Mengonfigurasi Direktori Layanan

Halaman ini menunjukkan cara menyiapkan namespace Direktori Layanan, mendaftarkan layanan dalam namespace, dan menambahkan endpoint ke layanan. Anda dapat membuat namespace saat mendaftarkan layanan atau sebelum mendaftarkan layanan.

Sebelum menjalankan perintah yang tercantum di halaman ini, pahami konsep dalam ringkasan Service Directory dan istilah utama yang terkait dengan Service Directory.

Menyiapkan project

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the Service Directory API.

    Enable the API

  5. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  6. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  7. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  8. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  9. Enable the Service Directory API.

    Enable the API

  10. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  11. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init

Mengonfigurasi resource Direktori Layanan

Untuk mengisi Direktori Layanan dengan layanan, buat namespace dan daftarkan layanan Anda di namespace tersebut.

Mengonfigurasi namespace

Untuk project Anda, buat namespace di region Anda. Region ini tidak harus menjadi tempat semua layanan dan endpoint Anda berjalan, tetapi harus dekat, jika memungkinkan.

Anda dapat mendaftarkan layanan di wilayah Direktori Layanan mana pun; layanan tersebut masih dapat di-resolve secara global. Dalam sebuah region, project dapat memiliki beberapa namespace, dan namespace tersebut dapat berada di region yang berbeda. Satu namespace tidak dapat mencakup beberapa region.


  1. Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Namespace Service Directory.

    Buka namespace Direktori Layanan

  2. Klik Buat namespace.
  3. Di daftar Region, pilih region untuk namespace Anda.
  4. Di kolom Namespace name, beri nama namespace.
  5. Klik Buat.


Untuk menggunakan Direktori Layanan di command line, pertama-tama Instal atau upgrade ke Google Cloud CLI versi terbaru.

  1. Buat namespace

    gcloud service-directory namespaces create NAMESPACE \
       --location REGION

    Ganti kode berikut:

    • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang Anda buat.
    • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.
  2. Opsional: Tetapkan kebijakan IAM di namespace Anda. Tindakan ini akan memberi pengguna atau grup yang ditentukan peran yang ditentukan untuk namespace ini dan semua layanan yang termasuk dalam namespace.

    gcloud service-directory namespaces add-iam-policy-binding NAMESPACE \
    --member \
    --role ROLE \
    --location REGION

    Ganti kode berikut:

    • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang Anda buat.
    • ROLE: peran yang Anda berikan.
    • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan C# terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory C# SDK.

using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1;

public class CreateNamespaceSample
    public Namespace CreateNamespace(
        string projectId = "my-project",
        string locationId = "us-east1",
        string namespaceId = "test-namespace")
        // Create client
        RegistrationServiceClient registrationServiceClient = RegistrationServiceClient.Create();
        // Initialize request argument(s)
        var locationName = LocationName.FromProjectLocation(projectId, locationId);
        return registrationServiceClient.CreateNamespace(locationName, new Namespace(), namespaceId);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Go terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Go SDK.

import (

	servicedirectory ""
	sdpb ""

func createNamespace(w io.Writer, projectID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	location := "us-east4"
	namespaceID := "golang-test-namespace"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Create a registration client.
	client, err := servicedirectory.NewRegistrationClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceDirectory.NewRegistrationClient: %w", err)

	defer client.Close()
	// Create a Namespace.
	req := &sdpb.CreateNamespaceRequest{
		Parent:      fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
		NamespaceId: namespaceID,
	resp, err := client.CreateNamespace(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateNamespace: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "servicedirectory.CreateNamespace result: %s\n", resp.Name)
	return nil


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Java dan instal Service Directory Java SDK.


public class NamespacesCreate {

  public static void createNamespace() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String locationId = "your-region";
    // This is user-created; must be unique within the project/region above.
    String namespaceId = "your-namespace";
    createNamespace(projectId, locationId, namespaceId);

  // Create a new namespace.
  public static void createNamespace(String projectId, String locationId, String namespaceId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RegistrationServiceClient client = RegistrationServiceClient.create()) {

      // The project and location to create the namespace in.
      LocationName parent = LocationName.of(projectId, locationId);

      // The namespace object to create. Here, we use the default instance.
      Namespace namespace = Namespace.newBuilder().build();

      // Send the request to create the namespace.
      Namespace createdNamespace = client.createNamespace(parent, namespace, namespaceId);

      // Process the response.
      System.out.println("Created Namespace: " + createdNamespace.getName());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Node.js terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Node.js SDK.

// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project';
// const locationId = 'us-central1';
// const namespaceId = 'my-namespace';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {
} = require('@google-cloud/service-directory');

// Creates a client
const registrationServiceClient = new RegistrationServiceClient();

// Build the location name
const locationName = registrationServiceClient.locationPath(

async function createNamespace() {
  const [namespace] = await registrationServiceClient.createNamespace({
    parent: locationName,
    namespaceId: namespaceId,

  console.log(`Created namespace: ${}`);
  return namespace;

return createNamespace();


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan PHP terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\RegistrationServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\PBNamespace;

 * @param string $projectId     Your Cloud project ID
 * @param string $locationId    Your GCP region
 * @param string $namespaceId   Your namespace name
function create_namespace(
    string $projectId,
    string $locationId,
    string $namespaceId
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $client = new RegistrationServiceClient();

    // Run request.
    $locationName = RegistrationServiceClient::locationName($projectId, $locationId);
    $namespace = $client->createNamespace($locationName, $namespaceId, new PBNamespace());

    // Print results.
    printf('Created Namespace: %s' . PHP_EOL, $namespace->getName());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Python terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Python SDK.

def create_namespace(project_id: str, location: str, namespace_id: str) -> Namespace:
    """Creates a namespace in the given location.

        project_id: Your Google Cloud project id.
        location: The Google Cloud region containing the new namespace.
        namespace_id: A unique id for the namespace.

        The created namespace.

    client = servicedirectory_v1.RegistrationServiceClient()

    namespace = servicedirectory_v1.Namespace(
        name=client.namespace_path(project_id, location, namespace_id)

    response = client.create_namespace(

    print(f"Created namespace {}.")

    return response


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Ruby dan instal Service Directory Ruby SDK.

# project   = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# location  = "The Google Cloud region containing the new namespace"
# namespace = "The name of the namespace you are creating"

require "google/cloud/service_directory"

# Initialize the client
registration_service = Google::Cloud::ServiceDirectory.registration_service

# The parent path of the namespace
parent = registration_service.location_path(
  project: project, location: location

# Use the Service Directory API to create the namespace
response = registration_service.create_namespace(
  parent: parent, namespace_id: namespace
puts "Created namespace: #{}"

Mengonfigurasi layanan

Buat layanan di namespace. Layanan terdiri dari nama dan anotasi terkait layanan opsional. Ada beberapa batasan pada format nama layanan:

  • Nama layanan harus unik dalam namespace.
  • Nama layanan harus mengikuti konvensi penamaan untuk label DNS.

Untuk membuat aturan penerusan Private Service Connect dan mendaftarkannya sebagai layanan dengan Direktori Layanan, lihat Mendaftarkan endpoint Private Service Connect dengan Direktori Layanan.

Untuk mendaftarkan layanan standar ke Direktori Layanan, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:


  1. Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Service Directory.

    Buka Direktori Layanan

  2. Klik Register Service.
  3. Klik Standar, lalu klik Berikutnya.
  4. Pilih Region tempat Anda ingin mendaftarkan layanan.
  5. Pilih Namespace tempat Anda akan mendaftarkan layanan. Jika Anda tidak memiliki namespace, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk membuatnya:
    1. Di kotak Namespace, klik Create namespace.
    2. Masukkan nama Namespace.
    3. Klik Buat.
  6. Masukkan Nama layanan.
  7. Opsional: Jika Anda ingin menambahkan anotasi ke layanan, lakukan hal berikut:
    1. Klik Tambahkan anotasi.
    2. Tambahkan Kunci dan Nilai.
    3. Untuk menambahkan anotasi lainnya, klik Tambahkan anotasi lagi.
  8. Klik Buat.


Untuk menggunakan Direktori Layanan di command line, pertama-tama Instal atau upgrade ke Google Cloud CLI versi terbaru.

  1. Membuat layanan di namespace.

    gcloud service-directory services create SERVICE \
       --annotations KEY_1=VALUE_1,KEY_2=VALUE_2 \
       --namespace NAMESPACE \
       --location REGION

    Ganti kode berikut:

    • SERVICE: nama layanan yang Anda buat.
    • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang berisi layanan Anda.
    • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.
    • KEY_1,VALUE_1,KEY_2, VALUE_2: string kunci dan nilai ditetapkan secara berpasangan.
  2. Opsional: Tetapkan kebijakan IAM di layanan Anda. Tindakan ini akan memberi pengguna atau grup yang ditentukan peran yang ditentukan untuk layanan ini dan semua endpoint yang termasuk dalam layanan tersebut.

    gcloud service-directory services add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE \
    --member \
    --role ROLE \
    --namespace NAMESPACE \
    --location REGION

    Ganti kode berikut:

    • SERVICE: nama yang Anda berikan untuk layanan Anda.
    • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang berisi layanan Anda
    • ROLE: peran yang Anda berikan.
    • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan C# terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1;

public class CreateServiceSample
    public Service CreateService(
        string projectId = "my-project",
        string locationId = "us-east1",
        string namespaceId = "test-namespace",
        string serviceId = "test-service")
        // Create client
        RegistrationServiceClient registrationServiceClient = RegistrationServiceClient.Create();
        // Initialize request argument(s)
        var namespaceName = NamespaceName.FromProjectLocationNamespace(projectId, locationId, namespaceId);
        return registrationServiceClient.CreateService(namespaceName, new Service(), serviceId);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Go terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Go SDK.

import (

	servicedirectory ""
	sdpb ""

func createService(w io.Writer, projectID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	location := "us-east4"
	namespaceID := "golang-test-namespace"
	serviceID := "golang-test-service"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Create a registration client.
	client, err := servicedirectory.NewRegistrationClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceDirectory.NewRegistrationClient: %w", err)

	defer client.Close()
	// Create a Service.
	req := &sdpb.CreateServiceRequest{
		Parent:    fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/namespaces/%s", projectID, location, namespaceID),
		ServiceId: serviceID,
		Service: &sdpb.Service{
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				"key1": "value1",
				"key2": "value2",
	service, err := client.CreateService(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateSerice: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "servicedirectory.Createservice result %s\n", service.Name)
	return nil


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Java dan instal Service Directory Java SDK.


public class ServicesCreate {

  public static void createService() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // These variables should refer to an existing Service Directory namespace.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String locationId = "your-region";
    String namespaceId = "your-namespace";
    // This is user-created; must be unique within the namespace above.
    String serviceId = "your-service";
    createService(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);

  // Create a new service.
  public static void createService(
      String projectId, String locationId, String namespaceId, String serviceId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RegistrationServiceClient client = RegistrationServiceClient.create()) {

      // The namespace to create the service in.
      NamespaceName parent = NamespaceName.of(projectId, locationId, namespaceId);

      // The service object to create.
      // Optionally add some annotations for the service.
      Service service = Service.newBuilder().putAnnotations("protocol", "tcp").build();

      // Send the request to create the namespace.
      Service createdService = client.createService(parent, service, serviceId);

      // Process the response.
      System.out.println("Created Service: " + createdService.getName());
      System.out.println("Annotations: " + createdService.getAnnotationsMap());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Node.js terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Node.js SDK.

// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project';
// const locationId = 'us-central1';
// const namespaceId = 'my-namespace';
// const serviceId = 'my-service';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {
} = require('@google-cloud/service-directory');

// Creates a client
const registrationServiceClient = new RegistrationServiceClient();

// Build the namespace name
const namespaceName = registrationServiceClient.namespacePath(

async function createService() {
  const [service] = await registrationServiceClient.createService({
    parent: namespaceName,
    serviceId: serviceId,

  console.log(`Created service: ${}`);
  return service;

return createService();


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan PHP terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\RegistrationServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\Service;

 * @param string $projectId Your Cloud project ID
 * @param string $locationId Your GCP region
 * @param string $namespaceId Your namespace name
 * @param string $serviceId Your service name
function create_service(
    string $projectId,
    string $locationId,
    string $namespaceId,
    string $serviceId
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $client = new RegistrationServiceClient();

    // Run request.
    $namespaceName = RegistrationServiceClient::namespaceName($projectId, $locationId, $namespaceId);
    $service = $client->createService($namespaceName, $serviceId, new Service());

    // Print results.
    printf('Created Service: %s' . PHP_EOL, $service->getName());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Python terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Python SDK.

def create_service(
    project_id: str, location: str, namespace_id: str, service_id: str
) -> Service:
    """Creates a service in the given namespace.

        project_id: Your Google Cloud project id.
        location: The Google Cloud region containing the namespace.
        namespace_id: The id of the parent namespace.
        service_id: The id of the service you are creating. Service names must be unique within a namespace and follow
            conventions for DNS labels.

        The created service.

    client = servicedirectory_v1.RegistrationServiceClient()

    service = servicedirectory_v1.Service(
        name=client.service_path(project_id, location, namespace_id, service_id)

    response = client.create_service(
        parent=client.namespace_path(project_id, location, namespace_id),

    print(f"Created service {}.")

    return response


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Ruby dan instal Service Directory Ruby SDK.

# project   = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# location  = "The Google Cloud region containing the namespace"
# namespace = "The name of the parent namespace"
# service   = "The name of the service you are creating"

require "google/cloud/service_directory"

# Initialize the client
registration_service = Google::Cloud::ServiceDirectory.registration_service

# The parent path of the service
parent = registration_service.namespace_path(
  project: project, location: location, namespace: namespace

# Use the Service Directory API to create the service
response = registration_service.create_service parent: parent, service_id: service
puts "Created service: #{}"

Mengonfigurasi endpoint

Setelah mendaftarkan layanan, tambahkan beberapa endpoint. Endpoint terdiri dari nama unik, alamat IP dan port opsional, serta anotasi nilai kunci. Alamat IP, jika ditentukan, harus berupa alamat IPv4 atau IPv6 yang valid.


  1. Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Service Directory.

    Buka Direktori Layanan

  2. Klik layanan.
  3. Klik Add endpoint.
  4. Berikan Endpoint name.
  5. Masukkan alamat IP IPv4 atau IPv6.
  6. Masukkan nomor Port.
  7. Opsional: Jika Anda ingin menambahkan anotasi ke endpoint, lakukan hal berikut:
    1. Di bagian Anotasi, klik Tambahkan anotasi.
    2. Tambahkan Kunci dan Nilai.
    3. Untuk menambahkan anotasi lainnya, klik Tambahkan anotasi lagi.
  8. Klik Buat.


Untuk menggunakan Direktori Layanan di command line, pertama-tama Instal atau upgrade ke Google Cloud CLI versi terbaru.

Setelah layanan didaftarkan, tambahkan beberapa endpoint.

gcloud service-directory endpoints create ENDPOINT \
   --address IP_ADDRESS \
   --port PORT_NUMBER \
   --annotations KEY_1=VALUE_1,KEY_2=VALUE_2 \
   --service SERVICE \
   --namespace NAMESPACE \
   --location REGION
gcloud service-directory endpoints create ENDPOINT2 \
   --address IP_ADDRESS2 \
   --port PORT_NUMBER2 \
   --service SERVICE \
   --namespace NAMESPACE \
   --location REGION

Ganti kode berikut:

  • ENDPOINT dan ENDPOINT2: nama endpoint yang Anda buat di layanan.
  • IP_ADDRESS dan IP_ADDRESS2: alamat IPv6 dan IPv4 endpoint.
  • PORT_NUMBER dan PORT_NUMBER2: port tempat endpoint berjalan.
  • SERVICE: nama layanan yang berisi endpoint Anda.
  • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang berisi layanan Anda.
  • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.
  • KEY_1,VALUE_1,KEY_2, VALUE_2: string kunci dan nilai ditetapkan secara berpasangan.


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan C# terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1;

public class CreateEndpointSample
	public Endpoint CreateEndpoint(
        string projectId = "my-project",
        string locationId = "us-east1",
        string namespaceId = "test-namespace",
        string serviceId = "test-service",
        string endpointId = "test-endpoint")
        RegistrationServiceClient registrationServiceClient = RegistrationServiceClient.Create();
        var serviceName = ServiceName.FromProjectLocationNamespaceService(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);
        return registrationServiceClient.CreateEndpoint(serviceName, new Endpoint(), endpointId);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Go terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Go SDK.

import (

	servicedirectory ""
	sdpb ""

func createEndpoint(w io.Writer, projectID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	location := "us-east4"
	namespaceID := "golang-test-namespace"
	serviceID := "golang-test-service"
	endpointID := "golang-test-endpoint"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Create a registration client.
	client, err := servicedirectory.NewRegistrationClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceDirectory.NewRegistrationClient: %w", err)

	defer client.Close()
	// Create an Endpoint.
	req := &sdpb.CreateEndpointRequest{
		Parent:     fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/namespaces/%s/services/%s", projectID, location, namespaceID, serviceID),
		EndpointId: endpointID,
		Endpoint: &sdpb.Endpoint{
			Address: "",
			Port:    8080,
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				"key1": "value1",
				"key2": "value2",
	endpoint, err := client.CreateEndpoint(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateEndpoint: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "servicedirectory.CreateEndpoint result: %s", endpoint.Name)
	return nil


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Java dan instal Service Directory Java SDK.


public class EndpointsCreate {

  public static void createEndpoint() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // These variables should refer to an existing Service Directory service.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String locationId = "your-region";
    String namespaceId = "your-namespace";
    String serviceId = "your-service";
    // This is user-created; must be unique within the service above.
    String endpointId = "your-endpoint";
    createEndpoint(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId, endpointId);

  // Create a new endpoint.
  public static void createEndpoint(
      String projectId, String locationId, String namespaceId, String serviceId, String endpointId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RegistrationServiceClient client = RegistrationServiceClient.create()) {

      // The service to create the endpoint in.
      ServiceName parent = ServiceName.of(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);

      // The endpoint to create, with fields filled in.
      // Optionally set an IP address and port for the endpoint.
      Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.newBuilder().setAddress("").setPort(443).build();

      // Send the request to create the endpoint.
      Endpoint createdEndpoint = client.createEndpoint(parent, endpoint, endpointId);

      // Process the response.
      System.out.println("Created Endpoint: " + createdEndpoint.getName());
      System.out.println("IP Address: " + createdEndpoint.getAddress());
      System.out.println("Port: " + createdEndpoint.getPort());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Node.js terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Node.js SDK.

// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project';
// const locationId = 'us-central1';
// const namespaceId = 'my-namespace';
// const serviceId = 'my-service';
// const endpointId = 'my-endpoint';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {
} = require('@google-cloud/service-directory');

// Creates a client
const registrationServiceClient = new RegistrationServiceClient();

// Build the service name
const serviceName = registrationServiceClient.servicePath(

async function createEndpoint() {
  const [endpoint] = await registrationServiceClient.createEndpoint({
    parent: serviceName,
    endpointId: endpointId,
    endpoint: {address: '', port: 8080},

  console.log(`Created endpoint: ${}`);
  return endpoint;

return createEndpoint();


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan PHP terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\RegistrationServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\Endpoint;

 * @param string $projectId     Your Cloud project ID
 * @param string $locationId    Your GCP region
 * @param string $namespaceId   Your namespace name
 * @param string $serviceId     Your service name
 * @param string $endpointId    Your endpoint name
 * @param string $ip            (Optional) Defaults to ''
 * @param int    $port          (Optional) Defaults to 0
function create_endpoint(
    string $projectId,
    string $locationId,
    string $namespaceId,
    string $serviceId,
    string $endpointId,
    string $ip = '',
    int $port = 0
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $client = new RegistrationServiceClient();

    // Construct Endpoint object.
    $endpointObject = (new Endpoint())

    // Run request.
    $serviceName = RegistrationServiceClient::serviceName($projectId, $locationId, $namespaceId, $serviceId);
    $endpoint = $client->createEndpoint($serviceName, $endpointId, $endpointObject);

    // Print results.
    printf('Created Endpoint: %s' . PHP_EOL, $endpoint->getName());
    printf('  IP: %s' . PHP_EOL, $endpoint->getAddress());
    printf('  Port: %d' . PHP_EOL, $endpoint->getPort());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Python terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Python SDK.

def create_endpoint(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    namespace_id: str,
    service_id: str,
    endpoint_id: str,
    address: str,
    port: str,
) -> Endpoint:
    """Creates a endpoint in the given service.

    An endpoint consists of a unique name, an optional IP address and a port, and key-value annotations.

        project_id: Your Google Cloud project id.
        location: The Google Cloud region containing the namespace.
        namespace_id: The id of the parent namespace.
        service_id: The id of the parent service.
        endpoint_id: A name for the endpoint you are creating.
        address: IP address for the endpoint.
        port: Port number for the endpoint.

        The created endpoint.

    client = servicedirectory_v1.RegistrationServiceClient()

    endpoint = servicedirectory_v1.Endpoint(
            project_id, location, namespace_id, service_id, endpoint_id

    response = client.create_endpoint(
        parent=client.service_path(project_id, location, namespace_id, service_id),

    print(f"Created endpoint {}.")

    return response


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Ruby dan instal Service Directory Ruby SDK.

# project   = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# location  = "The Google Cloud region containing the namespace"
# namespace = "The name of the parent namespace"
# service   = "The name of the parent service"
# endpoint  = "The name of the endpoint you are creating"

require "google/cloud/service_directory"

# Initialize the client
registration_service = Google::Cloud::ServiceDirectory.registration_service

# The parent path of the endpoint
parent = registration_service.service_path(
  project:   project,
  location:  location,
  namespace: namespace,
  service:   service

# Set the IP Address and Port on the Endpoint
endpoint_data =
  address: "",
  port:    443

# Use the Service Directory API to create the endpoint
response = registration_service.create_endpoint(
  parent: parent, endpoint_id: endpoint, endpoint: endpoint_data
puts "Created endpoint: #{}"

Menyelesaikan layanan

Direktori Layanan memungkinkan klien me-resolve layanan menggunakan DNS, HTTP, dan gRPC. Menyelesaikan layanan akan menampilkan semua properti layanan, semua endpoint, dan semua anotasi.


Untuk menggunakan Direktori Layanan di command line, pertama-tama Instal atau upgrade ke Google Cloud CLI versi terbaru.

gcloud service-directory services resolve SERVICE \
   --namespace NAMESPACE \
   --location REGION

Ganti kode berikut:

  • SERVICE: nama layanan yang Anda selesaikan.
  • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang berisi layanan Anda.
  • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan C# terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1;

public class ResolveServiceSample
    public Service ResolveService(
        string projectId = "my-project",
        string locationId = "us-east1",
        string namespaceId = "test-namespace",
        string serviceId = "test-service")
        // Create client
        LookupServiceClient lookupServiceClient = LookupServiceClient.Create();
        // Initialize request argument(s)
        ResolveServiceRequest request = new ResolveServiceRequest
            ServiceName = ServiceName.FromProjectLocationNamespaceService(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId),
        // Make the request
        ResolveServiceResponse response = lookupServiceClient.ResolveService(request);
        return response.Service;


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Go terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Go SDK.

import (

	servicedirectory ""
	sdpb ""

func resolveService(w io.Writer, projectID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	location := "us-east4"
	namespaceID := "golang-test-namespace"
	serviceID := "golang-test-service"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Create a lookup client.
	resolver, err := servicedirectory.NewLookupClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceDirectory.NewLookupClient: %w", err)

	defer resolver.Close()
	// Now Resolve the service.
	req := &sdpb.ResolveServiceRequest{
		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/namespaces/%s/services/%s", projectID, location, namespaceID, serviceID),
	result, err := resolver.ResolveService(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ResolveService: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully Resolved Service %v\n", result)
	return nil


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Java dan instal Service Directory Java SDK.


public class ServicesResolve {

  public static void resolveService() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // These variables should refer to an existing Service Directory service.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String locationId = "your-region";
    String namespaceId = "your-namespace";
    String serviceId = "your-service";
    resolveService(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);

  // Resolve a service.
  public static void resolveService(
      String projectId, String locationId, String namespaceId, String serviceId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (LookupServiceClient client = LookupServiceClient.create()) {
      // The service to resolve.
      ServiceName name = ServiceName.of(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);

      // Construct the resolve request to be sent to the client.
      ResolveServiceRequest request =

      // Send the request to resolve the service.
      ResolveServiceResponse resolveResponse = client.resolveService(request);

      // Process the response.
      System.out.println("Resolved Service: " + resolveResponse.getService().getName());

      System.out.println("Endpoints found:");
      for (Endpoint endpoint : resolveResponse.getService().getEndpointsList()) {
            endpoint.getName() + " -- " + endpoint.getAddress() + ":" + endpoint.getPort());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Node.js terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Node.js SDK.

// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project';
// const locationId = 'us-central1';
// const namespaceId = 'my-namespace';
// const serviceId = 'my-service';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {LookupServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/service-directory');

// Creates a client
const lookupServiceClient = new LookupServiceClient();

// Build the service name
const serviceName = lookupServiceClient.servicePath(

async function resolveService() {
  const [response] = await lookupServiceClient.resolveService({
    name: serviceName,

  console.log(`Resolved service: ${}`);
  for (const e of response.service.endpoints) {
    console.log(`Address: ${e.address}`);
    console.log(`Port: ${e.port}\n`);
  return response.service;

return resolveService();


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan PHP terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\LookupServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\Service;

 * @param string $projectId     Your Cloud project ID
 * @param string $locationId    Your GCP region
 * @param string $namespaceId   Your namespace name
 * @param string $serviceId     Your service name
function resolve_service(
    string $projectId,
    string $locationId,
    string $namespaceId,
    string $serviceId
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $client = new LookupServiceClient();

    // Run request.
    $serviceName = LookupServiceClient::serviceName($projectId, $locationId, $namespaceId, $serviceId);
    $service = $client->resolveService($serviceName)->getService();

    // Print results.
    printf('Resolved Service: %s' . PHP_EOL, $service->getName());
    print('Endpoints:' . PHP_EOL);
    foreach ($service->getEndpoints() as $endpoint) {
        printf('  Name: %s' . PHP_EOL, $endpoint->getName());
        printf('    IP: %s' . PHP_EOL, $endpoint->getAddress());
        printf('    Port: %d' . PHP_EOL, $endpoint->getPort());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Python terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Python SDK.

def resolve_service(
    project_id: str, location: str, namespace_id: str, service_id: str
) -> ResolveServiceResponse:
    """Resolves a service in the given namespace.

        project_id: Your Google Cloud project id.
        location: The Google Cloud region containing the namespace.
        namespace_id: The id of the parent namespace.
        service_id: The id of the service to resolve.

        The resolved service response, which returns all properties of the service, all endpoints, and all annotations.

    client = servicedirectory_v1.LookupServiceClient()

    request = servicedirectory_v1.ResolveServiceRequest(
            project_id, location, namespace_id, service_id

    response = client.resolve_service(request=request)

    print("Endpoints found:")
    for endpoint in response.service.endpoints:
        print(f"{} -- {endpoint.address}:{endpoint.port}")

    return response


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Ruby dan instal Service Directory Ruby SDK.

# project   = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# location  = "The Google Cloud region containing the namespace"
# namespace = "The name of the parent namespace"
# service   = "The name of the service"

require "google/cloud/service_directory"

# Initialize the client
lookup_service = Google::Cloud::ServiceDirectory.lookup_service

# The name of the service
service_path = lookup_service.service_path(
  project:   project,
  location:  location,
  namespace: namespace,
  service:   service

# Use the Service Directory API to resolve the service
response = lookup_service.resolve_service name: service_path
puts "Resolved service: #{}"
puts "Endpoints: "
response.service.endpoints.each do |endpoint|
  puts "#{} #{endpoint.address} #{endpoint.port}"

Menghapus resource

Jika tidak memerlukan resource, Anda dapat menghapusnya dari Direktori Layanan.

Menghapus endpoint dari layanan


  1. Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Service Directory.

    Buka Direktori Layanan

  2. Klik layanan yang endpoint-nya ingin Anda hapus.
  3. Centang kotak di samping endpoint yang ingin Anda hapus.
  4. Klik Delete.
  5. Pada dialog konfirmasi, klik Hapus lagi.


Untuk menggunakan Direktori Layanan di command line, pertama-tama Instal atau upgrade ke Google Cloud CLI versi terbaru.

gcloud service-directory endpoints delete ENDPOINT \
    --service=SERVICE \
    --namespace=NAMESPACE \

Ganti kode berikut:

  • ENDPOINT: nama endpoint yang Anda hapus.
  • SERVICE: nama layanan yang berisi endpoint Anda.
  • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang berisi layanan Anda.
  • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan C# terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1;

public class DeleteEndpointSample
    public void DeleteEndpoint(
        string projectId = "my-project",
        string locationId = "us-east1",
        string namespaceId = "test-namespace",
        string serviceId = "test-service",
        string endpointId = "test-endpoint")
        // Create client
        RegistrationServiceClient registrationServiceClient = RegistrationServiceClient.Create();
        // Initialize request argument(s)
        var endpointName = EndpointName.FromProjectLocationNamespaceServiceEndpoint(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId, endpointId);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Go terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Go SDK.

import (

	servicedirectory ""
	sdpb ""

func deleteEndpoint(projectID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	location := "us-east4"
	namespaceID := "golang-test-namespace"
	serviceID := "golang-test-service"
	endpointID := "golang-test-endpoint"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Create a registration client.
	client, err := servicedirectory.NewRegistrationClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceDirectory.NewRegistrationClient: %w", err)

	defer client.Close()
	// Delete an Endpoint
	req := &sdpb.DeleteEndpointRequest{
		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/namespaces/%s/services/%s/endpoints/%s", projectID, location, namespaceID, serviceID, endpointID),
	if err := client.DeleteEndpoint(ctx, req); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DeleteEndpoint: %w", err)
	return nil


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Java dan instal Service Directory Java SDK.


public class EndpointsDelete {

  public static void deleteEndpoint() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // These variables should refer to an existing Service Directory endpoint.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String locationId = "your-region";
    String namespaceId = "your-namespace";
    String serviceId = "your-service";
    String endpointId = "your-endpoint";
    deleteEndpoint(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId, endpointId);

  // Delete an endpoint.
  public static void deleteEndpoint(
      String projectId, String locationId, String namespaceId, String serviceId, String endpointId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RegistrationServiceClient client = RegistrationServiceClient.create()) {

      // The endpoint to delete.
      EndpointName endpointName =
          EndpointName.of(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId, endpointId);

      // Send the request to delete the endpoint.

      // Log the action.
      System.out.println("Deleted Endpoint: " + endpointName.toString());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Node.js terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Node.js SDK.

// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project';
// const locationId = 'us-central1';
// const namespaceId = 'my-namespace';
// const serviceId = 'my-service';
// const endpointId = 'my-endpoint';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {
} = require('@google-cloud/service-directory');

// Creates a client
const registrationServiceClient = new RegistrationServiceClient();

// Build the endpoint name
const endpointName = registrationServiceClient.endpointPath(

async function deleteEndpoint() {
  await registrationServiceClient.deleteEndpoint({
    name: endpointName,

  console.log(`Deleted endpoint: ${endpointName}`);



Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan PHP terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\RegistrationServiceClient;

 * @param string $projectId     Your Cloud project ID
 * @param string $locationId    Your GCP region
 * @param string $namespaceId   Your namespace name
 * @param string $serviceId     Your service name
 * @param string $endpointId    Your endpoint name
function delete_endpoint(
    string $projectId,
    string $locationId,
    string $namespaceId,
    string $serviceId,
    string $endpointId
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $client = new RegistrationServiceClient();

    // Run request.
    $endpointName = RegistrationServiceClient::endpointName($projectId, $locationId, $namespaceId, $serviceId, $endpointId);
    $endpoint = $client->deleteEndpoint($endpointName);

    // Print results.
    printf('Deleted Endpoint: %s' . PHP_EOL, $endpointName);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Python terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Python SDK.

def delete_endpoint(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    namespace_id: str,
    service_id: str,
    endpoint_id: str,
) -> bool:
    """Deletes a endpoint in the given service.

        project_id: Your Google Cloud project id.
        location: The Google Cloud region containing the namespace.
        namespace_id: The id of the parent namespace.
        service_id: The id of the parent service.
        endpoint_id: The id of the endpoint to delete.

    client = servicedirectory_v1.RegistrationServiceClient()

    endpoint_name = client.endpoint_path(
        project_id, location, namespace_id, service_id, endpoint_id

    print(f"Deleted endpoint {endpoint_name}.")
    return True


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Ruby dan instal Service Directory Ruby SDK.

# project   = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# location  = "The Google Cloud region containing the namespace"
# namespace = "The name of the parent namespace"
# service   = "The name of the parent service"
# endpoint  = "The name of the endpoint"

require "google/cloud/service_directory"

# Initialize the client
registration_service = Google::Cloud::ServiceDirectory.registration_service

# The path of the endpoint
endpoint_path = registration_service.endpoint_path(
  project:   project,
  location:  location,
  namespace: namespace,
  service:   service,
  endpoint:  endpoint

# Use the Service Directory API to delete the endpoint
registration_service.delete_endpoint name: endpoint_path
puts "Deleted endpoint: #{endpoint_path}"

Menghapus layanan dari namespace

Anda dapat menghapus layanan yang memiliki endpoint. Saat layanan dihapus, semua endpoint-nya juga akan dihapus.

Anda dapat menghapus layanan yang memiliki zona Direktori Layanan yang mengarah ke layanan tersebut. Kueri DNS lebih lanjut untuk layanan tersebut akan menampilkan NXDOMAIN.


  1. Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Service Directory.

    Buka Direktori Layanan

  2. Centang kotak di samping layanan yang ingin Anda hapus.
  3. Klik Delete.
  4. Pada dialog konfirmasi, klik Hapus lagi.


Untuk menggunakan Direktori Layanan di command line, pertama-tama Instal atau upgrade ke Google Cloud CLI versi terbaru.

gcloud service-directory services delete SERVICE \
    --namespace=NAMESPACE \

Ganti kode berikut:

  • SERVICE: nama layanan yang Anda hapus.
  • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang berisi layanan Anda.
  • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan C# terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1;

public class DeleteServiceSample
    public void DeleteService(
        string projectId = "my-project",
        string locationId = "us-east1",
        string namespaceId = "test-namespace",
        string serviceId = "test-service")
        // Create client
        RegistrationServiceClient registrationServiceClient = RegistrationServiceClient.Create();
        // Initialize request argument(s)
        var serviceName = ServiceName.FromProjectLocationNamespaceService(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Go terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Go SDK.

import (

	servicedirectory ""
	sdpb ""

func deleteService(projectID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	location := "us-east4"
	namespaceID := "golang-test-namespace"
	serviceID := "golang-test-service"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Create a registration client.
	client, err := servicedirectory.NewRegistrationClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceDirectory.NewRegistrationClient: %w", err)

	defer client.Close()
	// Delete a service
	req := &sdpb.DeleteServiceRequest{
		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/namespaces/%s/services/%s", projectID, location, namespaceID, serviceID),
	if err := client.DeleteService(ctx, req); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DeleteService: %w", err)
	return nil


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Java dan instal Service Directory Java SDK.


public class ServicesDelete {

  public static void deleteService() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // These variables should refer to an existing Service Directory service.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String locationId = "your-region";
    String namespaceId = "your-namespace";
    String serviceId = "your-service";
    deleteService(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);

  // Delete a service.
  public static void deleteService(
      String projectId, String locationId, String namespaceId, String serviceId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RegistrationServiceClient client = RegistrationServiceClient.create()) {

      // The service to delete.
      ServiceName serviceName = ServiceName.of(projectId, locationId, namespaceId, serviceId);

      // Send the request to delete the service.

      // Log the action.
      System.out.println("Deleted Service: " + serviceName.toString());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Node.js terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Node.js SDK.

// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project';
// const locationId = 'us-central1';
// const namespaceId = 'my-namespace';
// const serviceId = 'my-service';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {
} = require('@google-cloud/service-directory');

// Creates a client
const registrationServiceClient = new RegistrationServiceClient();

// Build the service name
const serviceName = registrationServiceClient.servicePath(

async function deleteService() {
  await registrationServiceClient.deleteService({
    name: serviceName,

  console.log(`Deleted service: ${serviceName}`);



Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan PHP terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\RegistrationServiceClient;

 * @param string $projectId     Your Cloud project ID
 * @param string $locationId    Your GCP region
 * @param string $namespaceId   Your namespace name
 * @param string $serviceId     Your service name
function delete_service(
    string $projectId,
    string $locationId,
    string $namespaceId,
    string $serviceId
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $client = new RegistrationServiceClient();

    // Run request.
    $serviceName = RegistrationServiceClient::serviceName($projectId, $locationId, $namespaceId, $serviceId);

    // Print results.
    printf('Deleted Service: %s' . PHP_EOL, $serviceName);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Python terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Python SDK.

def delete_service(
    project_id: str, location: str, namespace_id: str, service_id: str
) -> bool:
    """Deletes a service in the given namespace.

        project_id: Your Google Cloud project id.
        location: The Google Cloud region containing the namespace.
        namespace_id: The id of the parent namespace.
        service_id: The id of the service to delete.

    client = servicedirectory_v1.RegistrationServiceClient()

    service_name = client.service_path(project_id, location, namespace_id, service_id)

    print(f"Deleted service {service_name}.")
    return True


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Ruby dan instal Service Directory Ruby SDK.

# project   = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# location  = "The Google Cloud region containing the namespace"
# namespace = "The name of the parent namespace"
# service   = "The name of the service"

require "google/cloud/service_directory"

# Initialize the client
registration_service = Google::Cloud::ServiceDirectory.registration_service

# The path of the service
service_path = registration_service.service_path(
  project:   project,
  location:  location,
  namespace: namespace,
  service:   service

# Use the Service Directory API to delete the service
registration_service.delete_service name: service_path
puts "Deleted service: #{service_path}"

Menghapus namespace

Anda dapat menghapus namespace yang memiliki layanan dan endpoint. Saat namespace dihapus, semua layanan dan endpoint-nya juga akan dihapus.

Anda dapat menghapus namespace yang memiliki zona Direktori Layanan yang mengarah ke namespace tersebut. Kueri DNS lebih lanjut (tidak termasuk permintaan SOA/NS untuk origin zona) akan menampilkan NXDOMAIN.


  1. Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Namespace Service Directory.

    Buka namespace Direktori Layanan

  2. Centang kotak di samping namespace yang ingin Anda hapus.
  3. Klik Delete.
  4. Pada dialog konfirmasi, klik Hapus lagi.


Untuk menggunakan Direktori Layanan di command line, pertama-tama Instal atau upgrade ke Google Cloud CLI versi terbaru.

gcloud service-directory namespaces delete NAMESPACE \

Ganti kode berikut:

  • NAMESPACE: nama namespace yang Anda hapus.
  • REGION: region Google Cloud yang berisi namespace.


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan C# terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1;

public class DeleteNamespaceSample
    public void DeleteNamespace(
        string projectId = "projectId",
        string locationId = "us-east1",
        string namespaceId = "test-namespace")
        // Create client
        RegistrationServiceClient registrationServiceClient = RegistrationServiceClient.Create();
        // Initialize request argument(s)
        var namespaceName = NamespaceName.FromProjectLocationNamespace(projectId, locationId, namespaceId);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Go terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Go SDK.

import (

	servicedirectory ""
	sdpb ""

func deleteNamespace(projectID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	location := "us-east4"
	namespaceID := "golang-test-namespace"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Create a registration client.
	client, err := servicedirectory.NewRegistrationClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceDirectory.NewRegistrationClient: %w", err)

	defer client.Close()
	// Delete a Namespace.
	req := &sdpb.DeleteNamespaceRequest{
		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/namespaces/%s", projectID, location, namespaceID),
	if err := client.DeleteNamespace(ctx, req); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DeleteNamespace: %w", err)
	return nil


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Java dan instal Service Directory Java SDK.


public class NamespacesDelete {

  public static void deleteNamespace() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // These variables should refer to an existing Service Directory namespace.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String locationId = "your-region";
    String namespaceId = "your-namespace";
    deleteNamespace(projectId, locationId, namespaceId);

  // Delete a namespace.
  public static void deleteNamespace(String projectId, String locationId, String namespaceId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RegistrationServiceClient client = RegistrationServiceClient.create()) {

      // The namespace to delete.
      NamespaceName namespaceName = NamespaceName.of(projectId, locationId, namespaceId);

      // Send the request to delete the namespace.

      // Log the action.
      System.out.println("Deleted Namespace: " + namespaceName.toString());


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Node.js terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Node.js SDK.

// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project';
// const locationId = 'us-central1';
// const namespaceId = 'my-namespace';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {
} = require('@google-cloud/service-directory');

// Creates a client
const registrationServiceClient = new RegistrationServiceClient();

// Build the namespace name
const namespaceName = registrationServiceClient.namespacePath(

async function deleteNamespace() {
  await registrationServiceClient.deleteNamespace({
    name: namespaceName,

  console.log(`Deleted namespace: ${namespaceName}`);



Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan PHP terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\ServiceDirectory\V1beta1\RegistrationServiceClient;

 * @param string $projectId     Your Cloud project ID
 * @param string $locationId    Your GCP region
 * @param string $namespaceId   Your namespace name
function delete_namespace(
    string $projectId,
    string $locationId,
    string $namespaceId
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $client = new RegistrationServiceClient();

    // Run request.
    $namespaceName = RegistrationServiceClient::namespaceName($projectId, $locationId, $namespaceId);

    // Print results.
    printf('Deleted Namespace: %s' . PHP_EOL, $namespaceName);


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Python terlebih dahulu dan instal Service Directory Python SDK.

def delete_namespace(project_id: str, location: str, namespace_id: str) -> bool:
    """Deletes a namespace in the given location.

        project_id: Your Google Cloud project id.
        location: The Google Cloud region containing the namespace to delete.
        namespace_id: The id for the namespace to delete.

    client = servicedirectory_v1.RegistrationServiceClient()

    namespace_name = client.namespace_path(project_id, location, namespace_id)

    print(f"Deleted namespace {namespace_name}.")
    return True


Untuk menjalankan kode ini, pertama-tama siapkan lingkungan pengembangan Ruby dan instal Service Directory Ruby SDK.

# project   = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# location  = "The Google Cloud region containing the namespace"
# namespace = "The name of the namespace"

require "google/cloud/service_directory"

# Initialize the client
registration_service = Google::Cloud::ServiceDirectory.registration_service

# The path of the namespace
namespace_name = registration_service.namespace_path(
  project: project, location: location, namespace: namespace

# Use the Service Directory API to delete the namespace
registration_service.delete_namespace name: namespace_name
puts "Deleted namespace: #{namespace_name}"

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