Source code for google.appengine.api.blobstore.blobstore

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Blobstore API.

This module contains methods that you can use to interface with the Blobstore
API. The module defines a `db.Key`-like class that represents a blob key.

import datetime
import time

from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
from google.appengine.api import datastore
from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
from google.appengine.api import api_base_pb
from google.appengine.api.blobstore import blobstore_service_pb
from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors

__all__ = ['BLOB_INFO_KIND',

BlobKey = datastore_types.BlobKey

BLOB_INFO_KIND = '__BlobInfo__'

BLOB_KEY_HEADER = 'X-AppEngine-BlobKey'

BLOB_MIGRATION_KIND = '__BlobMigration__'

BLOB_RANGE_HEADER = 'X-AppEngine-BlobRange'

MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE = (1 << 20) - (1 << 15)

GS_PREFIX = '/gs/'

UPLOAD_INFO_CREATION_HEADER = 'X-AppEngine-Upload-Creation'
CLOUD_STORAGE_OBJECT_HEADER = 'X-AppEngine-Cloud-Storage-Object'

[docs]class Error(Exception): """Base blobstore error type."""
[docs]class InternalError(Error): """An internal error occured."""
[docs]class BlobNotFoundError(Error): """The blob does not exist."""
[docs]class DataIndexOutOfRangeError(Error): """The indexes could not be accessed. The specified indexes were out of range or in the wrong order. """
[docs]class BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError(Error): """The block could not be fetched because it was too large."""
class _CreationFormatError(Error): """The creation date could not be parsed because the format is invalid."""
[docs]class PermissionDeniedError(Error): """The operation did not complete; review the permissions required."""
def _ToBlobstoreError(error): """Translates an application error to a datastore error, if possible. Args: error: An `ApplicationError` to translate. Returns: The `BlobstoreError` for the passed-in `ApplicationError`, if one is found. Otherwise, the original `ApplicationError` is returned. """ error_map = { blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.INTERNAL_ERROR: InternalError, blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.BLOB_NOT_FOUND: BlobNotFoundError, blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.DATA_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE: DataIndexOutOfRangeError, blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.BLOB_FETCH_SIZE_TOO_LARGE: BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError, blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.PERMISSION_DENIED: PermissionDeniedError, } desired_exc = error_map.get(error.application_error) return desired_exc(error.error_detail) if desired_exc else error def _format_creation(stamp): """Formats an upload creation timestamp, including microseconds. Use this method to format a timestamp that includes microseconds on Python versions prior to 2.6. For earlier versions of Python, you cannot simply convert datetime objects to strings, because the microseconds are stripped from the format when they are set to 0. The upload creation date format will always contain microseconds padded out to 6 places. Args: stamp: A `datetime.datetime` object that you want to format. Returns: A formatted datetime object as Python 2.6 format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f`. """ return '%s.%06d' % (stamp.strftime(_BASE_CREATION_HEADER_FORMAT), stamp.microsecond) def _parse_creation(creation_string, field_name): """Parses the upload creation string from header format. This method parses the creation date of objects using the following format: `YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.ffffff`, where: - `YYYY`: Year - `mm`: Month (01-12) - `dd`: Day (01-31) - `HH`: Hour (00-24) - `MM`: Minute (00-59) - `SS`: Second (00-59) - `ffffff`: Microsecond Args: creation_string: The string of the creation date, properly formatted. field_name: The field for which you are attempting to parse the `creation_string`. Returns: A datetime object that is parsed from `creation_string`. Raises: `_CreationFormatError`: If the creation string is formatted incorrectly. """ split_creation_string = creation_string.split('.', 1) if len(split_creation_string) != 2: raise _CreationFormatError( 'Could not parse creation %s in field %s.' % (creation_string, field_name)) timestamp_string, microsecond = split_creation_string try: timestamp = time.strptime(timestamp_string, _BASE_CREATION_HEADER_FORMAT) microsecond = int(microsecond) except ValueError: raise _CreationFormatError('Could not parse creation %s in field %s.' % (creation_string, field_name)) return datetime.datetime(*timestamp[:6] + tuple([microsecond]))
[docs]def create_rpc(deadline=None, callback=None): """Creates an RPC object to use with the Blobstore API. Args: deadline: Optional deadline in seconds for the operation; the default value is a system-specific deadline, typically 5 seconds. callback: Optional callable to invoke on completion. Returns: An `apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC` object that is specialized for this service. """ return apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC('blobstore', deadline, callback)
def _make_async_call(rpc, method, request, response, get_result_hook, user_data): """Makes an asynchronous API call.""" if rpc is None: rpc = create_rpc() rpc.make_call(method, request, response, get_result_hook, user_data) return rpc def _get_result_hook(rpc): """If there was an exception, raise it now.""" try: rpc.check_success() except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, err: raise _ToBlobstoreError(err) hook = rpc.user_data return hook(rpc)
[docs]def create_upload_url(success_path, max_bytes_per_blob=None, max_bytes_total=None, rpc=None, gs_bucket_name=None): """Creates the upload URL for a POST form. Args: success_path: Path within application to call when a `POST` call is successful and the upload is complete. max_bytes_per_blob: The maximum size in bytes that any one blob in the upload can be, or `None` for no maximum size. max_bytes_total: The maximum size in bytes that the aggregate sizes of all of the blobs in the upload can be, or `None` for no maximum size. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. gs_bucket_name: The Google Cloud Storage bucket name to which the blobs should be uploaded. The application's service account must have the correct permissions to write to this bucket. The bucket name can be of the format `bucket/path/`, in which case the included path will be prepended to the uploaded object name. Returns: The upload URL. Raises: TypeError: If `max_bytes_per_blob` or `max_bytes_total` are not integral types. ValueError: If `max_bytes_per_blob` or `max_bytes_total` are not positive values. """ rpc = create_upload_url_async(success_path, max_bytes_per_blob=max_bytes_per_blob, max_bytes_total=max_bytes_total, rpc=rpc, gs_bucket_name=gs_bucket_name) return rpc.get_result()
[docs]def create_upload_url_async(success_path, max_bytes_per_blob=None, max_bytes_total=None, rpc=None, gs_bucket_name=None): """Asynchronously creates the upload URL for a POST form. Args: success_path: The path within the application to call when a `POST` call is successful and the upload is complete. max_bytes_per_blob: The maximum size in bytes that any one blob in the upload can be, or `None` for no maximum size. max_bytes_total: The maximum size in bytes that the aggregate sizes of all of the blobs in the upload can be, or `None` for no maximum size. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. gs_bucket_name: The Google Cloud Storage bucket name to which the blobs should be uploaded. The application's service account must have the correct permissions to write to this bucket. The bucket name can be of the format `bucket/path/`, in which case the included path will be prepended to the uploaded object name. Returns: A UserRPC whose result will be the upload URL. Raises: TypeError: If `max_bytes_per_blob` or `max_bytes_total` are not integral types. ValueError: If `max_bytes_per_blob` or `max_bytes_total` are not positive values. """ request = blobstore_service_pb.CreateUploadURLRequest() response = blobstore_service_pb.CreateUploadURLResponse() request.set_success_path(success_path) if max_bytes_per_blob is not None: if not isinstance(max_bytes_per_blob, (int, long)): raise TypeError('max_bytes_per_blob must be integer.') if max_bytes_per_blob < 1: raise ValueError('max_bytes_per_blob must be positive.') request.set_max_upload_size_per_blob_bytes(max_bytes_per_blob) if max_bytes_total is not None: if not isinstance(max_bytes_total, (int, long)): raise TypeError('max_bytes_total must be integer.') if max_bytes_total < 1: raise ValueError('max_bytes_total must be positive.') request.set_max_upload_size_bytes(max_bytes_total) if (request.has_max_upload_size_bytes() and request.has_max_upload_size_per_blob_bytes()): if (request.max_upload_size_bytes() < request.max_upload_size_per_blob_bytes()): raise ValueError('max_bytes_total can not be less' ' than max_upload_size_per_blob_bytes') if gs_bucket_name is not None: if not isinstance(gs_bucket_name, basestring): raise TypeError('gs_bucket_name must be a string.') request.set_gs_bucket_name(gs_bucket_name) return _make_async_call(rpc, 'CreateUploadURL', request, response, _get_result_hook, lambda rpc: rpc.response.url())
[docs]def delete(blob_keys, rpc=None, _token=None): """Deletes a blob from Blobstore. Args: blob_keys: A single `BlobKey` instance or a list of blob keys. A blob key can be either a string or an instance of `BlobKey`. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: None. """ rpc = delete_async(blob_keys, rpc, _token) return rpc.get_result()
[docs]def delete_async(blob_keys, rpc=None, _token=None): """Asynchronously deletes a blob from Blobstore. Args: blob_keys: A single `BlobKey` instance or a list of blob keys. A blob key can be either a string or an instance of `BlobKey`. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: A UserRPC, whose result will be `None`. """ if isinstance(blob_keys, (basestring, BlobKey)): blob_keys = [blob_keys] request = blobstore_service_pb.DeleteBlobRequest() for blob_key in blob_keys: request.add_blob_key(str(blob_key)) if _token: request.set_token(_token) response = api_base_pb.VoidProto() return _make_async_call(rpc, 'DeleteBlob', request, response, _get_result_hook, lambda rpc: None)
[docs]def fetch_data(blob_key, start_index, end_index, rpc=None): """Fetches the data for a blob. Args: blob_key: A `BlobKey`, string, or Unicode representation of a `BlobKey` of the blob from which you want to fetch data. start_index: The start index value of the blob data to fetch. This argument cannot be set to a negative value. end_index: The end index value (exclusive) of the blob data to fetch. This argument must be greater than or equal to the `start_index` value. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: A string containing partial data of the blob. """ rpc = fetch_data_async(blob_key, start_index, end_index, rpc) return rpc.get_result()
[docs]def fetch_data_async(blob_key, start_index, end_index, rpc=None): """Asynchronously fetches the data for a blob. Args: blob_key: A `BlobKey`, string, or Unicode representation of a `BlobKey` of the blob from which you want to fetch data. start_index: The start index value of the blob data to fetch. This argument cannot be set to a negative value. end_index: The end index value (exclusive) of the blob data to fetch. This argument must be greater than or equal to the `start_index` value. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: A UserRPC whose result will be a string as returned by `fetch_data()`. """ if not isinstance(start_index, (int, long)): raise TypeError('start_index must be an integer.') if not isinstance(end_index, (int, long)): raise TypeError('end_index must be an integer.') if isinstance(blob_key, BlobKey): blob_key = str(blob_key).decode('utf-8') elif isinstance(blob_key, str): blob_key = blob_key.decode('utf-8') elif not isinstance(blob_key, unicode): raise TypeError('blob_key must be str, Unicode or BlobKey: %s' % blob_key) if start_index < 0: raise DataIndexOutOfRangeError( 'Cannot fetch blob at negative index.') if end_index < start_index: raise DataIndexOutOfRangeError( 'Start index %d > end index %d' % (start_index, end_index)) fetch_size = end_index - start_index + 1 if fetch_size > MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE: raise BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError( 'Blob fetch size is too large: %d' % fetch_size) request = blobstore_service_pb.FetchDataRequest() response = blobstore_service_pb.FetchDataResponse() request.set_blob_key(blob_key) request.set_start_index(start_index) request.set_end_index(end_index) return _make_async_call(rpc, 'FetchData', request, response, _get_result_hook, lambda rpc:
[docs]def create_gs_key(filename, rpc=None): """Creates an encoded key for a Google Cloud Storage file. It is safe to persist this key for future use. Args: filename: The file name of the Google Cloud Storage object for which you want to create the key. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: An encrypted `BlobKey` string. """ rpc = create_gs_key_async(filename, rpc) return rpc.get_result()
[docs]def create_gs_key_async(filename, rpc=None): """Asynchronously creates an encoded key for a Google Cloud Storage file. It is safe to persist this key for future use. Args: filename: The file name of the Google Cloud Storage object for which you want to create the key. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: A UserRPC whose result will be a string as returned by `create_gs_key()`. Raises: TypeError: If `filename` is not a string. ValueError: If `filename` is not in the format `/gs/bucket_name/object_name`. """ if not isinstance(filename, basestring): raise TypeError('filename must be str: %s' % filename) if not filename.startswith(GS_PREFIX): raise ValueError('filename must start with "/gs/": %s' % filename) if not '/' in filename[4:]: raise ValueError('filename must use the format ' '"/gs/bucket_name/object_name": %s' % filename) request = blobstore_service_pb.CreateEncodedGoogleStorageKeyRequest() response = blobstore_service_pb.CreateEncodedGoogleStorageKeyResponse() request.set_filename(filename) return _make_async_call(rpc, 'CreateEncodedGoogleStorageKey', request, response, _get_result_hook, lambda rpc: rpc.response.blob_key())