Collect AWS CloudWatch logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to ingest AWS CloudWatch logs to Google Security Operations. AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service, which collects operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events. This integration lets you send these logs to Google SecOps for analysis and monitoring.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to AWS.

Create an Amazon S3 bucket

It's recommended to use a bucket that was created specifically for CloudWatch logs.

  1. Open the Amazon S3 console.
  2. If required, you can change the Region.
    • From the navigation bar, select the Region where your CloudWatch Logs reside.
  3. Click Create Bucket.
    • Bucket Name: enter a meaningful name for the bucket.
    • Region: select the region where your CloudWatch Logs data resides.
    • Click Create.

Create an IAM user with full access to Amazon S3 and CloudWatch Logs

  1. Open the IAM console.
  2. Click Users > Add user.
  3. Enter a user name (for example, CWExport).
  4. Select Programmatic access and AWS Management Console access.
  5. Select either Autogenerated password or Custom password.
  6. Click Next: Permissions.
  7. Choose Attach existing policies directly.
  8. Search for and select the AmazonS3FullAccess and CloudWatchLogsFullAccess policies to the user.
  9. Click Next: Tags.
  10. Click Next: Review.
  11. Click Create user.

Configure permissions on Amazon S3 bucket

  1. In the Amazon S3 console, choose the bucket that you previously created.
  2. Click Permissions > Bucket policy.
  3. In the Bucket Policy Editor, add the following policy.

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
            "Action": "s3:GetBucketAcl",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::cw-exported-logs",
            "Principal": { "Service": "" }
            "Action": "s3:PutObject" ,
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-exported-logs/random-string/*",
            "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control" } },
            "Principal": { "Service": "" }
  4. Change and update the following json variables:

    • Change cw-exported-logs to the name of your S3 bucket.
    • Change random-string to a randomly generated string of characters.
    • Be sure to specify the correct Region endpoint for Principal.
  5. Click Save to set the policy that you just added as the access policy on your bucket.

Configure CloudWatch Export

  1. Sign in as the IAM user you previously created.
  2. Open CloudWatch console.
  3. In the navigation menu, select Log groups.
  4. Select the name of an existing log group or create a new log group.
  5. Choose Actions > Export data to Amazon S3.
  6. On the Export data to Amazon S3 screen, locate Define data export.
  7. Set the time range for the data to export using From and To.
  1. Choose S3 bucket: select the account associated with the Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. S3 bucket name: select an Amazon S3 bucket.
  3. S3 Bucket prefix: enter the randomly generated string that you specified in the bucket policy.
  4. Choose Export to export your log data to Amazon S3.
  5. To view the status of the log data that you exported to Amazon S3, select Actions > View all exports to Amazon S3.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest AWS CloudWatch logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed (for example, AWS CloudWatch Logs).
  4. Select Amazon S3 as the Source type.
  5. Select AWS CloudWatch as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify values for the following input parameters:

    • Region: the region where the Amazon S3 bucket is located.
    • S3 URI: the bucket URI.
      • s3://your-log-bucket-name/
        • Replace your-log-bucket-name with the actual name of the bucket.
    • URI is a: select Directory or Directory which includes subdirectories.
    • Source deletion options: select the deletion option according to your preference.

    • Access Key ID: the User access key with access to the S3 bucket.

    • Secret Access Key: the User secret key with access to the S3 bucket.

    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.

    • Ingestion labels: the label to be applied to the events from this feed.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Review your new feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
account principal.user.userid The value of account from the raw log is mapped to the principal.user.userid field.
account_id principal.user.userid The value of account_id from the raw log is mapped to the principal.user.userid field.
AlertId metadata.product_log_id The value of AlertId from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_log_id field.
arrivalTimestamp metadata.event_timestamp The value of arrivalTimestamp from the raw log is converted to a timestamp and mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp field.
attemptsMade additional.fields The value of attemptsMade from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "Attempts Made".
awsAccountId principal.asset_id The value of awsAccountId from the raw log is prepended with "AWS Account id: " and mapped to the principal.asset_id field.
billed_duration additional.fields The value of billed_duration from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "billed_duration".
BytesIn network.received_bytes The value of BytesIn from the raw log is converted to an unsigned integer and mapped to the network.received_bytes field.
cipher network.tls.cipher The value of cipher from the raw log is mapped to the network.tls.cipher field.
Ciphers network.tls.client.supported_ciphers The value of Ciphers from the raw log is split by commas and each value is added to the network.tls.client.supported_ciphers array.
cloudwatchLog security_result.description The value of cloudwatchLog from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.description field.
CloudAccountId metadata.product_deployment_id The value of CloudAccountId from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_deployment_id field.
CloudType The value of CloudType from the raw log determines the value of If CloudType is "gcp", the value is "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM". If CloudType is "aws", the value is "AMAZON_WEB_SERVICES". If CloudType is "azure", the value is "MICROSOFT_AZURE".
Context.Execution.Id target.resource.attribute.labels The value of Context.Execution.Id from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "Context Id".
Context.Execution.Name target.resource.attribute.labels The value of Context.Execution.Name from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "Context Name".
Context.Execution.RoleArn target.resource.product_object_id The value of Context.Execution.RoleArn from the raw log is mapped to the target.resource.product_object_id field.
descr metadata.description The value of descr from the raw log, after removing extra whitespace, is mapped to the metadata.description field unless it is "-". If descr is empty, the value of log is used instead. target.location.country_or_region The value of from the raw log is mapped to the target.location.country_or_region field. target.resource.attribute.labels The value of from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "Destination properties prefix".
detail.additionalEventData.configRuleArn security_result.rule_id The value of detail.additionalEventData.configRuleArn from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.rule_id field.
detail.additionalEventData.configRuleName security_result.rule_name The value of detail.additionalEventData.configRuleName from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.rule_name field.
detail.additionalEventData.managedRuleIdentifier additional.fields The value of detail.additionalEventData.managedRuleIdentifier from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "managedRuleIdentifier".
detail.additionalEventData.notificationJobType additional.fields The value of detail.additionalEventData.notificationJobType from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "notificationJobType".
detail.awsAccountId principal.asset_id The value of detail.awsAccountId from the raw log is prepended with "AWS Account id: " and mapped to the principal.asset_id field.
detail.awsRegion The value of detail.awsRegion from the raw log is mapped to the field.
detail.configRuleArn security_result.rule_id The value of detail.configRuleArn from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.rule_id field.
detail.configRuleName security_result.rule_name The value of detail.configRuleName from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.rule_name field.
detail.configurationItem.awsAccountId principal.user.userid The value of detail.configurationItem.awsAccountId from the raw log is mapped to the principal.user.userid field.
detail.configurationItem.awsRegion target.location.country_or_region The value of detail.configurationItem.awsRegion from the raw log is mapped to the target.location.country_or_region field.
detail.configurationItem.configuration.complianceType security_result.summary The value of detail.configurationItem.configuration.complianceType from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.summary field.
detail.configurationItem.configuration.targetResourceId target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.configurationItem.configuration.targetResourceId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "configurationItem configuration targetResourceId".
detail.configurationItem.configuration.targetResourceType target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.configurationItem.configuration.targetResourceType from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "configurationItem configuration targetResourceType".
detail.configurationItem.configurationItemCaptureTime _target.asset.attribute.creation_time The value of detail.configurationItem.configurationItemCaptureTime from the raw log is converted to a timestamp and mapped to the _target.asset.attribute.creation_time field.
detail.configurationItem.configurationItemStatus target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.configurationItem.configurationItemStatus from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "configurationItem configurationItemStatus".
detail.configurationItem.configurationStateId target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.configurationItem.configurationStateId from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "configurationItem configurationStateId".
detail.configurationItem.resourceId The value of detail.configurationItem.resourceId from the raw log is mapped to the field.
detail.configurationItem.resourceType target.resource.resource_subtype The value of detail.configurationItem.resourceType from the raw log is mapped to the target.resource.resource_subtype field.
detail.configurationItemDiff.changedProperties.Configuration.configRuleList.1.updatedValue.configRuleArn security_result.rule_id The value of detail.configurationItemDiff.changedProperties.Configuration.configRuleList.1.updatedValue.configRuleArn from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.rule_id field.
detail.eventCategory security_result.category_details The value of detail.eventCategory from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.category_details field.
detail.eventID metadata.product_log_id The value of detail.eventID from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_log_id field.
detail.eventName additional.fields The value of detail.eventName from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "Event Name".
detail.eventSource target.application The value of detail.eventSource from the raw log is mapped to the target.application field.
detail.eventType additional.fields The value of detail.eventType from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "Event Type".
detail.eventVersion metadata.product_version The value of detail.eventVersion from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_version field.
detail.managementEvent additional.fields The value of detail.managementEvent from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "detail managementEvent".
detail.messageType target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.messageType from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "Message Type".
detail.newEvaluationResult.complianceType security_result.summary The value of detail.newEvaluationResult.complianceType from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.summary field.
detail.newEvaluationResult.configRuleInvokedTime additional.fields The value of detail.newEvaluationResult.configRuleInvokedTime from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "newEvaluationResult_configRuleInvokedTime".
detail.newEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.configRuleName additional.fields The value of detail.newEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.configRuleName from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "newEvaluationResult_configRuleName".
detail.newEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceId additional.fields The value of detail.newEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "newEvaluationResult_resourceId".
detail.newEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceType additional.fields The value of detail.newEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceType from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "newEvaluationResult_resourceType".
detail.newEvaluationResult.resultRecordedTime additional.fields The value of detail.newEvaluationResult.resultRecordedTime from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "newEvaluationResult_resultRecordedTime".
detail.oldEvaluationResult.configRuleInvokedTime additional.fields The value of detail.oldEvaluationResult.configRuleInvokedTime from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "oldEvaluationResult_configRuleInvokedTime".
detail.oldEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.configRuleName additional.fields The value of detail.oldEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.configRuleName from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "oldEvaluationResult_configRuleName".
detail.oldEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceId additional.fields The value of detail.oldEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "oldEvaluationResult_resourceId".
detail.oldEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceType additional.fields The value of detail.oldEvaluationResult.evaluationResultIdentifier.evaluationResultQualifier.resourceType from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "oldEvaluationResult_resourceType".
detail.oldEvaluationResult.resultRecordedTime additional.fields The value of detail.oldEvaluationResult.resultRecordedTime from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "oldEvaluationResult_resultRecordedTime".
detail.readOnly additional.fields The value of detail.readOnly from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "detail readOnly".
detail.recipientAccountId target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.recipientAccountId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "Recipient Account Id".
detail.recordVersion metadata.product_version The value of detail.recordVersion from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_version field.
detail.requestID target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.requestID from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "Detail Request ID".
detail.resourceType target.resource.resource_subtype The value of detail.resourceType from the raw log is mapped to the target.resource.resource_subtype field.
detail.s3Bucket The value of detail.s3Bucket from the raw log is mapped to the field.
detail.s3ObjectKey target.resource.attribute.labels The value of detail.s3ObjectKey from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "s3ObjectKey".
detail.userAgent network.http.user_agent The value of detail.userAgent from the raw log is mapped to the network.http.user_agent field.
detail.userIdentity.accessKeyId target.user.userid The value of detail.userIdentity.accessKeyId from the raw log is mapped to the target.user.userid field.
detail.userIdentity.accountId metadata.product_deployment_id The value of detail.userIdentity.accountId from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_deployment_id field.
detail.userIdentity.arn target.user.userid The value of detail.userIdentity.arn from the raw log is mapped to the target.user.userid field.
detail.userIdentity.principalId principal.user.product_object_id The value of detail.userIdentity.principalId from the raw log is mapped to the principal.user.product_object_id field.
detail.userIdentity.sessionContext.attributes.mfaAuthenticated principal.user.attribute.labels The value of detail.userIdentity.sessionContext.attributes.mfaAuthenticated from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the principal.user.attribute.labels with the key "mfaAuthenticated".
detail.userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.userName target.user.user_display_name The value of detail.userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.userName from the raw log is mapped to the target.user.user_display_name field.
detail.userIdentity.type principal.resource.type The value of detail.userIdentity.type from the raw log is mapped to the principal.resource.type field.
detail-type metadata.product_event_type The value of detail-type from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type field.
device principal.asset.product_object_id The value of device from the raw log is mapped to the principal.asset.product_object_id field.
digestPublicKeyFingerprint target.file.sha1 The value of digestPublicKeyFingerprint from the raw log is mapped to the target.file.sha1 field.
digestS3Bucket The value of digestS3Bucket from the raw log is mapped to the field.
digestS3Object principal.asset.asset_id The value of digestS3Object from the raw log is prepended with "S3 Object: " and mapped to the principal.asset.asset_id field.
digestSignatureAlgorithm network.tls.cipher The value of digestSignatureAlgorithm from the raw log is mapped to the network.tls.cipher field.
digestStartTime metadata.event_timestamp The value of digestStartTime from the raw log is converted to a timestamp and mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp field.
dimensions.VolumeId additional.fields The value of dimensions.VolumeId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "VolumeId".
duration additional.fields The value of duration from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "duration".
errorCode security_result.rule_name The value of errorCode from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.rule_name field.
errorMessage security_result.summary The value of errorMessage from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.summary field.
executionId The value of executionId from the raw log is mapped to the field.
host principal.hostname, principal.ip The value of host from the raw log, with hyphens replaced by dots, is parsed as an IP address and mapped to the principal.ip field if successful. Otherwise, it is mapped to the principal.hostname field.
http_verb network.http.method The value of http_verb from the raw log is converted to uppercase and mapped to the network.http.method field.
kubernetes.container_hash additional.fields The value of kubernetes.container_hash from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "container_hash".
kubernetes.container_image additional.fields The value of kubernetes.container_image from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "container_image".
kubernetes.container_name additional.fields The value of kubernetes.container_name from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "container_name".
kubernetes.docker_id principal.asset_id The value of kubernetes.docker_id from the raw log is prepended with "id: " and mapped to the principal.asset_id field. principal.hostname, principal.ip The value of from the raw log, with hyphens replaced by dots, is parsed as an IP address and mapped to the principal.ip field if successful. Otherwise, it is mapped to the principal.hostname field.
kubernetes.namespace principal.namespace The value of kubernetes.namespace from the raw log is mapped to the principal.namespace field.
kubernetes.namespace_name principal.namespace The value of kubernetes.namespace_name from the raw log is mapped to the principal.namespace field.
kubernetes.pod_id principal.asset.asset_id The value of kubernetes.pod_id from the raw log is prepended with "pod_id: " and mapped to the principal.asset.asset_id field.
kubernetes.pod_name additional.fields The value of kubernetes.pod_name from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "pod name".
lambdaArn principal.hostname The value of lambdaArn from the raw log is mapped to the principal.hostname field.
level security_result.severity The value of level from the raw log determines the value of security_result.severity. If level is "Info", the value is "INFORMATIONAL". If level is "Error", the value is "ERROR". If level is "Warning", the value is "MEDIUM".
log metadata.description The value of log from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.description field if descr is empty.
logFiles about For each element in the logFiles array from the raw log, an about object is created with file.full_path set to s3Object, asset.hostname set to s3Bucket, and file.sha256 set to hashValue.
log_processed.cause security_result.summary The value of log_processed.cause from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.summary field.
log_processed.ids intermediary.hostname For each element in the log_processed.ids array from the raw log, an intermediary object is created with hostname set to the element's value.
log_processed.level security_result.severity The value of log_processed.level from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.severity field.
log_processed.msg metadata.description The value of log_processed.msg from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.description field.
log_processed.ts metadata.event_timestamp The value of log_processed.ts from the raw log is converted to a timestamp and mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp field.
log_type metadata.log_type The value of log_type from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.log_type field. This is a custom field added for context.
logevent.message security_result.description The value of logevent.message from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.description field. It is also parsed using grok to extract additional fields.
logGroup The value of logGroup from the raw log is mapped to the field.
logStream security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels The value of logStream from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels with the key "logStream".
memory_used additional.fields The value of memory_used from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "memory_used".
metric_name additional.fields The value of metric_name from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "metric_name".
metric_stream_name additional.fields The value of metric_stream_name from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "metric_stream_name".
namespace principal.namespace The value of namespace from the raw log is mapped to the principal.namespace field.
owner principal.user.userid The value of owner from the raw log is mapped to the principal.user.userid field.
parameters additional.fields The value of parameters from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "Parameters".
Path principal.process.file.full_path The value of Path from the raw log is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path field.
pid The value of pid from the raw log is mapped to the field.
PolicyName security_result.rule_name The value of PolicyName from the raw log is mapped to the security_result.rule_name field.
prin_host principal.hostname The value of prin_host from the raw log is mapped to the principal.hostname field.
principal_hostname principal.hostname The value of principal_hostname from the raw log is mapped to the principal.hostname field.
process principal.application The value of process from the raw log is mapped to the principal.application field.
rawData additional.fields The value of rawData from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "Raw Data".
Recommendation security_result.detection_fields The value of Recommendation from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the security_result.detection_fields with the key "Recommendation".
referral_url network.http.referral_url The value of referral_url from the raw log is mapped to the network.http.referral_url field.
region The value of region from the raw log is mapped to the field.
resp_code network.http.response_code The value of resp_code from the raw log is converted to an integer and mapped to the network.http.response_code field.
resource_url network.http.referral_url The value of resource_url from the raw log is mapped to the network.http.referral_url field.
ResourceType target.resource.resource_subtype The value of ResourceType from the raw log is mapped to the target.resource.resource_subtype field.
response_body additional.fields The value of response_body from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "Response body".
Role target.resource.product_object_id The value of Role from the raw log is mapped to the target.resource.product_object_id field.
s3_bucket_path target.file.full_path The value of s3_bucket_path from the raw log is mapped to the target.file.full_path field.
sec_result.category security_result.category The value of sec_result.category is derived from the parser logic. If descr contains "authentication is required", the value is "AUTH_VIOLATION".
sec_result.description security_result.description The value of sec_result.description is derived from the parser logic. It is set to the value of cloudwatchLog if present.
sec_result.severity security_result.severity The value of sec_result.severity is derived from the parser logic. It is set based on the value of severity or level.
sec_result.summary security_result.summary The value of sec_result.summary is derived from the parser logic. It is set to the value of log_processed.cause or errorMessage if present.
security_result security_result The security_result object is constructed from various fields and parser logic.
serverId additional.fields The value of serverId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "server_id".
severity security_result.severity The value of severity from the raw log, converted to uppercase and normalized, is mapped to the security_result.severity field.
Source principal.hostname The value of Source from the raw log is mapped to the principal.hostname field.
source principal.hostname The value of source from the raw log is mapped to the principal.hostname field.
SourceIP principal.ip The value of SourceIP from the raw log is mapped to the principal.ip field.
src_port principal.port If src_port is "80", it is converted to an integer and mapped to the principal.port field, and network.application_protocol is set to "HTTP".
stream additional.fields The value of stream from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "stream".
subscriptionFilters security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels For each element in the subscriptionFilters array from the raw log, a key-value pair is added to the security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels with the key "subscriptionFilter" and the value from the array.
support_contact target.resource.attribute.labels The value of support_contact from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the target.resource.attribute.labels with the key "Support Contact".
t_ip target.ip The value of t_ip from the raw log, after removing hyphens, is parsed as an IP address and mapped to the target.ip field if successful.
time metadata.event_timestamp The value of time from the raw log is converted to a timestamp and mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp field.
timestamp metadata.event_timestamp The value of timestamp from the raw log is converted to a timestamp using various formats and mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp field.
tls network.tls.version The value of tls from the raw log is mapped to the network.tls.version field.
transferDetails.serverId additional.fields The value of transferDetails.serverId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "server_id".
transferDetails.sessionId network.session_id The value of transferDetails.sessionId from the raw log is mapped to the network.session_id field.
transferDetails.username principal.user.user_display_name The value of transferDetails.username from the raw log is mapped to the principal.user.user_display_name field.
ts metadata.event_timestamp The value of ts from the raw log, combined with the timezone if available, is converted to a timestamp and mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp field.
type metadata.product_event_type The value of type from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type field.
unit additional.fields The value of unit from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "unit".
url target.url The value of url from the raw log is mapped to the target.url field.
url_back_to_product metadata.url_back_to_product The value of url_back_to_product from the raw log is mapped to the metadata.url_back_to_product field.
User principal.user.userid The value of User from the raw log is mapped to the principal.user.userid field.
user target.user.userid, metadata.event_type, extensions.auth.mechanism If user is present, metadata.event_type is set to "USER_LOGIN", extensions.auth.mechanism is set to "NETWORK", and the value of user is mapped to target.user.userid.
value.count additional.fields The value of value.count from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "count".
value.max additional.fields The value of value.max from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "max".
value.min additional.fields The value of value.min from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "min".
value.sum additional.fields The value of value.sum from the raw log is converted to a string and added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "sum".
workflowId additional.fields The value of workflowId from the raw log is added as a key-value pair to the additional.fields with the key "workflowId".



  • Enhancement:
  • Mapped timestamp to UNIX_MS.


  • Enhancement:
  • Added a "kv block" to parse key-value format logs.
  • Mapped "SourceIP" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "prin_host" to "principal.hostname".
  • Mapped "User" to "principal.user.userid".
  • Mapped "Ciphers" to "network.tls.client.supported_ciphers".
  • Mapped "executionId" to "".
  • Mapped "transferDetails.sessionId" to "network.session_id".
  • Mapped "transferDetails.username" to "principal.user.user_display_name".
  • Mapped "transferDetails.serverId", "workflowId", "details.input.initialFileLocation.etag", "details.input.initialFileLocation.backingStore", "details.input.initialFileLocation.bucket", "details.input.initialFileLocation.key",
  • "Mode", "Kex" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "BytesIn" to "network.received_bytes".
  • Mapped "Role" to "target.resource.product_object_id".


  • Enhancement:
  • Added a Grok pattern to parse the unparsed raw logs.


  • Enhancement:
  • Added support for 'logEvents'-related JSON logs.


  • Mapped "CloudType" to "".
  • Mapped "AlertId" to "metadata.product_log_id".
  • Mapped "ResourceType" to "target.resource.resource_subtype".
  • Mapped "ResourceRegion" to "target.location.country_or_region".
  • Mapped "Recommendation" to "security_result.detection_fields".
  • Mapped "PolicyName","detail.additionalEventData.configRuleName" to "security_result.rule_name".
  • Mapped "detail-type" to "metadata.product_event_type".
  • Mapped "region","detail.awsRegion" to "".
  • Mapped "detail.eventSource" to "target.application".
  • Mapped "detail.requestID" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "detail.userAgent" to "network.http.user_agent".
  • Mapped "detail.eventVersion" to "metadata.product_version".
  • Mapped "detail.userIdentity.accountId" to "metadata.product_deployment_id".
  • Mapped "detail.userIdentity.accessKeyId" to "target.user.userid".
  • Mapped "detail.userIdentity.type" to "principal.resource.type".
  • Mapped "detail.userIdentity.principalId" to "principal.user.product_object_id".
  • Mapped "detail.user.arn" to "target.user.userid".
  • Mapped "detail.user.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.userName" to "target.user.user_display_name".
  • Mapped "detail.user.mfaAuthenticated" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "detail.recipientAccountId" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "detail.managementEvent", "detail.eventType", "detail.readOnly", "detail.eventName", "detail.additionalEventData.notificationJobType", "detail.additionalEventData.managedRuleIdentifier", "duration", "billed_duration", "memory_used" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "detail.eventCategory" to "security_result.category_details".
  • Mapped "detail.eventID" to "metadata.product_log_id".
  • Mapped "detail.additionalEventData.configRuleArn" to "security_result.rule_id".
  • Mapped "level" to "security_result.severity".
  • Mapped "src_port" to "principal.port".
  • Mapped "request_id" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "url" to "target.url".


  • Enhancement:
  • Added grok to parse newly ingested logs.
  • Mapped "package" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.principal.process.command_line".
  • Mapped "session_id" to "".
  • Mapped "network_dir" to "".
  • Mapped "port" to "".
  • Remapped "digestPublicKeyFingerprint" from "additional.fields" to "".
  • Added other log levels like "AUDIT", "TRACE", "DEBUG", "NOTICE", "ERROR" for severity mapping.
  • Duplicated the value in "target.ip" to "principal.ip" to set event_type as "STATUS_UPDATE" thereby reducing generic percentage.
  • Added conditions for "event_type" "USER_UNCATEGORIZED", "NETWORK_HTTP", "NETWORK_CONNECTION", "STATUS_UPADTE" to reduce generic percentage.


  • Bug Fix - Remapped "digestS3Bucket" to "".
  • Remapped "kubernetes.pod_name" to "additional.fields".


  • Enhancement:
  • Modified the value stored in metadata.product_name to 'AWS CloudWatch' and metadata.vendor_name to 'AMAZON'.

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