Google Distributed Cloud 1.6 release notes

This document lists production updates to Google Distributed Cloud. We recommend that Google Distributed Cloud developers periodically check this list for any new announcements.

You can see the latest product updates for all of Google Cloud on the Google Cloud page, browse and filter all release notes in the Google Cloud console, or programmatically access release notes in BigQuery.

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January 31, 2024

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

A security vulnerability, CVE-2024-21626, has been discovered in runc where a user with permission to create Pods might be able to gain full access to the node filesystem.

For instructions and more details, see the GCP-2024-005 security bulletin.

June 27, 2023

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

A number of vulnerabilities have been discovered in Envoy, which is used in Anthos Service Mesh (ASM). These were reported separately as GCP-2023-002.

For more information, see the GCP-2023-016 security bulletin.

June 16, 2023

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

Two new security issues were discovered in Kubernetes where users may be able to launch containers that bypass policy restrictions when using ephemeral containers and either ImagePolicyWebhook (CVE-2023-2727) or the ServiceAccount admission plugin (CVE-2023-2728).

For more information, see the GCP-2023-014 security bulletin.

May 10, 2023

CentOS Linux 8 Support Deprecated

CentOS Linux 8 reached its end of life (EOL) on December 31st, 2021. We strongly recommend that you migrate to one of the other supported operating systems from Anthos clusters on bare metal. All support for CentOS is removed from Anthos clusters for bare metal release 1.17 (December 2023) and subsequent releases.

April 12, 2023

Kubernetes image registry redirect

As of March 21, 2023, traffic to is redirected to, following the community announcement. This change is happening gradually to reduce disruption, and should be transparent for most Anthos clusters.

To check for edge cases and mitigate potential impact to your clusters, follow the step-by-step guidance in Redirect to - What You Need to Know.

April 26, 2022

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

Two security vulnerabilities, CVE-2022-1055 and CVE-2022-27666 have been discovered in the Linux kernel. Each can lead to a local attacker being able to perform a container breakout, privilege escalation on the host, or both. These vulnerabilities affect Linux operating systems supported by Anthos clusters on bare metal. For instructions and more details, see the GCP-2022-014 security bulletin.

February 04, 2022

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

A security vulnerability, CVE-2021-4034, has been discovered in pkexec, a part of the Linux policy kit package (polkit), that allows an authenticated user to perform a privilege escalation attack. PolicyKit is generally used only on Linux desktop systems to allow non-root users to perform actions, such as rebooting the system, installing packages, restarting services, as governed by a policy.

For instructions and more details, see the GCP-2022-004 security bulletin.

October 29, 2021

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

The security community recently disclosed a new security vulnerability CVE-2021-30465 found in runc that has the potential to allow full access to a node filesystem.

For more information, see the GCP-2021-011 security bulletin.

October 21, 2021

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

A security issue was discovered in the Kubernetes ingress-nginx controller, CVE-2021-25742. Ingress-nginx custom snippets allows retrieval of ingress-nginx service account tokens and secrets across all namespaces. For more information, see the GCP-2021-024 security bulletin.

October 04, 2021

Security bulletin (all minor versions)

A security vulnerability, CVE-2020-8561, has been discovered in Kubernetes where certain webhooks can be made to redirect kube-apiserver requests to private networks of that API server.

For more information, see the GCP-2021-021 security bulletin.

August 13, 2021

Release 1.6.4

Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.6.4 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.6.4 runs on Kubernetes 1.18.


The following container image security vulnerabilities have been fixed:

Known issues:

When you upgrade Anthos clusters on bare metal from a version with a security patch to the next minor release, we recommend you upgrade to the highest patch version to ensure you have the latest security fixes. Always review the release notes before upgrading so you're aware of what has changed, including security fixes and known issues. Upgrading to a lower release version isn't supported.

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

May 17, 2021

Release 1.6.3

Anthos clusters on bare metal release 1.6.3 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on bare metal. Anthos clusters on bare metal 1.6.3 runs on Kubernetes 1.18.


Known issues:

When you upgrade Anthos clusters on bare metal from a version with a security patch to the next minor release, we recommend you upgrade to the highest patch version to ensure you have the latest security fixes. Always review the release notes before upgrading so you're aware of what has changed, including security fixes and known issues. Upgrading to a lower release version isn't supported.

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos clusters on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

May 06, 2021

Security bulletin (1.6 and 1.7)

The Envoy and Istio projects recently announced several new security vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-28683, CVE-2021-28682, and CVE-2021-29258) that could allow an attacker to crash Envoy.

For more information, see the GCP-2021-004 security bulletin.

April 20, 2021

Security bulletin (1.6 and 1.7)

The Kubernetes project recently announced a new security vulnerability, CVE-2021-25735, that could allow node updates to bypass a Validating Admission Webhook. For more details, see the GCP-2021-003 security bulletin.

February 26, 2021

Release 1.6.2

Anthos clusters on bare metal release 1.6.2 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos on bare metal 1.6.2 runs on Kubernetes 1.18.


  • Updated custom resource API to reject changes to Cluster and NodePool configuration fields that are not currently supported. For a list of supported mutable fields, see Configuration in Known Issues.
  • Updated bmctl to allow creating or upgrading Anthos clusters on bare metal to the current bmctl version (1.6.2) only. For more information about version restrictions, see Installation in Known Issues.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the automatic reset of bare metal machines to fail after deleting the user cluster.
  • Added preflight check to verify that control group v2, or cgroup v2 for short, is not in use on the cluster machine. Anthos on bare betal 1.6.x is incompatible with cgroup v2. For more information, see Control group v2 incompatibility in Known Issues.
  • Updated csi-snapshot-validation-webhook to support certification rotation. For more information about certificate rotation, see Security in Known Issues.
  • Fixed an issue to prevent constant patching for CRDs.
  • Fixed a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) issue with kubelet to ensure fully qualified domain name(FQDN) hostnames are supported.

For information about the latest known issues, see Anthos on bare metal known issues in the Troubleshooting section.

January 29, 2021

Release 1.6.1

Anthos clusters on bare metal release 1.6.1 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos on bare metal. Anthos on bare metal 1.6.1 runs on Kubernetes 1.18.6-gke.6600.

Functionality changes:

  • Added upgrade support from 1.6.0. Users are able to upgrade existing Anthos bare metal cluster from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1.
  • Improved upgrade preflight check. Added preflight check before cluster upgrade to validate current cluster status, machine health and other issues before proceeding to upgrade.
  • Added support for deleting mounts and data from the anthos-system StorageClass during bmctl reset.
  • Relaxed the requirement for an odd number of control plane node pools to allow customers to add and remove nodes for maintenance or replacement.
  • Added support to force removing a broken worker node through annotation on the operator machine.
  • Added etcddefrag pod to control-plane nodes, which are responsible for monitoring etcd's database size and defragmenting the database as needed. This helps reclaim etcd database size and recover etcd when its disk space is exceeded.
  • Enabled kubelet server TLS certification auto-rotation. Kubelet on each node sends out CSR when nearing serving certificate expiration. A controller running inside the admin cluster validates and approves the CSR for user clusters.
  • Added proxy support to connect to the OIDC provider. This allows overriding the cluster proxy configuration with a different proxy.
  • Added bmctl update cluster for updating standalone clusters.


  • Fixed bug causing cluster deletion stall problem because of pods refusing to evacuate, or dead nodes.

November 30, 2020

Release 1.6.0

Anthos on bare metal is generally available

Anthos on bare metal is a deployment option to run Anthos on physical or virtual servers, deployed on an operating system provided by you, without a hypervisor layer. Anthos on bare metal ships with built-in networking, lifecycle management, diagnostics, health checks, logging, and monitoring. Anthos on bare metal supports CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and Ubuntu—all validated by Google. With Anthos on bare metal, you can use your company's standard hardware and operating system images, taking advantage of existing investments, which are automatically checked and validated against Anthos infrastructure requirements.

Anthos on bare metal is available today, with either subscription or pay-as-you-go pricing. Anthos on bare metal lets you leverage existing investments in hardware, OS, and networking infrastructure. The minimum system requirement to run Anthos on bare metal is 2 nodes with a minimum total of 4 cores, 32 GB RAM, and 128 GB of disk space with no specialized hardware. The setup lets you run Anthos on bare metal on almost any infrastructure.

Anthos on bare metal uses a "bring your own operating system" model. It runs atop physical or virtual instances, and supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1/8.2, CentOS 8.1/8.2, or Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 LTS. Anthos provides overlay networking and L4/L7 load balancing. You can also integrate with your own load balancer such as F5 and Citrix. For storage, you can deploy persistent workloads using CSI integration with your existing infrastructure.

You can deploy Anthos on bare metal using one of the following deployment models:

  • A standalone model lets you manage every cluster independently. This is a good choice when running in an edge location or if you want your clusters to be administered independent of one another.
  • The multiple-cluster model lets central IT teams manage a fleet of clusters from a centralized cluster, called the admin cluster. This is more suitable if you want to build automation or tooling, or if you want to delegate the lifecycle of clusters to individual teams without sharing sensitive credentials such as SSH keys or Google Cloud service account details.

Like with all Anthos environments, a bare metal cluster has a thin, secure connection back to Google Cloud called Connect. After it's installed in your clusters, you can centrally view, configure, and monitor your clusters from the Google Cloud Console.

Anthos on bare metal, which is part of the Anthos 1.6 release, provides the following features and capabilities:

  • Kubernetes 1.18
  • Ubuntu/RHEL/CentOS support
  • Standalone and multiple-cluster architecture
  • In-place upgrades (minor and major)
  • Overlay networking, Ingress (L7), integrated load balancing (L4, L2-Mode)
  • Manual load balancing (F5, Citrix)
  • Installs behind proxy support
  • Preflight and health checks
  • Node maintenance mode
  • Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging
  • ACM, ASM, identity, hub or connect, billing, and pay-as-you-go
  • NVIDIA GPU support
  • Scales to 500 nodes
  • Virtual machine management (Kubevirt) preview