Creare ed eseguire un job che invia notifiche sullo stato di Pub/Sub

Questo documento spiega come creare un job batch che invii notifiche Pub/Sub. Puoi utilizzare Pub/Sub per ricevere notifiche quando lo stato di un job o di un'attività cambia o quando un job o un'attività entra in uno stato specifico. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Monitorare i job utilizzando le notifiche.

Prima di iniziare

  1. Se non hai mai utilizzato Batch, consulta la guida introduttiva all'utilizzo di Batch e attivalo completando i prerequisiti per progetti e utenti.
  2. Crea o identifica un argomento Pub/Sub per le notifiche di Batch.
  3. Configura un abbonamento per ricevere e utilizzare le notifiche.

Ruoli obbligatori

  • Per ottenere le autorizzazioni necessarie per creare ed eseguire un job che invia notifiche, chiedi all'amministratore di concederti i seguenti ruoli IAM:

    Per saperne di più sulla concessione dei ruoli, consulta Gestire l'accesso a progetti, cartelle e organizzazioni.

    Potresti anche riuscire a ottenere le autorizzazioni richieste tramite i ruoli personalizzati o altri ruoli predefiniti.

  • A meno che tu non stia utilizzando la configurazione predefinita per l'account di servizio del job, assicurati che disponga delle autorizzazioni necessarie.

    Per assicurarti che l'account di servizio del job disponga delle autorizzazioni necessarie per pubblicare notifiche Pub/Sub, chiedi all'amministratore di concedere all'account di servizio del job il ruolo IAM Publisher Pub/Sub (roles/pubsub.publisher) per il tuo argomento Pub/Sub.

  • Se vuoi che un job pubblichi notifiche in un argomento Pub/Sub che appartiene a un progetto diverso, all'agente di servizio batch per il progetto del job deve essere concessa l'autorizzazione per la pubblicazione in quell'argomento.

    Per assicurarti che l'agente di servizio Batch per il progetto del job abbia le autorizzazioni necessarie per pubblicare notifiche Pub/Sub in un argomento Pub/Sub in un altro progetto, chiedi all'amministratore di concedere all'agente di servizio Batch per il progetto del job il ruolo IAM Publisher Pub/Sub (roles/pubsub.publisher) nell'argomento Pub/Sub.

Crea ed esegui un job che invia notifiche

Per creare un job Batch che invii notifiche Pub/Sub, segui questi passaggi:


Utilizza Google Cloud CLI per creare un job che include il campo notifications e uno o più oggetti jobNotification nel corpo principale del file JSON:

  "notifications": [
      "pubsubTopic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
      "message": {

Sostituisci quanto segue:

  • PROJECT_ID: l'ID del progetto che contiene l'argomento Pub/Sub.
  • TOPIC_ID: l'ID argomento Pub/Sub dell'argomento che hai creato quando hai attivato le notifiche Pub/Sub.
  • ATTRIBUTES: specifica uno o più dei seguenti attributi, ognuno dei quali ti consente di ricevere notifiche sullo stato del job o di tutte le relative attività.

    • Per le notifiche relative a tutte le modifiche dello stato del job, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "JOB_STATE_CHANGED"
    • Per le notifiche relative a una modifica dello stato di un job specifico, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "JOB_STATE_CHANGED",
      "newJobState": "JOB_STATE"

      Sostituisci JOB_STATE con uno dei seguenti stati del job:

      • QUEUED
      • RUNNING
      • FAILED

      Per saperne di più sugli stati dei job, consulta la sezione Ciclo di vita dei job.

    • Per le notifiche relative a tutte le modifiche dello stato delle attività, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"
    • Per le notifiche relative a modifiche dello stato di attività specifiche, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED",
      "newTaskState": "TASK_STATE"

      Sostituisci TASK_STATE con uno dei seguenti stati della task:

      • PENDING
      • ASSIGNED
      • RUNNING
      • FAILED

      Per saperne di più sugli stati delle attività, consulta la sezione Ciclo di vita dei job.

Ad esempio, supponiamo che tu voglia ricevere notifiche su tutte le modifiche dello stato del job e ogni volta che un'attività non va a buon fine. A tale scopo, puoi avere un file di configurazione JSON simile al seguente:

  "taskGroups": [
      "taskSpec": {
        "runnables": [
            "script": {
              "text": "echo Hello World! This is task $BATCH_TASK_INDEX."
      "taskCount": 3,
  "logsPolicy": {
      "destination": "CLOUD_LOGGING"
  "notifications": [
      "pubsubTopic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
      "message": {
        "type": "JOB_STATE_CHANGED"
      "pubsubTopic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
      "message": {
        "type": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED",
        "newTaskState": "FAILED"


Utilizza l'API REST per creare un job che include il campo notifications e uno o più oggetti jobNotification nel corpo principale del file JSON:

  "notifications": [
      "pubsubTopic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
      "message": {

Sostituisci quanto segue:

  • PROJECT_ID: l'ID del progetto che contiene l'argomento Pub/Sub.
  • TOPIC_ID: l'ID argomento Pub/Sub dell'argomento che hai creato quando hai attivato le notifiche Pub/Sub.
  • ATTRIBUTES: specifica uno o più dei seguenti attributi, ognuno dei quali ti consente di ricevere notifiche sullo stato del job o di tutte le relative attività.

    • Per le notifiche relative a tutte le modifiche dello stato del job, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "JOB_STATE_CHANGED"
    • Per le notifiche relative a una modifica dello stato di un job specifico, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "JOB_STATE_CHANGED",
      "newJobState": "JOB_STATE"

      Sostituisci JOB_STATE con uno dei seguenti stati del job:

      • QUEUED
      • RUNNING
      • FAILED

      Per saperne di più sugli stati dei job, consulta la sezione Ciclo di vita dei job.

    • Per le notifiche relative a tutte le modifiche dello stato delle attività, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"
    • Per le notifiche relative a modifiche dello stato di attività specifiche, specifica quanto segue:

      "type": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED",
      "newTaskState": "TASK_STATE"

      Sostituisci TASK_STATE con uno dei seguenti stati della task:

      • PENDING
      • ASSIGNED
      • RUNNING
      • FAILED

      Per saperne di più sugli stati delle attività, consulta la sezione Ciclo di vita dei job.

Ad esempio, supponiamo che tu voglia ricevere notifiche su tutte le modifiche dello stato del job e ogni volta che un'attività non va a buon fine. A tale scopo, puoi avere un file di configurazione JSON simile al seguente:

  "taskGroups": [
      "taskSpec": {
        "runnables": [
            "script": {
              "text": "echo Hello World! This is task $BATCH_TASK_INDEX."
      "taskCount": 3,
  "logsPolicy": {
      "destination": "CLOUD_LOGGING"
  "notifications": [
      "pubsubTopic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
      "message": {
        "type": "JOB_STATE_CHANGED"
      "pubsubTopic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
      "message": {
        "type": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED",
        "newTaskState": "FAILED"


import (

	batch ""
	durationpb ""

// Creates and runs a job with configured notifications
func createJobWithNotifications(w io.Writer, projectID, region, jobName, topicName string) (*batchpb.Job, error) {

	ctx := context.Background()
	batchClient, err := batch.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("batchClient error: %w", err)
	defer batchClient.Close()

	script := &batchpb.Runnable_Script_{
		Script: &batchpb.Runnable_Script{
			Command: &batchpb.Runnable_Script_Text{
				Text: "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}. This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks.",

	taskSpec := &batchpb.TaskSpec{
		ComputeResource: &batchpb.ComputeResource{
			// CpuMilli is milliseconds per cpu-second. This means the task requires 2 whole CPUs.
			CpuMilli:  2000,
			MemoryMib: 16,
		MaxRunDuration: &durationpb.Duration{
			Seconds: 3600,
		MaxRetryCount: 2,
		Runnables: []*batchpb.Runnable{{
			Executable: script,

	taskGroups := []*batchpb.TaskGroup{
			TaskCount: 4,
			TaskSpec:  taskSpec,

	labels := map[string]string{"env": "testing", "type": "container"}

	// Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
	// In this case, we tell the system to use "e2-standard-4" machine type.
	// Read more about machine types here:
	allocationPolicy := &batchpb.AllocationPolicy{
		Instances: []*batchpb.AllocationPolicy_InstancePolicyOrTemplate{{
			PolicyTemplate: &batchpb.AllocationPolicy_InstancePolicyOrTemplate_Policy{
				Policy: &batchpb.AllocationPolicy_InstancePolicy{
					MachineType: "e2-standard-4",

	// We use Cloud Logging as it's an out of the box available option
	logsPolicy := &batchpb.LogsPolicy{
		Destination: batchpb.LogsPolicy_CLOUD_LOGGING,

	notifications := []*batchpb.JobNotification{
			PubsubTopic: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/%s", projectID, topicName),
			Message: &batchpb.JobNotification_Message{
				Type: batchpb.JobNotification_JOB_STATE_CHANGED,
			PubsubTopic: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/%s", projectID, topicName),
			Message: &batchpb.JobNotification_Message{
				Type:         batchpb.JobNotification_TASK_STATE_CHANGED,
				NewTaskState: batchpb.TaskStatus_FAILED,

	job := &batchpb.Job{
		Name:             jobName,
		TaskGroups:       taskGroups,
		AllocationPolicy: allocationPolicy,
		Labels:           labels,
		Notifications:    notifications,
		LogsPolicy:       logsPolicy,

	request := &batchpb.CreateJobRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, region),
		JobId:  jobName,
		Job:    job,

	created_job, err := batchClient.CreateJob(ctx, request)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create job: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Job created: %v\n", created_job)
	return created_job, nil


import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class CreateBatchNotification {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // Project ID or project number of the Google Cloud project you want to use.
    String projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";
    // Name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
    // available for Batch are listed on:
    String region = "europe-central2";
    // The name of the job that will be created.
    // It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.
    String jobName = "JOB_NAME";
    // The Pub/Sub topic ID to send the notifications to.
    String topicId = "TOPIC_ID";

    createBatchNotification(projectId, region, jobName, topicId);

  // Create a Batch job that sends notifications to Pub/Sub
  public static Job createBatchNotification(String projectId, String region, String jobName,
                                            String topicId)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (BatchServiceClient batchServiceClient = BatchServiceClient.create()) {
      // Define what will be done as part of the job.
      Runnable runnable =
                          "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}. "
                                  + "This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks.")
                      // You can also run a script from a file. Just remember, that needs to be a
                      // script that's already on the VM that will be running the job.
                      // Using setText() and setPath() is mutually exclusive.
                      // .setPath("/tmp/")

      TaskSpec task = TaskSpec.newBuilder()
              // Jobs can be divided into tasks. In this case, we have only one task.

      // Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
      // Currently, it's possible to have only one task group.
      TaskGroup taskGroup = TaskGroup.newBuilder()

      Job job =
              .addAllNotifications(buildNotifications(projectId, topicId))
              .putLabels("env", "testing")
              .putLabels("type", "script")
              // We use Cloud Logging as it's an out of the box available option.

      CreateJobRequest createJobRequest =
              // The job's parent is the region in which the job will run.
              .setParent(String.format("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectId, region))

      Job result =
              .get(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

      System.out.printf("Successfully created the job: %s", result.getName());

      return result;

  // Creates notification configurations to send messages to Pub/Sub when the state is changed
  private static Iterable<JobNotification> buildNotifications(String projectId, String topicId) {
    String pubsubTopic = String.format("projects/%s/topics/%s", projectId, topicId);

    JobNotification jobStateChanged = JobNotification.newBuilder()

    JobNotification taskStateChanged = JobNotification.newBuilder()

    return Lists.newArrayList(jobStateChanged, taskStateChanged);


// Imports the Batch library
const batchLib = require('@google-cloud/batch');
const batch =;

// Instantiates a client
const batchClient = new batchLib.v1.BatchServiceClient();

 * TODO(developer): Update these variables before running the sample.
// Project ID or project number of the Google Cloud project you want to use.
const PROJECT_ID = await batchClient.getProjectId();
// Name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
// available for Batch are listed on:
const REGION = 'europe-central2';
// The name of the job that will be created.
// It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.
const JOB_NAME = 'job-name-batch-notifications';
// The Pub/Sub topic ID to send the notifications to.
const TOPIC_ID = 'topic-id';

// Define what will be done as part of the job.
const task = new batch.TaskSpec();
const runnable = new batch.Runnable();
runnable.script = new batch.Runnable.Script();
runnable.script.commands = [
  'echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}.',
task.runnables = [runnable];
task.maxRetryCount = 2;
task.maxRunDuration = {seconds: 3600};

// Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
const group = new batch.TaskGroup();
group.taskCount = 3;
group.taskSpec = task;

// Create batch notification when job state changed
const notification1 = new batch.JobNotification();
notification1.pubsubTopic = `projects/${PROJECT_ID}/topics/${TOPIC_ID}`;
notification1.message = {

// Create batch notification when task state changed
const notification2 = new batch.JobNotification();
notification2.pubsubTopic = `projects/${PROJECT_ID}/topics/${TOPIC_ID}`;
notification2.message = {
  newTaskState: 'FAILED',

const job = new batch.Job(); = JOB_NAME;
job.taskGroups = [group];
job.notifications = [notification1, notification2];
job.labels = {env: 'testing', type: 'script'};
// We use Cloud Logging as it's an option available out of the box
job.logsPolicy = new batch.LogsPolicy();
job.logsPolicy.destination = batch.LogsPolicy.Destination.CLOUD_LOGGING;
// The job's parent is the project and region in which the job will run
const parent = `projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${REGION}`;

async function callCreateBatchNotifications() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {
    jobId: JOB_NAME,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await batchClient.createJob(request);

await callCreateBatchNotifications();


from import batch_v1

def create_with_pubsub_notification_job(
    project_id: str, region: str, job_name: str, topic_name: str
) -> batch_v1.Job:
    This method shows how to create a sample Batch Job that will run
    a simple command inside a container on Cloud Compute instances.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        region: name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
            available for Batch are listed on:
        job_name: the name of the job that will be created.
            It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.
        topic_name: the name of the Pub/Sub topic to which the notification will be sent.
            The topic should be created in GCP Pub/Sub before running this method.
            The procedure for creating a topic is listed here:

        A job object representing the job created.

    client = batch_v1.BatchServiceClient()

    # Define what will be done as part of the job.
    runnable = batch_v1.Runnable()
    runnable.container = batch_v1.Runnable.Container()
    runnable.container.image_uri = ""
    runnable.container.entrypoint = "/bin/sh"
    runnable.container.commands = [
        "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}. This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks.",

    # Jobs can be divided into tasks. In this case, we have only one task.
    task = batch_v1.TaskSpec()
    task.runnables = [runnable]

    # We can specify what resources are requested by each task.
    resources = batch_v1.ComputeResource()
    resources.cpu_milli = 2000  # in milliseconds per cpu-second. This means the task requires 2 whole CPUs.
    resources.memory_mib = 16  # in MiB
    task.compute_resource = resources

    task.max_retry_count = 2
    task.max_run_duration = "3600s"

    # Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
    # Currently, it's possible to have only one task group.
    group = batch_v1.TaskGroup()
    group.task_count = 4
    group.task_spec = task

    # Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
    # In this case, we tell the system to use "e2-standard-4" machine type.
    # Read more about machine types here:
    policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicy()
    policy.machine_type = "e2-standard-4"
    instances = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicyOrTemplate()
    instances.policy = policy
    allocation_policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy()
    allocation_policy.instances = [instances]

    job = batch_v1.Job()
    job.task_groups = [group]
    job.allocation_policy = allocation_policy
    job.labels = {"env": "testing", "type": "container"}
    # We use Cloud Logging as it's an out of the box available option
    job.logs_policy = batch_v1.LogsPolicy()
    job.logs_policy.destination = batch_v1.LogsPolicy.Destination.CLOUD_LOGGING

    # Configuring the first notification
    notification1 = batch_v1.JobNotification()
    notification1.pubsub_topic = f"projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_name}"
    # Define the message that will be sent to the topic
    first_massage = batch_v1.JobNotification.Message()
    # Specify the new job state that will trigger the notification
    # In this case, the notification is triggered when the job state changes to SUCCEEDED
    first_massage.type_ = batch_v1.JobNotification.Type.JOB_STATE_CHANGED
    first_massage.new_job_state = batch_v1.JobStatus.State.SUCCEEDED
    # Assign the message to the notification
    notification1.message = first_massage

    # Configuring the second notification
    notification2 = batch_v1.JobNotification()
    notification2.pubsub_topic = f"projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_name}"
    second_message = batch_v1.JobNotification.Message()
    second_message.type_ = batch_v1.JobNotification.Type.TASK_STATE_CHANGED
    second_message.new_task_state = batch_v1.TaskStatus.State.FAILED
    notification2.message = second_message

    # Assign a list of notifications to the job.
    job.notifications = [notification1, notification2]

    create_request = batch_v1.CreateJobRequest()
    create_request.job = job
    create_request.job_id = job_name
    # The job's parent is the region in which the job will run
    create_request.parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}"
    return client.create_job(create_request)

Una volta avviato il job, puoi utilizzare le relative notifiche. Ad esempio, se l'argomento Pub/Sub del tuo job ha una sottoscrizione che invia notifiche in streaming a BigQuery, puoi analizzare le notifiche Pub/Sub in BigQuery.

Passaggi successivi