Monitor RootSync and RepoSync objects

This page shows you different ways that you can monitor your RootSync and RepoSync objects. For example, you might want to verify if your latest commit in a source of truth is applied to a cluster and reconciled successfully.

View synced commits

You can check which commit is synced to the cluster by checking the .status.sync field in the RootSync or RepoSync object.

  • To view synced commits for a RootSyncobject, run the following command:

    kubectl get rootsync ROOT_SYNC_NAME -n config-management-system

    Replace ROOT_SYNC_NAME with the name of the RootSyncobject.

  • To view synced commits for a RepoSync object, run the following command:

    kubectl get reposync REPO_SYNC_NAME -n REPO_SYNC_NAMESPACE

    Replace the following:

    • REPO_SYNC_NAME: the name of the RepoSync object.
    • REPO_SYNC_NAMESPACE: the namespace that you created your namespace repository in.

The output for these commands show you the value of the source commit and the synced commit. For example, if you ran the command for the RepoSync, you would see output similar to the following:

NAME        RENDERINGCOMMIT                            SOURCECOMMIT                               SYNCCOMMIT
root-sync   66882815f0ef5517df27e864fb1315e97756ab72   66882815f0ef5517df27e864fb1315e97756ab72   66882815f0ef5517df27e864fb1315e97756ab72

The value in the RENDERINGCOMMIT column is the commit that is processed by the hydration-controller. If no rendering is needed, the value is the same as the SOURCECOMMIT column. The value in the SOURCECOMMIT column is the commit from the source of truth that should be synced to the cluster. The value in the SYNCCOMMIT column is the commit that is deployed to the cluster. If the two values in the SOURCECOMMIT and SYNCCOMMIT columns are the same, the expected commit has been deployed to the cluster.

Confirm resources in the commit are reconciled

Because ResourceGroups capture the reconciliation status of the managed resources declared in the source of truth, you can examine them to confirm if resources in the commit are reconciled.

The ResourceGroup object has the same namespace and name as the RootSyncor RepoSync object. For example, for the RootSync object with the name root-sync in the namespace config-management-system, the corresponding ResourceGroup object is also root-sync in the namespace config-management-system.

  • To get the ResourceGroup object for a RootSyncobject:

    kubectl get resourcegroup ROOT_SYNC_NAME -n config-management-system -o yaml
  • To get the ResourceGroup object for a RepoSync object:

    kubectl get resourcegroup REPO_SYNC_NAME -n REPO_SYNC_NAMESPACE -o yaml

    Replace the following:

    • ROOT_SYNC_NAME: the name of the ResourceGroup object that you want to look up.
    • REPO_SYNC_NAME: the name of the ResourceGroup object that you want to look up.
    • REPO_SYNC_NAMESPACE: the name of the ResourceGroup object that you want to look up.

To confirm that the resources in the commit are reconciled, look for the following in the output:

  • The .status.observedGeneration equals the value of the field .metadata.generation in the ResourceGroup object.
  • The Stalled condition has a status of "False".
  • Each item under .status.resourceStatuses has an an actuation of Succeeded, a reconcile of Succeeded, and a status of Current.

View errors

RootSyncand RepoSync objects use the status field to track errors encountered when syncing the configs from the source of truth to a cluster.

  • To view the status of a RootSyncobject, run the following command:

    kubectl get rootsync ROOT_SYNC_NAME -n config-management-system -o yaml

    Replace the ROOT_SYNC_NAME with the name of the RootSyncobject.

  • To view the status of a RepoSync object, run the following command:

    kubectl get reposync REPO_SYNC_NAME -n NAMESPACE -o yaml

    Replace the following:

    • REPO_SYNC_NAME: the name of the RepoSync object.
    • NAMESPACE: the namespace that you created your namespace repository in.

To learn more about the subfields under the status field, see Status of the objects.

View object details

To view details of the RootSyncand RepoSync objects and to discover further information about potential errors, use the kubectl describe command.

The output of this command includes events, which can be particularly helpful for debugging issues such as containers facing memory constraints (OOMKilled), scheduling failures, or image pull errors.

For a more readable format, convert the output to YAML by appending -o yaml to the following commands. This format is especially helpful when you need to examine specific parameters, annotations, or resource specifications.

  • To view details for a RootSync object, run the following command:

    kubectl describe rootsync ROOT_SYNC_NAME -n config-management-system

    Replace the ROOT_SYNC_NAME with the name of the RootSync object.

  • To view details for a RepoSync object, run the following command:

    kubectl describe reposync REPO_SYNC_NAME -n NAMESPACE

    Replace the following:

    • REPO_SYNC_NAME: the name of the RepoSync object.
    • NAMESPACE: the namespace that you created your namespace repository in.

View if a resource is ready

To learn if the resources synced to the cluster are ready, view the reconciliation status. For example, viewing the reconciliation status can show you if a synced Deployment is ready to serve traffic.

For a source of truth synced to the cluster, the reconciliation statuses of all resources are aggregated in a resource called ResourceGroup. For each RootSync or RepoSync object, a ResourceGroup is generated to capture the set of resources applied to the cluster and aggregate their statuses.

  • To view the reconciliation status for the RootSync object, run the following command:

    kubectl get ROOT_SYNC_NAME -n config-management-system -o yaml

    Replace the ROOT_SYNC_NAME with the name of the RootSync object.

  • To view the reconciliation status for the RepoSync object, run the following command:

    kubectl get REPO_SYNC_NAME -n NAMESPACE -o yaml

    Replace the following:

    • REPO_SYNC_NAME: the name of the RepoSync object.
    • NAMESPACE: the namespace that you created your namespace repository in.

In the output, you see all of the ResourceGroup resource statuses. For example, the following output shows that a Deployment named nginx-deployment is ready:

- group: apps
  kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  namespace: default
  status: Current

View logs

For each RootSync and RepoSync object you create, Config Sync creates a reconciler Deployment to perform syncing. This section explains how to view the logs for these reconcilers. Viewing the logs can help when debugging an issue by providing additional information about progress, warnings, and errors beyond what is available in the RootSync and RepoSync object status.

  • To view the logs for the RootSync or RepoSync reconciler, run the following command:

    kubectl logs -n config-management-system deployment/RECONCILER_NAME CONTAINER_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • RECONCILER_NAME: the reconciler name of the RootSync or RepoSync object.

      • For RootSync, the reconciler name is root-reconciler-ROOT_SYNC_NAME or root-reconciler if the name of RootSync is root-sync.

      • For RepoSync, the reconciler name is ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE-REPO_SYNC_NAME-REPO_SYNC_NAME_LENGTH or ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE if the name of RepoSync is repo-sync, where NAMESPACE is the namespace you created your RepoSync object in.

    • CONTAINER_NAME: the container name must be one of the following values: reconciler, git-sync, hydration-controller, oci-sync, or helm-sync. To learn more about these containers, see Reconciler containers.

Configure RootSync or RepoSync reconciler log level

To include more information in the container logs, configure the log verbosity. By default, most containers have a default value of 0 for log verbosity. The exceptions to this are the git-sync and otel-agent containers that have a default value of 5.

When changing log verbosity, keep in mind that increasing log verbosity results in higher logging costs because there's a greater volume of data recorded.

To change log verbosity, use the .spec.override.logLevels field as shown in the following example:

kind: RootSync
  name: root-sync
  namespace: config-management-system
    - containerName: "reconciler"
      logLevel: 0
    - containerName: "git-sync"
       logLevel: 10

The value in the containerName field must be one of the following: reconciler, git-sync, hydration-controller, oci-sync, or helm-sync.

To confirm log verbosity is configured, run the following command:

kubectl get deployment.apps/root-reconciler -n config-management-system -o yaml

The log verbosity can be found as one of the args within spec.template.spec.containers[] and looks like -v=0, where 0 is the current log verbosity. In this example, a log verbosity value of 0 would log only critical events.