Ativar, desativar e restaurar autoridades certificadoras

Este tópico explica como gerenciar o estado da sua autoridade de certificação (CA).

Ativar uma AC

Todas as ACs subordinadas são criadas no estado AWAITING_USER_ACTIVATION e definidas como STAGED após a ativação. Todas as ACs raiz são criadas no estado STAGED por padrão. Mude o estado da AC para ENABLED para incluí-lo na rotação de emissão de certificados de um pool de AC. Para mais informações sobre os estados operacionais de uma AC, consulte Estados da autoridade certificadora.

Para ativar uma AC que está no estado STAGED ou DISABLED, use as seguintes instruções:


  1. No console do Google Cloud, acesse a página Certificate Authority Service.

    Acesse Certificate Authority Service

  2. Em Autoridades de certificação, selecione sua CA de destino.

  3. Clique em Ativar.

  4. Na caixa de diálogo exibida, clique em Confirmar.


Para ativar uma AC raiz, use o seguinte comando:

gcloud privateca roots enable CA_ID --pool POOL_ID

Em que:

  • CA_ID é o identificador exclusivo da AC.
  • POOL_ID é o identificador exclusivo do pool de ACs a que a AC pertence.

Para mais informações sobre o comando gcloud privateca roots enable, consulte gcloud privateca roots enable.


Para autenticar no CA Service, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import (

	privateca ""

// Enable the Certificate Authority present in the given ca pool.
// CA cannot be enabled if it has been already deleted.
func enableCa(w io.Writer, projectId string, location string, caPoolId string, caId string) error {
	// projectId := "your_project_id"
	// location := "us-central1"	// For a list of locations, see:
	// caPoolId := "ca-pool-id"		// The id of the CA pool under which the CA is present.
	// caId := "ca-id"				// The id of the CA to be enabled.

	ctx := context.Background()
	caClient, err := privateca.NewCertificateAuthorityClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewCertificateAuthorityClient creation failed: %w", err)
	defer caClient.Close()

	fullCaName := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/caPools/%s/certificateAuthorities/%s",
		projectId, location, caPoolId, caId)

	// Create the EnableCertificateAuthorityRequest.
	// See
	req := &privatecapb.EnableCertificateAuthorityRequest{Name: fullCaName}

	op, err := caClient.EnableCertificateAuthority(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("EnableCertificateAuthority failed: %w", err)

	var caResp *privatecapb.CertificateAuthority
	if caResp, err = op.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("EnableCertificateAuthority failed during wait: %w", err)

	if caResp.State != privatecapb.CertificateAuthority_ENABLED {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to enable Certificate Authority. Current state: %s", caResp.State.String())

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully enabled Certificate Authority: %s.", caId)
	return nil


Para autenticar no CA Service, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

public class EnableCertificateAuthority {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // location: For a list of locations, see:
    // poolId: The id of the CA pool under which the CA is present.
    // certificateAuthorityName: The name of the CA to be enabled.
    String project = "your-project-id";
    String location = "ca-location";
    String poolId = "ca-pool-id";
    String certificateAuthorityName = "certificate-authority-name";
    enableCertificateAuthority(project, location, poolId, certificateAuthorityName);

  // Enable the Certificate Authority present in the given ca pool.
  // CA cannot be enabled if it has been already deleted.
  public static void enableCertificateAuthority(
      String project, String location, String poolId, String certificateAuthorityName)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    try (CertificateAuthorityServiceClient certificateAuthorityServiceClient =
        CertificateAuthorityServiceClient.create()) {
      // Create the Certificate Authority Name.
      CertificateAuthorityName certificateAuthorityParent =

      // Create the Enable Certificate Authority Request.
      EnableCertificateAuthorityRequest enableCertificateAuthorityRequest =

      // Enable the Certificate Authority.
      ApiFuture<Operation> futureCall =
      Operation response = futureCall.get();

      if (response.hasError()) {
        System.out.println("Error while enabling Certificate Authority !" + response.getError());

      // Get the current CA state.
      State caState =

      // Check if the CA is enabled.
      if (caState == State.ENABLED) {
        System.out.println("Enabled Certificate Authority : " + certificateAuthorityName);
      } else {
            "Cannot enable the Certificate Authority ! Current CA State: " + caState);


Para autenticar no serviço de CA, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import as privateca_v1

def enable_certificate_authority(
    project_id: str, location: str, ca_pool_name: str, ca_name: str
) -> None:
    Enable the Certificate Authority present in the given ca pool.
    CA cannot be enabled if it has been already deleted.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        location: location you want to use. For a list of locations, see:
        ca_pool_name: the name of the CA pool under which the CA is present.
        ca_name: the name of the CA to be enabled.

    caServiceClient = privateca_v1.CertificateAuthorityServiceClient()
    ca_path = caServiceClient.certificate_authority_path(
        project_id, location, ca_pool_name, ca_name

    # Create the Enable Certificate Authority Request.
    request = privateca_v1.EnableCertificateAuthorityRequest(

    # Enable the Certificate Authority.
    operation = caServiceClient.enable_certificate_authority(request=request)

    # Get the current CA state.
    ca_state = caServiceClient.get_certificate_authority(name=ca_path).state

    # Check if the CA is enabled.
    if ca_state == privateca_v1.CertificateAuthority.State.ENABLED:
        print("Enabled Certificate Authority:", ca_name)
        print("Cannot enable the Certificate Authority ! Current CA State:", ca_state)

Desativar uma AC

Desativar uma AC impede que ela emita certificados. Todas as solicitações de certificado para uma AC desativada são rejeitadas. Outras funcionalidades, como revogação de certificados, publicação de listas de revogação de certificados (CRLs) e atualização dos metadados da AC, ainda podem ocorrer.

Para desativar uma AC, siga estas instruções:


  1. No console do Google Cloud, acesse a página Certificate Authority Service.

    Acesse Certificate Authority Service

  2. Em Autoridades de certificação, selecione sua CA de destino.

  3. Clique em Desativar.

  4. Na caixa de diálogo exibida, clique em Confirmar.


Para desativar uma AC raiz, use o seguinte comando.

gcloud privateca roots disable CA_ID --pool POOL_ID


  • CA_ID é o identificador exclusivo da AC raiz que você quer desativar.
  • POOL_ID é o identificador exclusivo do pool de ACs ao qual a AC raiz pertence.

Para mais informações sobre o comando gcloud privateca roots disable, consulte gcloud privateca roots disable.


Para autenticar no CA Service, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import (

	privateca ""

// Disable a Certificate Authority from the specified CA pool.
func disableCa(w io.Writer, projectId string, location string, caPoolId string, caId string) error {
	// projectId := "your_project_id"
	// location := "us-central1"	// For a list of locations, see:
	// caPoolId := "ca-pool-id"		// The id of the CA pool under which the CA is present.
	// caId := "ca-id"				// The id of the CA to be disabled.

	ctx := context.Background()
	caClient, err := privateca.NewCertificateAuthorityClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewCertificateAuthorityClient creation failed: %w", err)
	defer caClient.Close()

	fullCaName := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/caPools/%s/certificateAuthorities/%s",
		projectId, location, caPoolId, caId)

	// Create the DisableCertificateAuthorityRequest.
	// See
	req := &privatecapb.DisableCertificateAuthorityRequest{Name: fullCaName}

	op, err := caClient.DisableCertificateAuthority(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DisableCertificateAuthority failed: %w", err)

	var caResp *privatecapb.CertificateAuthority
	if caResp, err = op.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DisableCertificateAuthority failed during wait: %w", err)

	if caResp.State != privatecapb.CertificateAuthority_DISABLED {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to disabled Certificate Authority. Current state: %s", caResp.State.String())

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully disabled Certificate Authority: %s.", caId)
	return nil


Para autenticar no serviço de CA, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

public class DisableCertificateAuthority {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // location: For a list of locations, see:
    // poolId: The id of the CA pool under which the CA is present.
    // certificateAuthorityName: The name of the CA to be disabled.
    String project = "your-project-id";
    String location = "ca-location";
    String poolId = "ca-pool-id";
    String certificateAuthorityName = "certificate-authority-name";
    disableCertificateAuthority(project, location, poolId, certificateAuthorityName);

  // Disable a Certificate Authority which is present in the given CA pool.
  public static void disableCertificateAuthority(
      String project, String location, String poolId, String certificateAuthorityName)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the `certificateAuthorityServiceClient.close()` method on the client to safely
    // clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (CertificateAuthorityServiceClient certificateAuthorityServiceClient =
        CertificateAuthorityServiceClient.create()) {

      // Create the Certificate Authority Name.
      CertificateAuthorityName certificateAuthorityNameParent =

      // Create the Disable Certificate Authority Request.
      DisableCertificateAuthorityRequest disableCertificateAuthorityRequest =

      // Disable the Certificate Authority.
      ApiFuture<Operation> futureCall =
      Operation response = futureCall.get();

      if (response.hasError()) {
        System.out.println("Error while disabling Certificate Authority !" + response.getError());

      // Get the current CA state.
      State caState =

      // Check if the Certificate Authority is disabled.
      if (caState == State.DISABLED) {
        System.out.println("Disabled Certificate Authority : " + certificateAuthorityName);
      } else {
            "Cannot disable the Certificate Authority ! Current CA State: " + caState);


Para autenticar no serviço de CA, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import as privateca_v1

def disable_certificate_authority(
    project_id: str, location: str, ca_pool_name: str, ca_name: str
) -> None:
    Disable a Certificate Authority which is present in the given CA pool.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        location: location you want to use. For a list of locations, see:
        ca_pool_name: the name of the CA pool under which the CA is present.
        ca_name: the name of the CA to be disabled.

    caServiceClient = privateca_v1.CertificateAuthorityServiceClient()
    ca_path = caServiceClient.certificate_authority_path(
        project_id, location, ca_pool_name, ca_name

    # Create the Disable Certificate Authority Request.
    request = privateca_v1.DisableCertificateAuthorityRequest(name=ca_path)

    # Disable the Certificate Authority.
    operation = caServiceClient.disable_certificate_authority(request=request)

    # Get the current CA state.
    ca_state = caServiceClient.get_certificate_authority(name=ca_path).state

    # Check if the CA is disabled.
    if ca_state == privateca_v1.CertificateAuthority.State.DISABLED:
        print("Disabled Certificate Authority:", ca_name)
        print("Cannot disable the Certificate Authority ! Current CA State:", ca_state)

Restaurar uma AC

Quando uma CA é programada para exclusão, há um período de carência de 30 dias. período antes de serem excluídos. Durante o período de carência, um gerente de operações de serviço de CA (roles/privateca.caManager) ou um administrador de serviço de CA (roles/privateca.admin) pode interromper o processo de exclusão. Só é possível restaurar uma AC durante o período de carência.

Para restaurar uma AC que está programada para ser excluída para o estado desativado, use as seguintes instruções:


  1. No console do Google Cloud, acesse a página Certificate Authority Service.

    Acesse Certificate Authority Service

  2. Na guia Autoridades de certificação, selecione a AC que você quer restaurar.

  3. Clique em Restaurar.

  4. Na caixa de diálogo exibida, clique em Confirmar.

  5. Verifique se a CA agora está no estado DISABLED.


  1. Confirme se a AC está no estado DELETED.

    gcloud privateca roots describe CA_ID \
      --pool POOL_ID \

    Em que:

    • CA_ID é o identificador exclusivo da AC.
    • POOL_ID é o identificador exclusivo do pool de ACs a que a AC pertence.
    • A flag --format é usada para definir o formato para imprimir recursos de saída de comando.

    O comando retorna DELETED.

  2. Restaure a AC.

    gcloud privateca roots undelete CA_ID --pool POOL_ID

    Em que:

    • CA_ID é o identificador exclusivo da AC.
    • POOL_ID é o identificador exclusivo do pool de ACs ao qual a AC pertence.

    Para mais informações sobre o comando gcloud privateca roots undelete, consulte gcloud privateca roots undelete.

  3. Confirme se o estado da CA agora é DISABLED.

    gcloud privateca roots describe CA_ID \
      --pool POOL_ID \

    Em que:

    • CA_ID é o identificador exclusivo da AC.
    • POOL_ID é o identificador exclusivo do pool de ACs a que a AC pertence.
    • A flag --format é usada para definir o formato para imprimir recursos de saída de comando.

    O comando retorna DISABLED.



Para autenticar no serviço de CA, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import (

	privateca ""

// Undelete a Certificate Authority from the specified CA pool.
func unDeleteCa(w io.Writer, projectId string, location string, caPoolId string, caId string) error {
	// projectId := "your_project_id"
	// location := "us-central1"	// For a list of locations, see:
	// caPoolId := "ca-pool-id"		// The id of the CA pool under which the CA is present.
	// caId := "ca-id"				// The id of the CA to be undeleted.

	ctx := context.Background()
	caClient, err := privateca.NewCertificateAuthorityClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewCertificateAuthorityClient creation failed: %w", err)
	defer caClient.Close()

	fullCaName := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/caPools/%s/certificateAuthorities/%s",
		projectId, location, caPoolId, caId)

	// Check if the CA is deleted.
	// See
	caReq := &privatecapb.GetCertificateAuthorityRequest{Name: fullCaName}
	caResp, err := caClient.GetCertificateAuthority(ctx, caReq)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("GetCertificateAuthority failed: %w", err)

	if caResp.State != privatecapb.CertificateAuthority_DELETED {
		return fmt.Errorf("you can only undelete deleted Certificate Authorities. %s is not deleted", caId)

	// Create the UndeleteCertificateAuthority.
	// See
	req := &privatecapb.UndeleteCertificateAuthorityRequest{Name: fullCaName}

	op, err := caClient.UndeleteCertificateAuthority(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("UndeleteCertificateAuthority failed: %w", err)

	if caResp, err = op.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("UndeleteCertificateAuthority failed during wait: %w", err)

	if caResp.State == privatecapb.CertificateAuthority_DELETED {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to undelete Certificate Authority. Current state: %s", caResp.State.String())

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully undeleted Certificate Authority: %s.", caId)
	return nil


Para autenticar no CA Service, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class UndeleteCertificateAuthority {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException, IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // location: For a list of locations, see:
    // poolId: The id of the CA pool under which the deleted CA is present.
    // certificateAuthorityName: The name of the CA to be restored (undeleted).
    String project = "your-project-id";
    String location = "ca-location";
    String poolId = "ca-pool-id";
    String certificateAuthorityName = "certificate-authority-name";

    undeleteCertificateAuthority(project, location, poolId, certificateAuthorityName);

  // Restore a deleted CA, if still within the grace period of 30 days.
  public static void undeleteCertificateAuthority(
      String project, String location, String poolId, String certificateAuthorityName)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the `certificateAuthorityServiceClient.close()` method on the client to safely
    // clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (CertificateAuthorityServiceClient certificateAuthorityServiceClient =
        CertificateAuthorityServiceClient.create()) {

      String certificateAuthorityParent =
          CertificateAuthorityName.of(project, location, poolId, certificateAuthorityName)

      // Confirm if the CA is in DELETED stage.
      if (getCurrentState(certificateAuthorityServiceClient, certificateAuthorityParent)
          != State.DELETED) {
        System.out.println("CA is not deleted !");

      // Create the Request.
      UndeleteCertificateAuthorityRequest undeleteCertificateAuthorityRequest =

      // Undelete the CA.
      ApiFuture<Operation> futureCall =

      Operation response = futureCall.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // CA state changes from DELETED to DISABLED if successfully restored.
      // Confirm if the CA is DISABLED.
      if (response.hasError()
          || getCurrentState(certificateAuthorityServiceClient, certificateAuthorityParent)
          != State.DISABLED) {
            "Unable to restore the Certificate Authority! Please try again !"
                + response.getError());

      // The CA will be in the DISABLED state. Enable before use.
          "Successfully restored the Certificate Authority ! " + certificateAuthorityName);

  // Get the current state of CA.
  private static State getCurrentState(
      CertificateAuthorityServiceClient client, String certificateAuthorityParent) {
    return client.getCertificateAuthority(certificateAuthorityParent).getState();


Para autenticar no CA Service, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import as privateca_v1

def undelete_certificate_authority(
    project_id: str, location: str, ca_pool_name: str, ca_name: str
) -> None:
    Restore a deleted CA, if still within the grace period of 30 days.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        location: location you want to use. For a list of locations, see:
        ca_pool_name: the name of the CA pool under which the deleted CA is present.
        ca_name: the name of the CA to be restored (undeleted).

    caServiceClient = privateca_v1.CertificateAuthorityServiceClient()
    ca_path = caServiceClient.certificate_authority_path(
        project_id, location, ca_pool_name, ca_name

    # Confirm if the CA is in DELETED stage.
    ca_state = caServiceClient.get_certificate_authority(name=ca_path).state
    if ca_state != privateca_v1.CertificateAuthority.State.DELETED:
        print("CA is not deleted !")

    # Create the Request.
    request = privateca_v1.UndeleteCertificateAuthorityRequest(name=ca_path)

    # Undelete the CA.
    operation = caServiceClient.undelete_certificate_authority(request=request)
    result = operation.result()

    print("Operation result", result)

    # Get the current CA state.
    ca_state = caServiceClient.get_certificate_authority(name=ca_path).state

    # CA state changes from DELETED to DISABLED if successfully restored.
    # Confirm if the CA is DISABLED.
    if ca_state == privateca_v1.CertificateAuthority.State.DISABLED:
        print("Successfully undeleted Certificate Authority:", ca_name)
            "Unable to restore the Certificate Authority! Please try again! Current state:",

A seguir