Coletar registros do Microsoft Defender para Ponto de Extremidade
Este documento descreve como coletar registros do Microsoft Defender para Endpoint configurando um feed de operações de segurança do Google e como os campos de registro são mapeados para os campos do modelo de dados unificado (UDM, na sigla em inglês) do Google SecOps.
Para mais informações, consulte Ingestão de dados no Google SecOps.
Uma implantação típica consiste no Microsoft Defender para endpoint e no feed do Google SecOps configurado para enviar registros ao Google SecOps. Sua implantação pode ser diferente da implantação típica descrita neste documento. A implantação contém os seguintes componentes:
Microsoft Defender para Ponto de Extremidade: a plataforma que coleta registros.
Armazenamento do Azure: a plataforma que armazena registros.
Feed do Google SecOps: o feed do Google SecOps que busca registros do Microsoft Defender para endpoint e grava registros no Google SecOps.
Google SecOps: a plataforma que retém e analisa os registros do Microsoft Defender para Endpoint.
Um rótulo de transferência identifica o analisador que normaliza os dados de registro brutos
para o formato estruturado do UDM. As informações neste documento se aplicam ao analisador
com o rótulo de transferência MICROSOFT_DEFENDER_ENDPOINT
Antes de começar
- Defina o fuso horário como UTC em todos os sistemas na arquitetura de implantação.
- Verifique se você atende aos pré-requisitos para usar o Microsoft Defender para Ponto de Extremidade. Para mais informações, consulte os pré-requisitos do Microsoft Defender XDR.
- Verifique se você configurou o Microsoft Defender para Ponto de Extremidade.
- Configure uma conta de armazenamento no seu locatário.
Configurar o Microsoft Defender para Ponto de Extremidade
- Faça login em como administrador global ou de segurança.
- No painel à esquerda, clique em Configurações.
- Selecione a guia Microsoft Defender XDR.
- Selecione API Streaming na seção geral e clique em Adicionar.
- Selecione Encaminhar eventos para o Azure Storage.
- Acesse a conta de armazenamento que você quer usar.
- Selecione Visão geral > Visualização JSON e insira o ID do recurso.
- Depois de inserir o ID do recurso, selecione todos os tipos de dados necessários.
- Clique em Salvar.
Configurar um feed no Google SecOps para processar os registros do Microsoft Defender para Endpoints
- Acesse Configurações do SIEM > Feeds.
- Clique em Adicionar novo.
- No campo Nome do feed, insira um nome para o feed (por exemplo, Logs do MS Defender).
- Selecione Microsoft Azure Blob Storage como o Tipo de origem.
- Selecione Microsoft Defender para ponto de extremidade como o Tipo de registro.
- Clique em Próximo.
- Configure os seguintes parâmetros de entrada:
- URI do Azure: o URI que aponta para um blob ou contêiner do Armazenamento de Blobs do Azure.
- URI é: o tipo de objeto indicado pelo URI.
- Opção de exclusão da origem: se você quer excluir arquivos ou diretórios após a transferência.
- Selecione Chave compartilhada ou Token SAS.
- Chave/token: a chave compartilhada ou o token SAS para acessar os recursos do Azure.
- Clique em Próxima e em Enviar.
Se você encontrar problemas ao importar os logs do Microsoft Defender para endpoint, entre em contato com o suporte do Google SecOps.
Tipos de registro do Microsoft Defender para Ponto de Extremidade com suporte
O analisador do Microsoft Defender para Ponto de Extremidade oferece suporte às seguintes tabelas:
- AlertEvidence
- AlertInfo
- DeviceAlertEvents
- DeviceEvents
- DeviceFileCertificateInfo
- DeviceFileEvents
- DeviceIdentityLogonEvents
- DeviceImageLoadEvents
- DeviceInfo
- DeviceLogonEvents
- DeviceNetworkEvents
- DeviceNetworkInfo
- DeviceProcessEvents
- DeviceRegistryEvents
- DeviceTvmInfoGathering
- DeviceTvmInfoGatheringKB
- DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment
- DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessmentKB
- DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta
- DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory
- DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities
- DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB
- EmailAttachmentInfo
- EmailEvents
- EmailPostDeliveryEvents
- EmailUrlInfo
- IdentityInfo
Referência do mapeamento de campo
Esta seção explica como o analisador do Google Security Operations mapeia os campos do Microsoft Defender para Endpoint para os campos do UDM do Google Security Operations.
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - Common Fields for UDM Event Model
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro comuns para o tipo de registro MICROSOFT_DEFENDER_ENDPOINT
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Common log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
time |
metadata.collected_timestamp |
category |
metadata.product_event_type |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint . |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Microsoft . |
Tenant | |
tenantId |
observer.resource_ancestors.product_object_id |
operationName |
additional.fields[operation_name] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - Common Fields for UDM Entity Model
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro comuns para o tipo de registro MICROSOFT_DEFENDER_ENDPOINT
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Common log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Microsoft . |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint . |
time |
metadata.collected_timestamp |
tenantId |
relations.entity.resource.product_object_id |
operationName |
additional.fields[operation_name] |
category |
metadata.description |
Tenant | |
relations.entity_type |
The relations.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE . |
relations.relationship |
The relations.relationship UDM field is set to MEMBER . |
relations.direction |
The relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL . |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: identificador de evento de DeviceEvents para tipo de evento
A tabela a seguir lista os tipos de ação de registroDeviceEvents
e os tipos de evento do UDM correspondentes.
Event Identifier | Event Type |
UsbDriveDriveLetterChanged |
AppControlAppInstallationAudited |
AsrExecutableOfficeContentAudited |
ShellLinkCreateFileEvent |
FileTimestampModificationEvent |
PlistPropertyModified |
SensitiveFileRead |
AsrUntrustedExecutableAudited |
AsrUntrustedExecutableBlocked |
DlpPocPrintJob |
RemovableStorageFileEvent |
DpapiAccessed |
ScreenshotTaken |
SecurityGroupCreated |
SecurityGroupDeleted |
UserAccountAddedToLocalGroup |
UserAccountRemovedFromLocalGroup |
ExploitGuardNetworkProtectionAudited |
ExploitGuardNetworkProtectionBlocked |
FirewallInboundConnectionBlocked |
FirewallInboundConnectionToAppBlocked |
FirewallOutboundConnectionBlocked |
RemoteDesktopConnection |
RemoteWmiOperation |
UntrustedWifiConnection |
DnsQueryRequest |
DnsQueryResponse |
NetworkShareObjectAdded |
AppGuardBrowseToUrl |
BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl |
NetworkProtectionUserBypassEvent |
NetworkShareObjectAccessChecked |
NetworkShareObjectDeleted |
NetworkShareObjectModified |
AsrOfficeProcessInjectionAudited |
AppGuardCreateContainer |
AppGuardLaunchedWithUrl |
AsrAdobeReaderChildProcessAudited |
AsrAdobeReaderChildProcessBlocked |
AsrExecutableEmailContentAudited |
AsrOfficeChildProcessAudited |
AsrOfficeCommAppChildProcessAudited |
AsrPsexecWmiChildProcessAudited |
AsrScriptExecutableDownloadAudited |
AsrUntrustedUsbProcessAudited |
ExploitGuardChildProcessAudited |
ExploitGuardLowIntegrityImageAudited |
PowerShellCommand |
ProcessCreatedUsingWmiQuery |
QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall |
GetClipboardData |
OpenProcessApiCall |
ScriptContent |
AppControlAppInstallationBlocked |
AppGuardSuspendContainer |
AppGuardStopContainer |
AppLockerBlockExecutable |
AsrObfuscatedScriptAudited |
AsrObfuscatedScriptBlocked |
AsrOfficeChildProcessBlocked |
AsrOfficeProcessInjectionBlocked |
AsrPsexecWmiChildProcessBlocked |
AsrScriptExecutableDownloadBlocked |
AsrUntrustedUsbProcessBlocked |
ExploitGuardChildProcessBlocked |
ExploitGuardLowIntegrityImageBlocked |
ExploitGuardSharedBinaryAudited |
ExploitGuardSharedBinaryBlocked |
MemoryRemoteProtect |
NamedPipeEvent |
NtAllocateVirtualMemoryApiCall |
NtAllocateVirtualMemoryRemoteApiCall |
NtMapViewOfSectionRemoteApiCall |
NtProtectVirtualMemoryApiCall |
ProcessPrimaryTokenModified |
PTraceDetected |
ReadProcessMemoryApiCall |
SetThreadContextRemoteApiCall |
WriteProcessMemoryApiCall |
WriteToLsassProcessMemory |
AsrOfficeCommAppChildProcessBlocked |
AppControlCIScriptAudited |
AppControlCIScriptBlocked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityImageAudited |
AppControlCodeIntegrityImageRevoked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginAllowed |
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginAudited |
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginBlocked |
AppControlScriptAudited |
AppControlScriptBlocked |
AsrExecutableEmailContentBlocked |
SafeDocFileScan |
AntivirusDefinitionsUpdated |
AntivirusDefinitionsUpdateFailed |
AntivirusDetection |
AntivirusDetectionActionType |
AntivirusEmergencyUpdatesInstalled |
AntivirusError |
AntivirusMalwareActionFailed |
AntivirusMalwareBlocked |
AntivirusReport |
AntivirusScanCancelled |
AntivirusScanCompleted |
AntivirusScanFailed |
AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent |
AppControlCodeIntegrityDriverRevoked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyAudited |
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyBlocked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyLoaded |
AppControlCodeIntegritySigningInformation |
AppControlExecutableAudited |
AppControlExecutableBlocked |
AppControlPackagedAppAudited |
AppControlPackagedAppBlocked |
AccountCheckedForBlankPassword |
SmartScreenAppWarning |
SmartScreenExploitWarning |
SmartScreenUrlWarning |
SmartScreenUserOverride |
ScheduledTaskCreated |
ScheduledTaskDeleted |
ScheduledTaskDisabled |
ScheduledTaskEnabled |
ScheduledTaskUpdated |
ServiceInstalled |
DirectoryServiceObjectCreated |
DirectoryServiceObjectModified |
AuditPolicyModification |
CreateRemoteThreadApiCall |
CredentialsBackup |
FirewallServiceStopped |
BitLockerAuditCompleted |
AppControlPolicyApplied |
AppGuardResumeContainer |
AppLockerBlockPackagedApp |
AppLockerBlockPackagedAppInstallation |
AppLockerBlockScript |
AsrExecutableOfficeContentBlocked |
AsrLsassCredentialTheftAudited |
AsrLsassCredentialTheftBlocked |
AsrOfficeMacroWin32ApiCallsAudited |
AsrOfficeMacroWin32ApiCallsBlocked |
AsrPersistenceThroughWmiAudited |
AsrPersistenceThroughWmiBlocked |
AsrRansomwareAudited |
AsrRansomwareBlocked |
AsrVulnerableSignedDriverAudited |
AsrVulnerableSignedDriverBlocked |
BluetoothPolicyTriggered |
ClrUnbackedModuleLoaded |
ControlFlowGuardViolation |
DeviceBootAttestationInfo |
DriverLoad |
ExploitGuardEafViolationAudited |
ExploitGuardEafViolationBlocked |
ExploitGuardIafViolationAudited |
ExploitGuardIafViolationBlocked |
ExploitGuardNonMicrosoftSignedAudited |
ExploitGuardNonMicrosoftSignedBlocked |
ExploitGuardRopExploitAudited |
ExploitGuardRopExploitBlocked |
ExploitGuardWin32SystemCallAudited |
ExploitGuardWin32SystemCallBlocked |
GetAsyncKeyStateApiCall |
OtherAlertRelatedActivity |
PnpDeviceAllowed |
PnpDeviceBlocked |
PnpDeviceConnected |
PrintJobBlocked |
RemovableStoragePolicyTriggered |
SecurityLogCleared |
TvmAxonTelemetryEvent |
UsbDriveMount |
UsbDriveMounted |
UsbDriveUnmount |
UsbDriveUnmounted |
WmiBindEventFilterToConsumer |
TamperingAttempt |
PasswordChangeAttempt |
LogonRightsSettingEnabled |
UserAccountCreated |
UserAccountDeleted |
LdapSearch |
ControlledFolderAccessViolationAudited |
ControlledFolderAccessViolationBlocked |
ExploitGuardAcgAudited |
ExploitGuardAcgEnforced |
UserAccountModified |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceEvents
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.LogonId |
network.session_id |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field is mapped to the target.administrative_domain UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.AccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountDomain log field is mapped to the target.administrative_domain UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.ip |
properties.FileOriginIP |
principal.ip |
properties.LocalPort |
principal.port |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessId | |
properties.FileOriginUrl |
principal.url |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.AccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountName log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field is mapped to the target.user.windows_sid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.AccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountSid log field is mapped to the target.user.windows_sid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.ActionType |
security_result.action |
If the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Allow , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .Else if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Block , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .Else if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Fail , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to FAIL . |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the then, properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. Else, %{properties.FolderPath}\%{properties.FileName} log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. Else, if the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the then, properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. Else, %{properties.FolderPath}\%{properties.FileName} log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
properties.MD5 |
target.file.md5 |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. Else, if the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.process.file.names UDM field. Else, if the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.file.names UDM field. |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. Else, if the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ then, properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. Else, if the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ then, properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileSize log field is mapped to the target.process.file.size UDM field. Else, if the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileSize log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field. |
properties.RemoteDeviceName |
target.hostname |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.RemotePort |
target.port |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.ProcessId | |
properties.ProcessTokenElevation |
target.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessLogonId |
additional.fields[initiating_process_logon_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.ProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[process_version_info_product_version] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - AlertEvidence
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoAlertEvidence
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Application |
additional.fields[application] |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
If the properties.DeviceId log field value is not empty, then the DeviceID:properties.DeviceId log field is mapped to the principal.asset_id UDM field. |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
If the properties.DeviceName log field value is not empty then, properties.DeviceName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else, if the properties.AdditionalFields.HostName log field value is not empty then, properties.AdditionalFields.HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else, if the properties.AdditionalFields.Host.HostName log field value is not empty then, properties.AdditionalFields.Host.HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else, if the properties.AdditionalFields.ImageFile.Host.HostName log field value is not empty then, AdditionalFields.ImageFile.Host.HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.asset.ip |
If the properties.LocalIP log field value is not empty, then the properties.LocalIP log field is mapped to the principal.asset.ip UDM field. |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FileName log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FolderPath , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the properties.FolderPath/properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.AccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additionalfields] |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.CloudPlatform | |
If the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Amazon Web Services/ , then the UDM field is set to AMAZON_WEB_SERVICES .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Google Cloud Platform/ , then the UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Azure/ , then the UDM field is set to MICROSOFT_AZURE .Else, the UDM field is set to UNSPECIFIED_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT . |
properties.SubscriptionId |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[subscription_id] |
properties.CloudResource | |
properties.ResourceID |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT . |
properties.Categories |
security_result.category_details |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
properties.Title |
security_result.summary |
properties.Title |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.Title |
security_result.rule_name |
properties.ThreatFamily |
security_result.detection_fields[threat_family] |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.EvidenceDirection |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_direction] |
properties.EvidenceRole |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_role] |
properties.AccountObjectId |
additional.fields[account_object_id] |
properties.AccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.EntityType |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.DetectionSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[detection_source] |
properties.ServiceSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[service_source] |
properties.AttackTechniques | |
properties.ApplicationId |
additional.fields[application_id] |
properties.EmailSubject | |
properties.NetworkMessageId | |
properties.OAuthApplicationId |
additional.fields[oauth_application_id] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - AlertInfo
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoAlertInfo
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
is_alert |
The is_alert UDM field is set to true . |
is_significant |
The is_significant UDM field is set to true . |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.AttackTechniques | |
properties.DetectionSource |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_source] |
properties.ServiceSource |
security_result.detection_fields[service_source] |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
If the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(informational) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(low) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(medium) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(high) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH . |
properties.Category |
security_result.category_details |
properties.Title |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.Title |
security_result.rule_name |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceAlertEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceAlertEvents
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
is_alert |
The is_alert UDM field is set to true . |
is_significant |
The is_significant UDM field is set to true . |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.ReportId |
security_result.detection_fields[report_id] |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.MachineGroup | |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.AttackTechniques | |
properties.Category |
security_result.category_details |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.MitreTechniques |
security_result.detection_fields[mitre_techniques] |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
If the properties.Severity log field value is equal to High , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value is equal to Medium , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value is equal to Low , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value is equal to Informational , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL . |
properties.Title |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.Title |
security_result.rule_name |
properties.RemoteIp |
target.ip |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.Table |
additional.fields[table] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceFileCertificateInfo
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceFileCertificateInfo
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UPDATE . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.SHA1 |
principal.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.Issuer |
principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.signers.cert_issuer |
properties.Signer | |
properties.IsSigned |
principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verified |
If the properties.IsSigned log field value is equal to true , then the principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verified UDM field is set to TRUE .Else, the principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verified UDM field is set to FALSE . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.CertificateCountersignatureTime |
additional.fields[certificate_countersignature_time] |
properties.CertificateSerialNumber |
additional.fields[certificate_serial_number] |
properties.CertificateCreationTime |
additional.fields[certification_creation_time] |
properties.CertificateExpirationTime |
additional.fields[certification_expiration_time] |
properties.CrlDistributionPointUrls |
additional.fields[crl_distribution_point_urls] |
properties.IsRootSignerMicrosoft |
additional.fields[is_root_signer_microsoft] |
properties.IsTrusted |
additional.fields[is_trusted] |
properties.IssuerHash |
additional.fields[issuer_hash] |
properties.SignatureType |
additional.fields[signature_type] |
properties.SignerHash |
additional.fields[signer_hash] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceImageLoadEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceImageLoadEvents
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
principal.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{principal.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.FolderPath |
target.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.process.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.process.file.size |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.file.full_path is set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceFileEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceFileEvents
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileCreated , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_CREATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileDeleted , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_DELETION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileModified , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_MODIFICATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileRenamed , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_MOVE . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.RequestProtocol |
network.application_protocol |
If the properties.RequestProtocol log field value is equal to SMB , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SMB .Else, if the properties.RequestProtocol log field value is equal to NFS , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to NFS .Else, if the properties.RequestProtocol log field value is equal to Local , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL . |
properties.FileOriginReferrerUrl |
network.http.referral_url |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.RequestAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is empty, then the properties.RequestAccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.FileOriginIP |
principal.ip |
properties.RequestSourceIP |
principal.ip |
properties.RequestSourcePort |
principal.port |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.FileOriginUrl |
principal.url |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.RequestAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is empty, then the properties.RequestAccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.RequestAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is empty, then the properties.RequestAccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.PreviousFolderPath |
src.file.full_path |
If the properties.PreviousFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.PreviousFileName log field value, then the properties.PreviousFolderPath log field is mapped to the src.file.full_path UDM field.Else, src.file.full_path set to the %{properties.PreviousFolderPath}/%{properties.PreviousFileName} . |
properties.PreviousFileName |
src.file.names |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName log field value, then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.file.full_path set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.SensitivityLabel |
target.file.tags |
properties.SensitivitySubLabel |
target.file.tags |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.IsAzureInfoProtectionApplied |
additional.fields[is_azure_info_protection_applied] |
properties.ShareName |
additional.fields[share_name] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceInfo
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceInfo
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset_id |
The entity.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset.asset_id |
The entity.asset.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.AadDeviceId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[aad_device_id] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[additional_fields] |
properties.ConnectivityType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[connectivity_type] |
properties.DeviceDynamicTags |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[device_dynamic_tags] |
properties.DeviceManualTags |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[device_manual_tags] |
properties.DeviceSubtype |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[device_subtype] |
properties.HostDeviceId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[host_device_id] |
properties.IsAzureADJoined |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[is_azure_ad_joined] |
properties.IsInternetFacing |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[is_internet_facing] |
properties.JoinType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[join_type] |
properties.MergedDeviceIds |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[merged_device_ids] |
properties.MergedToDeviceId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[merged_to_device_id] |
properties.OnboardingStatus |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[onboarding_status] |
properties.OSArchitecture |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[os_architecture] |
properties.OSDistribution |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[os_distribution] |
properties.OSVersionInfo |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[os_version_info] |
properties.RegistryDeviceTag |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[registry_divice_tag] |
properties.ReportId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[report_id] |
properties.SensorHealthState |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[sensor_health_state] |
properties.DeviceCategory |
entity.asset.category |
properties.Vendor |
entity.asset.hardware.manufacturer |
properties.Model |
entity.asset.hardware.model |
properties.DeviceName |
entity.asset.hostname |
properties.PublicIP |
entity.asset.nat_ip |
properties.OSBuild |
entity.asset.platform_software.plateform_patch_level |
properties.OSPlatform |
entity.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSVersion |
entity.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.ClientVersion | |
properties.DeviceType |
entity.asset.type |
If the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to NetworkDevice , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to NETWORK_ATTACHED_STORAGE .Else, if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Workstation , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to WORKSTATION .Else, if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Server , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to SERVER .Else, if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Mobile , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to MOBILE .Else if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Printer , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to PRINTER . |
properties.DeviceType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels |
if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to GamingConsole , then the properties.DeviceType log field is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.labels UDM field. |
properties.MachineGroup | |
properties.ExclusionReason |
entity.security_result.detection_fields[exclusion_reason] |
properties.ExposureLevel |
entity.security_result.detection_fields[exposure_level] |
properties.IsExcluded |
entity.security_result.detection_fields[is_excluded] |
properties.AssetValue |
entity.security_result.priority |
If the properties.AssetValue log field value is equal to High , then the entity.security_result.priority UDM field is set to HIGH_PRIORITY .Else, if the properties.AssetValue log field value is equal to Medium , then the entity.security_result.priority UDM field is set to MEDIUM_PRIORITY .Else, if the properties.AssetValue log field value is equal to Low , then the entity.security_result.priority UDM field is set to LOW_PRIORITY .Else, the properties.AssetValue log field is mapped to the entity.security_result.detection_fields.asset_value UDM field. |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.creation_timestamp |
metadata.entity_type |
The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to ASSET . |
properties.DeviceId |
metadata.product_entity_id |
The metadata.product_entity_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
relations.direction |
The relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL . |
relations.entity_type |
The relations.entity_type UDM field is set to USER . |
relations.relationship |
The relations.relationship UDM field is set to MEMBER . |
properties.LoggedOnUsers.DomainName | |
properties.LoggedOnUsers.UserName |
relations.entity.user.userid |
properties.LoggedOnUsers.Sid |
relations.entity.user.windows_sid |
properties.LoggedOnUsers |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceIdentityLogonEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceIdentityLogonEvents
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Application |
additional.fields[application] |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
If the properties.DeviceId log field value is not empty, then the AssetID:properties.DeviceId log field is mapped to the principal.asset_id UDM field. else, then the AssetID:properties.AdditionalFields.MachineId log field is mapped to the principal.asset_id UDM field. |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
If the properties.DeviceName log field value is not empty, then the properties.DeviceName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.asset.ip |
If the properties.LocalIP log field value is not empty, then the properties.LocalIP log field is mapped to the principal.asset.ip UDM field. |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FileName log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FolderPath , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the properties.FolderPath/properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.AccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additionalfields] |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.CloudPlatform | |
If the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Amazon Web Services/ , then the UDM field is set to AMAZON_WEB_SERVICES .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Google Cloud Platform/ , then the UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Azure/ , then the UDM field is set to MICROSOFT_AZURE .Else, the UDM field is set to UNSPECIFIED_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT . |
properties.SubscriptionId |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[subscription_id] |
properties.CloudResource | |
properties.ResourceID |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT . |
properties.Categories |
security_result.category_details |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
properties.Title |
security_result.summary |
properties.ThreatFamily |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.EvidenceDirection |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_direction] |
properties.EvidenceRole |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_role] |
properties.AccountObjectId |
additional.fields[account_object_id] |
properties.AccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.EntityType |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.DetectionSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[detection_source] |
properties.ServiceSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[service_source] |
properties.AttackTechniques | |
properties.ApplicationId |
additional.fields[application_id] |
properties.EmailSubject | |
properties.NetworkMessageId | |
properties.OAuthApplicationId |
additional.fields[oauth_application_id] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceLogonEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceLogonEvents
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.LogonType |
extensions.auth.mechanism |
If the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Interactive , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to INTERACTIVE .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Network , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to NETWORK .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Batch , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to BATCH .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Service , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to SERVICE .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to RemoteInteractive , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to REMOTE_INTERACTIVE . |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_LOGIN . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.Protocol |
network.ip_protocol |
If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Tcp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP .If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Udp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP .If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Icmp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP . |
properties.LogonId |
network.session_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.FailureReason |
security_result.description |
properties.AccountDomain |
target.administrative_domain |
properties.RemoteDeviceName |
target.hostname |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.RemotePort |
target.port |
properties.IsLocalAdmin |
target.resource.attribute.labels[is_local_admin] |
properties.AccountName |
target.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
target.user.windows_sid |
properties.RemoteIPType |
additional.fields[remote_ip_type] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceNetworkEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceNetworkEvents
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.Protocol |
network.ip_protocol |
If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Tcp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP .Else, if the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Udp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP .Else, if the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Icmp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.ip |
properties.LocalPort |
principal.port |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.RemotePort |
target.port |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.LocalIPType |
additional_fields[LocalIPType] |
properties.RemoteIPType |
additional_fields[RemoteIPType] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceNetworkInfo
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceNetworkInfo
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
DeviceNetworkInfo |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset_id |
The entity.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset.asset_id |
The entity.asset.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.ReportId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[report_id] |
properties.ConnectedNetworks |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[connected_networks] |
properties.MacAddress |
entity.asset.mac |
properties.NetworkAdapterName |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_name] |
properties.NetworkAdapterStatus |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_status] |
properties.NetworkAdapterType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_type] |
properties.NetworkAdapterVendor |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_vendor] |
properties.TunnelType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[tunnel_type] |
properties.DefaultGateways |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[default_gateways] |
properties.DeviceName |
entity.asset.hostname |
properties.IPAddresses |
entity.asset.ip |
entity.asset.type |
The entity.asset.type UDM field is set to WORKSTATION . |
properties.DnsAddresses |
entity.domain.last_dns_records.type |
The entity.domain.last_dns_records.type UDM field is set to ip_address . |
properties.DnsAddresses |
entity.domain.last_dns_records.value |
The properties.DnsAddresses log field is mapped to the entity.domain.last_dns_records.value UDM field. |
properties.IPv4Dhcp | |
If the properties.IPv4Dhcp log field value is not empty, then the properties.IPv4Dhcp log field is mapped to the UDM field. Else, the properties.IPv6Dhcp log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.creation_time |
metadata.entity_type |
The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to ASSET . |
properties.DeviceId |
metadata.product_entity_id |
The metadata.product_entity_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceProcessEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceProcessEvents
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)ProcessCreated , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to PROCESS_LAUNCH .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)OpenProcess , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to PROCESS_OPEN . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.LogonId |
network.session_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSignatureStatus |
principal.process.file.signature_info.sigcheck.signers.status |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.AccountDomain |
target.administrative_domain |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName log field value, then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.file.full_path set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.process.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.process.file.size |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.ProcessId | |
properties.ProcessTokenElevation |
target.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.ProcessIntegrityLevel |
target.resource.attribute.labels[process_integrity_level] |
properties.AccountUpn |
target.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
target.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
target.user.windows_sid |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.AccountObjectId |
additional.fields[account_object_id] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessLogonId |
additional.fields[initiating_process_logon_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessSignerType |
additional.fields[initiating_process_signer_type] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.ProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[process_creation_time] |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
target.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
target.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoProductName |
target.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[process_version_info_product_version] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmInfoGathering
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmInfoGathering
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.LastSeenTime |
security.result.last_discovered_time |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceRegistryEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceRegistryEvents
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryKeyCreated , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_CREATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryKeyDeleted , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_DELETION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryKeyRenamed , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryValueDeleted , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_DELETION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryValueSet , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION .Else, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_UNCATEGORIZED . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId | |
properties.InitiatingProcessId | |
properties.PreviousRegistryValueData |
principal.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.PreviousRegistryKey |
principal.registry.registry_key |
properties.PreviousRegistryValueName |
principal.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.attribute.labels[initiating_process_account_object_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.attribute.labels[initiating_process_account_upn] |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName | |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.RegistryValueType |
additional.fields[registry_value_type] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmInfoGatheringKB
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmInfoGatheringKB
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Description |
metadata.description |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.IgId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.Categories |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[categories] |
properties.DataStructure |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[data_structure] |
properties.FieldName | |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the prinipal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.ConfigurationCategory |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_category] |
properties.ConfigurationImpact |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_impact] |
properties.Context |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[contex] |
properties.IsApplicable |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[is_applicable] |
properties.IsCompliant |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[is_compliant] |
properties.IsExpectedUserImpact |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[is_expected_user_impact] |
properties.ConfigurationId |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
properties.ConfigurationSubcategory |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to ACCESS_POLICY . |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessmentKB
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessmentKB
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.ConfigurationBenchmarks |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_benchmarks] |
properties.ConfigurationCategory |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_category] |
properties.ConfigurationDescription |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_description] |
properties.ConfigurationImpact |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_impact] |
properties.RemediationOptions |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[remediation_options] |
properties.RiskDescription |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[risk_description] |
properties.Tags |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[tags] |
properties.ConfigurationName | |
properties.ConfigurationId |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
properties.ConfigurationSubcategory |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to ACCESS_POLICY . |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DiskPaths |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[disk_paths] |
The properties.DiskPaths log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.disk_paths UDM field. |
properties.RegistryPaths |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[registry_paths] |
The properties.RegistryPaths log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.registry_paths UDM field. |
properties.LastSeenTime |
principal.asset.last_discover_time |
properties.SoftwareName | |
properties.SoftwareVendor | |
properties.SoftwareVersion | |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmSoftwareInventory
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.EndOfSupportDate |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[end_of_support_date] |
properties.EndOfSupportStatus |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[end_of_support_status] |
properties.OSArchitecture |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[os_architecture] |
properties.ProductCodeCpe |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[product_code_cpe] |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the prinipal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSVersion |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.SoftwareName | |
properties.SoftwareVendor | |
properties.SoftwareVersion | |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.CveId |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id |
properties.VulnerabilityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity |
If the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to High , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to HIGH .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to Medium , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to Low , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to Informational , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL . |
properties.SeverityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablitities.severity_details |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_VULN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSVersion |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.SoftwareName | |
properties.SoftwareVendor | |
properties.SoftwareVersion | |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.RecommendedSecurityUpdateId |
security_result.detection_fields[recommended_security_update_id] |
properties.RecommendedSecurityUpdate |
security_result.detection_fields[recommended_security_update] |
properties.CveTags |
additional.fields[cve_tags] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoDeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.CveId |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id |
properties.CvssScore |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablities.cvss_base_score |
properties.IsExploitAvailable |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablities.cvss_vector |
properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity |
If the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to High , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to HIGH .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to Medium , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to Low , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to Informational , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL .Else, the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_SEVERITY . |
properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablitities.severity_details |
properties.LastModifiedTime |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.scan_end_time |
properties.PublishedDate |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.first_found |
properties.VulnerabilityDescription |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_description |
properties.AffectedSoftware |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.description |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - EmailAttachmentInfo
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoEmailAttachmentInfo
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.FileType |
target.file.mime_type |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_TRANSACTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.SenderFromAddress | |
If the properties.SenderFromAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.SenderFromAddress log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
properties.NetworkMessageId | |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress | |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
properties.SenderFromAddress |
principal.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.SenderFromAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.SenderFromAddress log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.SenderObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.SenderDisplayName |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category |
If the properties.ThreatTypes log field value is equal to Phish , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to MAIL_PHISHING . |
properties.DetectionMethods |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_methods] |
properties.ThreatNames |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.RecipientObjectId |
target.user.product_object_id |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - EmailEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoEmailEvents
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_TRANSACTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.EmailDirection |
network.direction |
If the properties.EmailDirection log field value is equal to Inbound , then the network.direction UDM field is set to INBOUND .Else, if the properties.EmailDirection log field value is equal to Outbound , then the network.direction UDM field is set to OUTBOUND .Else, the network.direction UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_DIRECTION . |
properties.NetworkMessageId | |
properties.Subject | |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress | |
properties.SenderFromDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.SenderIPv4 |
principal.ip |
properties.SenderIPv6 |
principal.ip |
properties.SenderMailFromAddress |
principal.user.attribute.labels[sender_mail_from_address] |
properties.SenderFromAddress |
principal.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.SenderFromAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.SenderFromAddress log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.SenderMailFromDomain |
principal.user.attribute.labels[sender_mail_from_domain] |
properties.SenderObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.SenderDisplayName |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category |
If the properties.ThreatTypes log field value is equal to Phish , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to MAIL_PHISHING . |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category_details |
properties.ConfidenceLevel |
security_result.confidence_details |
properties.EmailAction |
security_result.description |
properties.AuthenticationDetails |
security_result.detection_fields[authentication_details] |
properties.BulkComplaintLevel |
security_result.detection_fields[bulk_complaint_level] |
properties.DetectionMethods |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_methods] |
properties.EmailActionPolicyGuid |
security_result.rule_id |
properties.EmailActionPolicy |
security_result.rule_name |
properties.ThreatNames |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.OrgLevelAction |
security_result.rule_labels[org_level_action] |
properties.OrgLevelPolicy |
security_result.rule_labels[org_level_policy] |
properties.UserLevelAction |
security_result.rule_labels[user_level_action] |
properties.UserLevelPolicy |
security_result.rule_labels[user_level_policy] |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.RecipientObjectId |
target.user.product_object_id |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.DeliveryAction |
additional.fields[delivery_action] |
properties.DeliveryLocation |
additional.fields[delivery_location] |
The properties.DeliveryLocation log field is mapped to the additional.fields.delivery_location UDM field. |
properties.EmailClusterId |
additional.fields[email_cluster_id] |
properties.EmailLanguage |
additional.fields[email_language] |
properties.InternetMessageId |
additional.fields[internet_message_id] |
properties.LatestDeliveryLocation |
additional.fields[last_delivery_location] |
properties.UrlCount |
additional.fields[connectors] |
properties.Connectors |
additional.fields[attachment_count] |
properties.AttachmentCount |
additional.fields[latest_delivery_action] |
properties.LatestDeliveryAction |
additional.fields[latest_delivery_action] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - EmailPostDeliveryEvents
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoEmailPostDeliveryEvents
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED . |
properties.ReportId |
security_result.detection_fields[report_id] |
properties.NetworkMessageId | |
properties.ActionResult |
security_result.summary |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category |
If the properties.ThreatTypes log field value is equal to Phish , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to MAIL_PHISHING . |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category_details |
properties.ActionTrigger |
security_result.detection_fields[action_trigger] |
properties.DeliveryLocation |
security_result.detection_fields[delivery_location] |
properties.DetectionMethods |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_methods] |
properties.Action |
security_result.action_details |
properties.ActionType |
security_result.verdict_info.verdict_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to Manual Remediation , then the security_result.verdict_info.verdict_type UDM field is set to ANALYST_VERDICT .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, then the security_result.verdict_info.verdict_type UDM field is set to PROVIDER_ML_VERDICT .
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.InternetMessageId |
additional.fields[internet_message_id] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - EmailUrlInfo
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoEmailUrlInfo
e os campos correspondentes do UDM:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.UrlDomain |
target.hostname |
properties.Url |
target.url |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_TRANSACTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.NetworkMessageId | |
properties.UrlLocation |
additional.fields[url_location] |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - IdentityInfo
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipoIdentityInfo
e os campos do UDM correspondentes:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.SourceSystem |
entity.resource.parent |
properties.AccountDomain |
entity.administrative_domain |
properties.TenantId |
entity.resource.product_object_id |
properties.CreatedDateTime |
entity.user.attribute.creation_time |
properties.AccountUpn |
entity.user.attribute.labels[account_upn] |
properties.ChangeSource |
entity.user.attribute.labels[change_source] |
properties.CloudSid |
entity.user.attribute.labels[cloud_sid] |
properties.ReportId |
entity.user.attribute.labels[report_id] |
properties.SipProxyAddress |
entity.user.attribute.labels[sip_proxy_address] |
properties.SourceProvider |
entity.user.attribute.labels[source_provider] |
properties.Tags |
entity.user.attribute.labels[tags] |
properties.Type | |
properties.DistinguishedName |
entity.user.attributes.labels[distinguished_name] |
properties.Department |
entity.user.department |
properties.EmailAddress |
entity.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.EmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.EmailAddress log field is mapped to the entity.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.GivenName |
entity.user.first_name |
properties.Surname |
entity.user.last_name |
properties.Manager |
entity.user.managers.user_display_name |
properties.City | |
properties.Country |
entity.user.personal_address.country_or_region |
properties.Address | |
properties.Phone |
entity.user.phone_numbers |
properties.AccountObjectId |
entity.user.product_object_id |
properties.AssignedRoles |
entity.user.role_description |
properties.JobTitle |
entity.user.title |
properties.IsAccountEnabled |
entity.user.user_authentication_status |
If the properties.IsAccountEnabled log field value is equal to 1 , then the entity.user.user_authentication_status UDM field is set to ACTIVE .Else, the entity.user.user_authentication_status UDM field is set to SUSPENDED . |
properties.AccountDisplayName |
entity.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
entity.user.userid |
properties.OnPremSid |
entity.user.attribute.labels[on_prem_sid] |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.creation_time |
metadata.entity_type |
The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to USER . |
properties.AccountObjectId |
metadata.product_entity_id |
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