
Before you can use Blockchain RPC, you must meet the following prerequisites:

Done? Prerequisite Description
Google Cloud project

Create a new Google Cloud project. When you do, be sure to note the project ID and project number. You'll need the ID and number later in this process.

Project names must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Start with a lower-case letter. For example, my-org is OK, but _my-org is not.
  • Include the following characters only:
    • Lower-case letters: a-z
    • Numbers: 0-9
    • Hyphens: -

    For example:

    my-project         my_project        No underscores
    first-project      1st-project       Cannot start with a number
    google-project     project@google    No special chars except hyphens

For more information, see Creating a project.