About connection profiles

Connection profiles capture identifiers for your data sources and destination databases. Each connection profile contains the minimum required amount of information Database Migration Service needs to facilitate data movement between the data source and destination.

That information includes:

  • Connection profile name: A human-readable name for your connection profile. This value is displayed in Database Migration Service in the Google Cloud console.

  • Connection profile ID: A machine-readable identifier for your connection profile. This value is used when you work with connection profiles by using Database Migration Service Google Cloud CLI commands or API.

  • Region: The region where your connection profile is saved. Database Migration Service is a fully-regional product, meaning all entities related to your migration (source and destination connection profiles, migration jobs, destination databases, conversion workspaces) must be saved in a single region. For more information on region requirements in Database Migration Service, see Product overview in the main Database Migration Service documentation set.

  • Username and password for the dedicated migration user in the source or destination database.

  • Connectivity information: IP or hostname, port, migration user account name and password.

    Connection details differ depending on what connectivity method you use. Source and destination connection profiles can use different connectivity methods. See Networking overview.

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