Knative serving pricing

This page provides pricing information for Knative serving.

GKE Enterprise pricing

Use of Knative serving is included in the GKE Enterprise subscription.

Deploying container images

You are not charged if you deploy your container images from between the Container Registry and Knative serving regions that are on the same continent. For example, deploying images from or are free of charge for Knative serving services in the us-central1 or us-east1. See Cloud Storage network pricing for details.

GKE pricing for Knative serving

The free trial period ended on September 30, 2021.

Events for Knative serving pricing (beta)

Events for Knative serving is an add-on for Knative serving. Workloads running in a cluster are included in Google Kubernetes Engine pricing. Events for Knative serving makes use of other Google Cloud services that generate billable cost.

Service Use
Google Kubernetes Engine Container pods for the eventing components. The compute resources used in these pods will generate billable cost.
Pub/Sub Pub/Sub is used to transport events. The generation of Pub/Sub topics will generate billable cost.
Cloud Logging Cloud Logging is used to generate audit and service logs. The generation of these logs will generate billable cost.
Cloud Trace Cloud Trace is used to track event delivery from source to receiver. Cloud Trace ingestion spans will generate billable cost.

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