Jamf Protect-Telemetrieprotokolle erfassen
In diesem Dokument wird beschrieben, wie Sie Jamf Protect-Telemetrieprotokolle erfassen, indem Sie einen Google Security Operations-Feed einrichten. Außerdem wird erläutert, wie Protokollfelder den Feldern des Unified Data Model (UDM) von Google Security Operations zugeordnet werden. In diesem Dokument wird auch die unterstützte Jamf Protect-Telemetrieversion aufgeführt.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Datenaufnahme in Google Security Operations.
Eine typische Bereitstellung besteht aus Jamf Protect-Telemetrie und dem Google Security Operations-Feed, der so konfiguriert ist, dass Protokolle an Google Security Operations gesendet werden. Jede Kundenbereitstellung kann unterschiedlich sein und komplexer sein.
Die Bereitstellung umfasst die folgenden Komponenten:
Jamf Protect-Telemetrie. Die Jamf Protect-Telemetrieplattform, von der Sie Protokolle erfassen.
Google Security Operations-Feed Der Google Security Operations-Feed, der Protokolle aus der Jamf Protect-Telemetrie abruft und in Google Security Operations schreibt.
Google Security Operations Google Security Operations speichert und analysiert die Protokolle von Jamf Protect Telemetry.
Ein Aufnahmelabel gibt den Parser an, der Logrohdaten normalisiert
in das strukturierte UDM-Format. Die Informationen in diesem Dokument gelten für den Parser
mit dem Aufnahmelabel JAMF_TELEMETRY
- Sie müssen Jamf Protect Version 4.0.0 oder höher verwenden.
- Achten Sie darauf, dass alle Systeme in der Bereitstellungsarchitektur mit der UTC-Zeitzone konfiguriert sind.
Feed in Google Security Operations für die Aufnahme von Jamf Protect-Telemetrieprotokollen konfigurieren
Sie können entweder Amazon S3 oder einen Webhook verwenden, um einen Datenaufnahmefeed in Google Security Operations einzurichten. Wir empfehlen jedoch Amazon S3.
Datenaufnahmefeed mit Amazon S3 einrichten
- Wählen Sie im Menü „Google Security Operations“ die Option Einstellungen und dann Feeds aus.
- Klicken Sie auf Add new (Neuen Eintrag hinzufügen).
- Wählen Sie Amazon S3 als Quelltyp aus.
- Wenn Sie einen Feed für Jamf Protect Telemetry erstellen möchten, wählen Sie Jamf Protect Telemetry als Log-Typ aus.
- Klicken Sie auf Weiter.
- Speichern Sie den Feed und klicken Sie dann auf Senden.
- Kopieren Sie die Feed-ID aus dem Feednamen, um sie in Jamf Protect Telemetry zu verwenden.
Datenaufnahmefeed mit einem Webhook einrichten
- Wählen Sie im Menü von Google Security Operations Settings (Einstellungen) aus und klicken Sie dann auf Feeds.
- Klicken Sie auf Neu hinzufügen.
- Geben Sie im Feld Feedname einen Namen für den Feed ein.
- Wählen Sie in der Liste Quelltyp die Option Webhook aus.
- Wählen Sie Jamf Protect Telemetry als Log Type aus, um einen Feed für Jamf Protect Telemetry zu erstellen.
- Klicken Sie auf Weiter.
- Optional: Geben Sie Werte für die folgenden Eingabeparameter an:
- Split-Trennzeichen: das Trennzeichen, das zum Trennen von Protokollzeilen verwendet wird, z. B.
. - Asset-Namespace: der Asset-Namespace.
- Aufnahmelabels: das Label, das auf die Ereignisse aus diesem Feed angewendet werden soll.
- Split-Trennzeichen: das Trennzeichen, das zum Trennen von Protokollzeilen verwendet wird, z. B.
- Klicken Sie auf Weiter.
- Prüfen Sie die neue Feedkonfiguration auf dem Bildschirm Abschließen und klicken Sie dann auf Senden.
- Klicken Sie auf Generate Secret Key (Geheimen Schlüssel generieren), um einen geheimen Schlüssel zur Authentifizierung dieses Feeds zu generieren.
- Kopieren und speichern Sie den geheimen Schlüssel, da Sie ihn nicht noch einmal aufrufen können. Sie können einen neuen geheimen Schlüssel generieren. Durch die Neugenerierung des geheimen Schlüssels wird der vorherige geheime Schlüssel jedoch ungültig.
- Kopieren Sie auf dem Tab Details die Feedendpunkt-URL aus dem Feld Endpunktinformationen. Sie müssen diese Endpunkt-URL in der Anwendung „Jamf Protect Telemetry Alerts“ angeben.
- Klicken Sie auf Fertig.
- Geben Sie die Endpunkt-URL in Jamf Protect Telemetry an.
Weitere Informationen zu Google Security Operations-Feeds finden Sie in der Dokumentation zu Google Security Operations-Feeds. Informationen zu den Anforderungen für die einzelnen finden Sie unter Feedkonfiguration nach Typ.
Wenn beim Erstellen von Feeds Probleme auftreten, wenden Sie sich an den Google Security Operations-Support.
Unterstützte Jamf Protect-Telemetrieprotokolltypen
Der Jamf Protect-Telemetry-Parser unterstützt die folgenden Protokolltypen:
Event Type
- AUE_add_to_group
- AUE_create_group
- AUE_delete_group
- AUE_create_user
- AUE_delete_user
- AUE_modify_group
- AUE_modify_password
- AUE_modify_user
- AUE_openssh
Referenz für die Feldzuordnung
In diesem Abschnitt wird erläutert, wie der Google Security Operations-Parser Jamf Protect-Telemetriefelder den Feldern im Google Security Operations Unified Data Model (UDM) zuordnet.
Feldzuordnungsreferenz: Ereignis-ID zu Ereignistyp
In der folgenden Tabelle sind dieJAMF_TELEMETRY
-Protokolltypen und die zugehörigen UDM-Ereignistypen aufgeführt.
Event Identifier | Event Type |
AUE_add_to_group |
AUE_create_group |
AUE_delete_group |
AUE_create_user |
AUE_delete_user |
AUE_modify_group |
AUE_modify_password |
AUE_modify_user |
AUE_openssh |
Feldzuordnungsreferenz: JAMF_TELEMETRY
In der folgenden Tabelle sind die Protokollfelder desJAMF_TELEMETRY
-Protokolltyps und die zugehörigen UDM-Felder aufgeführt.
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to JAMF_TELEMETRY . |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to JAMF . |
header.time_seconds_epoch |
metadata.event_timestamp |
header.time_milliseconds_offset |
about.labels[time_milliseconds_offset] (deprecated) |
header.time_milliseconds_offset |
additional.fields[time_milliseconds_offset] |
header.version |
about.labels[header_version] (deprecated) |
header.version |
additional.fields[header_version] |
header.event_modifier |
about.labels[event_modifier] (deprecated) |
header.event_modifier |
additional.fields[event_modifier] |
header.event_uuid |
metadata.product_log_id |
header.event_name,header.event_id |
metadata.product_event_type |
If the header.event_name and header.event_id log field values are not empty, then the header.event_name-header.event_id log fields are mapped to the metadata.product_event_type UDM field.Else, if the header.event_name log field value is not empty, then the header.event_name log field is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type UDM field. Else, if the header.event_id log field value is not empty, then the header.event_id log field is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type UDM field. |
exec_chain.thread_uuid |
principal.labels[exec_chain_thread_uuid] (deprecated) |
exec_chain.thread_uuid |
additional.fields[exec_chain_thread_uuid] |
exec_chain.uuid |
principal.labels[exec_chain_uuid] (deprecated) |
exec_chain.uuid |
additional.fields[exec_chain_uuid] |
exec_chain_child.parent_path |
principal.process.parent_process.file.full_path |
exec_chain_child.parent_pid |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
exec_chain_child.parent_uuidsubject.parent (deprecated) |
principal.labels[exec_chain_child_parent_uuid] |
exec_chain_child.parent_uuid |
additional.fields[exec_chain_child_parent_uuid] |
host_info.serial_number |
principal.asset.hardware.serial_number |
host_info.host_name |
principal.hostname |
host_info.osversion |
principal.asset.software.version |
host_info.host_uuid |
principal.asset.product_object_id |
host_info.primary_mac_address |
principal.asset.mac |
identity.signer_id |
principal.labels[identity_signer_id] (deprecated) |
identity.signer_id |
additional.fields[identity_signer_id] |
identity.team_id_truncated |
principal.labels[identity_team_id_truncated] (deprecated) |
identity.team_id_truncated |
additional.fields[identity_team_id_truncated] |
identity.signer_id_truncated |
principal.labels[identity_signer_id_truncated] (deprecated) |
identity.signer_id_truncated |
additional.fields[identity_signer_id_truncated] |
identity.cd_hash |
principal.labels[identity_cd_hash] (deprecated) |
identity.cd_hash |
additional.fields[identity_cd_hash] |
identity.team_id |
principal.labels[team_id] (deprecated) |
identity.team_id |
additional.fields[team_id] |
identity.signer_type |
principal.labels[signer_type] (deprecated) |
identity.signer_type |
additional.fields[signer_type] |
key |
about.labels[key] (deprecated) |
key |
additional.fields[key] |
return.error,return.description |
security_result.description |
If the return.error and return.description log field values are not empty, then the return.error-return.description log fields are mapped to the security_result.description UDM field.Else, if the return.error log field value is not empty, then the return.error log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field. Else, if the return.description log field value is not empty, then the return.description log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field. |
return.return_value |
security_result.detection_fields |
subject.session_id |
network.session_id |
subject.group_id |
principal.user.group_identifiers |
If the header.event_name log field value contains one of the following values, then the subject.group_id log field is mapped to the target.user.group_identifiers UDM field:
Else, the subject.group_id log field is mapped to the principal.user.group_identifiers UDM field.
subject.effective_group_id |
target.user.group_identifiers |
If the header.event_name log field value does not contain one of the following values, then the subject.effective_group_id log field is mapped to the target.user.group_identifiers UDM field:
subject.group_name |
principal.group.group_display_name |
If the header.event_name log field value contains one of the following values, then the subject.group_name log field is mapped to the target.group.group_display_name UDM field:
Else, the subject.group_name log field is mapped to the principal.group.group_display_name UDM field.
subject.effective_group_name |
target.group.group_display_name |
If the header.event_name log field value does not contain one of the following values, then the subject.effective_group_name log field is mapped to the target.group.group_display_name UDM field:
subject.user_name |
principal.user.user_display_name |
If the header.event_name log field value contains one of the following values, then the subject.user_name log field is mapped to the target.user.user_display_name UDM field:
Else, the subject.user_name log field is mapped to the principal.user.user_display_name UDM field.
subject.effective_user_name |
target.user.user_display_name |
If the header.event_name log field value does not contain one of the following values, then the subject.effective_user_name log field is mapped to the target.user.user_display_name UDM field:
subject.user_id |
principal.user.userid |
If the header.event_name log field value contains one of the following values, then the subject.user_id log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field:
Else, the subject.user_id log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
subject.effective_user_id |
target.user.userid |
If the header.event_name log field value does not contain one of the following values, then the subject.effective_user_id log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field:
subject.audit_id |
principal.labels[audit_id] (deprecated) |
subject.audit_id |
additional.fields[audit_id] |
subject.responsible_process_id,metrics.tasks.pid |
principal.process.pid |
If the header.event_name log field value is equal to SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_METRICS , then the metrics.tasks.pid log field is mapped to the principal.process.pid UDM field. Else, the subject.responsible_process_id log field is mapped to the principal.process.pid UDM field. |
subject.process_id |
principal.process_ancestors.pid |
If the subject.responsible_process_id log field value is not empty, then the subject.process_id log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.pid UDM field. Else, the subject.process_id log field is mapped to the principal.process.pid UDM field. |
subject.audit_user_name |
principal.labels[audit_user_name] (deprecated) |
subject.audit_user_name |
additional.fields[audit_user_name] |
subject.process_name |
principal.process_ancestors.file.full_path |
If the subject.responsible_process_name log field value is not empty, then the subject.process_name log field is mapped to the principal.process_ancestors.file.full_path UDM field. Else, the subject.process_name log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field. |
subject.responsible_process_name |
principal.process.file.full_path |
subject.process_hash |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
subject.terminal_id.type |
principal.labels[type] (deprecated) |
If the subject.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 4 , then the principal.labels.key UDM field is set to subject_terminal_id_type and the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 4-IPv4 .Else, if the subject.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 6 , then the principal.labels.key UDM field is set to subject_terminal_id_type and the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 6-IPv6 . Else, the principal.labels.key UDM field is set to subject_terminal_id_type and the subject.terminal_id.type log field is mapped to the principal.labels.value UDM field. |
subject.terminal_id.type |
additional.fields[type] |
If the subject.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 4 , then the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to subject_terminal_id_type and the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 4-IPv4 .Else, if the subject.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 6 , then the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to subject_terminal_id_type and the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 6-IPv6 . Else, the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to subject_terminal_id_type and the subject.terminal_id.type log field is mapped to the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field. |
subject.terminal_id.ip_address |
principal.ip |
subject.terminal_id.port |
principal.port |
texts |
metadata.description |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the texts log field is mapped to the metadata.description UDM field.Else, the texts log field is mapped to the about.labels.value UDM field. |
attributes.device |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[device] |
attributes.owner_group_name |
about.group.group_display_name |
attributes.owner_group_id |
about.user.group_identifiers |
attributes.owner_user_id |
about.user.userid |
attributes.owner_user_name |
about.user.user_display_name |
attributes.file_system_id |
principal.labels[attributes_file_system_id] (deprecated) |
attributes.file_system_id |
additional.fields[attributes_file_system_id] |
attributes.file_access_mode |
principal.labels[attributes_file_access_mode] (deprecated) |
attributes.file_access_mode |
additional.fields[attributes_file_access_mode] |
attributes.node_id |
principal.asset.asset_id |
path |
about.labels[path] |
arguments.cmd |
principal.labels[arguments_cmd] (deprecated) |
arguments.cmd |
additional.fields[arguments_cmd] |
arguments.policy |
principal.labels[arguments_policy] (deprecated) |
arguments.policy |
additional.fields[arguments_policy] |
arguments.length |
principal.labels[arguments_length] (deprecated) |
arguments.length |
additional.fields[arguments_length] |
_event_score |
security_result.severity_details |
architecture |
principal.asset.hardware.cpu_model |
arguments.addr |
principal.labels[arguments_addr] (deprecated) |
arguments.addr |
additional.fields[arguments_addr] |
arguments.am_failure |
principal.labels[arguments_am_failure] (deprecated) |
arguments.am_failure |
additional.fields[arguments_am_failure] |
arguments.am_success |
principal.labels[arguments_am_success] (deprecated) |
arguments.am_success |
additional.fields[arguments_am_success] |
arguments.authenticated_as_test |
principal.labels[arguments_authenticated_as_test] (deprecated) |
arguments.authenticated_as_test |
additional.fields[arguments_authenticated_as_test] |
arguments.child_PID |
principal.labels[arguments_child_PID] (deprecated) |
arguments.child_PID |
additional.fields[arguments_child_PID] |
arguments.data |
principal.labels[arguments_data] (deprecated) |
arguments.data |
additional.fields[arguments_data] |
arguments.domain |
principal.labels[arguments_domain] (deprecated) |
arguments.domain |
additional.fields[arguments_domain] |
arguments.fd |
principal.labels[arguments_fd] (deprecated) |
arguments.fd |
additional.fields[arguments_fd] |
arguments.flags |
principal.labels[arguments_flags] (deprecated) |
arguments.flags |
additional.fields[arguments_flags] |
arguments.authenticated_as_allen.golbig |
principal.labels[authenticated_as_allen_golbig] (deprecated) |
arguments.authenticated_as_allen.golbig |
additional.fields[authenticated_as_allen_golbig] |
arguments.known_UID_ |
principal.labels[argument_known_uid] (deprecated) |
arguments.known_UID_ |
additional.fields[argument_known_uid] |
arguments.pid |
principal.labels[arguments_pid] (deprecated) |
arguments.pid |
additional.fields[arguments_pid] |
arguments.port |
principal.labels[arguments_port] (deprecated) |
arguments.port |
additional.fields[arguments_port] |
arguments.priority |
security_result.priority_details |
arguments.process |
principal.labels[argument_process] (deprecated) |
arguments.process |
additional.fields[argument_process] |
arguments.protocol |
principal.labels[argument_protocol] (deprecated) |
arguments.protocol |
additional.fields[argument_protocol] |
arguments.request |
principal.labels[argument_request] (deprecated) |
arguments.request |
additional.fields[argument_request] |
arguments.sflags |
principal.labels[arguments_sflags] (deprecated) |
arguments.sflags |
additional.fields[arguments_sflags] |
arguments.signal |
principal.labels[argument_signal] (deprecated) |
arguments.signal |
additional.fields[argument_signal] |
arguments.target_port,process.terminal_id.port,socket_inet.port |
target.port |
If the header.event_name log field value is equal to AUE_KILL or AUE_TASKFORPID , then the process.port log field is mapped to the target.port UDM field.Else, if the header.event_name log field value is equal to AUE_BIND or AUE_CONNECT , then the socket_inet.port log field is mapped to the target.port UDM field. Else, the agument.target_port log field is mapped to the target.port UDM field. |
arguments.task_port |
principal.labels[task_port] (deprecated) |
arguments.task_port |
additional.fields[task_port] |
arguments.type |
principal.labels[argument_type] (deprecated) |
arguments.type |
additional.fields[argument_type] |
arguments.which |
principal.labels[which] (deprecated) |
arguments.which |
additional.fields[which] |
arguments.who |
principal.labels[who] (deprecated) |
arguments.who |
additional.fields[who] |
bios_firmware_versions.booter-version |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[booter_version] |
bios_firmware_versions.firmware-features |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[firmware_features] |
bios_firmware_versions.firmware-version |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[firmware_version] |
bios_firmware_versions.release-date |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[release_date] |
bios_firmware_versions.rom-size |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[rom_size] |
bios_firmware_versions.system-firmware-version |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[system_firmware_version] |
bios_firmware_versions.vendor |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[vendor] |
bios_firmware_versions.version |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[version] |
exec_args.args_compiled |
principal.process.command_line |
exec_chain_parent.uuid |
principal.labels[parent_uuid] (deprecated) |
exec_chain_parent.uuid |
additional.fields[parent_uuid] |
exec_env.env_compiled |
about.labels[env_compiled] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env_compiled |
additional.fields[env_compiled] |
exec_env.env.PATH |
about.labels[env_path] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.PATH |
additional.fields[env_path] |
exit.return_value |
principal.labels[return_value] (deprecated) |
exit.return_value |
additional.fields[return_value] |
exit.status |
principal.labels[exit_status] (deprecated) |
exit.status |
additional.fields[exit_status] |
process.audit_id |
about.labels[process_audit_id] (deprecated) |
process.audit_id |
additional.fields[process_audit_id] |
process.audit_user_name |
about.labels[audit_user_name] (deprecated) |
process.audit_user_name |
additional.fields[audit_user_name] |
process.group_idprocess.effective_group_id |
about.user.group_identifiers |
process.group_name |
about.group.group_display_name |
process.process_hash |
target.process.file.sha1 |
process.process_id |
target.process.pid |
process.process_name |
target.process.file.full_path |
process.session_id |
target.labels[process_session_id] (deprecated) |
process.session_id |
additional.fields[process_session_id] |
process.terminal_id.addr |
target.labels[addr] |
process.terminal_id.ip_address |
target.ip |
process.terminal_id.type |
target.labels[process_terminal_id_type] (deprecated) |
If the process.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 4 , then the target.labels.key UDM field is set to process_terminal_id_type and the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 4-IPv4 .Else, if the subject.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 6 , then the target.labels.key UDM field is set to process_terminal_id_type and the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 6-IPv6 . Else, the target.labels.key UDM field is set to process_terminal_id_type and the process.terminal_id.type log field is mapped to the target.labels.value UDM field. |
process.terminal_id.type |
additional.fields[process_terminal_id_type] |
If the process.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 4 , then the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to process_terminal_id_type and the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 4-IPv4 .Else, if the subject.terminal_id.type log field value is equal to 6 , then the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to process_terminal_id_type and the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 6-IPv6 . Else, the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to process_terminal_id_type and the process.terminal_id.type log field is mapped to the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field. |
process.user_id |
about.user.userid |
process.user_name |
about.user.user_display_name |
rateLimitingSeconds |
about.labels[rate_limiting_seconds] (deprecated) |
rateLimitingSeconds |
additional.fields[rate_limiting_seconds] |
socket_inet.family |
target.labels[socket_inet_family] (deprecated) |
socket_inet.family |
additional.fields[socket_inet_family] |
socket_inet.id |
target.labels[socket_inet_id] (deprecated) |
If the socket_inet.id log field value is equal to 128 , then the target.labels.key UDM field is set to socket_inet_id and the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 128-IPv4 .Else, if the socket_inet.id log field value is equal to 129 , then the target.labels.key UDM field is set to socket_inet_id and the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 129-IPv6 . Else, the target.labels.key UDM field is set to socket_inet_id and the socket_inet.ip log field is mapped to the target.labels.value UDM field. |
socket_inet.id |
additional.fields[socket_inet_id] |
If the socket_inet.id log field value is equal to 128 , then the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to socket_inet_id and the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 128-IPv4 .Else, if the socket_inet.id log field value is equal to 129 , then the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to socket_inet_id and the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 129-IPv6 . Else, the additional.fields.key UDM field is set to socket_inet_id and the socket_inet.ip log field is mapped to the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field. |
socket_inet.ip_address |
target.ip |
socket_unix.family |
target.labels[socket_unix_family] (deprecated) |
socket_unix.family |
additional.fields[socket_unix_family] |
socket_unix.path |
target.file.full_path |
subject.terminal_id.addr |
target.labels[addr] |
metrics.hw_model |
principal.asset.hardware.model |
metrics.tasks.bytes_received |
network.received_bytes |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the metrics.tasks.bytes_received log field is mapped to the network.received_bytes UDM field.Else, the metrics.tasks.bytes_received log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
metrics.tasks.bytes_received_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[bytes_received_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.bytes_sent |
network.sent_bytes |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the metrics.tasks.bytes_sent log field is mapped to the network.sent_bytes UDM field.Else, the metrics.tasks.bytes_sent log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
metrics.tasks.bytes_sent_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[bytes_sent_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.cputime_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[cputime_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.cputime_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[cputime_ns] |
metrics.tasks.cputime_sample_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[cputime_sample_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.cputime_userland_ratio |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[cputime_userland_ratio] |
metrics.tasks.diskio_bytesread |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[diskio_bytesread] |
metrics.tasks.diskio_bytesread_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[diskio_bytesread_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.diskio_byteswritten |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[diskio_byteswritten] |
metrics.tasks.diskio_byteswritten_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[diskio_byteswritten_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.energy_impact |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[energy_impact] |
metrics.tasks.energy_impact_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[energy_impact_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.idle_wakeups |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[idle_wakeups] |
metrics.tasks.interval_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[interval_ns] |
metrics.tasks.intr_wakeups_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[intr_wakeups_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.name |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[name] |
metrics.tasks.packets_received |
network.received_packets |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the metrics.tasks.packets_received log field is mapped to the network.received_packets UDM field.Else, the metrics.tasks.packets_received log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
metrics.tasks.packets_received_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[packets_received_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.packets_sent |
network.sent_packets |
If the index value is equal to 0 , then the metrics.tasks.packets_sent log field is mapped to the network.sent_packets UDM field.Else, the metrics.tasks.packets_sent log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
metrics.tasks.packets_sent_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[packets_sent_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.pageins |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[pageins] |
metrics.tasks.pageins_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[pageins_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_background_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_background_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_background_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_background_ns] |
metrics.tasks.qos_default_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_default_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_default_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_default_ns] |
metrics.tasks.qos_disabled_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_disabled_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_disabled_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_disabled_ns] |
metrics.tasks.qos_maintenance_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_maintenance_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_maintenance_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_maintenance_ns] |
metrics.tasks.qos_user_initiated_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_user_initiated_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_user_initiated_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_user_initiated_ns] |
metrics.tasks.qos_user_interactive_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_user_interactive_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_user_interactive_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_user_interactive_ns] |
metrics.tasks.qos_utility_ms_per_s |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_utility_ms_per_s] |
metrics.tasks.qos_utility_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[qos_utility_ns] |
metrics.tasks.started_abstime_ns |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[started_abstime_ns] |
metrics.tasks.timer_wakeups.wakeups |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[timer_wakeups] |
page_info.page |
about.labels[page_info_page] (deprecated) |
page_info.page |
additional.fields[page_info_page] |
page_info.total |
about.labels[page_info_total] (deprecated) |
page_info.total |
additional.fields[page_info_total] |
exec_env.env._ |
about.labels[env] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env._ |
additional.fields[env] |
exec_env.env.__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING |
about.labels[env__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING |
additional.fields[env__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING] |
exec_env.env.__CFBundleIdentifier |
about.labels[env__CFBundleIdentifier] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.__CFBundleIdentifier |
additional.fields[env__CFBundleIdentifier] |
exec_env.env.ASDF_DIR |
about.labels[env_ASDF_DIR] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.ASDF_DIR |
additional.fields[env_ASDF_DIR] |
exec_env.env.HOME |
about.labels[env_HOME] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.HOME |
additional.fields[env_HOME] |
exec_env.env.LANG |
about.labels[env_LANG] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.LANG |
additional.fields[env_LANG] |
exec_env.env.LC_TERMINAL |
about.labels[env_LC_TERMINAL] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.LC_TERMINAL |
additional.fields[env_LC_TERMINAL] |
exec_env.env.LC_TERMINAL_VERSION |
about.labels[env_LC_TERMINAL_VERSION] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.LC_TERMINAL_VERSION |
additional.fields[env_LC_TERMINAL_VERSION] |
exec_env.env.MAIL |
about.labels[env_MAIL] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.MAIL |
additional.fields[env_MAIL] |
exec_env.env.MallocSpaceEfficient |
about.labels[env_MallocSpaceEfficient] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.MallocSpaceEfficient |
additional.fields[env_MallocSpaceEfficient] |
exec_env.env.OLDPWD |
about.labels[env_OLDPWD] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.OLDPWD |
additional.fields[env_OLDPWD] |
exec_env.env.PWD |
about.file.full_path |
exec_env.env.SHELL |
about.labels[env_SHELL] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.SHELL |
additional.fields[env_SHELL] |
exec_env.env.SHLVL |
about.labels[env_SHLVL] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.SHLVL |
additional.fields[env_SHLVL] |
exec_env.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK |
about.labels[env_SSH_AUTH_SOCK] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK |
additional.fields[env_SSH_AUTH_SOCK] |
exec_env.env.SSH_CLIENT |
about.labels[env_SSH_CLIENT] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.SSH_CLIENT |
additional.fields[env_SSH_CLIENT] |
exec_env.env.SSH_CONNECTION |
about.labels[env_SSH_CONNECTION] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.SSH_CONNECTION |
additional.fields[env_SSH_CONNECTION] |
exec_env.env.SSH_TTY |
about.labels[env_SSH_TTY] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.SSH_TTY |
additional.fields[env_SSH_TTY] |
exec_env.env.SUDO_COMMAND |
about.labels[env_SUDO_COMMAND] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.SUDO_COMMAND |
additional.fields[env_SUDO_COMMAND] |
exec_env.env.SUDO_GID |
about.user.group_identifiers |
exec_env.env.SUDO_UID |
about.user.userid |
exec_env.env.SUDO_USER |
about.user.user_display_name |
exec_env.env.TERM |
about.labels[env_TERM] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.TERM |
additional.fields[env_TERM] |
exec_env.env.LOGNAME |
about.labels[env_LOGNAME] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.LOGNAME |
additional.fields[env_LOGNAME] |
exec_env.env.USER |
about.labels[env_USER] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.USER |
additional.fields[env_USER] |
exec_env.env.TERM_PROGRAM |
about.labels[env_TERM_PROGRAM] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.TERM_PROGRAM |
additional.fields[env_TERM_PROGRAM] |
about.labels[env_TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION] (deprecated) |
additional.fields[env_TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION] |
exec_env.env.TERM_SESSION_ID |
about.labels[env_TERM_SESSION_ID] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.TERM_SESSION_ID |
additional.fields[env_TERM_SESSION_ID] |
exec_env.env.TMPDIR |
about.labels[env_TMPDIR] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.TMPDIR |
additional.fields[env_TMPDIR] |
exec_env.env.XPC_FLAGS |
about.labels[env_XPC_FLAGS] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.XPC_FLAGS |
additional.fields[env_XPC_FLAGS] |
exec_env.env.XPC_SERVICE_NAME |
about.labels[env_XPC_SERVICE_NAME] (deprecated) |
exec_env.env.XPC_SERVICE_NAME |
additional.fields[env_XPC_SERVICE_NAME] |
target.resource.resource_type |
If the header.event_name log field value is equal to AUE_GETAUID , then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to TASK .Else, if the header.event_name log field value is equal to AUE_SETPRIORITY or AUE_SETTIMEOFDAY , then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to SETTING . |
extensions.auth.mechanism |
If the header.event_name log field value contains one of the following values, then the mechanism UDM field is set to USERNAME_PASSWORD :