모바일 애플리케이션용 평가 만들기

이 페이지에서는 reCAPTCHA Enterprise가 전송하는 토큰의 진위성을 백엔드가 확인할 수 있도록 평가를 만드는 방법을 설명합니다. reCAPTCHA Enterprise는 최종 사용자가 작업을 트리거할 때 암호화된 응답인 reCAPTCHA 응답 토큰(토큰)을 전송합니다.

생성된 토큰을 평가 엔드포인트에 제출하여 백엔드에서 execute()의 결과를 평가하는 평가를 만들어야 합니다. reCAPTCHA Enterprise는 제출된 토큰을 처리하고 토큰의 유효성과 점수를 보고합니다.

reCAPTCHA Enterprise 월간 평가 첫 100만 회는 무료입니다. 월간 무료 사용량 한도(월간 평가 100만 회)에 도달한 후 평가를 계속 만들려면 Google Cloud 프로젝트에 결제를 사용 설정해야 합니다. reCAPTCHA Enterprise 결제에 대한 자세한 내용은 결제 정보를 참조하세요.

시작하기 전에

  1. reCAPTCHA Enterprise 환경을 준비합니다.
  2. reCAPTCHA Enterprise 에이전트(roles/recaptchaenterprise.agent)라는 Identity and Access Management 역할이 있는지 확인합니다.
  3. iOS 애플리케이션 또는 Android 애플리케이션에 점수 기반 키를 설치합니다.
  4. reCAPTCHA Enterprise에 대한 인증을 설정합니다.

    reCAPTCHA Enterprise가 설정된 환경에 따라 선택하는 인증 방법이 달라집니다. 다음 표는 인증을 설정하는 데 적합한 인증 방법과 지원되는 인터페이스를 선택하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

    환경 인터페이스 인증 방법
    Google Cloud
    • REST
    • 클라이언트 라이브러리
    연결된 서비스 계정을 사용합니다.
    온프레미스 또는 다른 클라우드 제공업체 REST API 키 또는워크로드 아이덴티티 제휴를 사용합니다.

    API 키를 사용하려면 API 키 제한사항을 적용하여 API 키를 보호하는 것이 좋습니다.

    클라이언트 라이브러리

    다음 중 하나를 사용합니다.

토큰 검색

execute() 호출의 응답에서 토큰을 검색합니다.

각 사용자의 토큰에 한 번만 액세스할 수 있습니다. 사용자가 모바일 애플리케이션에서 취하는 후속 조치를 평가해야 하는 경우, 또는 평가가 생성되기 전에 토큰이 만료되면 execute()를 다시 호출하여 새 토큰을 생성해야 합니다.

평가 작성

인증을 설정한 후에는 reCAPTCHA Enterprise API에 요청을 보내거나 reCAPTCHA Enterprise 클라이언트 라이브러리를 사용하여 평가를 만듭니다.

감지 기능을 개선하려면 평가를 만들 때 userAgent, userIpAddress, ja3 값을 추가로 전달하는 것이 좋습니다. 이렇게 하면 고급 공격 패턴과 사람이 주도하는 악용으로부터 웹사이트와 모바일 애플리케이션을 보호할 수 있습니다.


reCAPTCHA Enterprise API에 요청을 전송하여 평가를 만듭니다. 인증에 gcloud CLI 또는 API 키를 사용할 수 있습니다.

gcloud CLI 사용

projects.assessments.create 메서드를 사용하여 평가를 작성하세요. 이 요청을 v1 API 엔드포인트로 보냅니다.

요청 데이터를 사용하기 전에 다음을 바꿉니다.

  • PROJECT_ID: Google Cloud 프로젝트 ID
  • TOKEN: grecaptcha.enterprise.execute() 호출에서 반환 토큰
  • KEY_ID: 사이트 또는 앱과 연결된 reCAPTCHA 키. 자세한 내용은 reCAPTCHA 키를 참조하세요.
  • USER_AGENT: 사용자 기기의 요청에 있는 사용자 에이전트입니다.
  • USER_IP_ADDRESS: 사용자 기기의 요청에 있는 IP 주소입니다.
  • JA3: SSL 클라이언트의 JA3 지문입니다. JA3를 계산할 때는 salesforce/ja3을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
  • USER_ACTION: grecaptcha.enterprise.execute() 호출에서 action에 대해 지정한 사용자가 시작한 작업(예: login)

    자세한 내용은 작업 이름을 참조하세요.

HTTP 메서드 및 URL:

POST https://recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/assessments

JSON 요청 본문:

  "event": {
    "token": "TOKEN",
    "siteKey": "KEY_ID",
    "userAgent": "USER_AGENT",
    "userIpAddress": "USER_IP_ADDRESS",
    "ja3": "JA3",
    "expectedAction": "USER_ACTION"

요청을 보내려면 다음 옵션 중 하나를 선택합니다.


요청 본문을 request.json 파일에 저장하고 다음 명령어를 실행합니다.

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


요청 본문을 request.json 파일에 저장하고 다음 명령어를 실행합니다.

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "https://recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/assessments" | Select-Object -Expand Content

다음과 비슷한 JSON 응답이 표시됩니다.

  "tokenProperties": {
    "valid": true,
    "com.example.app" or "iosBundleId": "com.example.app",
    "action": "homepage",
    "createTime": "2019-03-28T12:24:17.894Z"
  "riskAnalysis": {
    "score": 0.1,
    "reasons": ["AUTOMATION"]
 "event": {
    "token": "TOKEN",
    "siteKey": "KEY_ID",
    "userAgent": "USER_AGENT",
    "userIpAddress": "USER_IP_ADDRESS",
    "ja3": "JA3",
    "expectedAction": "USER_ACTION"
  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/assessments/b6ac310000000000"

JSON 응답에 도입되는 추가 필드의 경우 중단이 방지되도록 엄격하지 않은 파싱 모드에서 JSON 파서를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.

API 키 사용

projects.assessments.create 메서드를 사용하여 평가를 작성하세요. 이 요청을 v1 API 엔드포인트로 보냅니다.

요청 데이터를 사용하기 전에 다음을 바꿉니다.

  • API_KEY: 현재 프로젝트와 연결된 API 키
  • PROJECT_ID: Google Cloud 프로젝트 ID
  • TOKEN: grecaptcha.enterprise.execute() 호출에서 반환 토큰
  • KEY_ID: 사이트 또는 앱과 연결된 reCAPTCHA 키. 자세한 내용은 reCAPTCHA 키를 참조하세요.
  • USER_AGENT: 사용자 기기의 요청에 있는 사용자 에이전트입니다.
  • USER_IP_ADDRESS: 사용자 기기의 요청에 있는 IP 주소입니다.
  • JA3: SSL 클라이언트의 JA3 지문입니다. JA3를 계산할 때는 salesforce/ja3을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
  • USER_ACTION: grecaptcha.enterprise.execute() 호출에서 action에 대해 지정한 사용자가 시작한 작업(예: login)

    자세한 내용은 작업 이름을 참조하세요.

HTTP 메서드 및 URL:

POST https://recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/assessments?key=API_KEY

JSON 요청 본문:

  "event": {
    "token": "TOKEN",
    "siteKey": "KEY_ID",
    "userAgent": "USER_AGENT",
    "userIpAddress": "USER_IP_ADDRESS",
    "ja3": "JA3",
    "expectedAction": "USER_ACTION"

요청을 보내려면 다음 옵션 중 하나를 선택합니다.


요청 본문을 request.json 파일에 저장하고 다음 명령어를 실행합니다.

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


요청 본문을 request.json 파일에 저장하고 다음 명령어를 실행합니다.

$headers = @{  }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "https://recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/assessments?key=API_KEY" | Select-Object -Expand Content

다음과 비슷한 JSON 응답이 표시됩니다.

  "tokenProperties": {
    "valid": true,
    "hostname": "www.google.com",
    "action": "homepage",
    "createTime": "2019-03-28T12:24:17.894Z"
  "riskAnalysis": {
    "score": 0.1,
    "reasons": ["AUTOMATION"]
  "event": {
    "token": "TOKEN",
    "siteKey": "KEY_ID",
    "userAgent": "USER_AGENT",
    "userIpAddress": "USER_IP_ADDRESS",
    "ja3": "JA3",
    "expectedAction": "USER_ACTION"
  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/assessments/b6ac310000000000"

JSON 응답에 도입되는 추가 필드의 경우 중단이 방지되도록 엄격하지 않은 파싱 모드에서 JSON 파서를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.


  using System;
  using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
  using Google.Cloud.RecaptchaEnterprise.V1;

  public class CreateAssessmentSample
      // Create an assessment to analyze the risk of a UI action.
      // projectID: Google Cloud project ID.
      // recaptchaKey: reCAPTCHA key obtained by registering a domain or an app to use reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
      // token: The token obtained from the client on passing the recaptchaKey.
      // recaptchaAction: Action name corresponding to the token.
      public void createAssessment(string projectID = "project-id", string recaptchaKey = "recaptcha-key",
          string token = "action-token", string recaptchaAction = "action-name")

          // Create the client.
          // TODO: To avoid memory issues, move this client generation outside
          // of this example, and cache it (recommended) or call client.close()
          // before exiting this method.
          RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient client = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();

          ProjectName projectName = new ProjectName(projectID);

          // Build the assessment request.
          CreateAssessmentRequest createAssessmentRequest = new CreateAssessmentRequest()
              Assessment = new Assessment()
                  // Set the properties of the event to be tracked.
                  Event = new Event()
                      SiteKey = recaptchaKey,
                      Token = token,
                      ExpectedAction = recaptchaAction
              ParentAsProjectName = projectName

          Assessment response = client.CreateAssessment(createAssessmentRequest);

          // Check if the token is valid.
          if (response.TokenProperties.Valid == false)
              System.Console.WriteLine("The CreateAssessment call failed because the token was: " +

          // Check if the expected action was executed.
          if (response.TokenProperties.Action != recaptchaAction)
              System.Console.WriteLine("The action attribute in reCAPTCHA tag is: " +
              System.Console.WriteLine("The action attribute in the reCAPTCHA tag does not " +
                  "match the action you are expecting to score");

          // Get the risk score and the reasons.
          // For more information on interpreting the assessment,
          // see: https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/interpret-assessment
          System.Console.WriteLine("The reCAPTCHA score is: " + ((decimal)response.RiskAnalysis.Score));

          foreach (RiskAnalysis.Types.ClassificationReason reason in response.RiskAnalysis.Reasons)

      public static void Main(string[] args)
          new CreateAssessmentSample().createAssessment();


  import (

    recaptcha "cloud.google.com/go/recaptchaenterprise/v2/apiv1"
    recaptchapb "cloud.google.com/go/recaptchaenterprise/v2/apiv1/recaptchaenterprisepb"

  func main() {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    projectID := "project-id"
    recaptchaKey := "recaptcha-key"
    token := "action-token"
    recaptchaAction := "action-name"

    createAssessment(projectID, recaptchaKey, token, recaptchaAction)

  * Create an assessment to analyze the risk of a UI action.
  * @param projectID: Google Cloud project ID
  * @param recaptchaKey: reCAPTCHA key obtained by registering a domain or an app to use the services of reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
  * @param token: The token obtained from the client on passing the recaptchaKey.
  * @param recaptchaAction: Action name corresponding to the token.
  func createAssessment(projectID string, recaptchaKey string, token string, recaptchaAction string) {

    // Create the recaptcha client.
    // TODO: To avoid memory issues, move this client generation outside
    // of this example, and cache it (recommended) or call client.close()
    // before exiting this method.
    ctx := context.Background()
    client, err := recaptcha.NewClient(ctx)
    if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("Error creating reCAPTCHA client\n")
    defer client.Close()

    // Set the properties of the event to be tracked.
    event := &recaptchapb.Event{
      Token:          token,
      SiteKey:        recaptchaKey,

    assessment := &recaptchapb.Assessment{
      Event: event,

    // Build the assessment request.
    request := &recaptchapb.CreateAssessmentRequest{
      Assessment: assessment,
      Parent:     fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", projectID),

    response, err := client.CreateAssessment(

    if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("%v", err.Error())

    // Check if the token is valid.
    if response.TokenProperties.Valid == false {
      fmt.Printf("The CreateAssessment() call failed because the token"+
         " was invalid for the following reasons: %v",

    // Check if the expected action was executed.
    if response.TokenProperties.Action == recaptchaAction {
      // Get the risk score and the reason(s).
      // For more information on interpreting the assessment,
      // see: https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/interpret-assessment
      fmt.Printf("The reCAPTCHA score for this token is:  %v",

      for _,reason := range response.RiskAnalysis.Reasons {

    fmt.Printf("The action attribute in your reCAPTCHA tag does " +
        "not match the action you are expecting to score")


import com.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.Assessment;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.CreateAssessmentRequest;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.Event;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.ProjectName;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.RiskAnalysis.ClassificationReason;
import java.io.IOException;

public class CreateAssessment {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectID = "project-id";
    String recaptchaSiteKey = "recaptcha-site-key";
    String token = "action-token";
    String recaptchaAction = "action-name";

    createAssessment(projectID, recaptchaSiteKey, token, recaptchaAction);

   * Create an assessment to analyze the risk of an UI action. Assessment approach is the same for
   * both 'score' and 'checkbox' type recaptcha site keys.
   * @param projectID : GCloud Project ID
   * @param recaptchaSiteKey : Site key obtained by registering a domain/app to use recaptcha
   *     services. (score/ checkbox type)
   * @param token : The token obtained from the client on passing the recaptchaSiteKey.
   * @param recaptchaAction : Action name corresponding to the token.
  public static void createAssessment(
      String projectID, String recaptchaSiteKey, String token, String recaptchaAction)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the `client.close()` method on the client to safely
    // clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient client = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.create()) {

      // Set the properties of the event to be tracked.
      Event event = Event.newBuilder().setSiteKey(recaptchaSiteKey).setToken(token).build();

      // Build the assessment request.
      CreateAssessmentRequest createAssessmentRequest =

      Assessment response = client.createAssessment(createAssessmentRequest);

      // Check if the token is valid.
      if (!response.getTokenProperties().getValid()) {
            "The CreateAssessment call failed because the token was: "
                + response.getTokenProperties().getInvalidReason().name());

      // Check if the expected action was executed.
      // (If the key is checkbox type and 'action' attribute wasn't set, skip this check.)
      if (!response.getTokenProperties().getAction().equals(recaptchaAction)) {
            "The action attribute in reCAPTCHA tag is: "
                + response.getTokenProperties().getAction());
            "The action attribute in the reCAPTCHA tag "
                + "does not match the action ("
                + recaptchaAction
                + ") you are expecting to score");

      // Get the reason(s) and the risk score.
      // For more information on interpreting the assessment,
      // see: https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/interpret-assessment
      for (ClassificationReason reason : response.getRiskAnalysis().getReasonsList()) {

      float recaptchaScore = response.getRiskAnalysis().getScore();
      System.out.println("The reCAPTCHA score is: " + recaptchaScore);

      // Get the assessment name (id). Use this to annotate the assessment.
      String assessmentName = response.getName();
          "Assessment name: " + assessmentName.substring(assessmentName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));


  const {RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient} =

 * Create an assessment to analyze the risk of a UI action. Note that
 * this example does set error boundaries and returns `null` for
 * exceptions.
 * projectID: Google Cloud project ID
 * recaptchaKey: reCAPTCHA key obtained by registering a domain or an app to use the services of reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
 * token: The token obtained from the client on passing the recaptchaKey.
 * recaptchaAction: Action name corresponding to the token.
 async function createAssessment({
   projectID = "your-project-id",
   recaptchaKey = "your-recaptcha-key",
   token = "action-token",
   recaptchaAction = "action-name",
 }) {
   // Create the reCAPTCHA client & set the project path. There are multiple
   // ways to authenticate your client. For more information see:
   // https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication
   // TODO: To avoid memory issues, move this client generation outside
   // of this example, and cache it (recommended) or call client.close()
   // before exiting this method.
   const client = new RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient();
   const projectPath = client.projectPath(projectID);

   // Build the assessment request.
   const request = ({
     assessment: {
       event: {
         token: token,
         siteKey: recaptchaKey,
     parent: projectPath,

   // client.createAssessment() can return a Promise or take a Callback
   const [ response ] = await client.createAssessment(request);

   // Check if the token is valid.
   if (!response.tokenProperties.valid) {
    console.log("The CreateAssessment call failed because the token was: " +

    return null;

   // Check if the expected action was executed.
   // The `action` property is set by user client in the
   // grecaptcha.enterprise.execute() method.
   if (response.tokenProperties.action === recaptchaAction) {

    // Get the risk score and the reason(s).
    // For more information on interpreting the assessment,
    // see: https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/interpret-assessment
    console.log("The reCAPTCHA score is: " +

    response.riskAnalysis.reasons.forEach((reason) => {
    return response.riskAnalysis.score;
   } else {
    console.log("The action attribute in your reCAPTCHA tag " +
      "does not match the action you are expecting to score");
    return null;



  // Include Google Cloud dependencies using Composer
  // composer require google/cloud-recaptcha-enterprise
  require 'vendor/autoload.php';

  use Google\Cloud\RecaptchaEnterprise\V1\RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient;
  use Google\Cloud\RecaptchaEnterprise\V1\Event;
  use Google\Cloud\RecaptchaEnterprise\V1\Assessment;
  use Google\Cloud\RecaptchaEnterprise\V1\TokenProperties\InvalidReason;

  * Create an assessment to analyze the risk of a UI action.
  * @param string $siteKey The key ID for the reCAPTCHA key (See https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/create-key)
  * @param string $token The user's response token for which you want to receive a reCAPTCHA score. (See https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/create-assessment#retrieve_token)
  * @param string $project Your Google Cloud project ID
  function create_assessment(
     string $siteKey,
     string $token,
     string $project
  ): void {
  // TODO: To avoid memory issues, move this client generation outside
  // of this example, and cache it (recommended) or call client.close()
  // before exiting this method.
  $client = new RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient();
  $projectName = $client->projectName($project);

     $event = (new Event())

     $assessment = (new Assessment())

     try {
         $response = $client->createAssessment(

         // You can use the score only if the assessment is valid,
         // In case of failures like re-submitting the same token, getValid() will return false
         if ($response->getTokenProperties()->getValid() == false) {
             printf('The CreateAssessment() call failed because the token was invalid for the following reason: ');
         } else {
             printf('The score for the protection action is:');

             // Optional: You can use the following methods to get more data about the token
             // Action name provided at token generation.
             // printf($response->getTokenProperties()->getAction() . PHP_EOL);
             // The timestamp corresponding to the generation of the token.
             // printf($response->getTokenProperties()->getCreateTime()->getSeconds() . PHP_EOL);
             // The hostname of the page on which the token was generated.
             // printf($response->getTokenProperties()->getHostname() . PHP_EOL);
     } catch (exception $e) {
         printf('CreateAssessment() call failed with the following error: ');

  // TODO(Developer): Replace the following before running the sample


from google.cloud import recaptchaenterprise_v1
from google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise_v1 import Assessment

def create_assessment(
    project_id: str, recaptcha_site_key: str, token: str, recaptcha_action: str
) -> Assessment:
    """Create an assessment to analyze the risk of a UI action.
        project_id: GCloud Project ID
        recaptcha_site_key: Site key obtained by registering a domain/app to use recaptcha services.
        token: The token obtained from the client on passing the recaptchaSiteKey.
        recaptcha_action: Action name corresponding to the token.

    client = recaptchaenterprise_v1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient()

    # Set the properties of the event to be tracked.
    event = recaptchaenterprise_v1.Event()
    event.site_key = recaptcha_site_key
    event.token = token

    assessment = recaptchaenterprise_v1.Assessment()
    assessment.event = event

    project_name = f"projects/{project_id}"

    # Build the assessment request.
    request = recaptchaenterprise_v1.CreateAssessmentRequest()
    request.assessment = assessment
    request.parent = project_name

    response = client.create_assessment(request)

    # Check if the token is valid.
    if not response.token_properties.valid:
            "The CreateAssessment call failed because the token was "
            + "invalid for for the following reasons: "
            + str(response.token_properties.invalid_reason)

    # Check if the expected action was executed.
    if response.token_properties.action != recaptcha_action:
            "The action attribute in your reCAPTCHA tag does"
            + "not match the action you are expecting to score"
        # Get the risk score and the reason(s)
        # For more information on interpreting the assessment,
        # see: https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/interpret-assessment
        for reason in response.risk_analysis.reasons:
            "The reCAPTCHA score for this token is: "
            + str(response.risk_analysis.score)
        # Get the assessment name (id). Use this to annotate the assessment.
        assessment_name = client.parse_assessment_path(response.name).get("assessment")
        print(f"Assessment name: {assessment_name}")
    return response


require "google/cloud/recaptcha_enterprise"

# Create an assessment to analyze the risk of a UI action.
# @param site_key [String] Site key obtained by registering a domain/app to use recaptcha services.
# @param token [String] The token obtained from the client on passing the recaptcha site_key.
# @param project_id [String] GCloud Project ID.
# @param recaptcha_action [String] Action name corresponding to the token.
# @return [void]
def create_assessment site_key:, token:, project_id:, recaptcha_action:
  # Create the reCAPTCHA client.
  client = ::Google::Cloud::RecaptchaEnterprise.recaptcha_enterprise_service

  request = { parent: "projects/#{project_id}",
              assessment: {
                event: {
                  site_key: site_key,
                  token: token
              } }

  response = client.create_assessment request

  # Check if the token is valid.
  if !response.token_properties.valid
    puts "The create_assessment() call failed because the token was invalid with the following reason:" \
  # Check if the expected action was executed.
  elsif response.token_properties.action == recaptcha_action
    # Get the risk score and the reason(s).
    # For more information on interpreting the assessment,
    # see: https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha/docs/interpret-assessment
    puts "The reCAPTCHA score for this token is: #{response.risk_analysis.score}"
    response.risk_analysis.reasons.each { |reason| puts reason }
    puts "The action attribute in your reCAPTCHA tag does not match the action you are expecting to score"

다음 단계

  • 평가를 해석하고 점수에 따라 모바일 애플리케이션에 적절한 조치를 취합니다.