Recopila registros de Microsoft 365
En este documento, se describe cómo recopilar registros de Microsoft 365 mediante la configuración de un feed de Chronicle y cómo los campos de registro se asignan a los campos del modelo de datos unificados (UDM) de Chronicle. En este documento, también se enumeran las actividades auditadas y la versión compatible de Microsoft 365.
Para obtener una descripción general de la transferencia de datos a Chronicle, consulta Transferencia de datos a Chronicle.
Descripción general
En el siguiente diagrama de arquitectura de implementación, se muestra cómo se configuran Microsoft 365 y el feed de Chronicle para enviar registros a Chronicle. Cada implementación del cliente puede diferir de esta representación y podría ser más compleja.
En el diagrama de arquitectura, se muestran los siguientes componentes:
Microsoft 365. El servicio de Microsoft 365 desde el que recopilas registros.
Feed de Chronicle. El feed de Chronicle que recupera registros de Microsoft 365 y los escribe en Chronicle.
Chronicle. Chronicle retiene y analiza los registros de Microsoft 365.
Una etiqueta de transferencia identifica el analizador que normaliza los datos de registro sin procesar al formato de UDM estructurado. La información de este documento se aplica al analizador con la etiqueta de transferencia OFFICE_365
Antes de comenzar
Usa la versión 2204 de Microsoft 365 Compilación 16.0.15128.20248 o posterior y verifica que tengas una suscripción a Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 con la función Centro de seguridad y cumplimiento de Microsoft.
Otorga los privilegios y permisos necesarios al usuario para generar y exportar diferentes eventos para todos los productos de Microsoft compatibles. Si deseas ver un ejemplo de permiso, consulta Permisos para acceder a las APIs de administración.
Configura Microsoft 365 para buscar y exportar registros. Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) es el servicio de directorio para Microsoft 365. Los registros tardan hasta 24 horas en generarse. Para obtener más información, consulta Busca en el registro de auditoría.
Asegúrate de que todos los sistemas de la arquitectura de implementación estén configurados en la zona horaria UTC.
Revisa las actividades y los productos que admite el analizador de Chronicle. En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran las actividades y los productos que admite el analizador de Chronicle:
Actividades Productos Actividades de archivos y páginas SharePoint Online y OneDrive para la empresa Actividades de carpetas SharePoint Online y OneDrive para la empresa Actividades de lista de SharePoint SharePoint Online Actividades de solicitud de acceso y uso compartido SharePoint Online y OneDrive para la empresa Actividades de sincronización SharePoint Online y OneDrive para la empresa Actividades de permisos de sitios SharePoint Online Actividades de administración del sitio SharePoint Online Actividades de buzones de intercambio Buzones de Microsoft 365 Group Actividades de administración de usuarios Centro de administración de Microsoft 365 Actividades de administración de grupos de Azure AD Centro de administración de Microsoft 365 Actividades de administración de aplicaciones Cuando un administrador agrega o cambia una aplicación que está registrada en Azure AD Actividades de administración de roles Centro de administración de Microsoft 365 Actividades de administración del directorio Centro de administración de Microsoft 365 Actividades de Power BI Power BI Actividades de Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams Actividades de Microsoft Teams Shifts Cambia la app en Microsoft Teams Actividades de Microsoft Teams Healthcare Aplicación para pacientes en Microsoft Teams Actividades de Microsoft Teams Shifts Cambia la app en Microsoft Teams Actividades de Yammer Yammer Actividades de Microsoft Power Automate Power Automate (anteriormente llamado Microsoft Flow) Actividades de Microsoft PowerApps Apps de energía Actividades de Microsoft Stream Microsoft Stream Actividades de cuarentena Poner los correos electrónicos en cuarentena en Office 365 Actividades de Microsoft Forms Microsoft Teams Actividades de etiquetas de sensibilidad Actividades de etiquetado para SharePoint Online y Teams Actividades de políticas de retención y etiquetas de retención N/A Resumen de actividades por correo electrónico Resumen de correo electrónico Actividades de MyAnalytics MyAnalytics Actividades sobre las barreras de la información N/A Actividades de revisión de disposiciones N/A Actividades de cumplimiento en las comunicaciones N/A Actividad no definida N/A
Configura un feed en Chronicle para transferir registros de Microsoft 365
- Ve a la configuración de Chronicle y haz clic en Feeds.
- Haz clic en Add New.
- Selecciona API de terceros en Tipo de fuente.
- En Tipo de registro, selecciona Office 365.
- Haz clic en Siguiente.
- Según la configuración de Microsoft 365, especifica los detalles del ID de cliente de OAuth, del secreto del cliente de OAuth e ID de usuario.
- Selecciona el Tipo de contenido para el que crearás este feed. Debes crear un feed independiente para cada tipo de contenido que necesites.
- Haz clic en Siguiente y, luego, en Enviar.
Para obtener más información sobre los feeds de Chronicle, consulta la documentación de los feeds de Chronicle.
Referencia de asignación de campos
En esta sección, se explica cómo el analizador de Chronicle asigna los campos de registro de Microsoft 365 a los campos de Chronicle Unified Data Model (UDM) para las operaciones y cargas de trabajo compatibles.
Campos comunes
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro comunes y sus campos de UDM correspondientes.
Common log field | UDM field |
ID | metadata.product_log_id |
RecordType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value security_result.detection_fields.key is set to {RecordeType} - RecordTypeNameFromDoc security_result.detection_fields.value is set to RecordTypeDescriptionFromDoc |
CreationTime | metadata.event_timestamp |
Operation | metadata.product_event_type |
OrganizationId | principal.resource.product_object_id |
UserType | |
UserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid If is Operation is UserLoggedIn, UserLoginFailed, Add OAuth2PermissionGrant, TeamsUserSignedOut, or Add delegated permission grant then UserId is mapped to target.user else UserId is mapped to principal.user If UserId value contains email address then it is mapped to email_address, else it is mapped to userid. |
ClientIP | principal.ip and principal.port |
Workload | target.application |
AppAccessContext | security_result.detection_fields.key/value AADSessionId is mapped to CorrelationId is mapped to security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Si deseas obtener información de referencia sobre las asignaciones de UDM para las operaciones compatibles, consulta las siguientes secciones:
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Fileaccessed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileAccessedExtended" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileCopy" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_COPY
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | src.file.full_path
target.file.full_path Extract SourceFileUrl is mapped to src_file_full_path TargetFileUrl is mapped to target_file_full_path |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileModified" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para las operaciones "FileDownload" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is set to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
UserSessionId | network.http.session_id |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ZipFileName | principal.resource.parent |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileModifiedExtended" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileMoved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MOVE
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is set to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FilePreviewed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileRenamed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MOVE
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is set to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileUpload" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_SYNC
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ImplicitShare | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileVersionsAllDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileCheckedIn" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | workload map with intermediary.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileCheckedOut" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | Uniquely Identify resource in site like File or Folder |
ItemType | This field contain values like File, Folder, Web, Site, Tenant, and DocumentLibrary |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | Information about the user's browser. This information is provided by the browser. |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | We can not map it with target.file.full_path because of SiteUrl field not contains value related to system path |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ComplianceSettingChanged" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "LockRecord" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UnlockRecord" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileDeletedFirstStageRecycleBin" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileDeletedSecondStageRecycleBin" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RecordDelete" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DocumentSensitivityMismatchDetected" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DocumentSensitivityMismatchDetected" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileCheckOutDismissed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “FileVersionsAllMinorsRecycled” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint/OneDrive”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileVersionsAllRecycled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileVersionRecycled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileRestored" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is set to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileSoftwareDetected" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
VirusInfo | security_result.threat_name |
VirusVendor | target.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchQueryPerformed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
EventData | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PageViewed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PagePrefetched" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ClientViewSignaled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url NOTE: Because ClientViewSignaled events are signaled by the client, rather than the server, it's possible the event may not be logged by the server and therefore may not appear in the audit log. It's also possible that information in the audit record may not be trustworthy. However, because the user's identity is validated by the token used to create the signal, the user's identity listed in the corresponding audit record is accurate. |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PageViewedExtended" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderMoved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MOVE
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName}
SourceRelativeUrl field not getting in log |
DestinationRelativeUrl | DestinationRelativeUrl field not getting in log
target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileName | DestinationFileName field not getting in log
target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | src.file.full_path
target.file.full_path Extract SourceFileUrl is mapped to src_file_full_path TargetFileUrl is mapped to target_file_full_path grok is mapped to {SourceFileUrl}{src_file_full_path}{/SourceFileUrl}{TargetFileUrl}{target_file_full_path}{/TargetFileUrl} |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderRenamed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MOVE | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “FolderModified” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint/OneDrive”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “FolderCopy” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint/OneDrive”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_COPY
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is set to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderRestored" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is set to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderDeletedFirstStageRecycleBin" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderDeletedSecondStageRecycleBin" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileSyncdownloadFull" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is set to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
FileSyncBytesCommitted | src.file.size |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileSyncDownloadPartial" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to src.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
FileSyncBytesCommitted | src.file.size |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileSyncUploadFull" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_SYNC
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
FileSyncBytesCommitted | target.file.size |
ImplicitShare | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileSyncUploadPartial" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_SYNC
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
FileSyncBytesCommitted | target.file.size |
ImplicitShare | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ManagedSyncClientAllowed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_WRITTEN | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UnmanagedSyncClientBlocked" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AddedToGroup" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
EventData | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "GroupAdded" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_CREATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | if Name is Name then NewValue is mapped to |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "GroupRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | if Name is Name then NewValue is mapped to |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "WebRequestAccessModified" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties | if Name is RequestAccessEmail then NewValue is mapped to target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid else target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "WebMembersCanShareModified" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PermissionLevelModified" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties |
BasePermissions is mapped to |
version | metadata.product_version |
WebID | about.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteCollectionAdminAdded" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
ModifiedProperties | If Name is set SiteAdmin then NewValue is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteCollectionAdminRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
ModifiedProperties | If Name is set SiteAdmin then NewValue is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
AssertingApplicationId | about.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PermissionLevelRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemovedFromGroup" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "GroupUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.referral_url |
ModifiedProperties | if Name is Name then NewValue is mapped to |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ProjectCheckedOut" y la carga de trabajo "Project":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Entity | metadata.product_name |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Action | security_result.description |
OnBehalfOfResId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ProjectAccessed" y la carga de trabajo "Project":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Entity | metadata.product_name |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Action | security_result.description |
OnBehalfOfResId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingInheritanceBroken" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AddedToSecureLink" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type><MembersCanShareApplied>{members_share_value}</MembersCanShareApplied> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value MembersCanShareApplied is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CompanyLinkCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CompanyLinkUsed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SecureLinkCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingInvitationCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Sharing level is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value ExpirationDate is mapped totarget.resource.attribute.labels.key/value MembersCanShareApplied is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SecureLinkDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemovedFromSecureLink" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type><MembersCanShareApplied>{members_share_value}</MembersCanShareApplied> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value MembersCanShareApplied is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingInvitationRepeatd" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SecureLinkUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type><MembersCanShareApplied>{members_share_value}</MembersCanShareApplied> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value MembersCanShareApplied is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SecureLinkUsed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingReplaced" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingSet" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_SYNC
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PermissionLevelAdded" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData |
BasePermissions is mapped to |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingInvitationAccept" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData |
Added to Group is mapped to |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingInvitationBlocked" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
EventData | security_result.summary
Reason is mapped to security_result.summary |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AccessRequestCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Sharing level is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value ExpirationDate is mapped totarget.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “AnonymousLinkCreated” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint/OneDrive”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type><MembersCanShareApplied>{members_share_value}</MembersCanShareApplied> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value MembersCanShareApplied is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AccessRequestUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CompanyLinkRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETIONObjectId is mapped to target.url | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AccessRequestApproved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData |
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Added to group>{target_resource_name}.* } } |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AnonymousLinkRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AnonymousLinkUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
UniqueSharingId | target.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Extract using grok grok { match is mapped to { EventData <Type>{type_value}</Type><MembersCanShareApplied>{members_share_value}</MembersCanShareApplied> } } Type is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value MembersCanShareApplied is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingInvitationUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
TargetUserOrGroupName |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses if TargetUserOrGroupType values like SecurityGroup or SharepointGroup then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to if TargetUserOrGroupType values like Guest or Member then TargetUserOrGroupName is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to SourceRelativeUrl or SourceFileName |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AnonymousLinkUsed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_CREATION
ResultStatus is Success Action is set to ALLOW security_result.summary is set to Group creation successful ResultStatus is Failure Action is set to BLOCK security_result.summary is set to Group creation failed |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is set to additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is set to extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar grupo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar grupo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ResultStatus is Success then Action is set to ALLOW security_result.summary is set to Group membership updated successfully ResultStatus is Failure then Action is set to BLOCK security_result.summary is set toGroup membership update failed |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | Group.ObjectId is mapped to Group.DisplayName is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar miembro al grupo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar miembro al grupo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CREATION
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
else map |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
If |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If else
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
Agregar usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Add user
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
Version | metadata.product_version
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
if else
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
If |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If else
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Cambia la licencia del usuario.
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Cambiar licencia de usuario” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary If Name is Action Client Name then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Cambiar contraseña de usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Cambiar contraseña del usuario” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_DELETION
ResultStatus is Success then Action is set to ALLOW security_result.summary is set to Group deletion successful ResultStatus is Failure then Action is set to BLOCK security_result.summary is set to Group deletion failed |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Borrar grupo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Borrar grupo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ResultStatus is Success then Action is set to ALLOW security_result.summary is set to Group membership updated successfully ResultStatus is Failure then Action is set to BLOCK security_result.summary is set to Group membership update failed |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | Group.ObjectId is mapped to Group.DisplayName is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Quitar miembro del grupo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Quitar miembro del grupo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_DELETION
if status is Success then action ALLOW security_result.summary User deleted successfully |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary If Name is Action Client Name then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Borrar usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Delete user
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
if else
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
If |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If else
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
Actualizar usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Update user
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
if |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
if else
If |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value
Target |
If else
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
Actualizar grupos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Grupo de actualización” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_LOGIN
If ResultStatus is Succeeded or ResultStatus is Success security_result.action is ALLOW security_result.summary is User login successful else if ResultStatus is Failed or LogonError !is security_result.action is BLOCK security_result.summary is User login failed security_result.description is {LogonError} UserId is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses metadata.description is User Login - {Workload} |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
extensions.auth.type extensions.auth.mechanism |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
DeviceProperties | network.session_id
principal.platform principal.hostname If Name is OS { If Value is match to Windows then principal.platform is WINDOWS If Value is match to Mac then principal_plateform is MAC if Value is match to Linux then principal_plateform is LINUX } If Name is SessionId then Value is mapped to network.session_id If Name is OS then Value is mapped to principal.platform If Name is DisplayName then Value is mapped to principal.hostname |
ErrorCode | security_result.description
security_result.description is set to ErrorCode - {ErrorCode} |
LogonError | security_result.description |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UserLoggedIn” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_LOGIN
security_result.Action is set to BLOCK security_result.summary is User login failed |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
extensions.auth.type extensions.auth.mechanism If Name is RequestType and Value is match to Saml.* or OAuth2.* then extensions.auth.type is mapped to MACHINE If Name is RequestType and Value is match to Login.* then extensions.auth.type is mapped to REMOTE_INTERACTIVE If Name is UserAgent then Value is mapped to network.http.user_agent If Name is UserAuthenticationMethod then Based on Value it will map with extensions.auth.type If Name is requestType then Based on Value it will map with extensions.auth.type |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
DeviceProperties | network.session_id
principal.platform principal.hostname If Name is OS { If Value is matched to Windows then principal.platform is WINDOWS If Value is matched to Mac then principal_plateform is MAC if Value is matched to Linux then principal_plateform is LINUX } If Name is SessionId then Value is mapped to network.session_id If Name is OS then Value is mapped to principal.platform If Name is DisplayName then Value is mapped to principal.hostname |
ErrorCode | security_result.description
security_result.description is set to ErrorCode - {ErrorCode} |
LogonError | security_result.description
If LogonError is UserAccountNotFound then extensions.auth.mechanism is set to USERNAME_PASSWORD |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UserLoginFailed” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Actualizar la marca de tiempo StsRefreshTokenValidFrom
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Update StsRefreshTokenValidFrom Timestamp” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is DEVICE ResultStatus is Success Action is set to ALLOW ResultStatus is Failure Action is set to BLOCK |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
network.http.user_agent target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is targetObjectId then Value is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.platform
target.ptatform_version security_result.description security_result.summary If DisplayName value present in ModifiedProperties field then we will map DisplayName with otherwise map ID of Target field if Type is 1. If Name is DeviceOSType then NewValue is mapped to target.platform If Name is DeviceOSVersion then NewValue is mapped to target.ptatform_version If Name is DevicePhysicalIds then NewValue is mapped to security_result.description If Name is DisplayName then NewVale is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Actualizar el dispositivo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Actualizar dispositivo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING Required fields for SETTING_MODIFICATION UDM validation : principal.machineid (IP or hostname or assetId or mac etc). ClientIP field is mandatory field for all the office 365 activities as per official doc of Office 365, but in some cases ClientIP field is absent If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Establece la configuración de la federación en el dominio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Establecer configuración de federación en el dominio” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZEDRequired fields for STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED UDM validation : principal.machineid (IP or hostname or assetId or mac etc).
ClientIP field is mandatory field for all the office 365 activities as per official doc of Office 365, but in some cases ClientIP field is absent If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Verificar dominio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Verificar dominio” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Establecer información de la empresa
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Set Company Information” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Restablecer la contraseña del usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Reset user password” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.description
security_result.summary target.labels.key/value If Name is AccountEnabled then security_result.description is set to AccountEnabled - {NewValue} If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Inhabilitar cuenta
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Inhabilitar cuenta” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/valueIf Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Borrar la contraseña de la aplicación del usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Borrar contraseña de aplicación para el usuario” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is DEVICE ResultStatus is Success Action is set to ALLOW ResultStatus is Failure Action is set to BLOCK |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
network.http.user_agent target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is targetObjectId then Value is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.platform
target.ptatform_version security_result.description security_result.summaryIf DisplayName value present in ModifiedProperties field then we will map DisplayName with otherwise map ID of Target field if Type is 1. If Name is DeviceOSType then NewValue is mapped to target.platform If Name =DeviceOSVersion then NewValue is mapped to target.ptatform_version If Name is DevicePhysicalIds then NewValue is mapped to security_result.description If Name is DisplayName then NewVale is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Borrar dispositivo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Borrar dispositivo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is DEVICE ResultStatus is Success Action is set to ALLOW ResultStatus is Failure Action is set to BLOCK |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
network.http.user_agent target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is targetObjectId then Value is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent If Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.platform
target.ptatform_version security_result.description security_result.summaryIf DisplayName value present in ModifiedProperties field then we will map DisplayName with otherwise map ID of Target field if Type is 1. If Name is DeviceOSType then NewValue is mapped to target.platform If Name =DeviceOSVersion then NewValue is mapped to target.ptatform_version If Name is DevicePhysicalIds then NewValue is mapped to security_result.description If Name is DisplayName then NewVale is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 1 then ID is mapped to If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar usuarios registrados al dispositivo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar usuarios registrados al dispositivo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
target.resource.nameIf Name is Device.ObjectId then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is Device.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar al propietario registrado al dispositivo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar propietario registrado al dispositivo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id If Name is Device.ObjectId then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is Device.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar propietario al grupo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar propietario al grupo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | Name is Group.ObjectId then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Group.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Se agregó OAuth2PermissionGrant.
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add OAuth2PermissionGrant" y la carga de trabajo "AzureActiveDirectory":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id security_result.summaryIf Name is ServicePrincipal.ObjectId then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is ServicePrincipal.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar dispositivo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar dispositivo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is DEVICE ResultStatus is Success Action is set to ALLOW ResultStatus is Failure Action is set to BLOCK |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
network.http.user_agent target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is targetObjectId then Value is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.platform
target.ptatform_version security_result.description security_result.summaryIf DisplayName value present in ModifiedProperties field then we will map DisplayName with otherwise map ID of Target field if Type is 1. If Name is DeviceOSType then NewValue is mapped to target.platform If Name is DeviceOSVersion then NewValue is mapped to target.ptatform_version If Name is DevicePhysicalIds then NewValue is mapped to security_result.description If Name is DisplayName then NewVale is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agrega el otorgamiento de la función de la app al usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar asignación de función en la app al usuario” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSION
Workload is mapped to intermediary.application |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | target.application
network.http.user_agent target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is targetName then Value is mapped to target.application If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Name is User.UPN then NewValue is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Consentimiento para la solicitud
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Consentir con la aplicación” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target |
target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Actualizar servicio principal
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Actualizar principal del servicio” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.resource.nameIf Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar principal de servicio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar cuenta de servicio principal” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Quitar la principal del servicio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Quitar servicio principal” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.resource.nameIf Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Agregar miembro a la función
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Add member to role
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
if else
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
if |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If else
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
Quitar miembro del rol
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Quitar miembro del rol” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED
ResultStatus is Success then Action is set to ALLOW security_result.summary is Removed a user to an admin role successfully ResultStatus is Failure then Action is set to BLOCK security_result.summary is Removed a user to an admin role failed |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id if Name is Role.ObjectId then NewValue is target.resource.product_object_id If Name is Role.DisplayName then NewValue is |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value if Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar etiqueta
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar etiqueta” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
ObjectId is set to target.resource.product_object_id |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Crea una empresa
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Crear empresa” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION
ObjectId is set to target.resource.product_object_id |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.labels.key/value |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TeamsSessionStarted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is TASK If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ScheduleGroupAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is TASK If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ScheduleGroupEdited" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is TASK If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ScheduleGroupDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING Required fields for SETTING_CREATION UDM validation : principal.machineid (IP or hostname or assetId or mac etc). ClientIP field is mandatory field for all the office 365 activities as per official doc of Office 365, but in some cases ClientIP field is absent If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Shift | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ShiftAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Shift | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ShiftEdited" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Shift | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ShiftDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Shift | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TimeOffAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATIONtarget.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Shift | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TimeOffEdited" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETIONtarget.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Shift | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TimeOffDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
OpenShift | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "OpenShiftAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
OpenShift | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "OpenShiftEdited" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
OpenShift | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "OpenShiftDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ScheduleShared” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ClockedIn" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "BreakStarted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "BreakEnded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ShiftRequest | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RequestAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ShiftRequest | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “RequestRespondedTo” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ShiftRequest | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RequestCancelled" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ScheduleSettingChanged” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers and |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TeamSettingChanged" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers and |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para las operaciones "AppInstalled" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AddOnGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppDistributionMode | about.labels.key/value |
AzureADAppId | about.labels.key/value |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MemberRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
ChatName | |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TabRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
AddOnName | |
ChannelName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “AppUninstalled” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AddOnGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppDistributionMode | about.labels.key/value |
AzureADAppId | about.labels.key/value |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MemberAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
ChatName | |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TabAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
AddOnName | |
AddOnUrl | target.url |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ClockedOut" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
ScheduleId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TeamCreated" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "BotAddedToTeam" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
AddOnGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
AddOnName | |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ChannelAdded" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
ChannelName | |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ConnectorAdded” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ChannelSettingChanged” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
ChannelName | |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “TeamsTenantSettingChanged” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “MemberRoleChanged” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name DisplayName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name Role is mapped to UPN is mapped to about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeletedAllOrganizationApps" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ChannelDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
ChannelName | |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TeamDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "BotRemovedFromTeam" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ConnectorRemoved” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ConnectorUpdated” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.email_addresses |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TabUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
Members | about.user.userid or about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | target.resource.attribute.labels.key |
NewValue | target.resource.attribute.labels.value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TabType | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnUrl | target.url |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Actualizar” y la carga de trabajo “Intercambio”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism
LogonType is 2 then mechanism is set to INTERACTIVE LogonType is 3 or 8 then mechanism is set to NETWORK LogonType is 4 then mechanism is set to BATCH LogonType is 5 then mechanism is set to SERVICE LogonType is 7 then mechanism is set to UNLOCK LogonType is 9 then mechanism is set to NEW_CREDENTIALS LogonType is 9 then mechanism is set to REMOTE_INTERACTIVE LogonType is 9 then mechanism is set to CACHED_INTERACTIVE else mechanism is set to MECHANISM_UNSPECIFIED |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Item |
target.resource.product_object_id target.file.size target.file.full_path Id is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id Subject is mapped to SizeInBytes is mapped to target.file.size Item.ParentFolder.Path is mapped to InternetMessageId is mapped to Attachments is mapped to target.file.full_path |
ModifiedProperties | securiy_result.summary |
SessionId | network.session_id |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderBind" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
Item | target.resource.product_object_id
target_resource_name is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id Item.InternetMessageId is mapped to Item.ParentFolder.Path is mapped to |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SendOnBehalf" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
Item | target.file.full_path target.resource.product_object_id Item.InternetMessageId is mapped to Item.Subject is mapped to Item.Attachments is mapped to target.file.full_path Item.Id is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id |
SessionId | network.session_id |
SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SendAs" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
SendAsUserMailboxGuid | about.labels.key/value |
Item | target.file.full_path target.resource.product_object_id Item.InternetMessageId is mapped to Item.Subject is mapped to Item.Attachments is mapped to target.file.full_path Item.Id is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id |
SessionId | network.session_id |
SendAsUserSmtp | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Send" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
Item | target.file.full_path target.resource.product_object_id |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Nueva carpeta Recibidos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-InboxRule" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is set to |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Parameters | security_result.rule_labels.key/value |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-InboxRule" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is set to target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Parameters | security_result.rule_labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MoveToDeletedItems" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
DestFolder | target.resource.product_object_id |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AffectedItems | about.file.full_path Subject is mapped to ParentFolder.Path is mapped to about.file.full_path AffectedItems.0.InternetMessageIdis mapped to |
Folder | src.resource.product_object_id |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Move” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
DestFolder | target.resource.product_object_id |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AffectedItems | about.file.full_path |
Folder | src.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MailItemsAccessed" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
OperationProperties | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
OperationCount | about.labels.key/value |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
Folders |
about.resource.product_object_id Folders.Path is mapped to Folders.Id is mapped to about.resource.product_object_id Folders.0.FolderItems.0.InternetMessageId network_email_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MailboxLogin" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_LOGIN
auth.Type is MACHINE |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “SoftDelete” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
AffectedItems | about.file.full_path AffectedItems.Attachments is mapped to about.file.full_path AffectedItems.Subject is mapped to AffectedItems.0.InternetMessageIdis mapped to |
Folder |
target.resource.product_object_id Folder.Path is mapped to Folder.Id is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id |
SessionId | network.session_id |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "HardDelete" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
AffectedItems | about.file.full_path |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
Folder |
target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Crear” y la carga de trabajo “Intercambio”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
Item |
target.resource.product_object_id target.file.full_path is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id Item.InternetMessageId is mapped to Item.ParentFolder.Path is mapped to Item.Subject is mapped to Attachment may present or not in log so write grok for this. Item.Attachments is mapped to target.file.full_path |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemoveFolderPermissions" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ResultStatus is Succeeded Action is set to ALLOW else Action is set to BLOCK |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
Item | target.file.full_path target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid Item.ParentFolder.MemberUpn is mapped to target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid Item.ParentFolder.Path is mapped to target.file.full_path User rights is mapped to |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ModifyFolderPermissions" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ResultStatus is Succeeded Action is set to ALLOW else Action is set to BLOCK |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
Item | target.file.full_path
target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AddFolderPermissions" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ResultStatus is Succeeded Action is set to ALLOW else Action is set to BLOCK |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
Item | target.file.full_path
target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid Path is mapped to target.file.full_path Item.ParentFolder.MemberUpn is mapped to target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid User Rights is mapped to |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-MailboxPermission" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add-MailboxPermission" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ObjectId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateInboxRules" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Item | target.resource.product_object_id is mapped to is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id |
OperationProperties | security_result.rule_id
security_result.rule_name security_result.detection_fields.key/value if Name is RuleId then Value is mapped to security_result.rule_id if Name is RuleName then Value is mapped to security_result.rule_name else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateCalendarDelegation" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is SERVICE_ACCOUNT |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ApplyRecordLabel" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateFolderPermissions" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
target.resource.resource_type is set to STORAGE_OBJECT |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
Configurar usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Configurar usuario” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CREATION
ObjectId is set to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ViewReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is mapped to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
ConsumptionMethod | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ReportId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "GenerateEmbedToken" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is set to target.file.full_path |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
ConsumptionMethod | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ReportId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
EmbedTokenId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RLSIdentities | about.user.email_addresses RLSIdentities.UserName is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RLSIdentities.Roles is mapped to |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateDataset" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "GenerateCustomVisualAADAccessToken" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
CustomVisualAccessTokenResourceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CustomVisualAccessTokenSiteUri | target.url |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteOrganizationalGalleryItem" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
OrganizationalGalleryItemId | target.resource.product_object_id |
OrganizationalGalleryItemDisplayName | |
OrganizationalGalleryItemPublishTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteAlmPipeline" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineId | target.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AddDatasourceToGateway" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
GatewayId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
GatewayType | target.labels.key/value |
DatasourceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DatasourceType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AssignWorkspaceToPipeline" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | principal.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | principal.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineId | target.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DeploymentPipelineStageOrder | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “CancelDataflowRefresh” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataflowName | |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ChangeCapacityState" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
CapacityName | |
CapacityUsers | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityState | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ChangeGatewayAdministrators" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
GatewayId | target.resource.product_object_id |
UserInformation | about.user.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "InsertOrganizationalGalleryItem" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
OrganizationalGalleryItemId | target.resource.product_object_id |
OrganizationalGalleryItemDisplayName | |
OrganizationalGalleryItemPublishTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “CreateAlmPipeline” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DeploymentPipelineId | target.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “CreateApp” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateDashboard" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
If IsSuccess is true then security_result.summary is Dashboard created successfully else security_result.summary is Dashboard not created |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “CreateDataflow” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_CREATION
If IsSuccess is true then security_result.summary is Dataflow created successfully else security_result.summary is Dataflow not created |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateEmailSubscription" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_CREATION
If IsSuccess is true then security_result.summary is EmailSubscription created successfully else security_result.summary is EmailSubscription not created ObjectId is set to target.file.full_path |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
SubscriptionSchedule | target.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
SubscribeeInformation | |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “CreateFolder” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
FolderDisplayName | |
FolderObjectId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateGateway" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
GatewayId | target.resource.product_object_id |
GatewayType | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateTemplateApp" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
TemplateAppObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Deletecomment” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
AuditedArtifactInformation |
target.resource.product_object_id target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value Name is mapped to ArtifactObjectId is set to target.resource.product_object_id AnnotatedItemType is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteDashboard" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DashboardName | |
Datasets | about.resource.product_object_id DatasetId is mapped to about.resource.product_object_id DatasetName is mapped to |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “DeleteDataflow” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataflowName | |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteDataset" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteEmailSubscription" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_DELETION
ObjectId is set to target.file.full_path |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “DeleteFolder” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
if isSuccess is TRUE then security_result.action is set to ALLOW else security_result.action is set to BLOCK |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
FolderObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteGateway" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
GatewayId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteGroup" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to about.user.attribute.permissions.nameRecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportName | |
ReportId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DownloadReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportName | |
ReportId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "EditDataset" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "EditDatasetProperties" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetCertificationStage | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "EditReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportName | |
ReportId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ExportDataflow” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
if isSuccess is TRUE then security_result.summary is Dataflow Exported Successfully else security_result.summary is Dataflow Not Exported |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_id |
DataflowName | |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ExportReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
if isSuccess is TRUE then security_result.summary is Report Exported Successfully else security_result.summary is Report Not Exported |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “InstallApp” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “InstallTemplateApp” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
TemplateAppFolderObjectId | about.labels.key/value |
TemplateAppOwnerTenantObjectId | principal.user.product_object_id |
TemplateAppVersion | metadata.product_version |
TemplateAppObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
TemplatePackageName | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Postcomment" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
AuditedArtifactInformation |
target.resource.product_object_id target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PrintDashboard" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZEDObjectId is set to target.file.full_path | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Datasets | about.resource.product_object_id DatasetId is mapped to about.resource.product_object_id DatasetName is mapped to |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PrintReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
ReportId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UnassignWorkspaceFromPipeline” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemoveDatasourceFromGateway" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
GatewayId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
DatasourceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RenameDashboard" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is set to target.file.full_path |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Datasets | about.resource.product_object_id DatasetId is mapped to about.resource.product_object_id DatasetName is mapped to |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “RequestDataflowRefresh” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataflowName | |
DataflowRefreshScheduleType | target.labels.key/value |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RefreshDataset" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RefreshType | target.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SensitivityLabelApplied" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATIONtarget.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ActionSourceDetail | principal.labels.key/value |
LabelEventType | target.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
ActionSourceDetail | principal.labels.key/value |
ArtifactType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SensitivityLabelRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
OldSensitivityLabelId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ActionSource | principal.labels.key is set to ActionSource
principal.labels.value is set to {Value} |
LabelEventType | target.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
ActionSourceDetail | principal.labels.key/value |
ArtifactType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “SetScheduledRefreshOnDataflow” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is TASK |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_id |
DataflowName | |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SetScheduledRefresh" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is TASK |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_id |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Schedules | target.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ShareDashboard" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Datasets | about.resource.product_object_id DatasetId is mapped to about.resource.product_object_id DatasetName is mapped to |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingAction | about.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ShareReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
Datasets | about.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ArtifactId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ArtifactName | |
SharingAction | about.labels.key/value |
ShareLinkId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "OptInForProTrial" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UnpublishApp" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkSpaceName | |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateOrganizationalGalleryItem" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
OrganizationalGalleryItemId | target.resource.product_object_id |
OrganizationalGalleryItemDisplayName | |
OrganizationalGalleryItemPublishTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UpdateAlmPipelineAccess” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DeploymentPipelineObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DeploymentPipelineDisplayName | |
DeploymentPipelineAccesses | about.user.userid userid is mapped to about.user.userid Rolepermission is mapped to |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateInstalledTemplateAppParameters" y la carga de trabajo "y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
TemplateAppObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
TemplatePackageName | |
TemplateAppVersion | metadata.product_version |
TemplateAppFolderObjectId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdatedAdminFeatureSwitch" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is mapped to SETTING |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UpdateApp” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UpdateDataflow” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataflowName | |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateDatasetParameters" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateEmailSubscription" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_MODIFICATION
target.resource.type is mapped to TASK |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
SubscriptionSchedule | target.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
SubscribeeInformation | |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UpdateFolder” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
FolderObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FolderDisplayName | |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateFolderAccess" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
FolderObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FolderDisplayName | |
FolderAccessRequests | about.user.userid
about.user.product_object_id about.user.attribute.permissions.type UserId is mapped to about.user.userid UserObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id RolePermissions is mapped to about.user.attribute.permissions.type |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UpdateDatasourceCredentials” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
GatewayId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasourceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateTemplateAppSettings" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
TemplateAppObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateTemplateAppTestPackagePermissions" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
TemplateAppObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ViewDashboard" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ConsumptionMethod | target.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
Datasets | about.resource.product_object_id DatasetId is mapped to about.resource.product_object_id DatasetName is mapped to |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ViewDataflow” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
CapacityId | about.labels.key/value |
CapacityName | about.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataflowId | target.resource.product_object_id |
DataflowName | |
DataflowType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AddTile" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
TileText | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RunEmailSubscription" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCHEDULED_TASK_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is TASK If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
DashboardName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
DashboardId | target.resource.product_object_id |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.label.key/value |
ReportId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "GetSnapshots" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "OptInForPPUTrial" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
Configurar usuario de correo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-MailUser" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is set to |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | network.application_protocol
target.user.email_addresses If Name is EmailAddresses then extract value of Value, then emails and mail_key from that Value field, email_addresses with target.user.email_addresses, mail_key with If Name is ExternalEmailAddress then extract value of Value field, then extract protocol and emails from it, map protocol with network.application_protocol and emails with Protocol is mapped to network.application_protocol EmailAddresses is mapped to target.user.email_addresses ExternalEmailAddress is mapped to |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Establecer contacto de correo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-MailContact" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is set to |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | network.application_protocol
target.user.email_addresses If Name is EmailAddresses then extract value of Value, then emails and mail_key from that Value field, email_addresses with target.user.email_addresses, mail_key with If Name is ExternalEmailAddress then extract value of Value field, then extract protocol and emails from it, map protocol with network.application_protocol and emails with Protocol is mapped to network.application_protocol EmailAddresses is mapped to target.user.email_addresses ExternalEmailAddress is mapped to |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Configurar buzón
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Set-Mailbox” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED
Object is mapped to |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-DistributionGroup" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is Group members definition ResultStatus is True Action is set to ALLOW else Action is set to BLOCK |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | or
security_result.description If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or If Name is AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers then Value is mapped to security_result.description else |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Establecer contacto
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Set-Contact” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is set to |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | network.application_protocol
target.user.email_addresses If Name is EmailAddresses then extract value of Value, then emails and mail_key from that Value field, email_addresses with target.user.email_addresses, mail_key with If Name is ExternalEmailAddress then extract value of Value field, then extract protocol and emails from it, map protocol with network.application_protocol and emails with Protocol is mapped to network.application_protocol EmailAddresses is mapped to target.user.email_addresses ExternalEmailAddress is mapped to |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Configurar CASMailbox
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-CASMailbox" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is set to |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
ModifiedObjectResolvedName | about.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-CalendarProcessing" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.user.user_display_name
If Name is ResourceDelegates then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-AdminAuditLogConfig" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. ObjectId is mapped to target.url target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
ModifiedObjectResolvedName | about.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Quitar-grupo unificado
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-UnifiedGroup" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_DELETION | |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Quitar-Usuario de migración
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-MigrationUser" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_DELETION
ObjectId is set to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Update-eDiscoveryCaseAdmin" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Quitar-Miembro de grupo de distribución
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-DistributionGroupMember" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True { Action is set to ALLOW } else { Action is set to BLOCK } |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | or
target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or If Name is Member then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name else |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ViewedSearchExported" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add WorkingSetQueryTo WorkingSet" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AddQueryTo WorkingSet" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “RunAlgo” y la carga de trabajo “Compliance”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AnnotateDocument" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "BurnJob" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Create WorkingSet" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateWorksetSearch" y la carga de trabajo "Cumplimiento":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateTag" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeleteWorksetSearch" y la carga de trabajo "Cumplimiento":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “DeleteTag” y la carga de trabajo “Cumplimiento”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DownloadDocument" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateTag" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ExportJob" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateCaseSettings" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateWorksetSearch" y la carga de trabajo "Cumplimiento":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TagFiles" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ViewDocument” y la carga de trabajo “Compliance”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
CaseId | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchViewed" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
If Name is SearchIds then Value is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseMemberAdded" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CREATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.product_object_id If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} Extract target_user information using grok grok { match is mapped to { Parameters .*-(Member|User) \{DATA:target_user}\ } } |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseAdminUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | about.user.email_address
about.user.product_object_id If Name is CaseAdminsSmtp then Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses if Name is CaseAdminsGuid then Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.product_object_idIf Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseMemberUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resrource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.product_object_id If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchPermissionUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExtendedProperties | principal.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "HoldUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is HoldId then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseAdminRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.product_object_id If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
target.user.email_address target.user.userid If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} target_user is mapped to target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “CaseRemoved” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.product_object_id If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_detail |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchPermissionRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | principal.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "HoldRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is HoldId then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “HoldCreated” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is HoldId then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_detail |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_detail |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_detail |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseAdminAdded" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CREATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.prdouct_object_id If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchStarted" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchReport" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchS desempeñado" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_detail |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseViewed" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_detail |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_addresses about.user.product_object_id If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Nameis CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_detail |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_detail |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchExportDownload" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CaseMemberRemoved" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.product_object_id If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} Extract target_user information using grok grok { match is mapped to { Parameters .*-(Member|User) \{DATA:target_user}\ } } |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “CaseAdded” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.user.email_address about.user.product_object_idIf Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is CaseMembersSmtp then each Value is mapped to about.user.email_addresses If Name is CaseMembersGuid then each Value is mapped to about.user.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchPermissionCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | principal.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "NetworkConfigurationUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses
principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ProcessProfileFields" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “SupervisorAdminToggled” y la carga de trabajo “Yammer”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "NetworkSecurityConfigurationUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileCreated" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_CREATIONIf ResultStatus is TRUE {
security_result.action is ALLOW} else {security_result.action is BLOCK} |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “GroupCreation” y la carga de trabajo “Yammer”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_CREATION
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “GroupDeletion” y la carga de trabajo “Yammer”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_DELETION
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DataExport" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileVisited" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_READ
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses
principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Stream utilizóVideoView" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeVideoShare" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION
if ResultStatus is SUCCEEDED then action is set to ALLOW else action is set to BLOCK |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Stream utilizóVideoLike" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeVideoUnLike" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeVideoUpload" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION
if ResultStatus is SUCCEEDED then action is set to ALLOW else action is set to BLOCK |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeVideoDownload" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION
if ResultStatus is SUCCEEDED then action is set to ALLOW else action is set to BLOCK |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Stream utilizóVideoSetLink" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “StreamCreateGroup” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftStream”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_CREATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditGroup" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamDeleteGroup" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_DELETION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditGroupMemberships" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “StreamCreateChannel” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftStream”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditChannel" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | network.http.referral_url |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamDeleteChannel" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | network.http.referral_url |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Stream utilizóChannelSetThumbnail" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | network.http.referral_url |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditVideoPermissions" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION
if ResultStatus is Succeeded then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditVideo" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamDeleteVideo" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditUserSettings" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditAdminTenantSettings" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamCreateVideoComment" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamDeleteVideoComentario" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeVideoTextTrackUpload" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamDeleteVideoTextTrack" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEmbedVideoThumbnailUpload" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION
if ResultStatus is Succeeded then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “StreamCreateVideo” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftStream”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url_back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación DlpRuleMatch
y la carga de trabajo Exchange/SharePoint/OneDrive
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_TRANSACTION
SharePointMetaData | network.http.referral_url
ExchangeMetaData |
ExceptionInfo | about.labels.key/value
PolicyDetails | target.resource.product_object_id
IncidentId | about.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
Site | target.labels.key/value
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
EventSource | principal.application
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.Count | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.Confidence | security_result.confidence_details |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetectionsInfo.DetectedValues.Name | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetailedClassificationAttributes.Confidence | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.ClassifierType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInfoTypeName | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetailedClassificationAttributes.Count | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveTypeSource | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.UniqueCount | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInfoTypeId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetectionsInfo.DetectedValues.Value | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DlpRuleDeshacer" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_TRANSACTION
security_result.category is set to DATA_EXFILTRATION ObjectId is set to |
SharePointMetaData | network.http.referral_url target.file.full_path target.url target.file.size SiteCollectionUrl is mapped to network.http.referral_url From is mapped to (if ExchangeMetadata field not getting in log) FileName is mapped to target.file.full_path FilePathUrl is mapped to target.url FileSize is mapped to target.file.size |
ExceptionInfo | about.labels.key/value |
PolicyDetails | target.resource.product_object_id
security_result.summary security_result.description security_result.rule_id security_result.rule_name security_result.severity PolicyId is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id PolicyName is mapped to security_result.summary SensitiveInformationTypeName is mapped to security_result.description RuleId is mapped to security_result.rule_id RuleName is mapped to security_result.rule_name Severity is mapped to security_result.severity |
IncidentId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.Count | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.Confidence | security_result.confidence_details |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetectionsInfo.DetectedValues.Name | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetailedClassificationAttributes.Confidence | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.ClassifierType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInfoTypeName | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetailedClassificationAttributes.Count | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveTypeSource | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.UniqueCount | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInfoTypeId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetectionsInfo.DetectedValues.Value | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DlpInfo" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_TRANSACTION
security_result.category is set to DATA_EXFILTRATION ObjectId is set to |
SharePointMetaData | network.http.referral_url target.file.full_path target.url target.file.size SiteCollectionUrl is mapped to network.http.referral_url From is mapped to (if ExchangeMetadata field not getting in log) FileName is mapped to target.file.full_path FilePathUrl is mapped to target.url FileSize is mapped to target.file.size |
ExceptionInfo | about.labels.key/value |
PolicyDetails | target.resource.product_object_id
security_result.summary security_result.description security_result.rule_id security_result.rule_name security_result.severity PolicyId is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id PolicyName is mapped to security_result.summary SensitiveInformationTypeName is mapped to security_result.description RuleId is mapped to security_result.rule_id RuleName is mapped to security_result.rule_name Severity is mapped to security_result.severity |
IncidentId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.Count | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.Confidence | security_result.confidence_details |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetectionsInfo.DetectedValues.Name | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetailedClassificationAttributes.Confidence | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.ClassifierType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInfoTypeName | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetailedClassificationAttributes.Count | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveTypeSource | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.UniqueCount | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInfoTypeId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EndpointMetaData.SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInformationDetectionsInfo.DetectedValues.Value | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “MipLabel” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is set to |
ApplicationMode | about.labels.key/value |
ItemName | |
LabelAppliedDateTime | principal.labels.key/value |
LabelId | target.resource.product_object_id |
LabelName | |
Receivers | |
Sender | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteCollectionCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventData | |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PreviewModeEnabledSet" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is mapped to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “OfficeOnDemandSet” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “HubSiteJoined” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value PreviousHubSiteIdis mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value HubSiteIdis mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value IsHubSiteIdis mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “HubSiteRegistered” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value HubSiteIdis mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value IsHubSiteIdis mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “HubSiteUnjoined” y la carga de trabajo “SharePoint”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
ObjectID is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IsHubSiteIdis mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "HubSiteUnregistered" y la carga de trabajo "HubSiteUnregistered":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
ObjectID is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SharingPolicyChanged" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AssertingApplicationId | about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "NetworkAccessPolicyChanged" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties | target.ip
target.labels.key/value if Name is IPAddressAllowList then NewValue is mapped to target.ip else target.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “AlertEntityGenerated” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT
security_result.category is set to DATA_EXFILTRATION |
AlertId | target.resource.product_object_id |
AlertType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | security_result.summary |
PolicyId | target.labels.key/value |
Status | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Severity | security_result.severity |
Category | security_result.category_details |
Source | security_result.description |
Comments | about.labels.key/value |
Data | about.labels.key/value |
AlertEntityId | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
EntityType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “AlertTriggered” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT
security_result.category is set to DATA_EXFILTRATION |
AlertId | target.resource.product_object_id |
AlertType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | security_result.summary |
PolicyId | target.labels.key/value |
Status | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Severity | security_result.severity |
Category | security_result.category_details |
Source | security_result.description |
Comments | about.labels.key/value |
Data | about.labels.key/value |
AlertEntityId | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
EntityType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AlertUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT
security_result.category is set to DATA_EXFILTRATION |
AlertId | target.resource.product_object_id |
AlertType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Name | security_result.summary |
PolicyId | target.labels.key/value |
Status | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Severity | security_result.severity |
Category | security_result.category_details |
Source | security_result.description |
Comments | about.labels.key/value |
Data | about.labels.key/value |
AlertEntityId | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses |
EntityType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-ComplianceCase" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-CaseHoldPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_UNCATEGORIZED
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-ComplianceSearch" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Quitar política de retención de casos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-CaseHoldPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Establecer política de retención de casos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-CaseHoldPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Nueva regla de retención de casos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-CaseHoldRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Quitar regla de retención de mayúsculas y minúsculas
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-CaseHoldRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Establecer regla de retención de mayúsculas y minúsculas
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-CaseHoldRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-ComplianceSearchAction" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Nuevo caso de cumplimiento
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-ComplianceCase” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-ComplianceCase" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-ComplianceCase" y la carga de trabajo "Set-ComplianceCase":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add-ComplianceCaseMember" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CREATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.user.email_addresses target.user.userid |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-ComplianceCaseMember" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_DELETION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.user.email_addresses target.user.userid |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Update-ComplianceCaseMember" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Nueva búsqueda de cumplimiento
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-ComplianceSearch” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-ComplianceSearch" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-ComplianceSearch" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Start-ComplianceSearch" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Stop-ComplianceSearch" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Nueva acción de búsqueda de cumplimiento
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-ComplianceSearchAction" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-ComplianceSearchAction" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Nuevo: ComplianceSecurityFilter
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-ComplianceSecurityFilter" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-ComplianceSecurityFilter" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-ComplianceSecurityFilter" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add-eDiscoveryCaseAdmin" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CREATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.user.email_addresses target.user.userid |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-eDiscoveryCaseAdmin" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_DELETION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.user.email_addresses target.user.userid |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Nueva política de retención de casos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-CaseHoldPolicy” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATIONtarget.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Obtener AadProtectionLevel
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-AadProtectionLevel" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-AutoSensitivityLabelPolicy” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-DlpSensitiveInformationType” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Obtener etiqueta
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-Label” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Obtener políticas de etiquetas
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-LabelPolicy” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-PolicyConfig" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ValidaterbacAccessCheck" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | security_result.description |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ApplyAdaptiveScopeChange” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
If Name is AssociatedAdaptiveScopeIds then Value is target.resource.product_object_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “NewComplianceTag” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is LabelName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "NewRetentionComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is PolicyName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad or LabelName then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "NewRetentionCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is PolicyName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad or LabelName then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemoveComplianceTag" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/valueIf Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is LabelName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemoveRetentionCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is PolicyName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad or LabelName then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SetComplianceTag" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is LabelName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SetRetentionComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING Required fields for SETTING_MODIFICATION UDM validation : principal.machineid (IP or hostname or assetId or mac etc). ClientIP field is mandatory field for all the office 365 activities as per official doc of Office 365, but in some cases ClientIP field is absent If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is PolicyName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad or LabelName then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SetRetentionCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATIONtarget.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is PolicyName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad or LabelName then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-CsTeamsUpgradeOverridePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SkypeForBusiness":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
Parameters | security_result.description
If Name is Tenant then Value is mapped to tenate_value If Name is Identity then Vale is mapped to identity_value security_result.description is Tenant = {tenate_value} / Identity = {identity_value} |
SkypeForBusinessEventType | about.labels.key/value |
TenantName | target.resource.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TeamsAdminAction" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
If ResultStatus is Succeeded then Action is set to ALLOW If ResultStatus is Failed then Action is set to BLOCK |
AdminActionDetail | security_result.summary |
ClientApplication | network.http.user_agent |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
UserClaims | security_result.description |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Update-DistributionGroupMember" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True then Action is set to ALLOW else Action is set to BLOCK |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.description or If Name is Members then Value is mapped to security_result.description If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or else |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SupervisoryReviewOLAudit" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_TRANSACTION
extract auditscore form ResultStatus using ResultStatus .*?Score:{auditScore} and map with security_result.confidenece_details is {auditScore} security_result.confidence will map based on auditScore |
LogonType | extensions.auth.mechanism |
InternalLogonType | about.labels.key/value |
MailboxGuid | target.labels.key/value |
MailboxOwnerUPN | target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
MailboxOwnerSid | target.user.windows_sid |
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid | target.labels.key/value |
LogonUserSid | principal.user.windows_sid |
LogonUserDisplayName | principal.user.user_display_name |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientInfoString | network.http.user_agent |
ClientIPAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
ClientMachineName | principal.hostname |
ClientProcessName | principal.process.file.full_path |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
ExchangeDetails | network.direection If Directionality is Incoming then network.direction is mapped to INBOUND If Directionality is Outgoining then network.direction is mapped to OUTBOUND From is mapped to InternetMessageId is mapped to Recipients is mapped to Subject is mapped to |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CrmDefaultActivity" y la carga de trabajo "CRM":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ | |
CrmOrganizationUniqueName | |
InstanceUrl | target.url |
ItemUrl | principal.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
Fields | about.labels.key/value |
EntityId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityName | principal.labels.key/value |
Message | security_result.summary |
Query | security_result.description |
PrimaryFieldValue | about.labels.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
QueryResults | about.labels.key/value |
ServiceContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ServiceContextIdType | about.labels.key/value |
ServiceName | principal.application |
SystemUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TIMailData" y la carga de trabajo "ThreatIntelligence":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to EMAIL_TRANSACTION
ObjectId is set to metadata.product_log_id |
AttachmentData | about.file.full_path
about.file.mime_type about.file.sha256 security_result.category_details AttachmentData.FileName is mapped to about.file.full_path AttachmentData.FileType is mapped to about.file.mime_type AttachmentData.SHA256 is mapped to about.file.sha256 AttachmentData.FileVerdict is 0 then AttachmentData.MalwareFamily is mapped to security_result.category_details |
DetectionType | security_result.summary |
DetectionMethod | security_result.description |
InternetMessageId | about.labels.key/value |
NetworkMessageId | about.labels.key/value |
P1Sender | principal.user.email_addresses |
P2Sender | |
Policy | security_result.rule_name |
PolicyAction | security_result.action
PolicyAction is Quarantine then action is set to QUARANTINE PolicyAction is MoveToJmf then action is set to ALLOW_WITH_MODIFICATION |
Recipients | |
SenderIp | src.ip |
Subject | |
Verdict | security_result.category |
MessageTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventDeepLink | metadata.url_back_to_product |
DeliveryAction | about.labels.key/value |
OriginalDeliveryLocation | about.labels.key/value |
LatestDeliveryLocation | about.labels.key/value |
Directionality | network.direction |
ThreatsAndDetectionTech | about.labels.key/value |
AdditionalActionsAndResults | about.labels.key/value |
Connectors | about.labels.key/value |
AuthDetails | about.labels.key/value |
PhishConfidenceLevel | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchMtpStatus" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemovedFromSiteCollection" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
TargetUserOrGroupType |
target.user.userid target.user.email_addresses |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CommentsDisabled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SourceRelativeUrl | if ObjectId field is not present in log then
target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileName | if ObjectId field is not present in log then
target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileRecycled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
UserSharedWith | target.labels.key/value |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CommentsEnabled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileName | if ObjectId field is not present in log then
target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | if ObjectId field is not present in log then
target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FolderRecycled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_DELETION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
UserSharedWith | target.labels.key/value |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileTransitionRequested" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
UserSharedWith | target.labels.key/value |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "WACTokenShared" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint/OneDrive":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
UserSharedWith | target.labels.key/value |
SharingType | target.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
Actualizar etiqueta
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Actualizar etiqueta” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteLocksChanged" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteIBModeSet" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_UNCATEGORIZED
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is mapped to target.url If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteDesigninvoked" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
EventData | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SiteDesignId is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteContentTypeCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteCollectionQuotaModified" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ShortcutAdded" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATIONObjectId is mapped to target.url | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SPOIBIsEnabled" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "WebAccessRequestApprovedrModified" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value
if Name is RequestAccessEmail then NewValue is mapped to target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid else target.labels.key/value |
Configurar TransportConfig
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-TransportConfig" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
Parameters | principal.user.email_addresses
principal.user.userid If Name is Identity then Valueis mapped toprincipal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Set-TenantObjectVersion” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value
If Name is DomainController then Value is mapped to target.administrative_domain else target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-PolicyConfig" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
target.resource.resource_type is set to ACCESS_POLICY |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Configurar OwaMailboxPolicy
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-OwaMailboxPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-MailboxPlan" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-LabelProperties" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Set-Label” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-ExchangeAssistanceConfig" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.url
target.labels.key/value If Name is PrivacyStatementURL then Value is mapped to target.url else target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-ConditionalAccessPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters |
target.labels.key/value If Name is DisplayName then Value is mapped to else target.labels.key/value |
SessionID | network.session_id |
Nueva política de acceso condicional
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-ConditionAccessPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters |
target.labels.key/value If Name is DisplayName then Value is mapped to else target.labels.key/value |
SessionID | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemovedSearchReport" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-PrivacyManagementPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-RetainCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchTrialOffer" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchTIKustoClusterInformation" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchMtpRoleInfo" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchMailflowForwardingData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchDataInsightsSubscription" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchCustomerInsight" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchConnectorReportData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchAlertAggregate" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchAlert" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Enable-AddressListPaging" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Install-AdminAuditLogConfig" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “AccessedAggregates” y la carga de trabajo “Mip”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
DataType | security_result.description |
version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AccessedSiteList" y la carga de trabajo "Mip":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
DataType | security_result.description |
version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Install-DataClassificationConfig" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
Configurar grupounificado
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-UnifiedGroup" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. if ResultStatus is TRUE then security_result.action is set to ALLOW else security_result.action is set to BLOCK |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | network.application_protocol
target.user.email_addresses If Name is EmailAddresses then extract value of Value, then emails and mail_key from that Value field, email_addresses with target.user.email_addresses, mail_key with If Name is ExternalEmailAddress then extract value of Value field, then extract protocol and emails from it, map protocol with network.application_protocol and emails with Protocol is mapped to network.application_protocol EmailAddresses is mapped to target.user.email_addresses ExternalEmailAddress is mapped to |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ApplyAdaptivePolicyChange" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | security_result.detection_fields.key/value.
target.resource.product_object_id if Name is CorrelationId then Name is mapped to security_result.detection_fields.key/value. if Name is AssociatedAdaptivePolicyIds then AssociatedAdaptivePolicyIds is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-AppRetainComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.resource.product_object_id Extract Policy using grok grok { match is mapped to { Parameters .*-Policy \{:target_resource_product_object_id}\ } } |
Nueva regla de cumplimiento de la aplicación para la retención
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-AppRetainComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line target.resource.product_object_id Extract Policy and Name using grok Name is mapped to Policy is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
Nueva política de cumplimiento de la aplicación
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-AppRetainCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters |
target.process.command_line Extract Name using grok Name is mapped to |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-AppRetentionCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Install-DefaultSharingPolicy" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Install-ResourceConfig” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
Buzón nuevo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-Mailbox” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZEDObjectId is mapped to target.url | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add-MailboxFolderPermission" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters |
target.user.user_display_name target.labels.key/value If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to If Name is User then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is AccessRights then Value is mapped to else target.labels.key/value |
Nueva etiqueta de política
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-LabelPolicy” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to ACCESS_POLICY |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters |
target.process.command_line Extract Name using grok Name is mapped to |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Etiqueta nueva
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-Label” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Obtener alertas de actividad
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-ActivityAlert" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Obtener alerta de protección
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-ProtectionAlert" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchComplianceCase" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-ComplianceTag" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-AppRetainCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
target.resource_resource_type is set to ACCESS_POLICY |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-RetainCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
target.resource_resource_type is set to ACCESS_POLICY |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Etiqueta de cumplimiento nueva
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-ComplianceTag” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters |
target.process.command_line Extract Name using grok Name is mapped to |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Enable-ComplianceTagStorage” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-ComplianceRetainEventType” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AggregateActivityData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
Configurar ComplianceTag
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-ComplianceTag" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-FilePlanPropertyStructure" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Nuevo tipo de evento de retención de cumplimiento
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para las operaciones "New-ComplianceEventType" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is mapped to ACCESS_POLICY |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line target_resource_name is mapped to |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-DlpsensitiveInformationTypeRulePackage" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-ComplianceRetentionEvent" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ComplianceSecurityFilter" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Obtener mensaje en cuarentena
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-QuarantineMessage" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AggregateThreatProfileDetails" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-DlpDetectionsReport" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-AppRetentionCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Agregar RoleGroupMember
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add-RoleGroupMember" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True { Action is set to ALLOW } else { Action is set to BLOCK } |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | or
target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Member then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or else |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Update-RoleGroupMember" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True { Action is set to ALLOW } else { Action is set to BLOCK } |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
Parameters | or
target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Member then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or else |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-RoleGroup” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True { Action is set to ALLOW } else { Action is set to BLOCK } |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
Parameters | or
target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Member then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or else |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Carpeta Provision-ComplianceMailboxFolder
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Provision-ComplianceMailboxFolder” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Parameters | target.resource.product_object_id
target.labels.key/value need to discuss mapping of MultiStageReviewFolderSetting in parameter fields If Name is FolderName then Value is mapped to target.resource_product_object_id else target.labels.key/value |
Quitar buzón
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Quitar buzón" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Parameters |
target.labels.key/value If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to else target.labels.key/value |
Nueva política de cuarentena
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-QuarantinePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
ClientVersion | metadata.product_version |
version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Parameters |
target.labels.key/value If Name is Name then Value is mapped to All other parameters will map with target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-RoleGroup” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True { Action is set to ALLOW } else { Action is set to BLOCK } |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | or
target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Member then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or else |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchLabelAnalyticsActivityData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-DlpCompliancePolicy” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to ACCESS_POLICY |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchSecurityRedirection" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-ComplianceCaseMember" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “HoldViewed” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.category_details |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is HoldId then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-eDiscoveryCaseAdmin" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-RoleGroupMember” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Obtener rol de administración
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-ManagementRole” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Set-RoleGroup” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters |
target.process.command_line Extract DisplayName using grok Name is mapped |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ResultCountSecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-SecurityPrincipal" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Regla de obtención de caso en espera
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-CaseHoldRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.resource.product_object_id Extract Policy using grok grok { match is mapped to { Parameters .*-Policy \{target_resource_product_object_id}\ } } |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ViewedSearchReport" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Case | metadata.description |
ExchangeLocations | security_result.summary |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
about.labels.key/value If Name is CaseId then ID is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is SearchIds then ID is mapped to about.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
PublicFolderLocations | security_result.category_details |
Query | security_result.description |
SharepointLocations | security_result.category_details |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-AdaptiveScope” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
target.resource.resource_type is set to ACCESS_POLICY |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Nueva política de cumplimiento de la retención
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-RetainCompliancePolicy” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to ACCESS_POLICY |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters |
target.process.command_line Extract Name using grok Name is mapped to |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Nueva regla de cumplimiento de la retención
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-RetainComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.resource.product_object_id Extract Policy using grok grok { match is mapped to { Parameters .*-Policy \{target_resource_product_object_id}\ } } |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-ComplianceTag” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-RetainComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Obtener la IU de cumplimiento regulatorio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-RegulatoryComplianceUI" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-RetentionComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.resource.product_object_id Extract Policy using grok grok { match is mapped to { Parameters .*-Policy \{target_resource_product_object_id}\ } } |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
Nuevo alcance adaptable
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-AdaptiveScope” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters |
target.process.command_line Extract Name using grok Name is mapped to |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Enable-AdaptiveScopeStorage” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchCustomTag" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
Configurar la IU de cumplimiento regulatorio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-RegulatoryComplianceUI" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "RemoveRetainComplianceRule" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable.
If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} The name and value for the parameters that were used with the corresponding cmdlet. |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is PolicyName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad or LabelName then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “NewAdaptiveScope” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Parameters | principal.process.command_line
The name and value for the parameters that were used with the corresponding cmdlet. If Name is CmdletOptions then store value of Value in process_args variable. If Name is Cmdlet then store value of Value in process_value variable. then map principal.process.command_line is {process_value} {process_args} |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ObjectType | security_result.summary |
ExtendedProperties | target.user.user_display_name security_result.description target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is CreatedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.user_display_name If Name is PolicyName then Value is mapped to If Name is Description then Value is security_result.description If Name is RetentionAction or WorkLoad or LabelName then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "commentCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {SourceRelativeUrl}/{SourceFileName} |
CommentId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "DeviceAccessPolicyChanged" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value. |
ModifiedProperties | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “HeartBeat” y la carga de trabajo “Aip”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
Common | target.resource.product_object_id target.process.command_line target.hostname metadata.product_version ApplicationId is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id ApplicationName is mapped to ProcessName is mapped to target.process.command_line DeviceName is mapped to target.hostname ProductVersion is mapped to metadata.product_version |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “MessageCreation” y la carga de trabajo “Yammer”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
MessageID | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ThreadViewed" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
if ResultStatus is SUCCEEDED then action is set to ALLOW else action is set to BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ThreadID | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamEditAdminGlobalRoleMembers" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION
if ResultStatus is SUCCEEDED then action is set to ALLOW else action is set to BLOCK |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeGetTextTrack" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeChannelView" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreaminvokeVideoMakePublic" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Stream utilizóGroupView" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Set-CsOnlineDirectoryTenant” y la carga de trabajo “SkypeForBusiness”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
SkypeForBusinessEventType | about.labels.key/value |
TenantName | target.resource.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Set-CsHostedBuzón de voz
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-CsHostedBudde voz" y la carga de trabajo "SkypeForBusiness":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
Parameters | target.administrative_domain
target.url target.labels.key/value If Name is Organization then Value is mapped to target.administrative_domain If Name is Destination then Value is mapped to target.url else target.labels.key/value |
SkypeForBusinessEventType | about.labels.key/value |
TenantName | target.resource.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-CSSimpleUrlConfiguration" y la carga de trabajo "SkypeForBusiness":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
Parameters | target.administrative_domain
target.labels.key/value If Name is Organization then Value is mapped to target.administrative_domain else target.labels.key/value |
SkypeForBusinessEventType | about.labels.key/value |
TenantName | target.resource.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Configuración de intercambio nuevo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-ExchangeAssistanceConfig" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
Nueva aplicación
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-App” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PublishToWebReport" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DatasetId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ReportId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ReportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
DistributionMethod | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UpdateGateway" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
GatewayId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ShareDataset" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ArtifactId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ArtifactName | |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
SharingAction | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "GetRefreshablesAsAdmin" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateTagJob" y la carga de trabajo "Compliance":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
CaseID | target.resource.product_object_id |
CaseName | |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
Agregar otorgamiento de permiso delegado
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Add delegated permission grant
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
Version | metadata.product_version
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
if else
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id
If |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Agregar asignación de rol de la app a la principal del servicio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar asignación de rol de la app a la principal de servicio” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id security_result.summary If Name is ServicePrincipal.ObjectId then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is ServicePrincipal.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Actualizar a la aplicación
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Actualizar a aplicación” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Actualización de la aplicación: administración de certificados y secretos
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Update application – Certificates and secrets management
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
if |
Version | metadata.product_version
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
if else
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
If |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Agregar propietario a la aplicación
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar propietario a la aplicación” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id security_result.summaryIf Name is Application.ObjectId then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is Application.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.labels.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Agregar a la aplicación
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar a la aplicación” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties |
security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Agregar configuración del dispositivo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar configuración del dispositivo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties |
security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Agregar dominio sin verificar
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar dominio sin verificar” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties |
security_result.summary If Name is Name then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Agregar política
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar política” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties |
security_result.summary If Name is DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "CreateResponse" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftForms":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
FormsUserTypes | principal.labels.key/value |
SourceApp | principal.application |
FormName | |
FormId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "EditForm" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftForms":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
FormsUserTypes | principal.labels.key/value |
SourceApp | principal.application |
FormName | |
FormId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SubmitResponse" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftForms":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
FormsUserTypes | principal.labels.key/value |
SourceApp | principal.application |
FormName | |
FormId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ViewResponses" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftForms":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
FormsUserTypes | principal.labels.key/value |
SourceApp | principal.application |
FormName | |
FormId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ViewRuntimeForm" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftForms":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
FormsUserTypes | principal.labels.key/value |
SourceApp | principal.application |
FormName | |
FormId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “DeleteFlow” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftForms”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION | |
FormsUserTypes | target.labels.key/value |
SourceApp | principal.application |
FormName | |
FormId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListViewed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ItemCount | target.labels.key/value |
ListColor | target.labels.key/value |
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value |
TemplateTypeId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListColumnUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListContentTypeUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListItemDeleted" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListColor | target.labels.key/value |
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
TemplateTypeId | about.labels.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application |
ItemCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListItemCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListColor | target.labels.key/value |
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
TemplateTypeId | about.labels.key/value |
ItemCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListColumnCreated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListColor | target.labels.key/value |
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
TemplateTypeId | about.labels.key/value |
ItemCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SiteContentTypeUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListItemViewed" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
ItemCount | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListColor | target.labels.key/value |
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ListItemUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "SharePoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
ObjectId is mapped to target.url |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
SourceName | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
MachineDomainInfo | target.asset.attribute.labels.key/value |
MachineId | target.asset.product_object_id |
Version | medata.product_version |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
target.file.size | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListColor | target.labels.key/value |
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “FileRenamed” y la carga de trabajo “Endpoint”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MOVE | |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
PreviousFileName | src.file.full_path |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetFilePath | target.file.full_path |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UpdatePowerApp” y la carga de trabajo “PowerApps”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
Id | metadata.product_log_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SubscribedToMessages" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageCreatedNotification" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageVersion | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageUpdatedNotification" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageVersion | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageCreatedHasLink" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
MessageVersion | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “MessagesListed” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
ChannelGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers and |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "PerformedCardAction" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
AddOnGuid | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnName | target.labels.key/value |
AddOnType | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.resource.product_object_id |
ChannelName | |
ChannelType | target.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers and |
TeamName | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageEditedHasLink" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
MessageURLs | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SubscriptionId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
MessageVersion | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MeetingParticipantDetail" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
Attendees | about.resource.product_object_id
about.user.product_object_id OrganizationId is mapped to about.resource.product_object_id Role is mapped to UserObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
JoinTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
LeaveTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
MeetingDetailId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “MeetingDetail” y la carga de trabajo “MicrosoftTeams”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
EndTime | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
MeetingURL | target.url |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
Modalities | security_result.summary |
Organizer | principal.user.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
ExtraProperties | additional.fields.key/value.string_value |
MessageVersion | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AggregateTransportQueueData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AuthorizeCustomerInsight" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AuthorizeConnectorReportData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchAlertOverride" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AuthorizeMailflowDataflowData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchDomainTrafficStatus" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchAlertActivity" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AggregateMailmetadata" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “InsightGenerated” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Category | security_result.category_details |
Description | security_result.description |
InsightId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Name | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “UserSubmission” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED
security_result.category is MAIL_SPAM |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
KesMailId | |
ExtendedProperties | security_result.rule_name
security_result.rule_id security_result.category_details SubmissionSource is mapped to security_result.rule_name SubmissionId is mapped to security_result.rule_id SubmissionCategory is mapped to security_result.category_details |
P1SenderDomain | principal.administrative_domain |
Recipients | |
SenderIP | principal.ip |
Subject | |
P2Sender | |
SubmissionState | security_result.summary |
P1Sender | principal.user.email_addresses |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “SaveRoleGroupMember” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AggregateCampaignIntelligenceData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchEmailTimelineEvents" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchAlertStory" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "AggregateThreatDetailsBulk" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
Obtener usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Get-User" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.resource.product_object_id |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Get-DlpComplianceRule” y la carga de trabajo “SecurityComplianceCenter”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.resource.product_object_id |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “AnalyzedByExternalApplication” y la carga de trabajo “Power BI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “New-MigrationBatch” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters |
target.administrative_domain target.resource.attribute.key/value If Name is Name then Value is mapped to if Name is TargetDeliveryDomain then Value is mapped to target.administrative_domain If Name is AutoStart then Value is mapped to target.resource.attribute.key/value If Name is AutoComplete then Value is mapped to target.resource.attribute.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "UserSubmissionTriage" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED
security_result.category is set to MAIL_SPAM |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | about.labels.key/value |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | security_result.rule_name
security_result.rule_id security_result.category_details SubmissionSource is mapped to security_result.rule_name SubmissionId is mapped to security_result.rule_id SubmissionCategory is mapped to security_result.category_details |
GradingResult | security_result.category_details |
KesMailId | |
P1Sender | principal.user.email_addresses |
P1SenderDomain | principal.administrative_domain |
P2Sender | |
Recipients | |
SenderIP | principal.ip |
Subject | |
SubmissionState | security_result.summary |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “FileArchive” y la carga de trabajo “Endpoint”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Application | target.application |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetFilePath | target.file.full_path |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileCreatedOnNetworkShare" y el "Extremo" de la carga de trabajo:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_CREATION | |
Application | target.application |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetFilePath | target.file.full_path |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileCreatedOnRemovableMedia" y el "Endpoint" de la carga de trabajo:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_CREATION | |
Application | target.application |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetFilePath | target.file.full_path |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SlimFilePrinted" y el "Endpoint" de la carga de trabajo:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
target.asset.type is PRINTER |
Application | target.application |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TargetPrinterName | target.asset.hostname |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FilePrinted" y la carga de trabajo "Endpoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
target.asset.type is PRINTER |
Application | target.application |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetPrinterName | target.asset.hostname |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Application | target.application |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
PreviousFileName | src.file.full_path |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetFilePath | target.file.full_path |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “ArchiveCreated” y la carga de trabajo “Endpoint”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Application | target.application |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetFilePath | target.file.full_path |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "FileDownloadFromBrowser" y la carga de trabajo "Endpoint":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT | |
Application | target.application |
DestinationLocationType | target.labels.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetFilePath | target.file.full_path |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Crear una contraseña de aplicación para el usuario
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Crear contraseña de aplicación para el usuario” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
security_result.detection_fields.key/value If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "SearchNdrDetailData" y la carga de trabajo "SecurityComplianceCenter":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT | |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
ClientRequestId | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Parameters | target.process.command_line
target.resource.product_object_id |
ClientApplication | principal.application |
Version | metadata.product_version |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
DatabaseType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataType | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageUpdated" y la carga de trabajo "Yammer":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT
If ResultStatus is TRUE then action is ALLOW else action is BLOCK |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Access” y la carga de trabajo “Aip”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
ObjectId is set to target.file.full_path |
Common | target.resource.product_object_id target.process.command_line target.hostname metadata.product_version ApplicationId is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id ApplicationName is mapped to ProcessName is mapped to target.process.command_line DeviceName is mapped to target.hostname ProductVersion is mapped to metadata.product_version |
DataState | security_result.summary |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Discover” y la carga de trabajo “Aip”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS
ObjectId is set to target.file.full_path |
Common | target.resource.product_object_id target.process.command_line target.hostname metadata.product_version ApplicationId is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id ApplicationName is mapped to ProcessName is mapped to target.process.command_line DeviceName is mapped to target.hostname ProductVersion is mapped to metadata.product_version |
DataState | security_result.summary |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "TIUrlClickData" y la carga de trabajo "ThreatIntelligence":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.application |
AppVersion | metadata.product_version |
EventDeepLink | metadata.url_back_to_product |
SourceId | AppName is Mail then SourceId is mapped to |
Url | target.url |
UserIp | principal.ip |
Version | metadata.product_version |
El dispositivo ya no está administrado
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “El dispositivo ya no administra” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to DEVICE |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.asset.product_object_id
target.platform If Name is TargetId.DeviceId then NewValue is mapped to target.asset.product_object_id If Name is TargetId.DeviceOSType then NewValue is mapped to target.platform |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “AirInvestigationData” y la carga de trabajo “AirInvestigation”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
LastUpdateTimeUtc | target.resource.attribute.last_update_time |
Status | security_result.summary |
InvestigationId | target.resource.product_object_id |
InvestigationType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Data | security_result.description
security_result.category_details network.direction principal.ip principal.administrative_domain principal.user.email_addresses Data.Description is mapped to security_result.description Data.Category is mapped to security_result.category_details Data.Entities.1.Recipient is mapped to Data.Entities.1.Sender is mapped to Data.Entities.1.InternetMessageId is mapped to Data.Entities.1.Subject is mapped to Data.Entities.1.AntispamDirection is mapped to network.direction Data.Entities.1.SenderIP is mapped to principal.ip Data.Entities.1.P1SenderDomain is mapped to principal.administrative_domain Data.Entities.1.P1Sender is mapped to principal.user.email_addresses |
InvestigationName | |
StartTimeUtc | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
Version | metadata.product_versionn |
DeepLinkUrl | metadata.url_back_to_product |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
Parameters | target.user.email_addresses
If Name is BlockedSendersAndDomains then Value is mapped to target.user.email_addresses (all email addresses comes as ; separated) |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Nuevo grupo de distribución
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-DistributionGroup" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_CREATION
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True then Action is set to ALLOW else Action is set to BLOCK |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | or
target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name security_result.description If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or If Name is ManagedBy then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Member then Value is mapped to security_result.description else |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Add-DistributionGroupMember" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION
ObjectId is set to security_result.summary is set to Group Members definition If ResultStatus is True then Action is set to ALLOW else Action is set to BLOCK |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | or
target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to or If Name is Member then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid else |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-InboxRule" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_DELETION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING ObjectId is set to |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | security_result.rule_labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
Habilitar buzón
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Enable-Mailbox” y la carga de trabajo “Exchange”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid if Name is Archive then Value is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Importación” y la carga de trabajo “PowerBI”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | target.user.email_addresses We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value. recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | about.user.email_addresses
about.user.user_display_name about.user.product_object_id RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
WorkSpaceName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
ImportSource | about.labels.key/value |
ImportType | target.file.mime_type |
ImportDisplayName | target.file.full_path |
El dispositivo ya no es compatible
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “El dispositivo ya no cumple” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
target.resource.resource_type is set to DEVICE |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.platform
target.resource.product_object_id If Name is TargetId.DeviceId then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is TargetId.DeviceOSType then NewValue is mapped to target.platform |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Habilitar cuenta
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Enable account
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
if else
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
If |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If else
version | metadata.product_version
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value
Agrega credenciales de la principal del servicio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar credenciales de la cuenta de servicio principal” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Configurar usuario de sincronización
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Set-SyncUser" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name
If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
SessionId | network.session_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "MessageSent" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftTeams":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE
If ClientIP field is absent then metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT. |
MessageSizeInBytes | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
OperationScope | about.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | target.user.group_identifiers |
TeamName | |
AADGroupId | target.labels.key/value |
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Version | metadata.product_version |
MessageVersion | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Quita las credenciales de la principal del servicio
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Quitar las credenciales de la principal del servicio” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | security_result.summary
target.labels.key/value If Name is Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped to security_result.summary else target.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Remove-MoveRequest" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.user_display_name
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid If Name is ExecutingIdentity then Value is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "StreamInvokeGetTranscribe" y la carga de trabajo "MicrosoftStream":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_COMMUNICATION | |
ClientApplicationId | principal.labels.key/value |
EntityPath | metadata.url.back_to_product |
OperationDetails | metadata.description |
ResourceTitle | |
ResourceUrl | target.url |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Quitar propietario del grupo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Quitar propietario del grupo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | Name is Group.ObjectID then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Group.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
Agregar la asignación de la función de la app al grupo
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar función de la app al grupo” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | network.http.user_agent
target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value about.labels.key/value If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | target.resource.product_object_id If Name is AppRole.Id then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id If Name is AppRole.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to If Name is Group.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "Disable-MailUser" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED
ResultStatus is True Action is set to BLOCK |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | If Name is Identity then Value is mapped to target.user.product_object_id or target.user.email_addresses or target.user.userid |
Solicitud de transferencia de carpeta nueva
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "New-FolderMoveRequest" y la carga de trabajo "Exchange":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
ClientAppId | target.labels.key/value |
OrganizationName | target.administrative_domain |
OriginatingServer | principal.hostname |
Parameters | If Name is Name then Value is mapped to
If Name is DomainController then Value is mapped to target.administrative_domain If Name is Folders then Value is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Agregar propietario a la política
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “Agregar propietario a la política” y la carga de trabajo “AzureActiveDirectory”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS | |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | If Name is additionalDetails then extract User-Agent is mapped to network.http.user_agent
if Name is extendedAuditEventCategory then target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value else about.labels.key/value |
ModifiedProperties | If Name is Policy.ObjectID then NewValue is mapped to target.resource.product_object_id
If Name is Policy.DisplayName then NewValue is mapped to |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
ActorIpAddress | principal.ip and principal.port |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
Target | target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses
If Type is 5 then ID is mapped to target.user.userid or target.user.email_addresses else security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
version | metadata.product_version |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "EditContentProviderProperties" y la carga de trabajo "PowerBI":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SETTING_MODIFICATION
target.resource.resource_type is set to SETTING |
AppName | target.labels.key/value |
DashboardName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
DataClassification | target.labels.key/value |
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
OrgAppPermission | We map this field based on value of UpdateApp Operation value.
recipients is mapped to target.user.email_addresses permissions is mapped to |
ReportName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
SharingInformation | RecipientEmail is mapped to about.user.email_addresses
RecipientName is mapped to about.user.user_display_name ObjectId is set to about.user.product_object_id ResharePermission is mapped to |
WorkSpaceName | |
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
SwitchState | about.labels.key/value |
ContentProviderCertificationStage | security_result.summary |
AppId | target.labels.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación "ReportingAccessed" y la carga de trabajo "Project":
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS | |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Entity | metadata.product_name |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Action | security_result.description |
OnBehalfOfResId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación “GroupAccessFailure” y la carga de trabajo “Yammer”:
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED | |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses
principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
DataExportType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
FileId | target.resource.product_object_id |
FileName | target.file.full_path |
GroupName | |
IsSoftDelete | security_result.description is set to IsSoftDelete - {IsSoftDelete} |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetUserId | target.user.email_addresses |
TargetYammerUserId | target.labels.key/value |
VersionId | about.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación FileSensitivityLabelChanged
y la carga de trabajo SharePoint/OneDrive
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED
AppAccessContext.CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
DestinationFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
DestinationFileName | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is set to {DestinationRelativeUrl}/{DestinationFileName} |
DestinationLabel | target.labels |
EventSource | principal.application |
HighPriorityMediaProcessing | about.labels |
IsManagedDevice | about.labels |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ListServerTemplate | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelEventData.ActionSource | principal.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelEventData.LabelEventType | target.labels.key/value |
SensitivityLabelEventData.OldSensitivityLabelId | target.resource.product_object_id |
SensitivityLabelEventData.OldSensitivityLabelOwnerEmail | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelEventData.SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | src.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | src.file.full_path = %{SourceRelativeUrl}/%{SourceFileName} |
SourceRelativeUrl | src.file.full_path = %{SourceRelativeUrl}/%{SourceFileName} |
SourceLabel | src.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
UserKey | target.labels |
Version | metadata.product_version |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación FileRead
y la carga de trabajo Endpoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_READ
Application | principal.application |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
DlpAuditEventMetadata.DlpPolicyMatchId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
DlpAuditEventMetadata.EvaluationTime | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EnforcementMode | target.labels |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileSize | target.file.size |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Hidden | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
JitTriggered | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
MDATPDeviceId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
PolicyMatchInfo | target.resource.product_object_id
RMSEncrypted | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitiveInfoTypeData | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
SensitivityLabelEventData.SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Sha1 | target.file.sha1 |
Sha256 | target.file.sha256 |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación MessageReadReceiptReceived
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTeams
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers
CommunicationType | about.labels.key/value |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id |
MessageVersion | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
MessageVisibilityTime | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ParticipantInfo.HasForeignTenantUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ParticipantInfo.HasGuestUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ParticipantInfo.HasOtherGuestUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ParticipantInfo.HasUnauthenticatedUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ParticipantInfo.ParticipatingTenantIds | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Search
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
DataType | security_result.description |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación TaskDeleted
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTodo
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_DELETION
ActorAppId | target.labels.key/value |
ItemId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TargetActorId | target.labels.key/value |
TargetActorTenantId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación TaskUpdated
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTodo
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_WRITTEN
ActorAppId | target.labels.key/value |
ItemId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TargetActorId | target.labels.key/value |
TargetActorTenantId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación TaskCreation
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTodo
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_CREATION
ActorAppId | target.labels.key/value |
ItemId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TargetActorId | target.labels.key/value |
TargetActorTenantId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación SecurityGroupModified
y la carga de trabajo Project
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GROUP_MODIFICATION |
CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Entity | metadata.product_name |
EventSource | principal.application |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
UserKey | target.labels |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AppAccessContext.UniqueTokenId | target.labels |
AppAccessContext.CorrelationId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación LaunchPowerApp
y la carga de trabajo PowerApps
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT |
AppName | target.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación DeleteDatasetRows
y la carga de trabajo PowerBI
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION .
else |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent
WorkSpaceName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
DatasetName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
WorkspaceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
DatasetId | target.resource.product_object_id
DataConnectivityMode | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ArtifactId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
RequestId | about.labels.key/value
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value
TableName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
LastRefreshTime | about.labels.key/value
ArtifactKind | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
Nueva política de cumplimiento de Dlp
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación New-DlpCompliancePolicy
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION .
ClientApplication | principal.labels.key/value
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id
Parameters | target.process.command_line
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time
UserKey | target.labels
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
Nueva regla de cumplimiento Dlp
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación New-DlpComplianceRule
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION .
ClientApplication | principal.labels.key/value
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id
Parameters | target.process.command_line
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time
UserKey | target.labels
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Get-InsiderRiskPolicy
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION .
ClientApplication | principal.labels.key/value
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id
Parameters | target.process.command_line
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time
UserKey | target.labels
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value
Version | metadata.product_version
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Set-HostedContentFilterPolicy
y la carga de trabajo Exchange
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION .
else |
ExternalAccess | about.labels.key/value
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id
Version | metadata.product_version
Parameters | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
UserKey | target.labels.key/value
Habilita la autenticación segura.
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Enable Strong Authentication.
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS .
ExtendedProperties | If Name is equal to additionalDetails then User-Agent is mapped with network.http.user_agent
else if else |
ModifiedProperties | If Name is equal to Included Updated Properties then NewValue is mapped with security_result.summary
else |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ReactedToMessage
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTeams
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT .
AppAccessContext.IssuedAtTime | target.labels.key/value
AppAccessContext.UniqueTokenId | target.labels.key/value
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers
ChatThreadId |
MessageReactionType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
ChatName |
MessageId | target.resource.product_object_id
ParticipantInfo.HasForeignTenantUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ParticipantInfo.HasGuestUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ParticipantInfo.HasOtherGuestUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ParticipantInfo.HasUnauthenticatedUsers | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
ParticipantInfo.ParticipatingTenantIds | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación RemovableMediaUnmount
y la carga de trabajo Endpoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED .
MDATPDeviceId | target.asset.asset_id
Platform | target.labels.key/value
Scope | target.labels.key/value
RemovableMediaDeviceAttributes.Manufacturer | target.asset.hardware.manufacturer
RemovableMediaDeviceAttributes.Model | target.asset.hardware.model
RemovableMediaDeviceAttributes.SerialNumber | target.asset.hardware.serial_number
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación FileUploadedToCloud
y la carga de trabajo Endpoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_SYNC .
DlpAuditEventMetadata.DlpPolicyMatchId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
DlpAuditEventMetadata.EvaluationTime | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
EnforcementMode | target.labels.key/value
EvidenceFile.FullUrl | target.file.full_path
EvidenceFile.StorageName | target.file.names
Hidden | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
JitTriggered | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
MDATPDeviceId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
SensitiveInfoTypeData.Count | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
SensitiveInfoTypeData.Confidence | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
SensitiveInfoTypeData.SensitiveInfoTypeName | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
TargetPrinterName | target.asset.hostname
target.asset.type is set to PRINTER | |
TargetDomain | target.labels.key/value
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación GenerateDataflowSasToken
y la carga de trabajo PowerBI
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS .
DataflowAccessTokenRequestParameters.entityName | principal.labels.key/value
DataflowAccessTokenRequestParameters.partitionUri | principal.labels.key/value
DataflowAccessTokenRequestParameters.permissions | principal.labels.key/value
DataflowAccessTokenRequestParameters.tokenLifetimeInMinutes | principal.labels.key/value
DataflowId | target.resource.product_object_id
DataflowName |
IsSuccess |
else |
ItemName | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación GenerateScreenshot
y la carga de trabajo PowerBI
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION .
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación MDCAssessments
y la carga de trabajo CompliancePostureManagement
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED .
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.ArnEventId | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.CloudProvider | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.CustomerResourceId | about.resource.product_object_id
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.EventType | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.PolicyInitiativeId | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.PolicyInitiativeName | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.ResourceName |
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.ResourceType | about.resource.resource_subtype
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.SecurityAssessmentId | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.StatusChangeDate | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.StatusCode | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.StatusFirstEvaluationDate | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.SubscriptionId | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.AssessmentStatusPerInitiative.SubscriptionName | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.DataType | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación RemovableMediaMount
y la carga de trabajo Endpoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED .
MDATPDeviceId | target.asset.asset_id
Platform | target.labels.key/value
Scope | target.labels.key/value
RemovableMediaDeviceAttributes.Manufacturer | target.asset.hardware.manufacturer
RemovableMediaDeviceAttributes.Model | target.asset.hardware.model
RemovableMediaDeviceAttributes.SerialNumber | target.asset.hardware.serial_number
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación SignInEvent
y la carga de trabajo SharePoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_UNCATEGORIZED .
AuthenticationType | principal.labels.key/value
BrowserName | principal.labels.key/value
BrowserVersion | principal.labels.key/value
DeviceDisplayName | principal.labels.key/value
IsManagedDevice | principal.labels.key/value
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ApprovedRequest
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTeams
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS .
ItemName | target.labels.key/value
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación CreateForm
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftForms
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION .
FormsUserType | target.labels.key/value
SourceApp | principal.application
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ListForms
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftForms
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT .
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación MDCRegulatoryComplianceAssessments
y la carga de trabajo CompliancePostureManagement
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED .
PropertyBag.DataType | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.Policy.ArnEventId | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.Policy.Description | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.Policy.DetailsLink | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.Policy.EventTime | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.Policy.EventType | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.Policy.PolicyInitiativeId | about.labels.key/value
PropertyBag.Policy.PolicyInitiativeName | about.labels.key/value
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación PreviewForm
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftForms
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS .
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ViewedApprovalRequest
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTeams
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS .
ItemName | target.labels.key/value
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ListCreated
y la carga de trabajo SharePoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT .
AppAccessContext.UniqueTokenId | target.labels.key/value
ListColor | target.labels.key/value
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación SiteColumnCreated
y la carga de trabajo OneDrive
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT .
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ListViewUpdated
y la carga de trabajo SharePoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT .
AppAccessContext.UniqueTokenId | target.labels.key/value |
AuthenticationType | principal.labels.key/value |
BrowserName | principal.labels.key/value |
BrowserVersion | principal.labels.key/value |
CustomizedDoclib | principal.labels.key/value |
DeviceDisplayName | principal.labels.key/value |
FromApp | principal.labels.key/value |
IsManagedDevice | principal.labels.key/value |
ItemCount | target.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListBaseTemplateType | target.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListColor | target.labels.key/value |
ListIcon | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListTitle | about.labels.key/value |
ObjectId | target.url |
Platform | target.labels.key/value |
RecordType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
Source | security_result.description |
TemplateTypeId | about.labels.key/value |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación TeamsUserSignedOut
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTeams
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_LOGOUT .
extension.auth.auth_type is mapped to SSO .
ChannelGuid | target.labels.key/value |
ChannelName | target.labels.key/value |
ChatName | |
ChatThreadId | target.user.group_identifiers |
DeviceInformation | principal.labels.key/value |
ItemName | target.labels.key/value |
MessageId | target.labels.key/value |
MessageVersion | target.labels.key/value |
ObjectId | target.labels.key/value |
TeamGuid | |
TeamName | |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
UserType | target.user.attribute.roles |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación GetWorkspaces
y la carga de trabajo PowerBI
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE .
Activity | about.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | about.labels.key/value |
AggregatedWorkspaceInformation.WorkspaceCount | target.labels.key/value |
AggregatedWorkspaceInformation.WorkspacesByCapacitySku | target.labels.key/value |
AggregatedWorkspaceInformation.WorkspacesByType | target.labels.key/value |
IsSuccess | security_result.action |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ConnectFromExternalApplication
y la carga de trabajo PowerBI
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE .
Activity | about.labels.key/labels |
CustomData | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación TaskListRead
y la carga de trabajo Planner
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE .
UserKey | principal.labels.key/labels |
ObjectId | target.labels.key/labels |
TaskList | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación PutConnection
y la carga de trabajo PowerApps
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE . |
ObjectId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AdditionalInfo.actionName | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ResourceId | target.labels.key/value |
UserKey | target.label.key/value |
AdditionalInfo.environmentName | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación AdminSubmissionTablAllow
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to GENERIC_EVENT . |
SubmissionContent | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SubmissionContentType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ObjectId | target.labels.key/value |
Recipients | |
SubmissionState | security_result.summary |
SubmissionId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ExtendedProperties | principal.labels.key/value
If Else |
SubmissionConfidenceLevel | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SubmissionType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
MessageDate | about.labels.key/value |
P1SenderDomain | principal.administrative_domain |
UserKey | target.label.key/value |
P2SenderDomain | about.administrative_domain |
Subject | |
Version | metadata.product_version |
Agregar contacto.
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Add contact.
y la carga de trabajo AzureActiveDirectory
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_CREATION .
ObjectId | target.labels.key/value |
IntraSystemId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ActorContextId | principal.labels.key/value |
SupportTicketId | about.labels.key/value |
InterSystemsId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TargetContextId | target.labels.key/value |
UserKey | target.label.key/value |
Target | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Actor | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
ExtendedProperties | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value
If Else |
ModifiedProperties |
If Else if Else |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación WorkspacePortalUrlReceived
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftDefenderForIdentity
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE . |
ResultDescription | security_result.detection_fields.key.value |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación PutConnectionPermission
y la carga de trabajo PowerApps
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE .
ObjectId | target.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
AdditionalInfo.actionName | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ResourceId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserKey | target.label.key/value |
AdditionalInfo.environmentName | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
AdditionalInfo.targetObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación SensitivityLabeledFileOpened
y la carga de trabajo PublicEndpoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_OPEN .
PreviousProtectionType.protectionType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CurrentProtectionType.protectionType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
CurrentProtectionType.documentEncrypted | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CurrentProtectionType.owner | security_result.about.email_addresses |
TargetLocation | target.labels.key/value |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
LabelId | target.labels.key/value |
CurrentProtectionType.templateId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ProtectionEventType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ContentType | target.labels.key/value |
Platform | target.platform |
UserSku | principal.labels.key/value |
PreviousProtectionType.documentEncrypted | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ObjectId | target.url |
PreviousProtectionType.owner | security_result.about.email_addresses |
Application | principal.application |
PreviousProtectionType.templateId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Validate
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE .
ResultCount | target.labels.key/value |
DataType | security_result.description |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
AadAppId | target.labels.key/value |
RelativeUrl | target.url |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación SensitivityLabeledFileRenamed
y la carga de trabajo PublicEndpoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_MOVE .
PreviousProtectionType.protectionType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CurrentProtectionType.protectionType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
CurrentProtectionType.documentEncrypted | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
CurrentProtectionType.owner | security_result.about.email_addresses |
TargetLocation | target.labels.key/value |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
LabelId | target.labels.key/value |
CurrentProtectionType.templateId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ProtectionEventType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ContentType | target.labels.key/value |
Platform | target.platform |
UserSku | principal.labels.key/value |
PreviousProtectionType.documentEncrypted | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ObjectId | target.url |
PreviousProtectionType.owner | security_result.about.email_addresses |
Application | principal.application |
PreviousProtectionType.templateId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
PreviousTarget | src.url |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación TaskModified
y la carga de trabajo Planner
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_WRITTEN .
PlanId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación TaskModified
y la carga de trabajo PowerBI
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_DELETION .
WorkspaceId | target.resource.product_object_id |
WorkSpaceName | |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
ActivityId | principal.labels.key/value |
RefreshEnforcementPolicy | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
RequestId | about.labels.key/value |
IsSuccess | security_result.action |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
ObjectId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación QuarantineReleaseMessage
y la carga de trabajo Quarantine
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE .
NetworkMessageId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ReleaseTo | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
RequestType | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
RequestSource | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación WorkspaceStatusReceived
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftDefenderForIdentity
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE .
ResultDescription | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación LinkedEntityUpdated
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftTodo
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_WRITTEN .
ActorAppId | target.labels.key/value |
ItemId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value and target.resource.product_object_id |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
TargetActorId | target.labels.key/value |
TargetActorTenantId | target.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación ViewResponse
y la carga de trabajo MicrosoftForms
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
FormsUserTypes | principal.labels.key/value |
SourceApp | principal.application |
FormName | |
FormId | target.resource.product_object_id |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación PlanListRead
y la carga de trabajo Planner
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to RESOURCE_READ .
PlanList | target.resource.product_object_id |
ObjectId | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación O365SyncAdminUserPromotion
y la carga de trabajo Yammer
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to STATUS_UPDATE . |
ActorUserId | principal.user.email_addresses or principal.user.userid |
ActorYammerUserId | principal.labels.key/value |
ObjectId | target.labels.key/value |
YammerNetworkId | principal.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación FileCopiedToClipboard
y la carga de trabajo Endpoint
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED . |
Application | principal.application |
DeviceName | target.hostname |
DlpAuditEventMetadata.DlpPolicyMatchId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
DlpAuditEventMetadata.EvaluationTime | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
EnforcementMode | target.labels.key/value |
EvidenceFile.FullUrl | target.labels.key/value |
EvidenceFile.StorageName | target.labels.key/value |
FileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
FileType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
Hidden | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
JitTriggered | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
MDATPDeviceId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ObjectId | target.file.full_path |
Platform | target.labels.key/value |
PolicyMatchInfo | target.resource.product_object_id
SensitiveInfoTypeData | security_result.detection_fields.key/value
Scope | target.labels.key/value |
RMSEncrypted | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SensitivityLabelEventData.SensitivityLabelId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
SourceLocationType | principal.labels.key/value |
TargetDomain | |
TargetFilePath | target.labels.key/value |
OriginatingDomain | |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación FileTranscriptContentAccessed
y la carga de trabajo OneDrive
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to FILE_READ . |
AlternateStreamId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ApplicationDisplayName | target.application and |
ApplicationId | target.resource.product_object_id |
AuthenticationType | principal.labels.key/value |
AppAccessContext.UniqueTokenId | target.labels.key/value |
BrowserName | principal.labels.key/value |
BrowserVersion | principal.labels.key/value |
DeviceDisplayName | principal.labels.key/value |
IsManagedDevice | principal.labels.key/value |
EventSource | principal.application |
HighPriorityMediaProcessing | about.labels.key/value |
ItemType | target.resource.attribute.labels.key/value |
ListBaseType | target.labels.key/value |
ListId | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ListItemUniqueId | principal.asset_id |
ListServerTemplate | security_result.detection_fields.key/value |
ObjectId | target.url |
Platform | target.labels.key/value |
Site | target.labels.key/value |
SiteUrl | network.http.referral_url |
SourceFileExtension | target.file.mime_type |
SourceFileName | target.file.full_path is mapped to SourceRelativeUrl /SourceFileName . |
SourceRelativeUrl | target.file.full_path is mapped to SourceRelativeUrl /SourceFileName . |
UserAgent | network.http.user_agent |
WebId | about.labels.key/value |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Set-DlpCompliancePolicy
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT .
ClientApplication | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |
En la siguiente tabla, se enumeran los campos de registro y las asignaciones de UDM correspondientes para la operación Remove-DlpCompliancePolicy
y la carga de trabajo SecurityComplianceCenter
Log field | UDM mapping |
metadata.event_type is mapped to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION .
ClientApplication | principal.labels.key/value |
CmdletVersion | metadata.product_version |
EffectiveOrganization | target.administrative_domain |
ObjectId | target.resource.product_object_id |
Parameters | target.process.command_line |
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType | about.labels.key/value |
StartTime | target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
UserKey | target.labels.key/value |
UserServicePlan | principal.labels.key/value |
Version | metadata.product_version |