Monitor asset changes with Pub/Sub

You can receive real-time notifications about resource and policy changes by creating and subscribing to a feed.

When you create the feed, you can specify that you want to monitor changes of supported resource types, IAM policies, access policies, and organization policies in an organization, folder, project. Additionally, you can add conditions to your feed so that you only receive notifications for certain types of changes to an asset.

After creating a feed, you receive notifications through Pub/Sub whenever the specified assets change. The first message published to the Pub/Sub topic is a welcome message in the format of a string, and all following messages are in the format of a TemporalAsset.

Here's a sample Pub/Sub message for the RESOURCE content type.


To learn more about Pub/Sub or how to set up subscriptions, see the Pub/Sub documentation.

Before you begin

  1. Enable the Cloud Asset Inventory API in the project you're running Cloud Asset Inventory commands from.

    Enable the Cloud Asset Inventory API

  2. Make sure your account has the correct role to call the Cloud Asset Inventory API. For individual permissions for each call type, see Permissions.

  3. Create a Pub/Sub topic, if you don't have one already.


  • It can take up to 10 minutes for any feed creation, update, or deletion to take effect.

  • The project where a feed is created must outlive the feed. This is because the service account used to publish to the destination Pub/Sub topic is located in that project. A feed no longer functions and is deleted as soon as project deletion is permanent.

  • You can create up to 200 feeds on a parent. This limit only applies to feeds directly following a parent and does not count the feeds of its children. For example, if you have 10 projects in an organization, each project can have up to 200 feeds, and the organization can also have up to 200 feeds.

Create feeds


gcloud asset feeds create FEED_ID \
    --SCOPE \
    --billing-project=BILLING_PROJECT_ID \
    --pubsub-topic=projects/TOPIC_PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID \
    --asset-names=ASSET_NAME_1,ASSET_NAME_2,... \
    --asset-types=ASSET_TYPE_1,ASSET_TYPE_2,... \
    --content-type=CONTENT_TYPE \
    --relationship-types=RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_1,RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_2,... \
    --condition-title="CONDITION_TITLE" \
    --condition-description="CONDITION_DESCRIPTION" \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project to create the feed in.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder to create the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization to create the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • FEED_ID: A unique asset feed identifier.
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: Optional. The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

  • TOPIC_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project where the Pub/Sub topic is located.
  • TOPIC_ID: The ID of the Pub/Sub topic to publish notifications to.
  • At least one of the following asset definitions:
  • CONTENT_TYPE: Optional. The content type of the metadata you want to retrieve. When --content-type isn't specified, only basic information is returned, such as asset names, the last time the assets were updated, and what projects, folders, and organizations they belong to.
  • RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_#: Optional. Only available for Security Command Center Premium and Enterprise tier subscribers. A comma-separated list of asset relationship types you want to retrieve. You must set CONTENT_TYPE to RELATIONSHIP for this to work.
  • If adding an optional feed condition, include the following details in your command:
    • CONDITION_TITLE: A title to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_DESCRIPTION: A description to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_EXPRESSION: The condition expression to apply to the feed.

See the gcloud CLI reference for all options.


Run the following command to create a feed in the my-topic Pub/Sub topic that notifies when changes are made to the following resources in the my-project project.

  • The my-bucket Cloud Storage bucket
  • Any BigQuery table
gcloud asset feeds create my-feed \
    --project=my-project \
    --pubsub-topic=projects/my-project/topics/my-topic \
    --asset-names=// \ \

Example response

- //
condition: {}
contentType: RESOURCE
    topic: projects/my-project/topics/my-topic
name: projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed


HTTP method and URL:




Request JSON body:

  "feedId": "FEED_ID",
  "feed": {
    "assetNames": [
    "assetTypes": [
    "contentType": "CONTENT_TYPE",
    "relationshipTypes": [
    "feedOutputConfig": {
      "pubsubDestination": {
        "topic": "projects/TOPIC_PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID"
    "condition": {
      "title": "CONDITION_TITLE",
      "description": "CONDITION_DESCRIPTION",
      "expression": "CONDITION_EXPRESSION"

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project to create the feed in.
    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project to create the feed in.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder to create the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization to create the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

  • FEED_ID: A unique asset feed identifier.
  • At least one of the following asset definitions:
  • CONTENT_TYPE: Optional. The content type of the metadata you want to retrieve. When contentType isn't specified, only basic information is returned, such as asset names, the last time the assets were updated, and what projects, folders, and organizations they belong to.
  • RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_#: Optional. Only available for Security Command Center Premium and Enterprise tier subscribers. A comma-separated list of asset relationship types you want to retrieve. You must set CONTENT_TYPE to RELATIONSHIP for this to work.
  • TOPIC_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project where the Pub/Sub topic is located.
  • TOPIC_ID: The ID of the Pub/Sub topic to publish notifications to.
  • If adding an optional feed condition, include the following details in your command:
    • CONDITION_TITLE: A title to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_DESCRIPTION: A description to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_EXPRESSION: The condition expression to apply to the feed.

See the REST reference for all options.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to create a feed in the my-topic Pub/Sub topic that notifies when changes are made to the following resources in the my-project project.

  • The my-bucket Cloud Storage bucket
  • Any BigQuery table

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X POST \
     -H "X-Goog-User-Project: BILLING_PROJECT_ID" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d '{
            "feedId": "my-feed",
            "feed": {
              "assetNames": [
              "assetTypes": [
              "contentType": "RESOURCE",
              "feedOutputConfig": {
                "pubsubDestination": {
                  "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"
          }' \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "X-Goog-User-Project" = "BILLING_PROJECT_ID";
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

$body = @"
  "feedId": "my-feed",
  "feed": {
    "assetNames": [
    "assetTypes": [
    "contentType": "RESOURCE",
    "feedOutputConfig": {
      "pubsubDestination": {
        "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method POST `
  -Headers $headers `
  -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
  -Body $body `
  -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Example response

  "name": "projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed",
  "assetNames": [
  "assetTypes": [
  "contentType": "RESOURCE",
  "feedOutputConfig": {
    "pubsubDestination": {
      "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Sample create-feed create feed.
package main

import (

	asset ""

// Command-line flags.
var (
	feedID = flag.String("feed_id", "YOUR_FEED_ID", "Identifier of Feed.")

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := asset.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("asset.NewClient: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	projectID := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT")
	feedParent := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", projectID)
	assetNames := []string{"YOUR_ASSET_NAME"}
	topic := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/%s", projectID, "YOUR_TOPIC_NAME")

	req := &assetpb.CreateFeedRequest{
		Parent: feedParent,
		FeedId: *feedID,
		Feed: &assetpb.Feed{
			AssetNames: assetNames,
			FeedOutputConfig: &assetpb.FeedOutputConfig{
				Destination: &assetpb.FeedOutputConfig_PubsubDestination{
					PubsubDestination: &assetpb.PubsubDestination{
						Topic: topic,
	response, err := client.CreateFeed(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("client.CreateFeed: %v", err)


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import java.util.Arrays;

public class CreateFeedExample {
  // Create a feed
  public static void createFeed(
      String[] assetNames, String feedId, String topic, String projectId, ContentType contentType)
      throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
    // String[] assetNames = {"MY_ASSET_NAME"}
    // ContentType contentType = contentType
    // String FeedId = "MY_FEED_ID"
    // String topic = "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/topics/[TOPIC_NAME]"
    // String projectID = "MY_PROJECT_ID"
    Feed feed =
    CreateFeedRequest request =
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (AssetServiceClient client = AssetServiceClient.create()) {
      Feed response = client.createFeed(request);
      System.out.println("Feed created successfully: " + response.getName());
    } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
      System.out.println("Error during CreateFeed: \n" + e.toString());


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const feedId = 'my feed';
// const assetNames = '//<BUCKET_NAME1>,//<BUCKET_NAME2>';
// const topicName = 'projects/<PROJECT_ID>/topics/<TOPIC_ID>'
// const contentType = 'RESOURCE';

const util = require('util');
const {AssetServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/asset');

const client = new AssetServiceClient();

async function createFeed() {
  const projectId = await client.getProjectId();
  // TODO(developer): Choose asset names, such as //[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME].
  // const assetNames = ['ASSET_NAME1', 'ASSET_NAME2', ...];

  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}`,
    feedId: feedId,
    feed: {
      assetNames: assetNames.split(','),
      contentType: contentType,
      feedOutputConfig: {
        pubsubDestination: {
          topic: topicName,

  // Handle the operation using the promise pattern.
  const result = await client.createFeed(request);
  // Do things with with the response.
  console.log(util.inspect(result, {depth: null}));


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from import asset_v1

# TODO project_id = 'Your Google Cloud Project ID'
# TODO feed_id = 'Feed ID you want to create'
# TODO asset_names = 'List of asset names the feed listen to'
# TODO topic = "Topic name of the feed"
# TODO content_type ="Content type of the feed"

client = asset_v1.AssetServiceClient()
parent = f"projects/{project_id}"
feed = asset_v1.Feed()
feed.feed_output_config.pubsub_destination.topic = topic
feed.content_type = content_type
response = client.create_feed(
    request={"parent": parent, "feed_id": feed_id, "feed": feed}
print(f"feed: {response}")


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

require "google/cloud/asset"

# project_id = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
# feed_id = 'NAME_OF_FEED'
# pubsub_topic = 'YOUR_PUBSUB_TOPIC'
# asset names, e.g.: //[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]
asset_service = Google::Cloud::Asset.asset_service

formatted_parent = asset_service.project_path project: project_id

feed = {
  asset_names:        asset_names,
  feed_output_config: {
    pubsub_destination: {
      topic: pubsub_topic
response = asset_service.create_feed(
  parent:  formatted_parent,
  feed_id: feed_id,
  feed:    feed
puts "Created feed: #{}"

Get feeds


gcloud asset feeds describe FEED_ID \
    --SCOPE \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that the feed is in.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

  • FEED_ID: A unique asset feed identifier.

See the gcloud CLI reference for all options.

Example response

- //
condition: {}
contentType: RESOURCE
    topic: projects/my-project/topics/my-topic
name: projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed


HTTP method and URL:




Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that the feed is in.
    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project that the feed is in.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your BigQuery datasets and tables. Read more about setting the billing project.

  • FEED_ID: A unique asset feed identifier.

See the REST reference for all options.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to get a specific feed.

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X GET \
     -H "X-Goog-User-Project: BILLING_PROJECT_ID" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "X-Goog-User-Project" = "BILLING_PROJECT_ID";
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method GET `
  -Headers $headers `
  -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Example response

  "name": "projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed",
  "assetNames": [
  "assetTypes": [
  "contentType": "RESOURCE",
  "feedOutputConfig": {
    "pubsubDestination": {
      "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Sample get-feed get feed.
package main

import (

	asset ""
	cloudresourcemanager ""

// Command-line flags.
var (
	feedID = flag.String("feed_id", "YOUR_FEED_ID", "Identifier of Feed.")

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := asset.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("asset.NewClient: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	projectID := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT")
	cloudresourcemanagerClient, err := cloudresourcemanager.NewService(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanager.NewService: %v", err)

	project, err := cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get(projectID).Do()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get.Do: %v", err)
	projectNumber := strconv.FormatInt(project.ProjectNumber, 10)
	feedName := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/feeds/%s", projectNumber, *feedID)
	req := &assetpb.GetFeedRequest{
		Name: feedName}
	response, err := client.GetFeed(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("client.GetFeed: %v", err)


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


public class GetFeedExample {

  // Get a feed with full feed name
  public static void getFeed(String feedName) throws Exception {
    // String feedName = "MY_FEED_NAME"

    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (AssetServiceClient client = AssetServiceClient.create()) {
      Feed feed = client.getFeed(feedName);
      System.out.println("Get a feed: " + feedName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Error during GetFeed: \n" + e.toString());


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

const util = require('util');
const {AssetServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/asset');

const client = new AssetServiceClient();

async function getFeed() {
  const request = {
    name: feedName,

  // Handle the operation using the promise pattern.
  const result = await client.getFeed(request);
  // Do things with with the response.
  console.log(util.inspect(result, {depth: null}));


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from import asset_v1

# TODO feed_name = 'Feed Name you want to get'

client = asset_v1.AssetServiceClient()
response = client.get_feed(request={"name": feed_name})
print(f"gotten_feed: {response}")

List feeds

To list all the feeds for a project, folder, or organization, make one of the following requests.


gcloud asset feeds list \
    --SCOPE \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that the feeds are in.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that the feeds are in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that the feeds are in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

See the gcloud CLI reference for all options.

Example response

- assetNames:
  - //
  condition: {}
  contentType: RESOURCE
      topic: projects/my-project/topics/my-topic
  name: projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed


HTTP method and URL:




Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that the feeds are in.
    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project that the feeds are in.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that the feeds are in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that the feeds are in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your BigQuery datasets and tables. Read more about setting the billing project.

See the REST reference for all options.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to list all feeds in the my-project project.

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X GET \
     -H "X-Goog-User-Project: BILLING_PROJECT_ID" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "X-Goog-User-Project" = "BILLING_PROJECT_ID";
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method GET `
  -Headers $headers `
  -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Example response

  "feeds": [
      "name": "projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed",
      "assetNames": [
      "assetTypes": [
      "contentType": "RESOURCE",
      "feedOutputConfig": {
        "pubsubDestination": {
          "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Sample list-feeds list feeds.
package main

import (

	asset ""
	cloudresourcemanager ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := asset.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("asset.NewClient: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	projectID := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT")
	cloudresourcemanagerClient, err := cloudresourcemanager.NewService(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanager.NewService: %v", err)

	project, err := cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get(projectID).Do()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get.Do: %v", err)
	projectNumber := strconv.FormatInt(project.ProjectNumber, 10)
	parent := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", projectNumber)
	req := &assetpb.ListFeedsRequest{
		Parent: parent}
	response, err := client.ListFeeds(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("client.ListFeeds: %v", err)


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


public class ListFeedsExample {
  // List feeds in a project.
  public static void listFeeds(String projectId) throws Exception {
    // String projectId = "MY_PROJECT_ID"
    // String topic = "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/topics/[TOPIC_NAME]"

    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (AssetServiceClient client = AssetServiceClient.create()) {
      ListFeedsResponse response = client.listFeeds(ProjectName.of(projectId).toString());
      System.out.println("Listed feeds under: " + projectId);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Error during ListFeeds: \n" + e.toString());


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

const util = require('util');
const {AssetServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/asset');

const client = new AssetServiceClient();

async function listFeeds() {
  const projectId = await client.getProjectId();

  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}`,

  // Handle the operation using the promise pattern.
  const result = await client.listFeeds(request);
  // Do things with with the response.
  console.log(util.inspect(result, {depth: null}));


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from import asset_v1

# TODO parent_resource = 'Parent resource you want to list all feeds'

client = asset_v1.AssetServiceClient()
response = client.list_feeds(request={"parent": parent_resource})
print(f"feeds: {response.feeds}")

Update feeds

You can update the attributes of an existing feed in the following ways:

  • Adding and removing specific asset names, or clearing all of them from the feed.

  • Adding and removing specific asset types, or clearing all of them from the feed.

  • Overwriting conditions or clearing them from the feed.


gcloud asset feeds update FEED_ID \
    --SCOPE \
    --billing-project=BILLING_PROJECT_ID \
    --pubsub-topic=projects/TOPIC_PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID \
    --clear-asset-names \
    --add-asset-names=ASSET_NAME_1,ASSET_NAME_2,... \
    --remove-asset-names=ASSET_NAME_3,ASSET_NAME_4,... \
    --clear-asset-types \
    --add-asset-types=ASSET_TYPE_1,ASSET_TYPE_2,... \
    --remove-asset-types=ASSET_TYPE_3,ASSET_TYPE_4,... \
    --clear-content-type \
    --content-type=CONTENT_TYPE \
    --clear-relationship-types \
    --remove-relationship-types=RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_1,RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_2,... \
    --add-relationship-types=RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_1,RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_2,... \
    --clear-condition-title \
    --condition-title="CONDITION_TITLE" \
    --clear-condition-description \
    --condition-description="CONDITION_DESCRIPTION" \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project to update the feed in.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder to update the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization to update the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • FEED_ID: A unique asset feed identifier.
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: Optional. The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

  • TOPIC_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project where the Pub/Sub topic is located.
  • TOPIC_ID: The ID of the Pub/Sub topic to publish notifications to.
  • At least one of the following asset definitions:
  • CONTENT_TYPE: Optional. The content type of the metadata you want to retrieve. When --content-type isn't specified, only basic information is returned, such as asset names, the last time the assets were updated, and what projects, folders, and organizations they belong to.
  • RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_#: Optional. Only available for Security Command Center Premium and Enterprise tier subscribers. A comma-separated list of asset relationship types you want to retrieve. You must set CONTENT_TYPE to RELATIONSHIP for this to work.
  • If adding an optional feed condition, include the following details in your command:
    • CONDITION_TITLE: A title to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_DESCRIPTION: A description to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_EXPRESSION: The condition expression to apply to the feed.

See the gcloud CLI reference for all options.


Run the following command to update the my-topic Pub/Sub topic in the my-project project. This request removes all asset names from monitoring, and adds the asset type

gcloud asset feeds update my-feed \
    --project=my-project \
    --pubsub-topic=projects/my-project/topics/my-topic \
    --clear-asset-names \

Example response

condition: {}
contentType: RESOURCE
    topic: projects/my-project/topics/my-topic
name: projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed

To update the attributes of a feed, you need to specify the attribute path in the update_mask and the value of that attribute.


HTTP method and URL:




Request JSON body:

  "feed": {
    "assetNames": [
    "assetTypes": [
    "contentType": "CONTENT_TYPE",
    "relationshipTypes": [
    "feedOutputConfig": {
      "pubsubDestination": {
        "topic": "projects/TOPIC_PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID"
  "condition": {
    "title": "CONDITION_TITLE",
    "description": "CONDITION_DESCRIPTION",
    "expression": "CONDITION_EXPRESSION"
  "update_mask": {
    "paths": [

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project to update the feed in.
    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project to update the feed in.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder to update the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization to update the feed in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

  • FEED_ID: A unique asset feed identifier.
  • At least one of the following asset definitions:
  • CONTENT_TYPE: Optional. The content type of the metadata you want to retrieve. When contentType isn't specified, only basic information is returned, such as asset names, the last time the assets were updated, and what projects, folders, and organizations they belong to.
  • RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_#: Optional. Only available for Security Command Center Premium and Enterprise tier subscribers. A comma-separated list of asset relationship types you want to retrieve. You must set CONTENT_TYPE to RELATIONSHIP for this to work.
  • TOPIC_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project where the Pub/Sub topic is located.
  • TOPIC_ID: The ID of the Pub/Sub topic to publish notifications to.
  • If adding an optional feed condition, include the following details in your command:
    • CONDITION_TITLE: A title to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_DESCRIPTION: A description to assign to the feed condition.
    • CONDITION_EXPRESSION: The condition expression to apply to the feed.

See the REST reference for all options.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to update the my-topic Pub/Sub topic in the my-project project. This request removes all asset names from monitoring, and adds the asset type

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X PATCH \
     -H "X-Goog-User-Project: BILLING_PROJECT_ID" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d '{
            "feed": {
              "assetNames": [],
              "assetTypes": [
              "feedOutputConfig": {
                "pubsubDestination": {
                  "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"
            "update_mask": {
              "paths": ["feed_output_config.pubsub_destination.topic", "asset_names", "asset_types"]
          }' \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "X-Goog-User-Project" = "BILLING_PROJECT_ID";
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

$body = @"
  "feed": {
    "assetNames": [],
    "assetTypes": [
    "feedOutputConfig": {
      "pubsubDestination": {
        "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"
  "update_mask": {
    "paths": ["feed_output_config.pubsub_destination.topic", "asset_names", "asset_types"]

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method PATCH `
  -Headers $headers `
  -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
  -Body $body `
  -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Example response

  "feeds": [
      "name": "projects/000000000000/feeds/my-feed",
      "assetTypes": [
      "contentType": "RESOURCE",
      "feedOutputConfig": {
        "pubsubDestination": {
          "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Sample update-feed update feed.
package main

import (

	asset ""
	cloudresourcemanager ""
	field_mask ""

// Command-line flags.
var (
	feedID = flag.String("feed_id", "YOUR_FEED_ID", "Identifier of Feed.")

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := asset.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("asset.NewClient: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	projectID := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT")
	cloudresourcemanagerClient, err := cloudresourcemanager.NewService(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanager.NewService: %v", err)

	project, err := cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get(projectID).Do()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get.Do: %v", err)
	projectNumber := strconv.FormatInt(project.ProjectNumber, 10)
	feedName := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/feeds/%s", projectNumber, *feedID)
	topic := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/%s", projectID, "TOPIC_TO_UPDATE")

	req := &assetpb.UpdateFeedRequest{
		Feed: &assetpb.Feed{
			Name: feedName,
			FeedOutputConfig: &assetpb.FeedOutputConfig{
				Destination: &assetpb.FeedOutputConfig_PubsubDestination{
					PubsubDestination: &assetpb.PubsubDestination{
						Topic: topic,
		UpdateMask: &field_mask.FieldMask{
			Paths: []string{"feed_output_config.pubsub_destination.topic"},
	response, err := client.UpdateFeed(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("client.UpdateFeed: %v", err)


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


public class UpdateFeedExample {

  // Update a feed
  public static void updateFeed(String feedName, String topic) throws Exception {
    // String feedName = "MY_FEED_NAME"
    // String topic = "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/topics/[TOPIC_NAME]"
    Feed feed =
    UpdateFeedRequest request =
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (AssetServiceClient client = AssetServiceClient.create()) {
      Feed response = client.updateFeed(request);
      System.out.println("Feed updated successfully: " + response.getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Error during UpdateFeed: \n" + e.toString());


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

const {AssetServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/asset');

const client = new AssetServiceClient();
// example inputs:
// const fullQueryName = 'folders/<FOLDER_NUMBER>/savedQueries/<QUERY_ID>';
// const description = 'a new description';
async function updateSavedQuery() {
  const request = {
    savedQuery: {
      name: fullQueryName,
      description: description,
    updateMask: {
      paths: ['description'],

  // Handle the operation using the promise pattern.
  const [query] = await client.updateSavedQuery(request);
  // Do things with with the response.
  console.log('Query name:',;
  console.log('Query description:', query.description);
  console.log('Created time:', query.createTime);
  console.log('Updated time:', query.lastUpdateTime);
  console.log('Query type:', query.content.queryContent);
  console.log('Query content:', JSON.stringify(query.content, null, 4));


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from import asset_v1
from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2

# TODO feed_name = 'Feed Name you want to update'
# TODO topic = "Topic name you want to update with"

client = asset_v1.AssetServiceClient()
feed = asset_v1.Feed() = feed_name
feed.feed_output_config.pubsub_destination.topic = topic
update_mask = field_mask_pb2.FieldMask()
# In this example, we update topic of the feed
response = client.update_feed(request={"feed": feed, "update_mask": update_mask})
print(f"updated_feed: {response}")

Delete feeds

If you no longer want to be notified of asset changes, make one of the following requests to delete a feed.


gcloud asset feeds delete FEED_ID \
    --SCOPE \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that the feed is in.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

See the gcloud CLI reference for all options.

Example response

A successful deletion returns no response.


HTTP method and URL:




Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project that the feed is in.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that the feed is in.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your Pub/Sub topic. Read more about setting the billing project.

See the REST reference for all options.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to delete a specific feed.

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X DELETE \
     -H "X-Goog-User-Project: BILLING_PROJECT_ID" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "X-Goog-User-Project" = "BILLING_PROJECT_ID";
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method DELETE `
  -Headers $headers `
  -Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Example response



To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Sample delete-feed delete feed.
package main

import (

	asset ""
	cloudresourcemanager ""

// Command-line flags.
var (
	feedID = flag.String("feed_id", "YOUR_FEED_ID", "Identifier of Feed.")

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := asset.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("asset.NewClient: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	projectID := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT")
	cloudresourcemanagerClient, err := cloudresourcemanager.NewService(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanager.NewService: %v", err)

	project, err := cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get(projectID).Do()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanagerClient.Projects.Get.Do: %v", err)
	projectNumber := strconv.FormatInt(project.ProjectNumber, 10)
	feedName := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/feeds/%s", projectNumber, *feedID)
	req := &assetpb.DeleteFeedRequest{
		Name: feedName,
	if err = client.DeleteFeed(ctx, req); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("client.DeleteFeed: %v", err)
	fmt.Print("Deleted Feed")


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


public class DeleteFeedExample {

  // Delete a feed with full feed name
  public static void deleteFeed(String feedName) throws Exception {
    // String feedName = "MY_FEED_NAME"

    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (AssetServiceClient client = AssetServiceClient.create()) {
      System.out.println("Feed deleted");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Error during DeleteFeed: \n" + e.toString());


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

const util = require('util');
const {AssetServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/asset');

const client = new AssetServiceClient();

async function deleteFeed() {
  const request = {
    name: feedName,

  // Handle the operation using the promise pattern.
  const result = await client.deleteFeed(request);
  // Do things with with the response.
  console.log(util.inspect(result, {depth: null}));


To learn how to install and use the client library for Cloud Asset Inventory, see Cloud Asset Inventory client libraries.

To authenticate to Cloud Asset Inventory, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from import asset_v1

# TODO feed_name = 'Feed name you want to delete'

client = asset_v1.AssetServiceClient()
client.delete_feed(request={"name": feed_name})

Feed conditions

To view only certain types of changes for a given asset, you can add a condition to your feed. Conditions are written in Common Expression Language (CEL).

Support for conditions is limited. In some cases, creating or updating feeds with conditions might result in a delay.


  • Condition expressions have a length limit of 3,000 characters.

  • Most variable names in condition expressions are represented in lowercase with underscores between each word. For example, example_variable.

    The exception is the variable names of the sub-fields of data in the Resource object. These don't have word separators, and the first character of each word after the first is capitalized. For example, exampleVariable.

  • Some validations on condition expressions are performed during feed creation or feed update time. However, such validations are not comprehensive, especially for conditions set on the field, which has a dynamic type. Where possible, filter your feed by using the appropriate gcloud CLI or REST API parameters instead.

  • Notifications aren't sent if errors happen during evaluation time, however the errors are logged.

  • For dynamic types in, conditions specified on absent fields trigger runtime errors and notifications aren't published. For example, for the condition != "my_name", if the name field is missing in an update, the evaluation fails and you don't receive notifications. If your condition only works in the presence of certain fields, add an existence check to the condition to ensure it is properly evaluated.

  • Static enum types can be represented as either fully qualified path names or raw integers. For example, the following expressions are valid for prior_asset_state:

    temporal_asset.prior_asset_state ==


    temporal_asset.prior_asset_state == 3

    Dynamic enum types in are represented as raw strings. For example, the following expression is valid for the asset type == "ACTIVE"

Create a condition expression with CEL

In a feed condition, Common Expression Language (CEL) is used to make boolean decisions based on attribute data. A condition expression consists of one or more statements that are joined using logic operators. Each statement expresses an attribute-based control rule that applies to the TemporalAsset to determine whether a notification is sent.

The following CEL features are the most important for feed conditions:

  • Variables: Conditions use variables to express a given attribute, such as temporal_asset.deleted (Boolean) or (String). These variables are populated with values based on the context at runtime.

  • Operators: Every data type, such as String, supports a set of operators that can be used to create a logic expression. Most commonly, operators are used to compare the value contained in a variable with a literal value, such as == "//". In this example, if the input value of is //, then the expression evaluates to true.

  • Functions: A function is a compound operator for data types that support more complex operations. In condition expressions, there are predefined functions that can be used in conjunction with a given data type. For example,"keyword") uses a function called contains to check if the value of contains "keyword". If so, it evaluates to true.

  • Logical operators: Conditions support logical operators that can be used to build complex logic expressions from basic expression statements: && (AND) and || (OR). These logical operators make it possible to use multiple input variables in a condition expression. For example: temporal_asset.deleted && temporal_asset.window.start_time.getFullYear() > 2020 joins two basic statements, and requires both statements to be met in order to produce a true evaluation result.

For more information about CEL features, see the language definition.

Using condition variables

Condition variables allow you to create conditions on different attributes. Supported condition variables are:

  • temporal_asset: The most recent asset change in TemporalAsset format. If the condition evaluates to true, the TemporalAsset is sent to the configured destination.

Example condition expressions

The following condition expression sends notifications on creation events:

temporal_asset.deleted == false &&
temporal_asset.prior_asset_state ==

The following condition expression sends notifications for resources that are located in folders 12345 and 23456:

"folders/12345" in temporal_asset.asset.ancestors ||
"folders/23456" in temporal_asset.asset.ancestors

The following condition expression sends notifications when new allowed rules are added to firewalls, assuming the asset type is already set to in the feed:

size( >

The following condition expression sends notifications for VM instances with n1-standard-1 machine type, assuming the asset type is already set to in the feed:'/machineTypes/n1-standard-1')

The following condition expression sends notifications for storage buckets with any IAM policies for allUsers, assuming the asset type is set to, and the content type is set to IAM_POLICY in the feed:

temporal_asset.asset.iam_policy.bindings.exists(b, b.members.exists(m, m == "allUsers"))

The following condition expression sends a notification when a storage bucket with the test key in its label is deleted:

temporal_asset.deleted == true && temporal_asset.prior_asset_state == && "test" in


If you're not receiving notifications for resource or IAM policy updates, the following steps can help you to troubleshoot:

  • Make sure that the metadata has changed on your assets. The real-time feed only sends updates when the metadata of the supported resource types has changed. Operations such as uploading a new file to your Cloud Storage bucket does not trigger a metadata change.

  • Make sure your assets match one of the asset names or types you specified in the feed.

  • For project deletions, keep in mind that when you shut down a project you have 30 days to undo the operation. Because of this, the deleted field in the asset metadata is not set until the project is permanently deleted. To monitor projects that are pending deletion, you can set a condition on the project's lifecycleState field instead. For example: == "DELETE_REQUESTED".

  • Check the logs to see if there are errors when publishing updates to your topic.

Cloud Logging

When real-time feeds fail to send resources or IAM policy updates through Pub/Sub, Cloud Asset Inventory logs the error status and message in Logging. Logging is enabled by default, and belongs to Google Cloud Observability. Learn about Google Cloud Observability pricing.

Viewing real-time feed logs

The real-time feed log is indexed by a Pub/Sub topic. To see all logs:

  1. Go to the Logs Explorer page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. Click the Resource list, which is near to the Search all fields box.

  3. Search for Cloud Pub/Sub Topic, and then click the Cloud Pub/Sub Topic resource type.

  4. Click the topic ID you want to view.

  5. Click Apply.

UTF-8 encoding is enforced for log fields. Characters that are not UTF-8 characters are replaced with question marks.

Logged information

Real-time feed log entries contain following types of information:

  • General information shown in most Google Cloud logs, such as severity, project ID, project number, or timestamp.

  • Real-time feed log fields in jsonPayload, which contains asset name, feed output config, and error status when publishing resource or IAM policy updates.

The following table shows what kind of information each field contains.

Field Type and description


Full Name of the feed. The format is one of the following:

  • projects/PROJECT_ID/feeds/FEED_ID
  • folders/FOLDER_ID/feeds/FEED_ID
  • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/feeds/FEED_ID


Full name of the asset to receive updates. For example:


See Resource names for more info.



Feed condition which determines whether an asset update should be published.



Status when there's a failure to publish asset updates to a feed.



Feed output configuration defining where the asset updates are published to.