Gemini Code Assist release notes

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May 29, 2024

On May 29, 2024 we released an updated version of Gemini Code Assist features for use with Apigee

Preview release of API Management features in Gemini Code Assist: generative AI API spec creation with enterprise context and Apigee policy code explanation.

This release introduces features for Gemini Code Assist API management:

  • Use Gemini Code Assist to facilitate API design including OpenAPI spec generation with enterprise context from natural language prompts and built in visual API designer to further refine the specification.
  • Code explain for Apigee policies: When adding or editing a proxy policy, highlight part of the policy XML code, such as an element or attribute, to see Gemini Assist-generated information and guidance about the selection.

For more information and usage instructions, see Use Gemini Code Assist.