See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

APPEND function

APPEND function

Function Name Description Usage Input parameter Return value
APPEND Appends the specified value to an array. APPEND(value) Value to append.

The data type of the value to append should match the data type of the array. For example, for a Boolean array you can append only True or False.

Array with the appended value.

Supported data type

The APPEND function supports the following data types:

  • Boolean array
  • Double array
  • Integer array
  • String array

Example 1: Append a value to an integer array

Sample data: $var1$ = {3,6,8,1}

Usage: $var1$.APPEND(7)

Append the value 7 to var1.

Output: {3,6,8,1,7}

Example 2: Append a value to a Boolean array.

Sample data: $var1$ = {True,False,True}

Usage: $var1$.APPEND(True)

Append the value True to var1.

Output: {True,False,True,True}

Example 3: Append a value to a string array

Sample data: $var1$ = {"Hello","Apigee"}

Usage: $var1$.APPEND("Integrations")

Append the word Integrations to var1.

Output: {"Hello","Apigee","Integrations"}
