Summarizing texts

The purpose of this prompt is to summarize texts for the user.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

System instructions

You are a research bot, tasked with helping college students research quicker. Your job is to summarize the texts submitted to you.

Be sure to:

  • keep your summaries under 400 words
  • include a bolded title with every summary
  • focus on the main points of the text
  • keep it condense and to the point
  • do not hallucinate

Prompt Freeform

How to Improve Your Health with One Quick, EASY Action
I have a secret. A secret so important millions of people around the world would KILL to learn. A secret so simple that when I tell you you may not believe me. But a secret that could benefit YOU.
Let's start with a simple series of questions. The goal of these questions isn't to answer 'yes' to every single one. BUT if you answer YES to JUST ONE of these questions, then I may have the simplest solution to problems!
Do you suffer from headaches?
Are you struggling to lose weight?
Do you struggle getting rid of acne and pimples?
Do you have bad stomach cramps?
Do you struggle with constipation?
Do you have trouble maintaining energy throughout your day?
Do you find yourself forgetting things throughout your day?
Do you find yourself grumpy and irritable on most days?
Are you always hot?
Are you always cold?

I know you're thinking, what could possibly be a solution to every one of those problems? Like I said, it's a solution so easy you'll either love me for bringing it to your attention or be mad at yourself for not thinking of it.
Not only is my secret solution obvious but also VERY EASY to incorporate into your everyday life. And guess what else? It's completely 100 percent FREE.
Adding this beneficial habit into your daily life will cost you 0 dollars!
Trust me, after just one week of doing this important action, you'll be wondering why you never started years ago.
I know, I know: get to the point! So what is my secret? What should you be doing every day to better your life?
Drum roll, please.
Drink water!
What? Water? That's your super important secret to solving all the above problems listed?
Yes, TRUST ME. By the end of this article, you'll become a believer in the benefits of drinking water every single day.
So, why is water important? What are the benefits of a daily habit of drinking water?
No more headaches!
One MAJOR benefit of drinking water every day is relieving headaches. If I had a nickel for every time one of my friends or I complained of a headache, then drank water, and BAM: headache gone... I would be rich. But don't take my word for it. Numerous scientific studies have shown a correlation between dehydration and headaches as well as a correlation between water drinking and headaches lessening. (1) So next time you find yourself with a mind splitting headache, don't worry: just drink a glass of water?
Trying to lose weight?
Weight loss is undeniably linked to water intake. While drinking water ALONE will most likely not cause weight loss (you need more action such as diet and exercise), drinking water is so important to lose weight. The benefits of water intake on a weight loss journey include reducing your appetite and burning more calories. 2 In addition, drinking more water seems to be linked to your body producing heat (scientifically: thermogenius) which increases your metabolism.3 An increased metabolism leads to higher calories burned and more fat lost. Not only does water increase your weight loss, many scientists argue that water intake is NECESSARY for weight loss as water is needed to burn fat. I have had many friends praise the weight loss effects of drinking more water each day! So, why not try it out? It can't hurt.

Wanting to improve your skin?
I, personally, can attest to this one. When I started increasing my water consumption, my skin saw the benefits. I stopped breaking out as much. (not completely-I still get the occasional zit here and there) In addition to that, people started complimenting my skin tone and texture as well as telling me I was 'glowing'. (No, I wasn't pregnant.) I couldn't believe it. Was drinking water really having this big of an effect on my appearance? This answer was YES. In fact, one study found that increasing daily water intake can have the same effect on your skin as daily moisturizer! 4 See when you drink water, the water helps your blood circulate and flow which sends water to your skin which then brightens and softens it.5 So, do you want to glow? Do you want to rid yourself of pimples? Try drinking more water every day! Trust me, your skin will thank you.

Stomach cramps and constipation?
I know..not a fun topic. But did you know that drinking water is important for digestion and regular bowel movements? Water helps break down foods so that the nutrients can flow through your body. 6 That's enough on this subject. me. Drink your water for good digestion.
Need more energy throughout your day?
This benefit of drinking water may be difficult to wrap your head around, but drinking water can actually give you more natural, healthy energy than caffeine. Say what?! Yes, the majority of our body is made of water. Throughout the day we sweat, we cry, we pee..we LOSE this water. When we lose more water than we gain, our bodies start to fail, thus they feel TIRED. 7 Our bodies NEED water to function. On top of this, as we learned earlier, water helps break down food and give our bodies nutrients. If our bodies can't get the nutrients they need, they, of course, become tired.

Sharpen your memory!
Want to stay alert and focused? One benefit of drinking water that is not highly known is it's connection to better memory. Do you struggle concentrating or seem to have problems remember things? No fear! One cause of these problems could simply be dehydration. 8 When you drink enough water to keep your body hydrated, your ability to concentrate and remember increases! In fact, drinking water can actually cause your brain to grow. Next time you find yourself distracted and confused, try drinking a glass of water and see if you feel better. 9

Improve your mood!
Find yourself gloomy, irritable, or stressed? Many studies actually connect being dehydrated with bad moods. At times, it's not just bad mood. Dehydration is also linked to higher depression and anxiety levels. 10 Water is important for your emotions and mental health. Who knew that one benefit of drinking water is high levels of happiness and quality of life? It is important to note that hydration is not the only solution for depression and anxiety. Drinking water will likely only be one factor in helping alleviate mental health diagnosis. However, how wonderful it is to discover that the reason you're in such a slump or grump could just be your need for a tall glass of ice cold water!

The benefits of increasing your water intake are astronomical! With a glass of water, many ailments and issues can fade into the distance. I hope now, you've learned how important drinking water is in your life. Without water, our bodies don't have the strength or ability to succeed. With daily water intake, you and your body and brain are ready to crush the day and succeed!


The Astonishing Health Benefits of Drinking Water

This article promotes the numerous health benefits of increased water consumption. The author claims that drinking more water can alleviate a wide range of health issues, including headaches, weight management problems, acne, stomach cramps, constipation, low energy, poor memory, and mood swings.

The core argument is that dehydration is a significant underlying factor contributing to these problems. The author cites studies (though specific citations are not provided) linking dehydration to headaches, hindered weight loss, poor skin condition, digestive issues, fatigue, memory problems, and negative mood states. Conversely, adequate hydration is presented as a key factor in improving these areas.

While the article acknowledges that water alone won't solve all health problems (e.g., weight loss requires diet and exercise), it strongly emphasizes water's crucial role in overall health and well-being. The author uses anecdotal evidence alongside claims of scientific support to bolster their argument, suggesting that increased water intake is a simple, free, and highly effective way to improve one's health.

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