Method: devices.deviceUsers.wipe

Wipes the user's account on a device. Other data on the device that is not associated with the user's work account is not affected. For example, if a Gmail app is installed on a device that is used for personal and work purposes, and the user is logged in to the Gmail app with their personal account as well as their work account, wiping the "deviceUser" by their work administrator will not affect their personal account within Gmail or other apps such as Photos.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. Resource name of the Device in format: devices/{device}/deviceUsers/{deviceUser}, where device is the unique ID assigned to the Device, and deviceUser is the unique ID assigned to the User.

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "customer": string


Optional. Resource name of the customer. If you're using this API for your own organization, use customers/my_customer If you're using this API to manage another organization, use customers/{customer}, where customer is the customer to whom the device belongs.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of Operation.

Authorization scopes

Requires one of the following OAuth scopes:


For more information, see the Authentication Overview.