Collect Azure Application Gateway logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to collect Azure Application Gateway logs by setting up a Google Security Operations feed. This parser handles both single and multi-record JSON structures, extracts fields from the "records" array, performs data type conversions, maps fields to the UDM, and enriches the data with metadata and derived fields like network connection type. It also handles specific logic for different operationName values, extracting relevant IP addresses, subnets, and other configuration details.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have:

  • A Google SecOps instance.
  • Privileged access to an Azure subscription.
  • An Azure application gateway environment (tenant) in Azure.

Configure Azure Storage Account

  1. In the Azure console, search for Storage accounts.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Subscription: select the subscription.
    • Resource Group: select the resource group.
    • Region: select the region.
    • Performance: select the performance (Standard recommended).
    • Redundancy: select the redundancy (GRS or LRS recommended).
    • Storage account name: enter a name for the new storage account.
  4. Click Review + create.
  5. Review the overview of the account and click Create.
  6. From the Storage Account Overview page, select submenu Access keys in Security + networking.
  7. Click Show next to key1 or key2
  8. Click Copy to clipboard to copy the key.
  9. Save the key in a secure location for later use.
  10. From the Storage Account Overview page, select submenu Endpoints in Settings.
  11. Click Copy to clipboard to copy the Blob service endpoint URL. (for example, https://<storageaccountname>
  12. Save the endpoint URL in a secure location for later use.

Configure Azure Application Gateway

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Go to the resource group you want.
  3. Select Application gateway (the Application gateway window appears).
  4. In the Monitoring section, select Diagnostic settings > Turn on diagnostics.
  5. Select Add diagnostics setting (the Diagnostic settings window displays the settings for the diagnostic logs).
  6. In the log section, do the following:
    1. Select the ApplicationGatewayAccessLog checkbox.
    2. Select the ApplicationGatewayFirewallLog checkbox.
  7. To store logs in the storage account, do the following:
    1. Select Archive to a storage account checkbox.
    2. In the Subscription list, select an existing subscription.
    3. In the Storage account list, select an existing storage account.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest the Azure Application Gateway logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed (for example, Azure Application Gateway Logs).
  4. Select Microsoft Azure Blob Storage as the Source type.
  5. Select Azure Application Gateway as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify values for the following input parameters:

    • Azure uri: the blob endpoint URL.
        • Replace the following:
          • ENDPOINT_URL: the blob endpoint URL. (https://<storageaccountname>
          • BLOB_NAME: the name of the blob. (such as, insights-logs-<logname>)
    • URI is a: select the URI TYPE according to the log stream configuration (Single file | Directory | Directory which includes subdirectories).
    • Source deletion options: select the deletion option according to your preference.
    • Shared key: the access key to the Azure Blob Storage.
    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.
    • Ingestion labels: the label to be applied to the events from this feed.
  8. Click Next.

  9. Review your new feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
Category metadata.product_event_type Directly mapped from the Category field.
ClientOperationId additional.fields[].key:"ClientOperationId", value.string_value Directly mapped from the ClientOperationId field.
CorrelationRequestId additional.fields[].key:"CorrelationRequestId", value.string_value Directly mapped from the CorrelationRequestId field.
GatewayManagerVersion additional.fields[].key:"GatewayManagerVersion", value.string_value Directly mapped from the GatewayManagerVersion field.
category metadata.product_event_type Directly mapped from the category field.
level security_result.severity Directly mapped from the level field, converted to uppercase. If the value is "WARNING", the severity is set to "HIGH" and security_result.severity_details is set to the original value.
properties.clientIP principal.ip, principal.asset.ip Directly mapped from the properties.clientIP field.
properties.clientPort principal.port Directly mapped from the properties.clientPort field, converted to an integer.
properties.clientResponseTime additional.fields[].key:"clientResponseTime", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.clientResponseTime field.
properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.Asn security_result.detection_fields[].key:"ASN", value Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.Asn field when operationName is "SetGatewayConfiguration".
properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.PeerAddress target.ip, target.asset.ip Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.PeerAddress field when operationName is "SetGatewayConfiguration".
properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.PeerType security_result.detection_fields[].key:"PeerType", value Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.PeerType field when operationName is "SetGatewayConfiguration".
properties.configuration.IkeVersion principal.resource.attribute.labels[].key:"ike_version", value Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.IkeVersion field when operationName is "SetConnectionConfiguration".
properties.configuration.LocalSubnets principal.resource.attribute.labels[].key:"local subnets", value Concatenated string of IP addresses from the properties.configuration.LocalSubnets array when operationName is "SetConnectionConfiguration".
properties.configuration.LocalTunnelEndpoint principal.ip, principal.asset.ip Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.LocalTunnelEndpoint field when operationName is "SetConnectionConfiguration".
properties.configuration.Name principal.hostname, principal.asset.hostname Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.Name field. If empty, the value is taken from properties.instance.
properties.configuration.RemoteSite target.hostname, target.asset.hostname Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.RemoteSite field.
properties.configuration.RemoteSubnets principal.resource.attribute.labels[].key:"remote subnets", value Concatenated string of IP addresses from the properties.configuration.RemoteSubnets array when operationName is "SetConnectionConfiguration".
properties.configuration.RemoteTunnelEndpoint target.ip, target.asset.ip Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.RemoteTunnelEndpoint field when operationName is "SetConnectionConfiguration".
properties.configuration.VIPAddress principal.ip, principal.asset.ip Directly mapped from the properties.configuration.VIPAddress field when operationName is "SetGatewayConfiguration".
properties.configuration.VirtualNetworkRanges principal.resource.attribute.labels[].key:"virutal network ranges", value Concatenated string of IP addresses from the properties.configuration.VirtualNetworkRanges array when operationName is "SetGatewayConfiguration".
properties.configuration.VirtualNetworkSubnets principal.resource.attribute.labels[].key:"virtual network subnets", value Concatenated string of IP addresses from the properties.configuration.VirtualNetworkSubnets array when operationName is "SetGatewayConfiguration".
properties.error_info additional.fields[].key:"error_info", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.error_info field. principal.hostname, principal.asset.hostname Directly mapped from the field if properties.originalHost is empty.
properties.httpMethod network.http.method Directly mapped from the properties.httpMethod field.
properties.httpStatus network.http.response_code Directly mapped from the properties.httpStatus field, converted to an integer.
properties.httpVersion network.application_protocol Set to "HTTP" if the properties.httpVersion field contains "HTTP".
properties.instance principal.hostname, principal.asset.hostname Used as the value for principal.hostname if properties.configuration.Name is empty.
properties.message metadata.description Directly mapped from the properties.message field.
properties.operationName additional.fields[].key:"operationName", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.operationName field.
properties.operationStatus security_result.category_details Directly mapped from the properties.operationStatus field. If the value is "Success" or "InProgress", security_result.action is set to "ALLOW".
properties.originalHost principal.hostname, principal.asset.hostname Directly mapped from the properties.originalHost field.
properties.originalRequestUriWithArgs additional.fields[].key:"originalRequestUriWithArgs", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.originalRequestUriWithArgs field.
properties.receivedBytes network.received_bytes Directly mapped from the properties.receivedBytes field, converted to an unsigned integer.
properties.requestQuery additional.fields[].key:"requestQuery", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.requestQuery field.
properties.requestUri target.url Directly mapped from the properties.requestUri field.
properties.sentBytes network.sent_bytes Directly mapped from the properties.sentBytes field, converted to an unsigned integer.
properties.serverResponseLatency additional.fields[].key:"Server Response Latency", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.serverResponseLatency field.
properties.serverRouted target.ip, target.asset.ip, target.port The IP and port are extracted from the properties.serverRouted field using a regular expression.
properties.sslCipher network.tls.cipher Directly mapped from the properties.sslCipher field.
properties.sslClientCertificateIssuerName network.tls.server.certificate.issuer Directly mapped from the properties.sslClientCertificateIssuerName field.
properties.sslProtocol network.tls.version Directly mapped from the properties.sslProtocol field.
properties.timeTaken additional.fields[].key:"timeTaken", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.timeTaken field.
properties.transactionId network.session_id Directly mapped from the properties.transactionId field.
properties.userAgent network.http.user_agent, network.http.parsed_user_agent Directly mapped from the properties.userAgent field. Also, the field is converted to a parsed user agent and mapped to network.http.parsed_user_agent.
properties.WAFEvaluationTime additional.fields[].key:"WAFEvaluationTime", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.WAFEvaluationTime field.
properties.WAFMode additional.fields[].key:"WAFMode", value.string_value Directly mapped from the properties.WAFMode field.
resourceId Directly mapped from the resourceId field.
resourceid target.resource.product_object_id Directly mapped from the resourceid field.
ruleName security_result.rule_name Directly mapped from the ruleName field.
time / timeStamp metadata.event_timestamp, timestamp Parsed as a timestamp using RFC 3339 or ISO8601 format. timeStamp is preferred, but time is used if timeStamp is not present.
(Parser Logic) metadata.event_type Set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" if both principal and target are present, "STATUS_UPDATE" if only principal is present, and "GENERIC_EVENT" otherwise.
(Parser Logic) metadata.product_name Set to "Azure Gateway".
(Parser Logic) metadata.vendor_name Set to "Microsoft".
(Parser Logic) has_principal A boolean flag, set to "true" if any principal information (hostname, IP, or port) is extracted, and "false" otherwise.
(Parser Logic) has_target A boolean flag, set to "true" if any target information (hostname, IP, port, resource ID, or URL) is extracted, and "false" otherwise.
(Parser Logic) disambiguation_key Added when multiple events are extracted from a single log entry.



  • Added support for multiple event JSON logs.


  • Mapped "resourceid" to "".
  • Mapped "properties.operationStatus" to "security_result.category_details".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.Name" to "principal.hostname".
  • Mapped "properties.message" to "metadata.description".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.RemoteStie" to "target.hostname".
  • Mapped "level" to "security_result.severity_details".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.Ikeversion" to "principal.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.LocalTunnelEndpoint" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.RemoteTunnelEndpoint" to "target.ip".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.LocalSubnets", "properties.configuration.RemoteSubnets", "properties.configuration.VirtualNetworkRanges", and "properties.configuration.VirtualNetworkSubnets" to "principal.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.VIPAddress" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.PeerAddress" to "targrt.ip".
  • Mapped "properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.PeerType" and "properties.configuration.BgpConfiguration.GatewayConfig.Asn" to "security_result.detection_fields".


  • Newly created parser.