Collect AWS S3 server access logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to collect AWS S3 server access logs by setting up a Google Security Operations feed. The parser extracts fields using grok patterns, handles potential JSON input, and maps the extracted fields to the UDM. It performs data transformations, type conversions, and conditional logic based on the presence and values of specific fields to ensure accurate UDM representation.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to AWS.

Configure AWS S3 server access logging

Google SecOps supports log collection using Amazon S3 through Amazon SQS.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management console.
  2. Access the Amazon S3 console.
  3. Go to Amazon S3 > Buckets.
  4. Select an existing bucket or create a new one.
  5. Click Properties.
  6. In the Server access logging section, click Edit.
  7. Select Enable.
  8. In the Target bucket field, enter a name for the new bucket to send the log record objects to or select an existing bucket as the target.
  1. Click Save changes.
  2. To create the SQS queue for the S3 bucket, configure an Amazon SQS instance with the S3 storage. For more information, see Configuring a bucket for notifications (SNS topic or SQS queue).

Based on the service and region, identify the endpoints for connectivity by referring to the following AWS documentation: * For information about any logging source, see AWS Identity and Access Management endpoints and quotas. * For information about S3 logging sources, see Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas. * For information about SQS logging sources, see Amazon Simple Queue Service endpoints and quotas.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest AWS S3 server access logs

  1. In the Google SecOps menu, go to Settings > Feeds > Add new.
  2. In the Source type list, select Amazon S3 or Amazon SQS.
  3. In the Log type list, select AWS S3 server access.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Google SecOps supports log collection using an access key ID and secret method. To create the access key ID and secret, see Configure tool authentication with AWS.
  6. Based on the AWS S3 server access configuration that you created, specify values for the input parameters:
    • If using Amazon S3, specify values for the following fields:
      • Region
      • S3 URI
      • URI is a
      • Source deletion option
      • Access key ID
      • Secret access key
    • If using Amazon SQS, specify values for the following fields:
      • Region
      • Queue name
      • Account number
      • Queue access key ID
      • Queue secret access key
      • Source deletion option
  7. Click Next, and then click Submit.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
aclRequired target.resource.attribute.labels.key: "aclRequired"
target.resource.attribute.labels.value: Value of aclRequired
Directly mapped from the raw log field aclRequired.
authenticationtype extensions.auth.auth_details Directly mapped from the raw log field authenticationtype.
bucket Directly mapped from the raw log field bucket.
bucket target.resource.resource_type: "STORAGE_BUCKET" The parser sets the resource_type to "STORAGE_BUCKET" if the bucket field is present.
bucketowner target.resource.product_object_id Directly mapped from the raw log field bucketowner.
bytes_sent network.sent_bytes Directly mapped from the raw log field bytes_sent after converting it to an unsigned integer and replacing "-" with "0".
ciphersuite network.application_protocol: "HTTPS" The parser sets the application_protocol to "HTTPS" if the ciphersuite field is present.
ciphersuite network.tls.cipher Directly mapped from the raw log field ciphersuite.
errorcode security_result.action_details Directly mapped from the raw log field errorcode.
errorcode security_result.action: "BLOCK" The parser sets the action to "BLOCK" if the errorcode field contains "AccessDenied" (case-insensitive).
hostheader target.hostname Extracted from the raw log field hostheader, potentially removing the port number.
hostheader target.port Extracted from the raw log field hostheader if a port number is present.
hostid target.resource.attribute.labels.key: "S3 Extended Request ID"
target.resource.attribute.labels.value: Value of hostid
Directly mapped from the raw log field hostid.
http_capture network.http.method The HTTP method is extracted from the http_capture field.
http_capture network.http.version The HTTP version is extracted from the http_capture field.
http_capture target.url The target URL is constructed using hostheader and http_request_uri (extracted from http_capture), prefixed with "http://" or "https://" based on the presence of ciphersuite.
httpstatus network.http.response_code Directly mapped from the raw log field httpstatus after converting it to an integer.
object_version_id target.resource.product_object_id Directly mapped from the raw log field object_version_id.
objectsize target.file.size Directly mapped from the raw log field objectsize after converting it to an unsigned integer and replacing "-" with "0".
operation metadata.product_event_type Directly mapped from the raw log field operation.
referrer network.http.referral_url Directly mapped from the raw log field referrer after removing quotes.
remoteip metadata.event_type: "USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS" The parser sets the event_type to "USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS" if the remoteip field is empty.
remoteip principal.ip Directly mapped from the raw log field remoteip.
requester target.resource.attribute.labels.key: "Access Point ARN"
target.resource.attribute.labels.value: Value of requester
Directly mapped from the raw log field requester.
requester_user principal.user.userid Directly mapped from the raw log field requester_user.
requestid network.session_id Directly mapped from the raw log field requestid.
request_time_ms network.session_duration.nanos Directly mapped from the raw log field request_time_ms after converting it to an integer, replacing "-" with "0", and padding with zeros to represent nanoseconds.
signatureversion target.resource.attribute.labels.key: "Signature Version"
target.resource.attribute.labels.value: Value of signatureversion
Directly mapped from the raw log field signatureversion.
time metadata.event_timestamp Parsed from the raw log field time and converted to a timestamp.
tlsVersion network.tls.version Directly mapped from the raw log field tlsVersion.
useragent network.http.user_agent Directly mapped from the raw log field useragent after removing quotes.
(Parser Logic) metadata.event_type: "NETWORK_HTTP" The parser sets the default event_type to "NETWORK_HTTP".
(Parser Logic) metadata.log_type: "AWS_S3_SERVER_ACCESS" The parser sets the log_type to "AWS_S3_SERVER_ACCESS".
(Parser Logic) metadata.product_name: "AWS S3 Server Access" The parser sets the product_name to "AWS S3 Server Access".
(Parser Logic) metadata.product_version: "HTTP/http_version" The parser sets the product_version using the extracted http_version.
(Parser Logic) metadata.vendor_name: "AMAZON" The parser sets the vendor_name to "AMAZON".
(Parser Logic) network.application_protocol: "HTTP" The parser sets the application_protocol to "HTTP" if the ciphersuite field is not present.
(Parser Logic) timestamp The parser sets the event timestamp to the current time when the event is processed.



  • Bug-Fix -
  • Modified Grok pattern to handle a hyphen (-) when data is not present.
  • Mapped "aclRequired" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".


  • Enhancement-
  • Added support for JSON format logs.


  • Newly Created Parser.

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