Google Cloud IAM 컨텍스트 로그

이 문서에서는 Google Cloud Identity and Access Management 컨텍스트 로그의 필드가 Google Security Operations 통합 데이터 모델 (UDM) 필드에 매핑되는 방식을 설명합니다.

수집 라벨은 원시 로그 데이터를 구조화된 UDM 형식으로 정규화하는 파서를 식별합니다. 이 문서의 정보는 GCP_IAM_CONTEXT 수집 라벨이 있는 파서에 적용됩니다.

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필드 매핑 참조

이 섹션에서는 Google Security Operations 파서가 Google Cloud Identity and Access Management 컨텍스트 필드를 Google Security Operations 통합 데이터 모델 (UDM) 필드에 매핑하는 방식을 설명합니다.

Log field UDM mapping Logic[group_title] entity.resource_ancestors.product_object_id entity.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role, then
Grok extracts prnt_id from the log field and maps it to the entity.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccountKey, then
Grok extracts project_id from the log field and maps it to the entity.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
entity.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role and the log field value matches the regular expression pattern organizations, then the entity.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to organizations.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role and the log field value matches the regular expression pattern projects, then the entity.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to projects.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccount, then the entity.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to projects.
entity.resource_ancestors.resource_type If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role and the log field value matches the regular expression pattern organizations, then the entity.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_ORGANIZATION.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role and the log field value matches the regular expression pattern projects, then the entity.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccount, then the entity.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT. The UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM. entity.resource.attribute.labels[deleted] entity.resource.attribute.labels[disabled]
resource.discoveryDocumentUri entity.resource.attribute.labels[discovery_document_uri]
resource.discoveryName entity.resource.attribute.labels[discovery_name] entity.resource.attribute.labels[etag] entity.resource.attribute.labels[resource_name] entity.resource.attribute.labels[stage] entity.resource.attribute.labels[title]
name entity.resource.product_object_id If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccountKey, then
Grok extracts account_id from the log field and maps it to the entity.resource.product_object_id UDM field. entity.resource.product_object_id If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role, then
Grok extracts res_name from the log field and maps it to the entity.resource.product_object_id UDM field.
assetType entity.resource.resource_subtype
entity.resource.resource_type If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role, then the entity.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to ACCESS_POLICY.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccount, then the entity.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT. If the resource.discoveryName log field value is equal to ServiceAccount, then the entity.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM. entity.user.email_addresses entity.user.userid entity.user.attribute.labels[oauth2_client_id] entity.user.user_display_name entity.user.product_object_id metadata.description
metadata.entity_type If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern Role, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccountKey, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.

Else, if the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccount, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to USER.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Identity and Access Management.
resource.version metadata.product_version
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Google.
relations.direction The relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL.
relations.entity_type The relations.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE. relations.entity.resource.attribute.creation_time relations.entity.resource.attribute.labels[key_algorithm] relations.entity.resource.attribute.labels[key_origin] relations.entity.resource.attribute.labels[key_type] relations.entity.resource.attribute.labels[private_key_data] relations.entity.resource.attribute.labels[private_key_type] relations.entity.resource.attribute.labels[public_key_data] relations.entity.resource.attribute.labels[valid_before_time]
resource.parent relations.entity.resource.product_object_id Grok extracts id from the log field resource.parent and maps it to the relations.entity.resource.product_object_id UDM field. relations.entity.resource.product_object_id If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccountKey, then
Grok extracts key from the log field and maps it to the relations.entity.resource.product_object_id UDM field.
ancestors relations.entity.resource.product_object_id Grok extracts id from the log field ancestors and maps it to the relations.entity.resource.product_object_id UDM field.
ancestors relations.entity.resource.resource_subtype Grok extracts subtype from the log field ancestors and maps it to the relations.entity.resource.resource_subtype UDM field.
relations.entity.resource.resource_subtype If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccountKey, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to keys.

If the resource.parent log field value matches the regular expression pattern organizations, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to organizations.

Else, if the resource.parent log field value matches the regular expression pattern projects, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to projects.

Else, if the resource.parent log field value matches the regular expression pattern folders, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to folders.
relations.entity.resource.resource_type If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccountKey, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_OBJECT.

Else, if the resource.parent log field value matches the regular expression pattern organizations or the ancestors log field value matches the regular expression pattern organization, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_ORGANIZATION.

Else, if the resource.parent log field value matches the regular expression pattern projects or the ancestors log field value matches the regular expression pattern project, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT.

Else, if the resource.parent log field value matches the regular expression pattern folders or the ancestors log field value matches the regular expression pattern folder, then the relations.entity.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_OBJECT.
relations.relationship If the assetType log field value matches the regular expression pattern ServiceAccountKey, then the relations.relationship UDM field is set to OWNS.

Else, the relations.relationship UDM field is set to MEMBER.