See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

APPEND_ALL function

APPEND_ALL function

Function Name Description Usage Input parameter Return value
APPEND_ALL Appends all the specified values to an array. APPEND_ALL(value1, value2, ...) Values to append.

The data type of the value to append should match the data type of the array. For example, for a String array you can append only string values.

Array with the appended values.

Supported data types

The APPEND_ALL function supports the following data types:

  • Boolean array
  • Double array
  • Integer array
  • String array

Example 1: Append values to an integer array

Sample data: $var1$ = {3,6,8,1}

Usage: $var1$.APPEND_ALL(7,9,15)

Append values 7, 9, and 15 to var1.

Output: {3,6,8,1,7,9,15}

Example 2: Append values to a Boolean array

Sample data: $var1$ = {True,False,True}

Usage: $var1$.APPEND_ALL(False,True)

Append the values False and True to var1.

Output: {True,False,True,False,True}

Example 3: Append values to a String array

Sample data: $var1$ = {"Hello","Apigee"}

Usage: $var1$.APPEND_ALL("Integrations","Test")

Append the words Integrations and Test to var1.

Output: {"Hello","Apigee","Integrations","Test"}
