정형 데이터의 스키마 삭제

스키마와 연결된 모든 문서가 삭제된 경우에만 스키마를 삭제할 수 있습니다. 그렇지 않으면 시도가 실패합니다. 스키마를 삭제한 후 schemas.create 메서드를 호출하여 새 스키마를 만들 수 있습니다.

구조화된 데이터의 스키마를 삭제하려면 다음 단계를 따르세요.


  1. 데이터 스토어 ID를 찾습니다. 데이터 스토어 ID가 이미 있는 경우 다음 단계로 건너뜁니다.

    1. Google Cloud 콘솔에서 Agent Builder 페이지로 이동하고 탐색 메뉴에서 데이터 스토어를 클릭합니다.

      데이터 스토어 페이지로 이동

    2. 데이터 스토어 이름을 클릭합니다.

    3. 데이터 스토어의 데이터 페이지에서 데이터 스토어 ID를 가져옵니다.

  2. 스키마를 삭제합니다.

    curl -X DELETE \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    • PROJECT_ID: 프로젝트의 ID
    • DATA_STORE_ID: 데이터 스토어의 ID


자세한 내용은 Vertex AI Agent Builder C# API 참고 문서를 확인하세요.

Vertex AI Agent Builder에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

using Google.Cloud.DiscoveryEngine.V1;
using Google.LongRunning;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;

public sealed partial class GeneratedSchemaServiceClientSnippets
    /// <summary>Snippet for DeleteSchema</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
    /// It will require modifications to work:
    /// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
    /// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
    ///   https://cloud.google.com/dotnet/docs/reference/help/client-configuration#endpoint.
    /// </remarks>
    public void DeleteSchemaRequestObject()
        // Create client
        SchemaServiceClient schemaServiceClient = SchemaServiceClient.Create();
        // Initialize request argument(s)
        DeleteSchemaRequest request = new DeleteSchemaRequest
            SchemaName = SchemaName.FromProjectLocationDataStoreSchema("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[DATA_STORE]", "[SCHEMA]"),
        // Make the request
        Operation<Empty, DeleteSchemaMetadata> response = schemaServiceClient.DeleteSchema(request);

        // Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
        Operation<Empty, DeleteSchemaMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
        // Retrieve the operation result
        Empty result = completedResponse.Result;

        // Or get the name of the operation
        string operationName = response.Name;
        // This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
        Operation<Empty, DeleteSchemaMetadata> retrievedResponse = schemaServiceClient.PollOnceDeleteSchema(operationName);
        // Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
        if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
            // If it has completed, then access the result
            Empty retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;


자세한 내용은 Vertex AI Agent Builder Go API 참고 문서를 확인하세요.

Vertex AI Agent Builder에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

package main

import (

	discoveryengine "cloud.google.com/go/discoveryengine/apiv1"
	discoveryenginepb "cloud.google.com/go/discoveryengine/apiv1/discoveryenginepb"

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	//   https://pkg.go.dev/cloud.google.com/go#hdr-Client_Options
	c, err := discoveryengine.NewSchemaClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &discoveryenginepb.DeleteSchemaRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See https://pkg.go.dev/cloud.google.com/go/discoveryengine/apiv1/discoveryenginepb#DeleteSchemaRequest.
	op, err := c.DeleteSchema(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.

	err = op.Wait(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.


자세한 내용은 Vertex AI Agent Builder Java API 참고 문서를 확인하세요.

Vertex AI Agent Builder에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

import com.google.cloud.discoveryengine.v1.DeleteSchemaRequest;
import com.google.cloud.discoveryengine.v1.SchemaName;
import com.google.cloud.discoveryengine.v1.SchemaServiceClient;
import com.google.protobuf.Empty;

public class SyncDeleteSchema {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  public static void syncDeleteSchema() throws Exception {
    // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
    // It will require modifications to work:
    // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
    // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
    // https://cloud.google.com/java/docs/setup#configure_endpoints_for_the_client_library
    try (SchemaServiceClient schemaServiceClient = SchemaServiceClient.create()) {
      DeleteSchemaRequest request =
                          "[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[DATA_STORE]", "[SCHEMA]")


자세한 내용은 Vertex AI Agent Builder Python API 참고 문서를 확인하세요.

Vertex AI Agent Builder에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
#   https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html
from google.cloud import discoveryengine_v1

def sample_delete_schema():
    # Create a client
    client = discoveryengine_v1.SchemaServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = discoveryengine_v1.DeleteSchemaRequest(

    # Make the request
    operation = client.delete_schema(request=request)

    print("Waiting for operation to complete...")

    response = operation.result()

    # Handle the response


자세한 내용은 Vertex AI Agent Builder Ruby API 참고 문서를 확인하세요.

Vertex AI Agent Builder에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

require "google/cloud/discovery_engine/v1"

# Snippet for the delete_schema call in the SchemaService service
# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code
# template only. It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
# client as shown in https://cloud.google.com/ruby/docs/reference.
# This is an auto-generated example demonstrating basic usage of
# Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1::SchemaService::Client#delete_schema.
def delete_schema
  # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
  client = Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1::SchemaService::Client.new

  # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
  request = Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1::DeleteSchemaRequest.new

  # Call the delete_schema method.
  result = client.delete_schema request

  # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use it to
  # check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait for results.
  # Here is how to wait for a response.
  result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
  if result.response?
    p result.response
    puts "No response received."