Class BigQueryOptions (1.22.0)

    credentials: typing.Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials] = None,
    project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    location: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    bq_connection: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    use_regional_endpoints: bool = False,
    application_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    kms_key_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    skip_bq_connection_check: bool = False,
    ordering_mode: typing.Literal["strict", "partial"] = "strict"

Encapsulates configuration for working with a session.



The application name to amend to the user-agent sent to Google APIs.

The application name to amend to the user agent sent to Google APIs. The recommended format is "application-name/major.minor.patch_version" or "(gpn:PartnerName;)" for official Google partners.

Type Description
None or str Application name as a string if exists; otherwise None.


Name of the BigQuery connection to use in the form <PROJECT_NUMBER/PROJECT_ID>.

You either need to create the connection in a location of your choice, or you need the Project Admin IAM role to enable the service to create the connection for you.

If this option isn't available, or the project or location isn't provided, then the default connection project/location/connection_id is used in the session.

If this option isn't provided, or project or location aren't provided, session will use its default project/location/connection_id as default connection.

Type Description
None or str Name of the BigQuery connection as a string; otherwise None.


The OAuth2 credentials to use for this client.

Type Description
None or google.auth.credentials.Credentials google.auth.credentials.Credentials if exists; otherwise None.


Customer managed encryption key used to control encryption of the data-at-rest in BigQuery. This is of the format projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/keyRings/KEYRING/cryptoKeys/KEY.

For more information, see Customer-managed Cloud KMS keys

Make sure the project used for Bigquery DataFrames has the Cloud KMS CryptoKey Encrypter/Decrypter IAM role in the key's project. For more information, see Assign the Encrypter/Decrypter.

Type Description
None or str Name of the customer managed encryption key as a string; otherwise None.


Default location for job, datasets, and tables.

For more information, see BigQuery locations.

Type Description
None or str Default location as a string; otherwise None.


Controls whether total row order is always maintained for DataFrame/Series.

Type Description
Literal A literal string value of either strict or partial ordering mode.


Google Cloud project ID to use for billing and as the default project.

Type Description
None or str Google Cloud project ID as a string; otherwise None.


Forcibly use the BigQuery connection.

Setting this flag to True would avoid creating the BigQuery connection and checking or setting IAM permissions on it. So if the BigQuery connection (default or user-provided) does not exist, or it does not have necessary permissions set up to support BigQuery DataFrames operations, then a runtime error will be reported.

Type Description
bool A boolean value, where True indicates a BigQuery connection is not created or the connection does not have necessary permissions set up; otherwise False.


Flag to connect to regional API endpoints.

Requires that location is set. For supported regions, for example europe-west3, you need to specify location='europe-west3' and use_regional_endpoints=True, and then BigQuery DataFrames would connect to the BigQuery endpoint For not supported regions, for example asia-northeast1, when you specify location='asia-northeast1' and use_regional_endpoints=True, a different endpoint (called locational endpoint, now deprecated, used to provide weaker promise on the request remaining within the location during transit) would be used.

Type Description
bool A boolean value, where True indicates that regional endpoints would be used for BigQuery and BigQuery storage APIs; otherwise global endpoints would be used.