Imposta policy IAM

Mostra come impostare i criteri IAM su un'origine

Esempio di codice

Per autenticarti in Security Command Center, configura le credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

import (

	iam ""
	securitycenter ""

// setSourceIamPolicy grants user roles/securitycenter.findingsEditor permision
// for a source. sourceName is the full resource name of the source to be
// updated. user is an email address that IAM can grant permissions to.
func setSourceIamPolicy(w io.Writer, sourceName string, user string) error {
	// sourceName := "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
	// user := "
	// Instantiate a context and a security service client to make API calls.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := securitycenter.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("securitycenter.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close() // Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.

	// Retrieve the existing policy so we can update only a specific
	// field.
	existing, err := client.GetIamPolicy(ctx, &iam.GetIamPolicyRequest{
		Resource: sourceName,
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("GetIamPolicy(%s): %w", sourceName, err)

	req := &iam.SetIamPolicyRequest{
		Resource: sourceName,
		Policy: &iam.Policy{
			// Enables partial update of existing policy
			Etag: existing.Etag,
			Bindings: []*iam.Binding{{
				Role: "roles/securitycenter.findingsEditor",
				// New IAM Binding for the user.
				Members: []string{fmt.Sprintf("user:%s", user)},
	policy, err := client.SetIamPolicy(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("SetIamPolicy(%s, %v): %w", sourceName, req.Policy, err)

	fmt.Fprint(w, "Bindings:\n")
	for _, binding := range policy.Bindings {
		for _, member := range binding.Members {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "Principal: %s Role: %s\n", member, binding.Role)
	return nil

Per autenticarti in Security Command Center, configura le credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

static Policy setIamPolicySource(SourceName sourceName, String userEmail) {
  try (SecurityCenterClient client = SecurityCenterClient.create()) {
    // userEmail = ""
    // Set up IAM Policy for the user userMail to use the role findingsEditor.
    // The user must be a valid google account.
    Policy oldPolicy = client.getIamPolicy(sourceName.toString());
    Binding bindings =
            .addMembers("user:" + userEmail)
    Policy policy = oldPolicy.toBuilder().addBindings(bindings).build();

    // Start setting up a request to set IAM policy for a source.
    // SourceName sourceName = SourceName.of("123234324", "423432321");
    SetIamPolicyRequest.Builder request =

    // Call the API.
    Policy response = client.setIamPolicy(;

    System.out.println("Policy: " + response);
    return response;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create client.", e);

Per autenticarti in Security Command Center, configura le credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {SecurityCenterClient} = require('@google-cloud/security-center');

// Creates a new client.
const client = new SecurityCenterClient();

async function setSourceIamPolicy() {
  // sourceName is the full resource name of the source to be
  // updated.
  // user is an email address that IAM can grant permissions to.
   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines
  // const sourceName = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234";
  // const user = "";
  const [existingPolicy] = await client.getIamPolicy({
    resource: sourceName,

  const [updatedPolicy] = await client.setIamPolicy({
    resource: sourceName,
    policy: {
      // Enables partial update of existing policy
      etag: existingPolicy.etag,
      bindings: [
          role: 'roles/securitycenter.findingsEditor',
          // New IAM Binding for the user.
          members: [`user:${user}`],
  console.log('Updated policy: %j', updatedPolicy);

Per autenticarti in Security Command Center, configura le credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

from import securitycenter
from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2

client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()

# 'source_name' is the resource path for a source that has been
# created previously (you can use list_sources to find a specific one).
# Its format is:
# source_name = "organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}"
# e.g.:
# source_name = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
# Get the old policy so we can do an incremental update.
old_policy = client.get_iam_policy(request={"resource": source_name})
print(f"Old Policy: {old_policy}")

# Setup a new IAM binding.
binding = policy_pb2.Binding()
binding.role = "roles/securitycenter.findingsEditor"
# user_email is an e-mail address known to Cloud IAM (e.g. a gmail address).
# user_mail =

# Setting the e-tag avoids over-write existing policy
updated = client.set_iam_policy(
        "resource": source_name,
        "policy": {"etag": old_policy.etag, "bindings": [binding]},

print(f"Updated Policy: {updated}")

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