Managing code lifecycle

This document describes best practices for managing code lifecycle in Dataform: creating development, staging, and production environments, and configuring compilation and execution settings for each environment.

To create a standardized lifecycle of Dataform SQL workflows that maintains data hygiene and optimizes development processes, we recommend that you:

  • Create execution environments to isolate tables created during development from tables available to end users.

  • Configure release and workflow configurations to execute workflows in a production environment, and optionally in a staging environment.

This document describes solutions for isolating development tables with workspace compilation overrides and configuring staging and production environments release configurations and workflow configurations.

These solutions let you create execution environments within a single Dataform repository and Google Cloud project. You may choose to have multiple copies of a Dataform repository, housed in different Google Cloud project, with each project corresponding to a stage of your code lifecycle, for example, development, staging, and production. This approach lets you customize Identity and Access Management permissions at each stage of your code lifecycle.

Best practices for isolated execution environments

We recommend that you isolate tables created during development SQL workflow executions from production tables in BigQuery. This ensures that end users can navigate to production tables and eliminates the risk of end users accessing incorrect data by accident.

You can create isolated execution environments the following ways:

Split development and production tables by schema
Recommended for small teams. Dataform creates development and production tables in different schemas in BigQuery. Dataform executes all development tables in schemas that have the same suffix, which marks that they were created during development. Developers can overwrite each other's development tables.
Split development and production tables by schema and Google Cloud project
Recommended for medium-sized teams. Dataform creates development and production tables in different schemas and projects in BigQuery. Dataform published all development tables in a dedicated development Google Cloud project. Each Dataform developer has their own unique schema for development tables. This solution eliminates the risk of developers accidentally overwriting each other's development tables. The downside to this approach is that deleting development tables and schemas, and re-creating all tables in each environment may require more time.
Split development, staging, and production tables per Google Cloud project
Recommended for large teams or teams that require a staging environment. Dataform executes tables from each environment in a dedicated Google Cloud project in BigQuery. This solution gives you the most control over the code lifecycle.

All solutions require a single Dataform repository connected to a single third-party remote repository.

In all solutions, developers manually trigger executions of development tables inside their Dataform workspaces. Dataform automatically compiles production and staging tables in a release configuration, and executes them at the frequency set in a workflow configuration.

Split development and production by schema

This solution creates two execution environments in which Dataform will execute your SQL workflows: development and production. To split development and production tables by schema, you need to configure workflow settings, workspace compilation overrides, and a release configuration. To schedule production executions, you need to create a workflow configuration.

Dataform executes all development tables in schemas that have the same suffix, which marks that they were created during development. Dataform executes all production tables in schemas without any suffix.

The following table shows a configuration that splits development and production tables by schema, with one development schema:

Setting Development Production
Google Cloud project enterprise-analytics enterprise-analytics
Git branch name of the workspace main
Workspace compilation overrides schema suffix: dev -
Release configuration - production
Workflow configuration - production

In this solution, development and production tables are stored in a single Google Cloud project.

Developers trigger execution manually in their Dataform workspaces. In all manually triggered executions, Dataform executes tables in schemas that have the same suffix, which marks that they were created during development. Developers need to be aware that they can overwrite each other's tables.

In Dataform, developers commit and push their changes to their custom branches of the remote repository. Then, in the third-party Git hosting platform, they submit pull requests. Approval of a pull request merges changes to the main branch of the remote repository.

Dataform automatically compiles production tables from the main branch of the remote repository into a compilation result according to the production release configuration settings.

Dataform automatically executes the production compilation result according to the schedule set in the production workflow configuration.

To implement this solution, configure the following Dataform settings:

Workflow settings

Depending on your version of Dataform core, workflow settings are stored in workflow_settings.yaml or dataform.json. For more information, see Configure Dataform workflow settings.

In workflow_settings.yaml configure the following settings:

defaultProject: enterprise-analytics
defaultDataset: analytics

In dataform.json, configure the following settings:

defaultSchema: "analytics",
defaultDatabase: "enterprise-analytics"

Workspace overrides

Schema suffix: "dev"

Release configuration

Git commitish: "main"

To schedule runs of production compilation results, create a workflow configuration.

Sample development process

In this example, developers Sasha and Kai work in the same Dataform repository. The Dataform repository is connected to a remote third-party Git repository.

They commit and push changes to custom branches in the remote repository, called sasha and kai.

The following table shows applied environment settings for Sasha, Kai, and the production environment:

Setting Sasha Kai Production
Google Cloud project enterprise-analytics enterprise-analytics enterprise-analytics
Git branch sasha kai main
Schema analytics_dev analytics_dev analytics

Sasha creates a new table and deploys it to production in the following process:

  1. In a Dataform workspace, Sasha creates the user_stats table.
  2. In the workspace, Sasha manually triggers execution of the table.
  3. Dataform creates the enterprise-analytics.analytics_dev.user_stats table in the analytics_dev schema in the enterprise-analytics Google Cloud project in BigQuery.
  4. In the workspace, Sasha commits the change and pushes it to the sasha branch in the remote Git repository.
  5. In the remote repository, Sasha submits a pull request.
  6. In the remote repository, Kai reviews and approves the pull request, merging the change to the main branch.
  7. Dataform automatically updates the compilation result in the production release at the specified frequency. During the next update of the production compilation result, Dataform adds the table to the compilation result.
  8. During a scheduled execution of a workflow configuration, Dataform executes the table in the analytics schema in the enterprise-analytics Google Cloud project in BigQuery.
  9. The user_stats table is available to end users in the analytics schema in the enterprise-analytics Google Cloud project in BigQuery.

Split development and production by schema and project

This solution creates two execution environments: development and production. To split development and production tables by schema and Google Cloud project, you need to configure workflow settings, workspace compilation overrides, and a release configuration. To schedule production executions, you need to create a workflow configuration.

In this solution, Dataform executes development in a dedicated development Google Cloud project, in schemas with a different schema suffix for each workspace.

Dataform executes all production tables in BigQuery a dedicated production Google Cloud project with no schema suffix.

The following table shows a configuration that splits development and production tables by schema and Google Cloud project, with one development schema per a Dataform workspace:

Setting Development Production
Google Cloud project enterprise-dev enterprise-prod
Git branch name of the workspace main
Workspace compilation overrides schema suffix: ${workspaceName} -
Release configuration - production
Workflow configuration - production

In this solution, Dataform executes development and production tables in different schemas and Google Cloud projects in BigQuery.

Developers trigger execution manually in their Dataform workspaces. Each developer works in their dedicated workspace, named after them, for example, sasha.

When a developer triggers execution in their workspace, Dataform appends the workspace name as the schema suffix to all schemas. Then, Dataform executes tables in the custom schema.

For example, Dataform creates tables from the sasha workspace in the analytics_sasha schema in BigQuery. This way, each developer stores their development tables in their own schema(s). There is no risk of accidentally overwriting tables of other developers.

In Dataform, developers commit and push their changes to their custom branches of the remote repository. Then, in the third-party Git hosting platform, they submit pull requests. Approval of a pull request merges changes to the main branch of the remote repository.

Dataform automatically compiles production tables from the main branch of the remote repository into a compilation result according to the production release configuration settings.

Dataform automatically executes the production compilation result according to the schedule set in the production workflow configuration.

To implement this solution, configure the following Dataform settings:

Workflow settings

Depending on your version of Dataform core, workflow settings are stored in workflow_settings.yaml or dataform.json. For more information, see Configure Dataform workflow settings.

In workflow_settings.yaml, configure the following settings:

defaultProject: enterprise-dev
defaultDataset: analytics

In dataform.json, configure the following settings:

defaultSchema: "analytics",
defaultDatabase: "enterprise-dev"

Workspace overrides

Schema suffix: "${workspaceName}"

Release configuration

  • Git commitish: "main"
  • Google Cloud project ID: "enterprise-prod"

To schedule runs of production compilation results, create a workflow configuration with a custom schedule that best fits your needs.

Sample development process

In this example, developers Sasha and Kai work on the same Dataform repository. The Dataform repository is connected to a remote third-party Git repository.

Sasha works in their dedicated workspace called sasha, and Kai works in their dedicated workspace called Kai. They commit and push changes to custom branches in the remote repository, called sasha and kai.

The following table shows applied environment settings for Sasha, Kai, and the production environment:

Setting Sasha Kai Production
Google Cloud project enterprise-dev enterprise-dev enterprise-prod
Git branch sasha kai main
Workspace compilation overrides schema suffix: ${workspaceName} schema suffix: ${workspaceName} -
Release configuration - - production
Workflow configuration - - production

Sasha creates a new table and deploys it to production in the following process:

  1. In the sasha Dataform workspace, Sasha creates the user_stats table.
  2. In the sasha workspace, Sasha manually triggers execution of the table.
  3. Dataform executes the enterprise-dev.analytics_sasha.user_stats table in the analytics_sasha schema in the enterprise-dev Google Cloud project in BigQuery.
  4. In the sasha workspace, Sasha commits the change and pushes it to the sasha branch in the remote Git repository.
  5. In the remote repository, Sasha submits a pull request.
  6. In the remote repository, Kai reviews and approves the pull request, merging the change to the main branch.
  7. Dataform automatically updates the compilation result in the production release at the specified frequency. During the next update of the production compilation result, Dataform adds the table to the compilation result.
  8. During a scheduled execution of a workflow configuration, Dataform executes the table in the analytics schema in the enterprise-prod Google Cloud project in BigQuery.
  9. The user_stats table is available to end users in the analytics schema in the enterprise-prod Google Cloud project in BigQuery.

Split development, staging, and production by schema and project

This solution creates three execution environments: development, staging, and production. All environments are split by Google Cloud project. Additionally, development is split from staging and production by schema.

To split development, staging and production tables by schema and Google Cloud project, you need to configure workflow settings, workspace compilation overrides, and two release configurations. To schedule staging and production executions, you need to create two separate workflow configurations.

In this solution, Dataform executes development tables in BigQuery in multiple development schemas, one per Dataform workspace, in a dedicated development Google Cloud project.

Dataform executes all staging tables in BigQuery in a dedicated staging Google Cloud project in schemas that have the same suffix, which marks that they were created in staging.

Dataform executes all production tables in BigQuery in a dedicated production Google Cloud project in schemas that have the same suffix, which marks that they were created in production.

The following table shows an example configuration that splits development, staging, and production tables by schema and Google Cloud project, with one development schema per a Dataform workspace:

Setting Development Staging Production
Google Cloud project enterprise-dev enterprise-staging enterprise-prod
Git branch name of the workspace main prod
Workspace compilation overrides schema suffix: ${workspaceName} - -
Release configuration - staging production
Workflow configuration - staging production

In this solution, Dataform executes development, staging, and production tables in different Google Cloud projects in BigQuery. Additionally, Dataform executes development tables in multiple custom schemas, one per workspace. Dataform executes staging and production tables in the same schema, but in different Google Cloud projects.

Developers trigger execution manually in their Dataform workspaces. Each developer works in their dedicated workspace, named after them, for example, sasha.

Each workspace corresponds to a custom BigQuery schema, named after the workspace. When a developer triggers execution in their workspace, Dataform appends the workspace name as the schema suffix to the default schema. Then, Dataform executes tables in the custom schema in BigQuery.

For example, Dataform executes tables from the sasha workspace in the analytics_sasha schema in BigQuery. This way, each developer stores their development tables in their own schema. There is no risk of accidentally overwriting tables of other developers.

In Dataform, developers commit and push their changes to their custom branches of the remote repository. Then, in the third-party Git hosting platform, they submit pull requests to the main branch. Approval of a pull request merges changes to the main branch of the remote repository.

Dataform automatically compiles staging tables from the main branch of the remote repository into a compilation result according to the staging release configuration settings.

Dataform automatically executes the staging compilation result according to the schedule set in the staging workflow configuration.

To promote tables from staging to production, in the third-party Git hosting platform, developers submit pull requests from the main branch to the prod branch. Approval of a pull request merges changes to the prod branch of the remote repository.

Dataform automatically compiles production tables from the prod branch of the remote repository into a compilation result according to the production release configuration settings.

Dataform automatically executes the production compilation result according to the schedule set in the production workflow configuration.

To implement this solution, configure the following Dataform settings:

Workflow settings

Depending on your version of Dataform core, workflow settings are stored in workflow_settings.yaml or dataform.json. For more information, see Configure Dataform workflow settings.

In workflow_settings.yaml, configure the following settings:

defaultProject: enterprise-dev
defaultDataset: analytics

In dataform.json, configure the following settings:

defaultSchema: "analytics",
defaultDatabase: "enterprise-dev"

Workspace overrides

Schema suffix: "${workspaceName}"

staging release configuration

  • Git commitish: "main"
  • Google Cloud project ID: "enterprise-staging"

prod release configuration

  • Git commitish: "prod"
  • Google Cloud project ID: "enterprise-prod"

To schedule runs of staging and production compilation results, create two separate workflow configurations with custom schedules that best fit your needs.

Sample development process

In this example, developers Sasha and Kai work in the same Dataform repository. The Dataform repository is connected to a remote third-party Git repository.

Sasha works in their dedicated workspace called sasha, and Kai works in their dedicated workspace called Kai. They commit and push changes to custom branches in the remote repository, called sasha and kai.

The following table shows applied environment settings for Sasha, Kai, and the production environment:

Setting Sasha Kai Staging Production
Google Cloud project enterprise-dev enterprise-dev enterprise-staging enterprise-prod
Git branch sasha kai main prod
Schema analytics_sasha analytics_kai analytics analytics

Sasha creates a new table and deploys it to production in the following process:

  1. In the sasha Dataform workspace, Sasha creates the user_stats table.
  2. In the sasha workspace, Sasha manually triggers execution of the table.
  3. Dataform executes the enterprise-dev.analytics_sasha.user_stats table in the analytics_sasha schema in the enterprise-dev Google Cloud project in BigQuery.
  4. In the sasha workspace, Sasha commits the change and pushes it to the sasha branch in the remote Git repository.
  5. In the remote repository, Sasha submits a pull request to the main branch.
  6. In the remote repository, Kai reviews and approves the pull request, merging the change to the main branch.
  7. Dataform automatically updates the compilation result in the staging release at the specified frequency. During the next update of the staging compilation result, Dataform adds the table to the compilation result.
  8. During a scheduled execution of a workflow configuration, Dataform executes the table in the analytics schema in the enterprise-staging Google Cloud project in BigQuery.
  9. In the remote repository, Sasha submits a pull request to the prod branch.
  10. In the remote repository, Kai reviews and approves the pull request, merging the change to the prod branch.
  11. Dataform automatically updates the compilation result in the production release at the specified frequency. During the next update of the production compilation result, Dataform adds the table to the compilation result.
  12. During a scheduled execution of a workflow configuration, Dataform executes the table in the analytics schema in the enterprise-prod Google Cloud project in BigQuery.
  13. The user_stats table is available to end users in the analytics schema in the enterprise-prod Google Cloud project in BigQuery.

What's next