Module llm (1.22.0)

LLM models.



    model_name: typing.Literal[
        "claude-3-sonnet", "claude-3-haiku", "claude-3-5-sonnet", "claude-3-opus"
    ] = "claude-3-sonnet",
    session: typing.Optional[bigframes.session.Session] = None,
    connection_name: typing.Optional[str] = None

Claude3 text generator LLM model.

Go to Google Cloud Console -> Vertex AI -> Model Garden page to enabe the models before use. Must have the Consumer Procurement Entitlement Manager Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to enable the models.

The models only availabe in specific regions. Check for details.

Name Description
model_name str, Default to "claude-3-sonnet"

The model for natural language tasks. Possible values are "claude-3-sonnet", "claude-3-haiku", "claude-3-5-sonnet" and "claude-3-opus". "claude-3-sonnet" is Anthropic's dependable combination of skills and speed. It is engineered to be dependable for scaled AI deployments across a variety of use cases. "claude-3-haiku" is Anthropic's fastest, most compact vision and text model for near-instant responses to simple queries, meant for seamless AI experiences mimicking human interactions. "claude-3-5-sonnet" is Anthropic's most powerful AI model and maintains the speed and cost of Claude 3 Sonnet, which is a mid-tier model. "claude-3-opus" is Anthropic's second-most powerful AI model, with strong performance on highly complex tasks. Default to "claude-3-sonnet".

session bigframes.Session or None

BQ session to create the model. If None, use the global default session.

connection_name str or None

Connection to connect with remote service. str of the format <PROJECT_NUMBER/PROJECT_ID>.


    model_name: typing.Literal[
    ] = "gemini-pro",
    session: typing.Optional[bigframes.session.Session] = None,
    connection_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    max_iterations: int = 300

Gemini text generator LLM model.

Name Description
model_name str, Default to "gemini-pro"

The model for natural language tasks. Accepted values are "gemini-pro", "gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0514", "gemini-1.5-flash-preview-0514", "gemini-1.5-pro-001" and "gemini-1.5-flash-001". Default to "gemini-pro".

session bigframes.Session or None

BQ session to create the model. If None, use the global default session.

connection_name str or None

Connection to connect with remote service. str of the format <PROJECT_NUMBER/PROJECT_ID>.

max_iterations Optional[int], Default to 300

The number of steps to run when performing supervised tuning.


    model_name: typing.Literal[
        "textembedding-gecko", "textembedding-gecko-multilingual"
    ] = "textembedding-gecko",
    version: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    session: typing.Optional[bigframes.session.Session] = None,
    connection_name: typing.Optional[str] = None

PaLM2 text embedding generator LLM model.

Name Description
model_name str, Default to "textembedding-gecko"

The model for text embedding. “textembedding-gecko” returns model embeddings for text inputs. "textembedding-gecko-multilingual" returns model embeddings for text inputs which support over 100 languages. Default to "textembedding-gecko".

version str or None

Model version. Accepted values are "001", "002", "003", "latest" etc. Will use the default version if unset. See for details.

session bigframes.Session or None

BQ session to create the model. If None, use the global default session.

connection_name str or None

Connection to connect with remote service. str of the format <PROJECT_NUMBER/PROJECT_ID>.


    model_name: typing.Literal["text-bison", "text-bison-32k"] = "text-bison",
    session: typing.Optional[bigframes.session.Session] = None,
    connection_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    max_iterations: int = 300

PaLM2 text generator LLM model.

Name Description
model_name str, Default to "text-bison"

The model for natural language tasks. “text-bison” returns model fine-tuned to follow natural language instructions and is suitable for a variety of language tasks. "text-bison-32k" supports up to 32k tokens per request. Default to "text-bison".

session bigframes.Session or None

BQ session to create the model. If None, use the global default session.

connection_name str or None

Connection to connect with remote service. str of the format <PROJECT_NUMBER/PROJECT_ID>.

max_iterations Optional[int], Default to 300

The number of steps to run when performing supervised tuning.


    model_name: typing.Literal[
        "text-embedding-004", "text-multilingual-embedding-002"
    ] = "text-embedding-004",
    session: typing.Optional[bigframes.session.Session] = None,
    connection_name: typing.Optional[str] = None

Text embedding generator LLM model.

Name Description
model_name str, Default to "text-embedding-004"

The model for text embedding. Possible values are "text-embedding-004" or "text-multilingual-embedding-002". text-embedding models returns model embeddings for text inputs. text-multilingual-embedding models returns model embeddings for text inputs which support over 100 languages. Default to "text-embedding-004".

session bigframes.Session or None

BQ session to create the model. If None, use the global default session.

connection_name str or None

Connection to connect with remote service. str of the format <PROJECT_NUMBER/PROJECT_ID>.