Class StreamingPullRequest (1.7.1)

Request for the StreamingPull streaming RPC method. This request is used to establish the initial stream as well as to stream acknowledgements and ack deadline modifications from the client to the server.

List of acknowledgement IDs for acknowledging previously received messages (received on this stream or a different stream). If an ack ID has expired, the corresponding message may be redelivered later. Acknowledging a message more than once will not result in an error. If the acknowledgement ID is malformed, the stream will be aborted with status INVALID_ARGUMENT.

List of acknowledgement IDs whose deadline will be modified based on the corresponding element in modify_deadline_seconds. This field can be used to indicate that more time is needed to process a message by the subscriber, or to make the message available for redelivery if the processing was interrupted.

A unique identifier that is used to distinguish client instances from each other. Only needs to be provided on the initial request. When a stream disconnects and reconnects for the same stream, the client_id should be set to the same value so that state associated with the old stream can be transferred to the new stream. The same client_id should not be used for different client instances.

Flow control settings for the maximum number of outstanding bytes. When there are max_outstanding_bytes or more worth of messages currently sent to the streaming pull client that have not yet been acked or nacked, the server will stop sending more messages. The sending of messages resumes once the number of outstanding bytes is less than this value. If the value is <= 0, there is no limit to the number of outstanding bytes. This property can only be set on the initial StreamingPullRequest. If it is set on a subsequent request, the stream will be aborted with status INVALID_ARGUMENT.


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > StreamingPullRequest