Collect AWS Elastic Load Balancing logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to collect AWS Elastic Load Balancing logs by setting up a Google Security Operations feed. The parser converts the logs into UDM format. It uses grok patterns to extract fields from both CEF and non-CEF formatted messages, mapping them to UDM fields and handling various data transformations, including specific logic for HTTP, TLS, and security-related fields. It also performs conditional processing based on the presence or format of certain fields to ensure accurate UDM representation.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to AWS.

Configure AWS Elastic Load Balancing

Configure Amazon S3 bucket

  1. Sign in to the AWS console.
  2. Create an Amazon S3 bucket following this user guide: Creating a bucket
  3. Save the bucket Name (for example, elb-logs) and Region for later use.
  4. Create a user following this user guide: Creating an IAM user.
  5. Select the created User.
  6. Select the Security credentials tab.
  7. Click Create Access Key in the Access Keys section.
  8. Select Third-party service as the Use case.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Optional: add a description tag.
  11. Click Create access key.
  12. Click Download CSV file to save the Access Key and Secret Access Key for later use.
  13. Click Done.
  14. Select the Permissions tab.
  15. Click Add permissions in the Permissions policies section.
  16. Select Add permissions.
  17. Select Attach policies directly.
  18. Search for and select the AmazonS3FullAccess policy.
  19. Click Next.
  20. Click Add permissions.

Configure AWS Elastic Load Balancer to Enable Access Logs

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Search for and select EC2.
  3. Select Load balancers in the navigation menu.
  4. Select the load balancer for which you want to enable logging.
  5. In the Description tab, scroll to Attributes.
  6. Click Edit attributes.
  7. Enable Access logs by selecting Enable.
  8. Select the S3 bucket created earlier (for example, elb-logs).
  9. Optional: set the Log Prefix for easier log identification (for example, elb/access-logs/).
  10. Click Save.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest the AWS Elastic Load Balancer logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed (for example, AWS Elastic Load Balancer Logs).
  4. Select Amazon S3 as the Source type.
  5. Select AWS Elastic Load Balancer as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify values for the following input parameters:

    • Region: the region where the Amazon S3 bucket is located.
    • S3 URI: the bucket URI.
      • s3:/BUCKET_NAME
        • Replace BUCKET_NAME with the actual name of the bucket.
    • URI is a: select the URI TYPE according to the log stream configuration (Single file | Directory | Directory which includes subdirectories).
    • Source deletion options: select the deletion option according to your preference.
    • Access Key ID: the User access key with access to the S3 bucket.
    • Secret Access Key: the User secret key with access to the S3 bucket.
    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.
    • Ingestion labels: the label to be applied to the events from this feed.
  8. Click Next.

  9. Review your new feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
actions_executed security_result.action If actions_executed is "waf,forward" or "waf,redirect", set to "ALLOW". If actions_executed is "waf", set to "BLOCK".
chosen_cert_arn principal.user.attribute.labels If chosen_cert_arn contains "session", map its value to security_result.description. Otherwise, create a label with key "ARN" and value as chosen_cert_arn and add it to the principal.user.attribute.labels array.
chosen_cert_arn security_result.description If chosen_cert_arn contains "session", map its value to this field.
client_ip principal.asset.ip Directly mapped.
client_ip principal.ip Directly mapped.
client_port principal.port Directly mapped.
classification security_result.rule_name Directly mapped if not empty or "-".
classification_reason security_result.summary Directly mapped if not empty or "-".
Customer (CEF) principal.user.user_display_name Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data Various Parsed using grok patterns to extract multiple fields. See other rows for specific mappings.
data.act (CEF) security_result.action_details Directly mapped from the CEF field. (CEF) principal.application Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.ccode (CEF) Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.cicode (CEF) Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.cn1 (CEF) network.http.response_code Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.cpt (CEF) principal.port Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.cs1Label (CEF) additional.fields Creates a key-value pair with key "Cap Support" and value from cs1Label.
data.cs2Label (CEF) additional.fields Creates a key-value pair with key "Javascript Support" and value from cs2Label.
data.cs3Label (CEF) additional.fields Creates a key-value pair with key "CO Support" and value from cs3Label.
data.cs4Label (CEF) additional.fields Creates a key-value pair with key "VID" and value from cs4Label.
data.cs5Label (CEF) additional.fields Creates a key-value pair with key "clappsig" and value from cs5Label.
data.cs6Label (CEF) additional.fields Creates a key-value pair with key "clapp" and value from cs6Label.
data.cs7Label (CEF) additional.fields Creates a key-value pair with key "latitude" and value from cs7Label.
data.deviceExternalId (CEF) about.asset.asset_id Used as part of the asset ID: Incapsula.SIEMintegration:deviceExternalId.
data.deviceFacility (CEF) principal.location.region Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.dproc (CEF) target.process.command_line Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.dst_ip target.asset.ip Directly mapped.
data.dst_ip target.ip Directly mapped.
data.dst_port target.port Directly mapped.
data.elb Directly mapped.
data.fileId (CEF) security_result.detection_fields Creates a key-value pair with key "fileId" and value from fileId. (CEF) network.received_bytes Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.request (CEF) target.url Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.requestClientApplication (CEF) network.http.user_agent Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.requestMethod (CEF) network.http.method Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.severity (CEF) security_result.severity Mapped to LOW if severity is 0.
data.sip (CEF) principal.asset.ip Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.sip (CEF) principal.ip Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.siteid (CEF) security_result.detection_fields Creates a key-value pair with key "siteid" and value from siteid.
data.sourceServiceName (CEF) principal.application Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.spt (CEF) principal.port Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.src (CEF) principal.ip Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.suid (CEF) principal.user.userid Directly mapped from the CEF field.
data.ver (CEF) network.tls.version The version part is extracted using grok and mapped.
data.ver (CEF) network.tls.cipher The cipher part is extracted using grok and mapped.
data.xff (CEF) principal.ip Directly mapped from the CEF field.
domain_name principal.administrative_domain Directly mapped.
http_method network.http.method Directly mapped.
log_type metadata.log_type Directly mapped.
message Various Parsed using grok patterns to extract multiple fields. See other rows for specific mappings.
received_bytes network.received_bytes Directly mapped.
redirect_url network.application_protocol If redirect_url starts with "http", the protocol is extracted and mapped.
redirect_url target.asset.hostname If redirect_url starts with "http", the hostname is extracted and mapped.
redirect_url target.hostname If redirect_url starts with "http", the hostname is extracted and mapped.
redirect_url target.port If redirect_url starts with "http", the port is extracted and mapped.
request_creation_time metadata.collected_timestamp Directly mapped after date parsing.
request_processing_time security_result.detection_fields Creates a key-value pair with key "request_processing_time" and value from this field.
response_processing_time security_result.detection_fields Creates a key-value pair with key "response_processing_time" and value from this field.
sent_bytes network.sent_bytes Directly mapped.
ssl_cipher network.tls.cipher Directly mapped.
ssl_protocol network.tls.version Directly mapped.
target_group_arn Directly mapped.
target_processing_time security_result.detection_fields Creates a key-value pair with key "target_processing_time" and value from this field.
target_status_code target.labels Creates a label with key "target_status_code" and value from this field, and adds it to the target.labels array.
time metadata.event_timestamp Directly mapped after date parsing.
trace_id metadata.product_log_id Directly mapped after removing "Root=".
url network.http.referral_url Directly mapped.
user_agent network.http.user_agent Directly mapped.
(Parser) metadata.event_type Set to "NETWORK_HTTP" if principal and target machine IDs are present, "STATUS_UPDATE" if only principal machine ID is present, "GENERIC_EVENT" if no target IP, hostname, or destination IP is present, and "NETWORK_HTTP" otherwise.
(Parser) metadata.product_name Set to "AWS Elastic Load Balancer".
(Parser) metadata.vendor_name Set to "AMAZON".



  • Added new Grok pattern to support new pattern of JSON logs.
  • Added support for CEF pattern logs.
  • Mapped "dst_ip" to "target.ip".
  • Mapped "dst_port" to "target.port".
  • Mapped "sip" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "request_processing_time", "target_processing_time", "siteid", "fileId", and "response_processing_time" to "security_result.detection.fields".
  • Aligned mappings for "principal.ip" and "principal.asset.ip".
  • Aligned mappings for "target.ip" and "target.asset.ip".
  • Aligned mappings for "target.hostname" and "target.asset.hostname".
  • Mapped "cipher" to "network.tls.cipher".
  • Mapped "version" to "network.tls.version".
  • Mapped "Customer" to "principal.user.user_display_name".


  • Enhancement - Modified the value stored in metadata.product_name to 'AWS Elastic Load Balancer'.

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