
target.resource.attribute.labels.key[PreviousCreationUtcTime] |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 2 then, PreviousCreationUtcTime log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Archived |
target.resource.attribute.labels[Archived] |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Archived log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Consumer |
target.resource.attribute.labels[Consumer] |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 21 then, Consumer log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
CreationUtcTime |
target.resource.attribute.labels[CreationUtcTime] |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
CreationUtcTime log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
IsExecutable |
target.resource.attribute.labels[IsExecutable] |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
IsExecutable log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Name |
target.resource.attribute.labels[Name] |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 20 then, Name log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Operation |
target.resource.attribute.labels[Operation] |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Operation log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Signature |
target.resource.attribute.labels[Signature] |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Signature log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
SignatureStatus |
target.resource.attribute.labels[SignatureStatus] |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
SignatureStatus log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Signed |
target.resource.attribute.labels[Signed] |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
Signed log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Type |
target.resource.attribute.labels[Type] |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 20 then, Type log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels UDM field. |
Type |
additional.fields[Type] |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 25 then, Type log field is mapped to the additional.fields UDM field. |
State | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 4 then, State log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
CreationUtcTime | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 11 then, CreationUtcTime log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
PipeName | |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
PipeName log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
Filter | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 21 then, Filter log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
Destination | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 20 then, Destination log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
Query | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 19 then, Query log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
GrantedAccess | |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 10 and if the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0080$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0002$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0040$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0400$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x1000$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0200$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0100$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_SET_QUOTA . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0800$ and if the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0001$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_TERMINATE . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0008$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_VM_OPERATION . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0010$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_VM_READ . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x0020$ then, the UDM field is set to PROCESS_VM_WRITE . Else, If the GrantedAccess log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^0x00100000L$ then, the UDM field is set to SYNCHRONIZE . |
target.resource.resource_type |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to SETTING . Else, If EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to PIPE . |
target.resource.resource_subtype |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 11 then, the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to CreationUtcTime . Else, If EventID log field value is equal to 10 then, the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to GrantedAccess . Else, If EventID log field value is equal to 4 then, the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to State . |
TargetUser |
target.user.userid |
network.direction |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, the network.direction UDM field is set to OUTBOUND . |
security_result.action |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 3 then, the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW . |
ProviderGuid |
observer.asset_id |
ProviderGuid log field is mapped to the observer.asset_id UDM field. |
Keywords |
additional.fields[Keywords] |
ThreadID |
additional.fields[thread_id] |
ThreadID |
additional.fields[ThreadID] |
Channel |
additional.fields[channel] |
Opcode |
additional.fields[Opcode] |
LogonId | |
LogonGuid |
additional.fields[LogonGuid] |
TerminalSessionId |
additional.fields[TerminalSessionId] |
SourcePortName |
additional.fields[SourcePortName] |
SourceIsIpv6 |
additional.fields[SourceIsIpv6] |
DestinationPortName |
additional.fields[DestinationPortName] |
DestinationIsIpv6 |
additional.fields[DestinationIsIpv6] |
Initiated |
additional.fields[Initiated] |
SchemaVersion |
additional.fields[SchemaVersion] |
CallTrace |
additional.fields[CallTrace] |
network.application_protocol |
If the EventID log field value is equal to 22 then, the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS . |
NewThreadId |
additional.fields[NewThreadId] |
StartAddress |
additional.fields[StartAddress] |
StartFunction |
additional.fields[StartFunction] |
StartModule |
additional.fields[StartModule] |
ParentUser |
additional.fields[ParentUser] |
IntegrityLevel |
target.process.integrity_level_rid |
If the EventID log field value contain one of the following values:
IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Untrusted) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Low) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Medium) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(High) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(System) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Protected) then, the target.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480 . |
IntegrityLevel |
principal.process.integrity_level_rid |
If the EventID log field value does not contain one of the following values:
IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Untrusted) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 0 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Low) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 4096 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Medium) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 8192 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(High) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 12288 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(System) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 16384 . Else, if IntegrityLevel log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(Protected) then, the principal.process.integrity_level_rid UDM field is set to 20480 . |
Computer |
additional.fields[Computer] |
If the HostName log field value is not empty or the Hostname log field value is not empty then, Computer log field is mapped to the additional.fields.Computer UDM field. |
Task |
security_result.summary |
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