Cloud SQL Admin API error messages

This page lists Cloud SQL Admin API error codes.

Error class Error code Error message
400 - BAD_REQUEST INVALID_REQUEST The incoming request contains invalid data.
INVALID_MASTERSLAVE_APPThe request contains invalid primary or secondary application IDs when creating or updating an instance.
ERROR_NON_EXISTENT_APP_ID The application ID does not exist. The instance could not be connected with an application.
ERROR_APP_REGION The App Engine app is in a different geographical region.
INVALID_OPERATION The operation isn't valid for this instance.
PROJECT_NAME_MISMATCH The operation failed to create the target instance because it has a different project name from the source instance name specified.
ERROR_GCE_ZONE_REGION The Compute Engine zone is in a different geographical region.
ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_GCE_ZONE The request contains an unrecognized Compute Engine zone.
ERROR_BOTH_GCE_ZONE_GAE_APP_SPECIFIED The Compute Engine zone and the App Engine application ID are both specified for location preference when creating or updating an instance. The operation only uses one or the other.
ERROR_SSL_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME The common name can contain only alphanumeric characters, periods, dashes, spaces, and underscores. Spaces can't appear at the beginning or the end. The length can't exceed 64 characters.
ERROR_SSL_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS The operation failed to generate a client certificate because another certificate with the same common name exists.
ERROR_INVALID_CLONE_SOURCE_PROJECT The project for the source Cloud SQL instance doesn't match the project on the request URL.
ERROR_INVALID_CLONE_DESTINATION_PROJECT The project for the destination Cloud SQL instance doesn't match the project on the request URL.
ERROR_BACKUP_NOT_FOUND The system can't find a successful backup. A backup is required to carry out the operation.
ERROR_ADDING_ON_PREMISES_CONFIG The system can't add the on-premises configuration for the given instance type.
ERROR_ON_PREMISES_INSTANCE_INVALID_OPERATION The requested operation isn't valid for an on-premises instance.
ERROR_ON_PREMISES_INSTANCE_WITH_NO_HOST_PORT An on-premises instance needs to be configured with a host:port.
ERROR_ON_PREMISES_INSTANCE_WITH_SSL_CONFIG An on-premises instance can't use the SSL configuration.
ERROR_REPLICA_CONFIGURATION_MISSING_MASTER_INSTANCE_NAME The replica configuration doesn't contain the master instance name to use for replication.
ERROR_REPLICA_CONFIGURATION_MISSING_DUMP_FILE_PATH The replica configuration doesn't contain the dump file path when replicating from an on-premises master.
ERROR_REPLICA_CONFIGURATION_MISSING_USERNAME The replica configuration doesn't contain the username (to use for the replication connection) when replicating from an on-premises master.
ERROR_REPLICA_CONFIGURATION_MISSING_PASSWORD The replica configuration doesn't contain the password (to use for the replication connection) when replicating from an on-premises master.
ERROR_READ_REPLICA_SOURCE_TARGET_REGION_MISMATCH The read replica must be in the same region as that of the source instance.
ERROR_INVALID_PROJECT The project specified in the request is invalid.
ERROR_MATCHING_SOURCE_DESTINATION_INSTANCE_NAME The instance being created can't have the same name as the source instance.
ERROR_INVALID_READ_REPLICA_PROJECT The project containing the read replica doesn't match the project on the request URL.
ERROR_READ_REPLICA_INVALID_OPERATION The requested operation isn't valid for a read replica.
ERROR_REPLICA_INVALID_OPERATION The requested operation isn't valid for a read replica.
ERROR_REPLICATION_MASTER_INVALID_OPERATION The requested operation isn't valid for a replication master instance.
ERROR_DISALLOWED_ENABLING_BACKUPS_FOR_READ_REPLICA A backup can't be enabled for read replicas.
ERROR_INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_CLOUDSQL A Cloud SQL instance that isn't a replica can't have an associated master instance name.
ERROR_INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_READ_REPLICA A read replica must have an associated master instance.
ERROR_INVALID_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_DATABASE_REPLICATION_ENABLED The database replication setting is only used on a read replica.
ERROR_DISALLOWED_DISABLED_DATABASE_REPLICATION_ON_REPLICA_CREATION The database replication flag must be enabled when creating a read replica.
ERROR_EXPORT_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE The export file type is unknown.
ERROR_EXPORT_SQL_DATABASE_COUNT The operation requires that you specify exactly one database and one table when exporting a SQL file.
ERROR_EXPORT_CSV_DATABASE_COUNT The operation requires that you specify, at most, one database when exporting a CSV file.
ERROR_IMPORT_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE The import file type is unknown.
ERROR_DATABASE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED_FOR_REPLICATION The replication and cloning operations aren't supported for this database type.
ERROR_DATABASE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED_FOR_READ_REPLICA The read replica isn't supported for this database type.
ERROR_READ_REPLICA_INCOMPATIBLE_DATABASE_TYPES The database versions for the source and target instances are incompatible for replication.
ERROR_INSTANCES_INCOMPATIBLE_FOR_REPLICATION The source and target instances are incompatible for replication.
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PUBLIC_KEY The provided public key uses an invalid or unsupported format.
ERROR_INVALID_BACKUP_RUN_STATUS The backup run status isn't valid for the given request.
ERROR_FAILOVER_REPLICA_ALREADY_EXISTS A failover replica already exists.
ERROR_INVALID_FAILOVER_REPLICA_OPERATION The requested operation isn't allowed for a failover replica.
ERROR_FAILOVER_REPLICA_AND_MASTER_IN_SAME_ZONE The failover replica must be in a different zone than the master instance.
ERROR_NO_FAILOVER_REPLICA The requested operation requires a failover replica.
ERROR_EXPORT_CSV_SELECT_QUERY_SIZE_EXCEED_LIMIT The Select query exceeds the size limit for the CSV export operation.
ERROR_INVALID_HA_MASTER_OPERATION The requested operation isn't valid for an HA master instance.
ERROR_INVALID_HAS_REPLICA_OPERATION The requested operation isn't valid for an instance that has a replica.
ERROR_INSTANCE_NAME_CONFLICT There is an existing instance with the given name.
ERROR_BACKUP_SIZE_EXCEEDS_INSTANCE_SIZE Restore from backup can't be done to the instance with storage size smaller than the backup size.
ERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_IP_RANGE The IP address of the primary database is in an unsupported IP address range. Non-RFC 1918 IPs are not supported. To set up replicas, change the IP address of the primary server.
ERROR_INVALID_REPLICA_REGION_TOPOLOGY Requested operation would cause circular region dependency in replica chain.
ERROR_REPLICA_DEPTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Requested operation would cause exceeding the limit of 4 levels on the depth of cascading replicas.
ERROR_DISALLOWED_UPDATING_EXTERNAL_SERVER_REPLICA_REPLICATION_STATE Updating the replication state setting of an external server replica instance isn't allowed. Use the stopReplica or startReplica API instead.
ERROR_DISALLOWED_UPDATING_EXTERNAL_SERVER_REPLICA_REPLICATION_STATE Updating the replication state setting of an external server replica instance isn't allowed. Use the stopReplica or startReplica API instead.
ERROR_EXTERNAL_SERVER_REPLICA_GTID_MODE External server replica must have gtid_mode=ON in order to have a read replica.
ERROR_PITR_BACKUP_RUN_NOT_DELETABLE This upgrade backup cannot be deleted because it's within the point-in-time recovery retention period for the instance. You can delete it earlier if you adjust the retention period or disable point-in-time recovery.
ERROR_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_DELETION_FAILURE The instance is protected. Please disable the deletion protection and try again. To disable deletion protection, update the instance settings with deletionProtectionEnabled set to false.
ERROR_READ_REPLICA_UNDER_EXTERNAL_SERVER_REPLICA_NOT_SYNCED To have a read replica, there must be an initial sync completed on the external server replica.

Error class Error code Error message
403 - FORBIDDEN NOT_AUTHORIZED The client isn't authorized to make this request.
INVALID_BILLING_ACCOUNT_STATE The billing account has an issue. A new instance can't be created until the billing issue is resolved.
ERROR_GCS_BUCKET_PERMISSION_DENIAL The service account doesn't have the required permissions for the bucket.

Error class Error codeError message
404 - NOT_FOUND INSTANCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST The Cloud SQL instance doesn't exist.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAG_NAME The requested flag is either misspelled or unsupported by Cloud SQL.
OPERATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST The Cloud SQL instance operation doesn't exist.
BACKUP_RUN_DOES_NOT_EXIST The backup run doesn't exist.
SSL_CERTIFICATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST The SSL certificate doesn't exist.

Error class Error code Error message
409 - CONFLICT INVALID_STATE The instance or operation isn't in an appropriate state to handle the request.
OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS The operation failed because another operation was already in progress.

Error class Error codeError message
412 - PRECONDITION_FAILED STALE_DATA The condition doesn't match.

Error class Error code Error message
422 - INVALID_VALUE INVALID_INSTANCE_PROPERTY The instance property is invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAG_DATABASE_TYPE The flag requested can't be set on this database type.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAG_VALUE The requested value isn't valid.

Error class Error code Error message
429 - LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR_MAX_INSTANCE_PER_LABEL The operation failed to create an instance because the project has reached the maximum instance per project limit.
ERROR_MAX_APP_IDS The operation failed to update an instance because it exceeded the maximum number of application IDs that can be attached to the instance.
ERROR_MAX_FREE_INSTANCE_PER_LABEL The operation failed to create an instance because the project or creator has reached the maximum free instances per project or creator limit.
ERROR_MAX_CLIENT_SSL_CERTIFICATES The operation failed to create a client SSL certificate because you have created the maximum number of certificates allowed.

Error class Error code Error message
500 - BACKEND_ERROR SERVER_EXCEPTION The service is temporarily unavailable.
ERROR_SPECKLE_RPC The service is temporarily unavailable.
ERROR_BILLING_RPC The service is temporarily unavailable.
ERROR_UNKNOWN The operation finished in an unknown state.
POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST The service is temporarily unavailable.
ERROR_APPCONFIG_RPC The service is temporarily unavailable.
RETRY_TRANSIENT_ERROR The service is temporarily unavailable. This is most likely a momentary error. Retry the operation.
ERROR_IP_MANAGEMENT_OPERATION The service is temporarily unavailable. This is most likely a momentary error. Retry the operation.
ERROR_GCE_BOOT_DISK_CREATION_FAILURE The instance creation operation failed to create a boot disk.
ERROR_GCE_DATA_DISK_CREATION_FAILURE The instance creation operation failed to create a data disk.
ERROR_GCE_TMP_DISK_CREATION_FAILURE The instance creation operation failed to create a tmp disk.
ERROR_GCE_IP_CREATION_FAILURE The instance creation operation failed to obtain an IP address.
ERROR_GCE_VM_CREATION_FAILURE The instance creation operation failed to create a VM.
ERROR_GCE_STOCKOUT The zone or region doesn't have sufficient resources to handle the request at the moment.
ERROR_GCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED The requested resource is unavailable at the moment.

Error class Error codeError message
501 - UNSUPPORTED_METHOD UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION The requested operation isn't supported.
UNSUPPORTED_V2_OPERATION The requested operation isn't supported on Cloud SQL instances.
ERROR_DISK_ENCRYPTION_UNSUPPORTED The disk encryption with a KMS key isn't supported for the requested operation.