Kumpulkan log Funnel Cloud SentinelOne
Dokumen ini menjelaskan cara mengekspor log Funnel Cloud SentinelOne dengan menyiapkan feed Chronicle dan cara kolom log dipetakan ke kolom Chronicle Unified Data Model (UDM).
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Ringkasan penyerapan data ke Chronicle.
Deployment standar terdiri dari Funnel Cloud SentinelOne dan feed Chronicle yang dikonfigurasi untuk mengirim log ke Chronicle. Deployment setiap pelanggan dapat berbeda dan mungkin lebih kompleks.
Deployment tersebut berisi komponen berikut:
SentinelOne: Platform tempat Anda mengumpulkan log.
Feed Chronicle: Feed Chronicle yang mengambil log dari SentinelOne dan menulis log ke Chronicle.
Chronicle: Menyimpan dan menganalisis log.
Label penyerapan mengidentifikasi parser yang menormalisasi data log mentah ke format UDM terstruktur. Informasi dalam dokumen ini berlaku untuk parser dengan label penyerapan SENTINELONE_CF
Sebelum memulai
- Pastikan Anda menggunakan SentinelOne Cloud Funnel v2.0.
- Pastikan Anda memiliki akses ke konsol SentinelOne.
- Pastikan Anda memiliki hak administrator untuk menginstal agen SentinelOne. Untuk mendapatkan hak administrator, hubungi pengguna administrator Anda.
Menyiapkan Funnel Cloud SentinelOne
- Login ke konsol pengelolaan SentinelOne.
- Di toolbar Settings, klik Integrations > Cloud Funnel.
- Dalam daftar Cloud Provider, pilih Google Cloud.
- Di kolom GCS Storage Name, masukkan nama bucket Cloud Storage.
- Klik Validasi untuk memvalidasi apakah bucket ada, dan SentinelOne memiliki akses baca dan tulis ke bucket.
- Pilih Enable Telemetry Streaming untuk menstreaming data XDR ke bucket Anda.
Siapkan feed proses transfer Chronicle
- Dari menu Chronicle, pilih Setelan.
- Klik Feed.
- Klik Tambahkan baru.
- Pilih Google Cloud Storage sebagai Jenis sumber.
- Pilih SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Funnel sebagai Log type untuk membuat feed untuk SentinelOne Cloud Funnel.
- Klik Dapatkan akun layanan.
- Klik Next.
- Konfigurasikan parameter input berikut:
- URI bucket Storage: URI sumber bucket Google Cloud Storage.
- URI adalah: Jenis URI objek yang dituju.
- Opsi penghapusan sumber: Apakah akan menghapus file atau direktori setelah transfer.
- Klik Berikutnya, lalu klik Kirim.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang feed Chronicle, lihat dokumentasi feed Chronicle. Untuk mengetahui informasi tentang persyaratan setiap jenis feed, lihat Konfigurasi feed berdasarkan jenis. Jika Anda mengalami masalah saat membuat feed, hubungi dukungan Chronicle.
Jenis log SentinelOne Cloud Funnel yang didukung
Parser Cloud Funnel SentinelOne mendukung jenis log berikut:
Event Type
- Process Exit
- Process Modification
- Process Creation
- Duplicate Process Handle
- Duplicate Thread Handle
- Open Remote Process Handle
- Remote Thread Creation
- Remote Process Termination
- Command Script
- IP Connect
- IP Listen
- File Modification
- File Creation
- File Scan
- File Deletion
- File Rename
- Pre Execution Detection
- Login
- Logout
- DNS Resolved
- DNS Unresolved
- Task Register
- Task Update
- Task Start
- Task Trigger
- Task Delete
- Registry Key Create
- Registry Key Rename
- Registry Key Delete
- Registry Key Export
- Registry Key Security Changed
- Registry Key Import
- Registry Value Modified
- Registry Value Create
- Registry Value Delete
- Behavioral Indicators
- Module Load
- Driver Load
- Not Reported
- Group Creation
- Firmware Test
- Threat Intelligence Indicators
- Named Pipe Creation
- Named Pipe Connection
- Windows Event Log Creation
Referensi pemetaan kolom
Bagian ini menjelaskan cara parser Chronicle memetakan kolom SentinelOne ke kolom Chronicle Unified Data Model (UDM).
Referensi pemetaan kolom: ID Peristiwa untuk Jenis Peristiwa
Tabel berikut mencantumkan jenis logSENTINELONE_CF
dan jenis peristiwa UDM yang sesuai.
Event Identifier | Event Type |
Process Exit |
Process Modification |
Process Creation |
Duplicate Process Handle |
Duplicate Thread Handle |
Open Remote Process Handle |
Remote Thread Creation |
Remote Process Termination |
Command Script |
IP Connect |
IP Listen |
File Modification |
File Creation |
File Scan |
File Deletion |
File Rename |
Pre Execution Detection |
Login |
Logout |
DNS Resolved |
DNS Unresolved |
Task Register |
Task Update |
Task Start |
Task Trigger |
Task Delete |
Registry Key Create |
Registry Key Rename |
Registry Key Delete |
Registry Key Export |
Registry Key Security Changed |
Registry Key Import |
Registry Value Modified |
Registry Value Create |
Registry Value Delete |
Behavioral Indicators |
Module Load |
Driver Load |
Not Reported |
Group Creation |
Firmware Test |
Threat Intelligence Indicators |
Named Pipe Creation |
Named Pipe Connection |
Referensi pemetaan kolom: SENTINELONE_CF
Tabel berikut mencantumkan kolom log dari jenis log SENTINELONE_CF
dan kolom UDM yang sesuai.
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
winEventLog.description |
about.labels[win_event_log_description] |
event.time |
metadata.event_timestamp |
winEventLog.creationDate |
about.labels[win_event_log_creation_date] |
account.id |
metadata.product_deployment_id |
event.type |
metadata.product_event_type |
event.id |
metadata.product_log_id |
winEventLog.id |
about.labels[win_event_log_id] |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to SentinelOne . |
extensions.auth.auth_details |
If the event.type log field value contain one of the following values, then the event.type log field is mapped to the extensions.auth.auth_details UDM field.
extensions.auth.mechanism |
If the event.login.type log field value is equal to NETWORK , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to NETWORK .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to SYSTEM , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to LOCAL .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to INTERACTIVE , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to INTERACTIVE .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to BATCH , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to BATCH .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to SERVICE , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to SERVICE .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to UNLOCK , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to UNLOCK .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to NETWORK_CLEAR_TEXT , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to NETWORK_CLEAR_TEXT .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to NEW_CREDENTIALS , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to NEW_CREDENTIALS .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to REMOTE_INTERACTIVE , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to REMOTE_INTERACTIVE .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to CACHED_INTERACTIVE , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to CACHED_INTERACTIVE .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to CACHED_REMOTE_INTERACTIVE , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to CACHED_REMOTE_INTERACTIVE .Else, if the event.login.type log field value is equal to CACHED_UNLOCK , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to CACHED_UNLOCK . |
network.application_protocol |
If the event.type log field value contain one of the following values, then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS .
network.direction |
If the event.network.direction log field value is equal to OUTGOING , then the network.direction UDM field is set to OUTBOUND .Else, if the event.network.direction log field value is equal to INCOMING , then the network.direction UDM field is set to INBOUND . |
event.dns.response |
network.dns.answers.name |
event.dns.response |
network.dns.answers.type |
event.dns.request |
network.dns.questions.name |
event.url.action |
network.http.method |
event.login.sessionId |
network.session_id |
agent.uuid |
principal.asset.asset_id |
agent.uuid |
principal.asset_id |
agent.version |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[agent_version] |
winEventLog.description.accountDomain |
principal.labels[win_event_log_description_account_domain] |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the endpoint.os log field value is equal to windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the endpoint.os log field value is equal to linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
principal.asset.type |
If the endpoint.type log field value is equal to laptop , then the principal.asset.type UDM field is set to LAPTOP .Else, if the endpoint.type log field value contain one of the following values, then the principal.asset.type UDM field is set to SERVER .
endpoint.type log field value is equal to desktop , then the principal.asset.type UDM field is set to WORKSTATION . |
endpoint.name |
principal.hostname |
endpoint.name |
principal.asset.hostname |
src.endpoint.ip.address |
principal.ip |
src.ip.address |
principal.ip |
osSrc.process.activeContent.hash |
principal.labels[os_src_process_active_content_hash] |
osSrc.process.activeContent.id |
principal.labels[os_src_process_active_content_id] |
osSrc.process.activeContent.path |
principal.labels[os_src_process_active_content_path] |
osSrc.process.activeContent.signedStatus |
principal.labels[os_src_process_active_content_signed_status] |
osSrc.process.activeContentType |
principal.labels[os_src_process_active_content_type] |
osSrc.process.childProcCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_child_proc_count] |
osSrc.process.crossProcessCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_cross_process_count] |
osSrc.process.crossProcessDupRemoteProcessHandleCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_cross_process_dup_rmote_process_handle_count] |
osSrc.process.crossProcessDupThreadHandleCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_cross_process_dup_thread_handle_count] |
osSrc.process.crossProcessOpenProcessCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_cross_process_open_process_count] |
osSrc.process.crossProcessOutOfStorylineCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_cross_process_out_of_storyline_count] |
osSrc.process.crossProcessThreadCreateCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_cross_process_thread_create_count] |
osSrc.process.displayName |
principal.labels[os_src_process_display_name] |
osSrc.process.dnsCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_dns_count] |
osSrc.process.image.binaryIsExecutable |
principal.labels[os_src_process_image_binary_is_executable] |
osSrc.process.indicatorBootConfigurationUpdateCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_boot_configuration_update_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorEvasionCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_evasion_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorExploitationCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_exploitation_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorGeneral.count |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_general_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorInfostealerCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_infostealer_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorInjectionCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_injection_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorPersistenceCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_persistence_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorPostExploitationCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_post_exploitation_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorRansomwareCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_ransomware_count] |
osSrc.process.indicatorReconnaissanceCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_indicator_reconnaissance_count] |
osSrc.process.integrityLevel |
principal.labels[os_src_process_integrity_level] |
osSrc.process.isNative64Bit |
principal.labels[os_src_process_is_native_64_bit] |
osSrc.process.isRedirectCmdProcessor |
principal.labels[os_src_process_is_redirect_cmd_processor] |
osSrc.process.isStorylineRoot |
principal.labels[os_src_process_is_storyline_root] |
osSrc.process.moduleCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_module_count] |
osSrc.process.netConnCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_net_conn_count] |
osSrc.process.netConnInCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_net_conn_in_count] |
osSrc.process.netConnOutCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_net_conn_out_count] |
osSrc.process.parent.activeContent.hash |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_active_content_hash] |
osSrc.process.parent.activeContent.id |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_active_content_id] |
osSrc.process.parent.activeContent.path |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_active_content_path] |
osSrc.process.parent.activeContent.signedStatus |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_active_content_signed_status] |
osSrc.process.parent.activeContentType |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_active_content_type] |
osSrc.process.parent.displayName |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_display_name] |
osSrc.process.parent.integrityLevel |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_integrity_level] |
osSrc.process.parent.isNative64Bit |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_is_native_64_bit] |
osSrc.process.parent.isRedirectCmdProcessor |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_is_redirect_cmd_processor] |
osSrc.process.parent.isStorylineRoot |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_is_storyline_root] |
osSrc.process.parent.publisher |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_publisher] |
osSrc.process.parent.sessionId |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_session_id] |
osSrc.process.parent.signedStatus |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verification_message |
osSrc.process.parent.startTime |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_start_time] |
osSrc.process.parent.storyline.id |
principal.labels[os_src_process_parent_storyline_id] |
src.process.parent.storyline.id |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_storyline_id] |
osSrc.process.publisher |
principal.labels[os_src_process_publisher] |
osSrc.process.registryChangeCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_registry_change_count] |
osSrc.process.sessionId |
principal.labels[os_src_process_session_id] |
osSrc.process.signedStatus |
principal.process_ancestors.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verification_message |
osSrc.process.startTime |
principal.labels[os_src_process_start_time] |
osSrc.process.storyline.id |
principal.labels[os_src_process_storyline_id] |
osSrc.process.subsystem |
principal.labels[os_src_process_subsystem] |
osSrc.process.tgtFileCreationCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_tgt_file_creation_count] |
osSrc.process.tgtFileDeletionCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_tgt_file_deletion_count] |
osSrc.process.tgtFileModificationCount |
principal.labels[os_src_process_tgt_file_modification_count] |
osSrc.process.verifiedStatus |
principal.labels[os_src_process_verified_status] |
process.unique.key |
principal.labels[process_unique_key] |
site.name |
principal.labels[site_name] |
src.process.activeContent.hash |
principal.labels[src_process_active_content_hash] |
src.process.activeContent.id |
principal.labels[src_process_active_content_id] |
src.process.activeContent.path |
principal.labels[src_process_active_content_path] |
src.process.activeContent.signedStatus |
principal.labels[src_process_active_content_signed_status] |
src.process.activeContentType |
principal.labels[src_process_active_content_type] |
src.process.childProcCount |
principal.labels[src_process_child_proc_count] |
src.process.crossProcessCount |
principal.labels[src_process_cross_process_count] |
src.process.crossProcessDupRemoteProcessHandleCount |
principal.labels[src_process_cross_process_dup_remote_process_handle_count] |
src.process.crossProcessDupThreadHandleCount |
principal.labels[src_process_cross_process_dup_thread_handle_count] |
src.process.crossProcessOpenProcessCount |
principal.labels[src_process_cross_process_open_process_count] |
src.process.crossProcessOutOfStorylineCount |
principal.labels[src_process_cross_process_out_of_storyline_count] |
src.process.crossProcessThreadCreateCount |
principal.labels[src_process_cross_process_thread_create_count] |
src.process.displayName |
principal.labels[src_process_display_name] |
src.process.dnsCount |
principal.labels[src_process_dns_count] |
src.process.image.binaryIsExecutable |
principal.labels[src_process_image_binary_is_executable] |
src.process.indicatorBootConfigurationUpdateCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_boot_configuration_update_count] |
src.process.indicatorEvasionCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_evasion_count] |
src.process.indicatorExploitationCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_exploitation_count] |
src.process.indicatorGeneralCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_general_count] |
src.process.indicatorInfostealerCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_infostealer_count] |
src.process.indicatorInjectionCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_injection_count] |
src.process.indicatorPersistenceCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_persistence_count] |
src.process.indicatorPostExploitationCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_post_exploitation_count] |
src.process.indicatorRansomwareCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_ransomware_count] |
src.process.indicatorReconnaissanceCount |
principal.labels[src_process_indicator_reconnaissance_count] |
src.process.integrityLevel |
principal.labels[src_process_integrity_level] |
src.process.isNative64Bit |
principal.labels[src_process_is_native_64_bit] |
src.process.isRedirectCmdProcessor |
principal.labels[src_process_is_redirect_cmd_processor] |
src.process.isStorylineRoot |
principal.labels[src_process_is_storyline_root] |
src.process.lUserUid |
principal.labels[src_process_l_user_uid] |
src.process.moduleCount |
principal.labels[src_process_module_count] |
src.process.netConnCount |
principal.labels[src_process_net_conn_count] |
src.process.netConnInCount |
principal.labels[src_process_net_conn_in_count] |
src.process.netConnOutCount |
principal.labels[src_process_net_conn_out_count] |
src.process.parent.activeContent.hash |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_active_content_hash] |
src.process.parent.activeContent.id |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_active_content_id] |
src.process.parent.activeContent.path |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_active_content_path] |
src.process.parent.activeContent.signedStatus |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_active_content_signed_status] |
src.process.parent.activeContentType |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_active_content_type] |
src.process.parent.displayName |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_display_name] |
src.process.parent.integrityLevel |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_integrity_level] |
src.process.parent.isNative64Bit |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_is_native_64_bit] |
src.process.parent.isRedirectCmdProcessor |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_is_redirect_cmd_processor] |
src.process.parent.isStorylineRoot |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_is_storyline_root] |
src.process.parent.publisher |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_publisher] |
src.process.parent.reasonSignatureInvalid |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_reason_signature_invalid] |
src.process.parent.sessionId |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_session_id] |
src.process.parent.signedStatus |
principal.process.parent_process.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verification_message |
src.process.parent.startTime |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_start_time] |
src.process.parent.subsystem |
principal.labels[src_process_parent_subsystem] |
src.process.publisher |
principal.labels[src_process_publisher] |
src.process.reasonSignatureInvalid |
principal.labels[src_process_reason_signature_invalid] |
src.process.registryChangeCount |
principal.labels[src_process_registry_change_count] |
src.process.rpid |
principal.labels[src_process_rpid] |
src.process.sessionId |
principal.labels[src_process_session_id] |
src.process.signedStatus |
principal.process.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verification_message |
src.process.startTime |
principal.labels[src_process_start_time] |
src.process.storyline.id |
principal.labels[src_process_storyline_id] |
src.process.subsystem |
principal.labels[src_process_subsystem] |
src.process.tgtFileCreationCount |
principal.labels[src_process_tgt_file_creation_count] |
src.process.tgtFileDeletionCount |
principal.labels[src_process_tgt_file_deletion_count] |
src.process.tgtFileModificationCount |
principal.labels[src_process_tgt_file_modification_count] |
src.process.tid |
principal.labels[src_process_tid] |
principal.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the src.process.uid log field value is not empty, then the SO:%{site.id}:%{account.id}:%{agent.uuid}:%{src.process.uid} log field is mapped to the principal.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field. |
src.process.verifiedStatus |
principal.labels[src_process_verified_status] |
site.id |
principal.namespace |
principal.platform |
If the os.name log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)win , then the principal.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the os.name log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)lin , then the principal.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
src.port.number |
principal.port |
osSrc.process.cmdline |
principal.process_ancestors.command_line |
osSrc.process.image.path |
principal.process_ancestors.file.full_path |
osSrc.process.image.md5 |
principal.process_ancestors.file.md5 |
If the osSrc.process.image.md5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the osSrc.process.image.md5 log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.file.md5 UDM field. |
osSrc.process.name |
principal.process_ancestors.file.names |
osSrc.process.image.sha1 |
principal.process_ancestors.file.sha1 |
If the osSrc.process.image.sha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the osSrc.process.image.sha1 log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.file.sha1 UDM field. |
osSrc.process.image.sha256 |
principal.process_ancestors.file.sha256 |
If the osSrc.process.image.sha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the osSrc.process.image.sha256 log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.file.sha256 UDM field. |
osSrc.process.parent.cmdline |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.command_line |
osSrc.process.parent.image.path |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.full_path |
osSrc.process.parent.image.md5 |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.md5 |
If the osSrc.process.parent.image.md5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the osSrc.process.parent.image.md5 log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.md5 UDM field. |
osSrc.process.parent.name |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.names |
osSrc.process.parent.image.sha1 |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.sha1 |
If the osSrc.process.parent.image.sha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the osSrc.process.parent.image.sha1 log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
osSrc.process.parent.image.sha256 |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.sha256 |
If the osSrc.process.parent.image.sha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the osSrc.process.parent.image.sha256 log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
osSrc.process.parent.pid |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.pid |
osSrc.process.pid |
principal.process_ancestors.pid |
principal.process_ancestors.product_specific_process_id |
If the osSrc.process.uid log field value is not empty, then the SO:%{site.id}:%{account.id}:%{agent.uuid}:%{osSrc.process.uid} log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.product_specific_process_id UDM field. |
src.process.cmdline |
principal.process.command_line |
src.process.image.path |
principal.process.file.full_path |
src.process.image.md5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the src.process.image.md5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the src.process.image.md5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
src.process.name |
principal.process.file.names |
src.process.image.sha1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the src.process.image.sha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the src.process.image.sha1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
src.process.image.sha256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the src.process.image.sha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the src.process.image.sha256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
src.process.parent.cmdline |
principal.process.parent_process.command_line |
src.process.parent.image.md5 |
principal.process.parent_process.file.md5 |
If the src.process.parent.image.md5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the src.process.parent.image.md5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.parent_process.file.md5 UDM field. |
src.process.parent.image.path |
principal.process.parent_process.file.full_path |
src.process.parent.name |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
src.process.parent.image.sha1 |
principal.process.parent_process.file.sha1 |
If the src.process.parent.image.sha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the src.process.parent.image.sha1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.parent_process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
src.process.parent.image.sha256 |
principal.process.parent_process.file.sha256 |
If the src.process.parent.image.sha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the src.process.parent.image.sha256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.parent_process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
src.process.parent.pid |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.product_specific_process_id |
If the osSrc.process.parent.uid log field value is not empty, then the SO:%{site.id}:%{account.id}:%{agent.uuid}:%{osSrc.process.parent.uid} log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.parent_process.product_specific_process_id UDM field. |
principal.process.parent_process.product_specific_process_id |
If the src.process.parent.uid log field value is not empty, then the SO:%{site.id}:%{account.id}:%{agent.uuid}:%{src.process.parent.uid} log field is mapped to the principal.process.parent_process.product_specific_process_id UDM field. |
src.process.pid |
principal.process.pid |
osSrc.process.user |
principal.user.attribute.labels[os_src_process_user] |
src.process.eUserUid |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_e_user_uid] |
src.process.lUserName |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_l_user_name] |
src.process.parent.eUserUid |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_parent_e_user_uid] |
src.process.parent.lUserUid |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_parent_l_user_uid] |
src.process.parent.rUserUid |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_parent_r_user_uid] |
src.process.rUserName |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_r_user_name] |
src.process.rUserUid |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_r_user_uid] |
src.process.eUserName |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_e_user_name] |
src.process.parent.eUserName |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_parent_e_user_name] |
src.process.parent.lUserName |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_parent_l_user_name] |
src.process.parent.rUserName |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_parent_r_user_name] |
osSrc.process.parent.user |
principal.user.attribute.labels[os_src_process_parent_user] |
src.process.parent.user |
principal.user.attribute.labels[src_process_parent_user] |
src.process.user |
principal.user.userid |
tiIndicator.value |
security_result.about.file.md5 |
If the tiIndicator.type log field value is equal to Md5 , then the tiIndicator.value log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.md5 UDM field. |
tiIndicator.value |
security_result.about.file.sha1 |
If the tiIndicator.type log field value is equal to Sha1 , then the tiIndicator.value log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha1 UDM field. |
tiIndicator.value |
security_result.about.ip |
If the tiIndicator.type log field value contain one of the following values, then the tiIndicator.value log field is mapped to the security_result.about.ip UDM field.
tiIndicator.value |
security_result.about.labels[tiIndicator.value] |
If the tiIndicator.type log field value does not contain one of the following values, then the tiIndicator.value log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels UDM field.
tiIndicator.value |
network.dns.questions.name |
If the tiIndicator.type log field value is equal to DNS , then the tiIndicator.value log field is mapped to the network.dns.questions.name UDM field. |
tiIndicator.value |
security_result.about.url |
If the tiIndicator.type log field value is equal to URL , then the tiIndicator.value log field is mapped to the security_result.about.url UDM field. |
winEventLog.providerName |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[win_event_log_provider_name] |
tiIndicator.addedBy |
security_result.about.user.email_addresses |
tiIndicator.threatActors |
security_result.about.user.email_addresses |
security_result.action |
If the event.login.loginIsSuccessful log field value is equal to true , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .Else, if the event.login.loginIsSuccessful log field value is equal to false , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .If the event.network.connectionStatus log field value is equal to SUCCESS , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .Else, if the event.network.connectionStatus log field value is equal to FAILURE , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to FAIL .Else, if the event.network.connectionStatus log field value is equal to BLOCKED , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK . |
event.network.connectionStatus |
security_result.action_details |
tiIndicator.mitreTactics |
security_result.attack_details.tactics.name |
security_result.category |
If the indicator.category log field value contain one of the following values, then the security_result.category UDM field is set to SOFTWARE_MALICIOUS .
indicator.category log field value contain one of the following values, then the security_result.category UDM field is set to NETWORK_SUSPICIOUS .
indicator.category log field value contain one of the following values, then the security_result.category UDM field is set to SOFTWARE_SUSPICIOUS .
indicator.category log field value contain one of the following values, then the security_result.category UDM field is set to SOFTWARE_PUA .
indicator.category log field value is equal to Exploit , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to EXPLOIT . |
security_result.category |
If the tiIndicator.categories log field value matches the regular expression pattern malware , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to SOFTWARE_MALICIOUS . |
indicator.category |
security_result.category_details |
tiIndicator.categories |
security_result.category_details |
indicator.description |
security_result.description |
event.login.failureReason |
security_result.description |
tiIndicator.description |
security_result.descripton |
indicator.metadata |
security_result.detection_fields [indicator_metadata] |
indicator.name |
security_result.detection_fields [indicator_name] |
tiIndicator.comparisonMethod |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_comparison_method] |
tiIndicator.creationTime |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_creation_time] |
tiIndicator.externalId |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_external_id] |
tiIndicator.metadata |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_metadata] |
tiIndicator.modificationTime |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_modification_time] |
tiindicator.originalEvent.id |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_original_event_id] |
tiindicator.originalEvent.index |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_original_event_index] |
tiindicator.originalEvent.time |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_original_event_time] |
tiindicator.originalEvent.traceId |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_original_event_trace_id] |
tiIndicator.references |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_references] |
tiIndicator.intrusionSets |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_tiIndicator_intrusion_sets] |
tiIndicator.type |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_type] |
tiIndicator.uid |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_uid] |
tiIndicator.uploadTime |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_upload_time] |
tiIndicator.validUntil |
security_result.detection_fields [ti_indicator_valid_until] |
osSrc.process.parent.reasonSignatureInvalid |
security_result.detection_fields[os_src_process_parent_reason_signature_invalid] |
osSrc.process.reasonSignatureInvalid |
security_result.detection_fields[os_src_process_reason_signature_invalid] |
tgt.process.reasonSignatureInvalid |
security_result.detection_fields[tgt_process_reason_signature_invalid] |
security_result.severity |
If the winEventLog.level log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^(INFO|Informational|Information|Normal|NOTICE)$ , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL .Else, if the winEventLog.level log field value contain one of the following values, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL .
winEventLog.level log field value matches the regular expression pattern Error , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to ERROR .Else, if the winEventLog.level log field value matches the regular expression pattern Critical , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to CRITICAL . |
winEventLog.level |
security_result.severity_details |
tiIndicator.name |
security_result.threat_name |
tiIndicator.source |
security_result.threat_feed_name |
tgt.file.oldPath |
src.file.full_path |
tgt.file.oldMd5 |
src.file.md5 |
If the tgt.file.oldMd5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the tgt.file.oldMd5 log field is mapped to the src.file.md5 UDM field. |
driver.peSha1 |
target.process.file.sha1 |
If the driver.peSha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the driver.peSha1 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
tgt.file.oldSha1 |
src.file.sha1 |
If the tgt.file.oldSha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the tgt.file.oldSha1 log field is mapped to the src.file.sha1 UDM field. |
driver.peSha256 |
target.process.file.sha256 |
If the driver.peSha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the driver.peSha256 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
tgt.file.oldSha256 |
src.file.sha256 |
If the tgt.file.oldSha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the tgt.file.oldSha256 log field is mapped to the src.file.sha256 UDM field. |
driver.certificate.thumbprintAlgorithm |
target.labels[driver_certificate_thumbprint_algorithm] |
driver.certificate.thumbprint |
target.labels[driver_certificate_thumbprint] |
driver.isLoadedBeforeMonitor |
target.labels[driver_is_loaded_before_monitor] |
driver.loadVerdict |
target.labels[driver_load_verdict] |
driver.startType |
target.labels[driver_start_type] |
registry.oldValueFullSize |
src.labels[registry_old_value_full_size] |
registry.oldValueIsComplete |
src.labels[registry_old_valueIs_complete] |
registry.oldValue |
src.registry.registry_value_data |
registry.oldValueType |
src.registry.registry_value_name |
tgt.file.location |
target.labels[tgt_file_location] |
cmdScript.applicationName |
target.application |
event.login.accountDomain |
target.domain.name |
tgt.file.path |
target.file.full_path |
tgt.file.modificationTime |
target.file.last_modification_time |
tgt.file.md5 |
target.file.md5 |
If the tgt.file.md5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the tgt.file.md5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field. |
tgt.file.extension |
target.file.mime_type |
tgt.file.id |
target.file.names |
tgt.file.internalName |
target.file.names |
tgt.file.sha1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the tgt.file.sha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the tgt.file.sha1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
tgt.file.sha256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the tgt.file.sha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the tgt.file.sha256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
tgt.file.size |
target.file.size |
target.file.file_type |
If the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to PE , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_PE_EXE .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to ELF , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_ELF .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to MACH , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_MACH_O .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to PDF , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_PDF .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to COM , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_DOS_COM .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to COM , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_DOS_COM .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to OPENXML , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_XML .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to PKZIP , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_ZIP .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to RAR , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_RAR .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to BZIP2 , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_BZIP .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to TAR , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_TAR .Else, if the tgt.file.type log field value is equal to LNK , then the target.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_LNK . |
url.address |
target.hostname |
The protocol and hostname field is extracted from url.address log field using the Grok pattern, and the hostname extracted field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field. |
url.address |
target.asset.hostname |
The protocol and hostname field is extracted from url.address log field using the Grok pattern, and the hostname extracted field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field. |
dst.ip.address |
target.ip |
cmdScript.isComplete |
target.labels[cmd_script_is_complete] |
registry.keyUid |
target.labels[registry_key_uid] |
registry.valueFullSize |
target.labels[registry_value_full_size] |
registry.valueIsComplete |
target.labels[registry_value_is_complete] |
tgt.file.convictedBy |
target.labels[tgt_file_convicted_by] |
tgt.file.creationTime |
target.labels[tgt_file_creation_time] |
tgt.file.description |
target.labels[tgt_file_description] |
tgt.file.isExecutable |
target.labels[tgt_file_is_executable] |
tgt.file.isSigned |
target.labels[tgt_file_is_signed] |
tgt.process.accessRights |
target.labels[tgt_process_access_rights] |
tgt.process.activeContent.hash |
target.labels[tgt_process_active_content_hash] |
tgt.process.activeContent.id |
target.labels[tgt_process_active_content_id] |
tgt.process.activeContent.path |
target.labels[tgt_process_active_content_path] |
tgt.process.activeContent.signedStatus |
target.labels [tgt_process_active_content_signed_status] |
tgt.process.activeContentType |
target.labels[tgt_process_active_content_type] |
tgt.process.displayName |
target.labels[tgt_process_display_name] |
tgt.process.image.binaryIsExecutable |
target.labels[tgt_process_image_binary_is_executable] |
tgt.process.integrityLevel |
target.labels[tgt_process_integrity_level] |
tgt.process.isNative64Bit |
target.labels[tgt_process_is_native_64_bit] |
tgt.process.isRedirectCmdProcessor |
target.labels[tgt_process_is_redirect_cmd_processor] |
tgt.process.isStorylineRoot |
target.labels[tgt_process_is_storyline_root] |
tgt.process.publisher |
target.labels[tgt_process_publisher] |
tgt.process.relation |
target.labels[tgt_process_relation] |
tgt.process.sessionId |
target.labels[tgt_process_session_id] |
tgt.process.signedStatus |
target.process.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verification_message |
tgt.process.startTime |
target.labels[tgt_process_start_time] |
tgt.process.storyline.id |
target.labels[tgt_process_storyline_id] |
tgt.process.subsystem |
target.labels[tgt_process_subsystem] |
tgt.process.verifiedStatus |
target.labels[tgt_process_verified_status] |
dst.port.number |
target.port |
cmdScript.content |
target.process.command_line |
tgt.process.cmdline |
target.process.command_line |
tgt.process.image.path |
target.process.file.full_path |
tgt.process.image.md5 |
target.process.file.md5 |
If the tgt.process.image.md5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the tgt.process.image.md5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
tgt.process.name |
target.process.file.names |
tgt.process.image.sha1 |
target.process.file.sha1 |
If the tgt.process.image.sha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the tgt.process.image.sha1 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
cmdScript.sha256 |
target.process.file.sha256 |
If the cmdScript.sha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the cmdScript.sha256 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
tgt.process.image.sha256 |
target.process.file.sha256 |
If the tgt.process.image.sha256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the tgt.process.image.sha256 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
cmdScript.originalSize |
target.process.file.size |
tgt.process.pid |
target.process.pid |
target.process.product_specific_process_id |
If the tgt.process.uid log field value is not empty, then the SO:%{site.id}:%{account.id}:%{agent.uuid}:%{tgt.process.uid} log field is mapped to the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field. |
registry.keyPath |
target.registry.registry_key |
registry.value |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
registry.valueType |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
k8sCluster.namespaceLabels |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[k8s_cluster_namespace_labels] |
k8sCluster.namespace |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[k8s_cluster_namespace] |
k8sCluster.name |
target.resource_ancestors.name |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_type |
If the k8sCluster.name log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER . |
k8sCluster.controllerName |
target.resource_ancestors.name |
k8sCluster.controllerLabels |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[k8s_cluster_controller_labels] |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_type |
If the k8sCluster.controllerName log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER . |
k8sCluster.controllerType |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype |
k8sCluster.podName |
target.resource_ancestors.name |
k8sCluster.podLabels |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[k8s_cluster_pod_labels] |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_type |
If the k8sCluster.podName log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to POD . |
k8sCluster.nodeName |
target.resource_ancestors.name |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_type |
If the k8sCluster.nodeName log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER . |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype |
If the k8sCluster.nodeName log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to NODE . |
k8sCluster.containerName |
target.resource.name |
k8sCluster.containerId |
target.resource.product_object_id |
target.resource.resource_type |
If the k8sCluster.containerName log field value is not empty or the k8sCluster.containerId log field value is not empty, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CONTAINER . |
k8sCluster.containerImage.sha256 |
target.resource.attribute.labels[k8s_cluster_container_image_sha256] |
k8sCluster.containerImage |
target.resource.attribute.labels[k8s_cluster_container_image] |
k8sCluster.containerLabels |
target.resource.attribute.labels[k8s_cluster_container_labels] |
namedPipe.name |
target.resource.name |
namedPipe.accessMode |
target.resource.attribute.permission.name |
namedPipe.connectionType |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_connection_type] |
namedPipe.isFirstInstance |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_is_first_instance] |
namedPipe.isOverlapped |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_is_overlapped] |
namedPipe.isWriteThrough |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_is_write_through] |
namedPipe.maxInstances |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_max_instances] |
namedPipe.readMode |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_read_mode] |
namedPipe.remoteClients |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_remote_clients] |
namedPipe.securityGroups |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_security_groups] |
namedPipe.securityOwner |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_security_owner] |
namedPipe.typeMode |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_type_mode] |
namedPipe.waitMode |
target.resource.attribute.labels[named_pipe_wait_mode] |
task.name |
target.resource.name |
task.path |
target.resource.attribute.labels[task_path] |
target.resource.resource_type |
If the event.category log field value is equal to scheduled_task , then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to TASK .If the event.type log field value contain one of the following values, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to PIPE .
url.address |
target.url |
tgt.process.eUserName |
target.user.attribute.labels[tgt_process_e_user_name] |
tgt.process.eUserUid |
target.user.attribute.labels[tgt_process_e_user_uid] |
tgt.process.lUserName |
target.user.attribute.labels[tgt_process_l_user_name] |
tgt.process.lUserUid |
target.user.attribute.labels[tgt_process_l_user_uid] |
tgt.process.rUserName |
target.user.attribute.labels[tgt_process_r_user_name] |
tgt.process.rUserUid |
target.user.attribute.labels[tgt_process_r_user_uid] |
tgt.process.user |
target.user.userid |
event.login.accountName |
target.user.user_display_name |
target.user.user_role |
If the event.login.isAdministratorEquivalent log field value is equal to true , then the target.user.user_role UDM field is set to ADMINISTRATOR . |
event.login.userName |
target.user.userid |
event.login.accountSid |
target.user.windows_sid |
module.path |
target.process.file.full_path |
module.md5 |
target.process.file.md5 |
If the module.md5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{32}$ , then the module.md5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
module.sha1 |
target.process.file.sha1 |
If the module.sha1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{40}$ , then the module.sha1 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
mgmt.url |
about.url |
dataSource.category |
about.labels[data_source_category] |
dataSource.name |
about.labels[data_source_name] |
dataSource.vendor |
about.labels[data_source_vendor] |
event.category |
about.labels[event_category] |
event.login.baseType |
about.labels[event_login_base_type] |
event.network.protocolName |
about.labels[event_network_protocol_name] |
event.repetitionCount |
about.labels[event_repetition_count] |
event.login.isAdministratorEquivalent |
about.labels[event_login_is_administrator_equivalent] |
group.id |
about.labels[group_id] |
If the event.type log field value is equal to Group Creation , then the group.id log field is mapped to the target.group.product_object_id UDM field.Else, the group.id log field is mapped to the about.labels UDM field. |
i.scheme |
about.labels[i_scheme] |
i.version |
about.labels[i_version] |
meta.event.name |
about.labels[meta_event_name] |
mgmt.id |
about.labels[mgmt_id] |
mgmt.osRevision |
about.labels[mgmt_os_revision] |
packet.id |
about.labels[packet_id] |
sca:atlantisIngestTime |
about.labels[sca_atlantis_ingest_time] |
sca:ingestTime |
about.labels[sca_ingest_time] |
timestamp |
about.labels[timestamp] |
trace.id |
about.labels[trace_id] |
winEventLog.channel |
about.labels[win_event_log_channel] |
winEventLog.description.additionalInformation |
about.labels[win_event_log_description_additional_information] |
winEventLog.description.objectName |
about.labels[win_event_log_description_object_name] |
winEventLog.description.objectServer |
about.labels[win_event_log_description_object_server] |
winEventLog.description.objectType |
about.labels[win_event_log_description_object_type] |
winEventLog.description.operationType |
about.labels[win_event_log_description_operation_type] |
winEventLog.description.securityId |
about.labels[win_event_log_description_security_id] |
winEventLog.description.userId |
about.labels[win_event_log_description_user_id] |
winEventLog.xml |
about.labels[win_event_log_xml] |