Overview of load balancers

Load balancer options in Google Distributed Cloud

Google Distributed Cloud supports two load balancer options: bundled and manual.

Bundled load balancer mode

If you choose bundled load balancing, Google Distributed Cloud deploys L4 load balancers during cluster installation. An external load balancer is not needed. The load balancers can run on a dedicated pool of worker nodes or they can be located on the same nodes as the control plane.

All nodes that run load balancers must be on the same L2 subnet because load balancers broadcast ARP messages to announce VIPs.

See Configuring bundled load balancing for configuration information.

The following diagram shows an example network topology where bundled load balancers are located on the control plane nodes.

A diagram showing bundled load balancers located on the name nodes as the
control plane. The nodes are in a L2 subnet

Manual load balancer mode

If you choose manual load balancing, Google Distributed Cloud does not deploy load balancers. This allows more flexibility than bundled load balancing and there are no L2 network requirements.

You must configure your control plane nodes' VIPs on an external load balancer before installing the cluster. After installation, you must pick a load balancing solution for Kubernetes Services and Ingresses.

The following diagram shows an example network topology of a cluster using manual load balancing mode with an external load balancer.

A diagram showing bundled load balancing mode with an external load balancer
outside of the cluster.