Código-fonte de google.appengine.ext.blobstore.blobstore

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""A Python blobstore API used by app developers.

This module contains methods that are used to interface with Blobstore API.
The module includes a `db.Model`-like class that represents a reference to a
very large blob. The module imports a `db.Key`-like class that represents a blob
import base64
import email
import email.message

from google.appengine.api import datastore
from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
from google.appengine.api.blobstore import blobstore
from google.appengine.ext import db

__all__ = ['BLOB_INFO_KIND',

Error = blobstore.Error
InternalError = blobstore.InternalError
BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError = blobstore.BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError
BlobNotFoundError = blobstore.BlobNotFoundError
_CreationFormatError = blobstore._CreationFormatError
DataIndexOutOfRangeError = blobstore.DataIndexOutOfRangeError
PermissionDeniedError = blobstore.PermissionDeniedError

BlobKey = blobstore.BlobKey
create_rpc = blobstore.create_rpc
create_upload_url = blobstore.create_upload_url
create_upload_url_async = blobstore.create_upload_url_async
delete = blobstore.delete
delete_async = blobstore.delete_async
create_gs_key = blobstore.create_gs_key
create_gs_key_async = blobstore.create_gs_key_async


[docs]class BlobInfoParseError(Error): """The CGI parameter does not contain a valid `BlobInfo` record."""
[docs]class FileInfoParseError(Error): """The CGI parameter does not contain a valid `FileInfo` record."""
class _GqlQuery(db.GqlQuery): """GqlQuery class that explicitly sets `model-class`. This does the same as the original `db.GqlQuery` class except that it does not try to find the model class based on the compiled GQL query. The caller instead provides the query with a model class to use for construction. Note: This class is required for compatibility with the current `db.py` query mechanism but will be removed in the future. DO NOT USE. """ def __init__(self, query_string, model_class, *args, **kwds): """Constructor. Args: query_string: A properly formatted GQL query string. model_class: The model class from which entities are constructed. *args: Positional arguments that are used to bind numeric references in the query. **kwds: Dictionary-based arguments for named references. """ from google.appengine.ext import gql app = kwds.pop('_app', None) self._proto_query = gql.GQL(query_string, _app=app, namespace='') super(db.GqlQuery, self).__init__(model_class) self.bind(*args, **kwds)
[docs]class BlobInfo(object): """Information about blobs in Blobstore. This is a `db.Model`-like class that contains information about blobs that are stored by an application. Like `db.Model`, this class is backed by a Datastore entity; however, `BlobInfo` instances are read-only and have a much more limited interface. Each `BlobInfo` has a key of type `BlobKey` associated with it. This key is specific to the Blobstore API and is not compatible with `db.get`. The key can be used for quick lookup by passing it to `BlobInfo.get`. This key converts easily to a string, which is web safe and can be embedded in URLs. Properties: - content_type: The content type of the blob. - creation: The creation date of the blob, or when it was uploaded. - filename: The file name that the user selected from their machine. - size: The size of the uncompressed blob. - md5_hash: The MD5 hash value of the uploaded blob. gs_object_name: The name of the object, if the blob is stored in Google Cloud Storage, in the form /[bucket-name]/[object-name] All properties are read-only. Attempting to assign a value to a property will raise a `NotImplementedError`. """ _unindexed_properties = frozenset([]) _all_properties = frozenset(['content_type', 'creation', 'filename', 'size', 'md5_hash', 'gs_object_name']) @property def content_type(self): """Returns the content type of the blob. Returns: The content type of the blob. """ return self.__get_value('content_type') @property def creation(self): """Returns the creation date or time of upload of the blob. Returns: The creation date or time of upload of the blob. """ return self.__get_value('creation') @property def filename(self): """Returns the file name that the user selected from their machine. Returns: The file name that the user selected. """ return self.__get_value('filename') @property def size(self): """Returns the size of the uncompressed blob. Returns: The size of the uncompressed blob. """ return self.__get_value('size') @property def md5_hash(self): """Returns the MD5 hash value of the uncompressed blob. Returns: The hash value of the uncompressed blob. """ return self.__get_value('md5_hash') @property def gs_object_name(self): return self.__get_value('gs_object_name') def __init__(self, entity_or_blob_key, _values=None): """Constructor for wrapping the blobstore entity. The constructor should not be used outside of this package and tests. Args: entity_or_blob_key: The datastore entity or blob key that represents the blob reference. _values: Optional; not recommended. This argument passes the associated entity when `entity_or_blob_key` is a blob key. """ if isinstance(entity_or_blob_key, datastore.Entity): self.__entity = entity_or_blob_key self.__key = BlobKey(entity_or_blob_key.key().name()) elif isinstance(entity_or_blob_key, BlobKey): self.__entity = _values self.__key = entity_or_blob_key else: raise TypeError('Must provide Entity or BlobKey')
[docs] @classmethod def from_entity(cls, entity): """Converts an entity to `BlobInfo`. Note: This method is required for compatibility with the current `db.py` query mechanism but will be removed in the future. DO NOT USE. Args: entity: The entity that you are trying to convert. Returns: The `BlobInfo` that was converted from the entity. """ return BlobInfo(entity)
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls): """Defines the set of properties that belong to `BlobInfo`. Note: This method is required for compatibility with the current `db.py` query mechanism but will be removed in the future. DO NOT USE. Returns: A set of all of the properties that belong to `BlobInfo`. """ return set(cls._all_properties)
def __get_value(self, name): """Gets a `BlobInfo` value, loading an entity if necessary. This method allows lazy loading of the underlying datastore entity. It should never be invoked directly. Args: name: The name of property for which you want to retrieve the value. Returns: The value of the `BlobInfo` property from the entity. """ if self.__entity is None: self.__entity = datastore.Get( datastore_types.Key.from_path( self.kind(), str(self.__key), namespace='')) return self.__entity.get(name, None)
[docs] def key(self): """Gets the key for a blob. Returns: The `BlobKey` instance that identifies this blob. """ return self.__key
[docs] def delete(self, _token=None): """Permanently deletes a blob from Blobstore.""" delete(self.key(), _token=_token)
[docs] def open(self, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a `BlobReader` for this blob. Args: *args: Arguments to pass to the `BlobReader` constructor. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the `BlobReader` constructor. Returns: A `BlobReader` instance. """ return BlobReader(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, blob_keys): """Retrieves a `BlobInfo` by key or by a list of keys. Args: blob_keys: A key or a list of keys. Keys can be in string, Unicode, or `BlobKey` format. Returns: A `BlobInfo` instance that is associated with the provided key or a list of `BlobInfo` instances if a list of keys was provided. Keys that are not found in Blobstore return `None`. """ blob_keys = cls.__normalize_and_convert_keys(blob_keys) try: entities = datastore.Get(blob_keys) except datastore_errors.EntityNotFoundError: return None if isinstance(entities, datastore.Entity): return BlobInfo(entities) else: references = [] for entity in entities: if entity is not None: references.append(BlobInfo(entity)) else: references.append(None) return references
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls): """Creates a query for all `BlobInfo` objects associated with the app. Returns: A `db.Query` object that queries over `BlobInfo`'s datastore kind. """ return db.Query(model_class=cls, namespace='')
@classmethod def __factory_for_kind(cls, kind): if kind == BLOB_INFO_KIND: return BlobInfo raise ValueError('Cannot query for kind %s' % kind)
[docs] @classmethod def gql(cls, query_string, *args, **kwds): """Returns a query using a GQL query string. See the `GQL source` for more information about GQL. Args: query_string: A properly formatted GQL query string that omits `SELECT * FROM <entity>` *args: The remaining positional arguments that are used to bind numeric references in the query. **kwds: The dictionary-based arguments for named parameters. Returns: A `gql.GqlQuery` object that queries over `BlobInfo`'s datastore kind. .. _GQL source: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/refdocs/google.appengine.ext.gql """ return _GqlQuery('SELECT * FROM %s %s' % (cls.kind(), query_string), cls, *args, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod def kind(self): """Gets the entity kind for the `BlobInfo`. Note: This method is required for compatibility with the current `db.py` query mechanism but will be removed in the future. DO NOT USE. Returns: The entity kind for `BlobInfo`. """ return BLOB_INFO_KIND
@classmethod def __normalize_and_convert_keys(cls, keys): """Normalizes and converts all keys to `BlobKey` type. This method is based on `datastore.NormalizeAndTypeCheck()`. Args: keys: A single key or a list or tuple of keys. Keys can be a string or a `BlobKey`. Returns: A single key or a list with all of the strings replaced by `BlobKey` instances. """ if isinstance(keys, (list, tuple)): multiple = True keys = list(keys) else: multiple = False keys = [keys] for index, key in enumerate(keys): if not isinstance(key, (basestring, BlobKey)): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'Expected string or BlobKey; received %s (a %s)' % ( key, datastore.typename(key))) keys[index] = datastore.Key.from_path(cls.kind(), str(key), namespace='') if multiple: return keys else: return keys[0]
[docs]def get(blob_key): """Gets a `BlobInfo` record from blobstore. Does the same as `BlobInfo.get`. Args: blob_key: The `BlobKey` of the record you want to retrieve. Returns: A `BlobInfo` instance that is associated with the provided key or a list of `BlobInfo` instances if a list of keys was provided. Keys that are not found in Blobstore return `None`. """ return BlobInfo.get(blob_key)
def _get_upload_content(field_storage): """Returns an `email.Message` that contains the values of the file transfer. This method decodes the content of the field storage and creates a new `email.Message`. Args: field_storage: `cgi.FieldStorage` that represents an uploaded blob. Returns: An `email.message.Message` that lists the upload information. """ message = email.message.Message() message.add_header( 'content-transfer-encoding', field_storage.headers.getheader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '')) message.set_payload(field_storage.file.read()) payload = message.get_payload(decode=True) return email.message_from_string(payload) def _parse_upload_info(field_storage, error_class): """Parses the upload information from the file upload `field_storage`. Args: field_storage: `cgi.FieldStorage` that represents the uploaded blob. error_class: The error to raise if the information cannot be parsed. Returns: A dictionary that contains the parsed values. This method will return `None` if `field_storage` was not defined. Raises: `error_class` when provided with a `field_storage` that does not contain enough information. """ if field_storage is None: return None field_name = field_storage.name def get_value(dict, name): """Gets the name of the field.""" value = dict.get(name, None) if value is None: raise error_class( 'Field %s has no %s.' % (field_name, name)) return value filename = get_value(field_storage.disposition_options, 'filename') blob_key = field_storage.type_options.get('blob-key', None) upload_content = _get_upload_content(field_storage) field_storage.file.seek(0) content_type = get_value(upload_content, 'content-type') size = get_value(upload_content, 'content-length') creation_string = get_value(upload_content, UPLOAD_INFO_CREATION_HEADER) md5_hash_encoded = get_value(upload_content, 'content-md5') md5_hash = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(md5_hash_encoded) gs_object_name = upload_content.get(CLOUD_STORAGE_OBJECT_HEADER, None) try: size = int(size) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise error_class( '%s is not a valid value for %s size.' % (size, field_name)) try: creation = blobstore._parse_creation(creation_string, field_name) except blobstore._CreationFormatError, err: raise error_class(str(err)) return {'blob_key': blob_key, 'content_type': content_type, 'creation': creation, 'filename': filename, 'size': size, 'md5_hash': md5_hash, 'gs_object_name': gs_object_name, }
[docs]def parse_blob_info(field_storage): """Parses a `BlobInfo` record from file upload `field_storage`. Args: field_storage: `cgi.FieldStorage` that represents an uploaded blob. Returns: A `BlobInfo` record as parsed from the `field_storage` instance. This method will return `None` if `field_storage` was not defined. Raises: BlobInfoParseError: If the provided `field_storage` does not contain enough information to construct a `BlobInfo` object. """ info = _parse_upload_info(field_storage, BlobInfoParseError) if info is None: return None key = info.pop('blob_key', None) if not key: raise BlobInfoParseError('Field %s has no %s.' % (field_storage.name, 'blob_key')) return BlobInfo(BlobKey(key), info)
[docs]class FileInfo(object): """Details information about uploaded files. This class contains information about blobs stored by an application. This class is similar to `BlobInfo`; however, this method does not make use of a key, and the information is not persisted in the datastore. Properties: - content_type: The content type of the uploaded file. - creation: The creation date of the uploaded file, or when it was uploaded. - filename: The file name that the user selected from their machine. - size: The size of the uncompressed file. - md5_hash: The MD5 hash value of the uploaded file. - gs_object_name: The name of the file that was written to Google Cloud Storage, or `None` if the file was not uploaded to Google Cloud Storage. All properties are read-only. Attempting to assign a value to a property will raise an `AttributeError`. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, content_type=None, creation=None, size=None, md5_hash=None, gs_object_name=None): self.__filename = filename self.__content_type = content_type self.__creation = creation self.__size = size self.__md5_hash = md5_hash self.__gs_object_name = gs_object_name @property def filename(self): """Returns the file name that the user selected. Returns: The file name that the user selected. """ return self.__filename @property def content_type(self): """Returns the content type of the uploaded file. Returns: The content type of the file. """ return self.__content_type @property def creation(self): """Returns the creation date or upload time of the file. Returns: The creation date or upload time of the file. """ return self.__creation @property def size(self): """Returns the size of the uncompressed file. Returns: The size of the uncompressed file. """ return self.__size @property def md5_hash(self): """Returns the MD5 hash of the uploaded file. Returns: The hash value for the uploaded file. """ return self.__md5_hash @property def gs_object_name(self): """Returns the name of the file that was written to Cloud Storage. Returns: The name of the file that was written to Cloud Storage. """ return self.__gs_object_name
[docs]def parse_file_info(field_storage): """Parses a `FileInfo` record from file upload `field_storage`. Args: field_storage: `cgi.FieldStorage` that represents the uploaded file. Returns: `FileInfo` record as parsed from the `field_storage` instance. This method will return `None` if `field_storage` was not specified. Raises: FileInfoParseError: If `field_storage` does not contain enough information to construct a `FileInfo` object. """ info = _parse_upload_info(field_storage, FileInfoParseError) if info is None: return None info.pop('blob_key', None) return FileInfo(**info)
[docs]class BlobReferenceProperty(db.Property): """Property compatible with `db.Model` classes. Add references to blobs to domain models using BlobReferenceProperty:: class Picture(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() image = blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty() thumbnail = blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty() To find the size of a picture using this model:: picture = Picture.get(picture_key) print picture.image.size `BlobInfo` objects are lazily loaded, so iterating over models for `BlobKeys` is efficient. The following sample code does not need to hit Datastore for each image key:: list_of_untitled_blobs = [] for picture in Picture.gql("WHERE title=''"): list_of_untitled_blobs.append(picture.image.key()) """ data_type = BlobInfo
[docs] def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): """Returns a model property translated to a datastore value. Args: model_instance: The model property that you want to translate. Returns: The model property that was translated from datastore. """ blob_info = super(BlobReferenceProperty, self).get_value_for_datastore(model_instance) if blob_info is None: return None return blob_info.key()
[docs] def make_value_from_datastore(self, value): """Returns a datastore value to `BlobInfo`. Args: value: The datastore value that you want to translate. Returns: A `BlobInfo` that was translated from datastore. """ if value is None: return None return BlobInfo(value)
[docs] def validate(self, value): """Validates that an assigned value is `BlobInfo`. This method automatically converts from strings and `BlobKey` instances. Args: value: The value that you want to validate. Returns: Information about whether an assigned value is `BlobInfo`. """ if isinstance(value, (basestring)): value = BlobInfo(BlobKey(value)) elif isinstance(value, BlobKey): value = BlobInfo(value) return super(BlobReferenceProperty, self).validate(value)
[docs]def fetch_data(blob, start_index, end_index, rpc=None): """Fetches data for a blob. Fetches a fragment of a blob up to `MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE` in length. Attempting to fetch a fragment that extends beyond the boundaries of the blob will return the amount of data from `start_index` until the end of the blob, which will be a smaller size than requested. Requesting a fragment that is entirely outside the boundaries of the blob will return an empty string. Attempting to fetch a negative index will raise an exception. Args: blob: A `BlobInfo`, `BlobKey`, string, or Unicode representation of the `BlobKey` of the blob from which you want to fetch data. start_index: The start index of blob data to fetch. This value must not be negative. end_index: The end index (inclusive) of the blob data to fetch. This value must be greater than or equal to `start_index`. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: A string that contains partial data of a blob. If the indexes are legal but outside of the boundaries of the blob, an empty string is returned. Raises: TypeError: If `start_index` or `end_index` are not indexes, or if `blob` is not a string, `BlobKey` or `BlobInfo`. DataIndexOutOfRangeError: If `start_index` is set to a value that is less than 0 or `end_index` is less than `start_index`. BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError: If the requested blob fragment is larger than `MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE`. BlobNotFoundError: If the blob does not exist. """ rpc = fetch_data_async(blob, start_index, end_index, rpc=rpc) return rpc.get_result()
[docs]def fetch_data_async(blob, start_index, end_index, rpc=None): """Asynchronously fetches data for a blob. Fetches a fragment of a blob up to `MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE` in length. Attempting to fetch a fragment that extends beyond the boundaries of the blob will return the amount of data from `start_index` until the end of the blob, which will be a smaller size than requested. Requesting a fragment that is entirely outside the boundaries of the blob will return an empty string. Attempting to fetch a negative index will raise an exception. Args: blob: A `BlobInfo`, `BlobKey`, string, or Unicode representation of the `BlobKey` of the blob from which you want to fetch data. start_index: The start index of blob data to fetch. This value must not be negative. end_index: The end index (inclusive) of the blob data to fetch. This value must be greater than or equal to `start_index`. rpc: Optional UserRPC object. Returns: A UserRPC whose result will be a string as returned by `fetch_data()`. Raises: TypeError: If `start_index` or `end_index` are not indexes, or if `blob` is not a string, `BlobKey` or `BlobInfo`. DataIndexOutOfRangeError: If `start_index` is set to a value that is less than 0 or `end_index` is less than `start_index` when calling `rpc.get_result()`. BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError: If the requested blob fragment is larger than `MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE` when calling `rpc.get_result()`. BlobNotFoundError: If the blob does not exist when calling `rpc.get_result()`. """ if isinstance(blob, BlobInfo): blob = blob.key() return blobstore.fetch_data_async(blob, start_index, end_index, rpc=rpc)
[docs]class BlobReader(object): """Provides a read-only file-like interface to a blobstore blob.""" SEEK_SET = 0 SEEK_CUR = 1 SEEK_END = 2 def __init__(self, blob, buffer_size=131072, position=0): """Constructor. Args: blob: The blob key, blob info, or string blob key to read from. buffer_size: The minimum size to fetch chunks of data from blobstore. position: The initial position in the file. Raises: ValueError: If a `BlobKey`, `BlobInfo`, or string blob key is not supplied. """ if not blob: raise ValueError('A BlobKey, BlobInfo or string is required.') if hasattr(blob, 'key'): self.__blob_key = blob.key() self.__blob_info = blob else: self.__blob_key = blob self.__blob_info = None self.__buffer_size = buffer_size self.__buffer = "" self.__position = position self.__buffer_position = 0 self.__eof = False def __iter__(self): """Retrieves a file iterator for this `BlobReader`. Returns: The file iterator for the `BlobReader`. """ return self def __getstate__(self): """Retrieves the serialized state for this `BlobReader`. Returns: The serialized state for the `BlobReader`. """ return (self.__blob_key, self.__buffer_size, self.__position) def __setstate__(self, state): """Restores pickled state for this BlobReader.""" self.__init__(*state)
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the file. A closed file cannot be read or written to anymore. An operation that requires that the file to be open will raise a `ValueError` after the file has been closed. Calling `close()` more than once is allowed. """ self.__blob_key = None
[docs] def flush(self): raise IOError("BlobReaders are read-only")
[docs] def next(self): r"""Returns the next line from the file. Returns: A string, terminated by `\\n`. The last line cannot end with `\\n`. If the end of the file is reached, an empty string will be returned. Raises: StopIteration: If there are no further lines to read. """ line = self.readline() if not line: raise StopIteration return line
def __read_from_buffer(self, size): """Reads at most `size` bytes from the buffer. Args: size: Number of bytes to read, or a negative value to read the entire buffer. Returns: Tuple (data, size): data: The bytes read from the buffer. size: The remaining unread byte count. This value is negative when `size` is negative. Thus when remaining size is not equal to 0, the calling method might choose to fill the buffer again and keep reading. """ if not self.__blob_key: raise ValueError("File is closed") if size < 0: end_pos = len(self.__buffer) else: end_pos = self.__buffer_position + size data = self.__buffer[self.__buffer_position:end_pos] data_length = len(data) size -= data_length self.__position += data_length self.__buffer_position += data_length if self.__buffer_position == len(self.__buffer): self.__buffer = "" self.__buffer_position = 0 return data, size def __fill_buffer(self, size=0): """Fills the internal buffer. Args: size: Number of bytes to read. Will be clamped to `[self.__buffer_size, MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE]`. """ read_size = min(max(size, self.__buffer_size), MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE) self.__buffer = fetch_data(self.__blob_key, self.__position, self.__position + read_size - 1) self.__buffer_position = 0 self.__eof = len(self.__buffer) < read_size
[docs] def read(self, size=-1): """Reads at most `size` bytes from the file. Fewer bytes are read if the read hits the end of the file before obtaining `size` bytes. If the `size` argument is negative or omitted, all data is read until the end of the file is reached. The bytes are returned as a string object. An empty string is returned immediately when the end of the file is reached. Calling `read()` without specifying a `size` is likely to be dangerous, as it might read excessive amounts of data. Args: size: Optional. The maximum number of bytes to read. When omitted, `read()` returns all remaining data in the file. Returns: The read data, as a string. """ data_list = [] while True: data, size = self.__read_from_buffer(size) data_list.append(data) if size == 0 or self.__eof: return ''.join(data_list) self.__fill_buffer(size)
[docs] def readline(self, size=-1): """Reads one entire line from the file. A trailing newline character is kept in the string but can be absent when a file ends with an incomplete line. If the `size` argument is present and non-negative, it represents a maximum byte count, including the trailing newline and an incomplete line might be returned. An empty string is returned immediately only when the end of the file is reached. Args: size: Optional. The maximum number of bytes to read. Returns: The read data, as a string. """ data_list = [] while True: if size < 0: end_pos = len(self.__buffer) else: end_pos = self.__buffer_position + size newline_pos = self.__buffer.find('\n', self.__buffer_position, end_pos) if newline_pos != -1: data_list.append( self.__read_from_buffer(newline_pos - self.__buffer_position + 1)[0]) break else: data, size = self.__read_from_buffer(size) data_list.append(data) if size == 0 or self.__eof: break self.__fill_buffer() return ''.join(data_list)
[docs] def readlines(self, sizehint=None): """Reads until the end of the file using `readline()`. A list of lines read is returned. If the optional `sizehint` argument is present, instead of reading up to the end of the file, whole lines totalling approximately `sizehint` bytes are read, possibly after rounding up to an internal buffer size. Args: sizehint: A hint as to the maximum number of bytes to read. Returns: A list of strings, each being a single line from the file. """ lines = [] while sizehint is None or sizehint > 0: line = self.readline() if sizehint: sizehint -= len(line) if not line: break lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def seek(self, offset, whence=SEEK_SET): """Sets the file's current position, like stdio's `fseek()`_. Args: offset: The relative offset to seek to. whence: Optional; defines to what value the offset is relative. This argument defaults to `os.SEEK_SET` or `0` to use absolute file positioning; other valid values are `os.SEEK_CUR` or `1` to seek relative to the current position and `os.SEEK_END` or `2` to seek relative to the end of the file. .. _fseek(): http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fseek/ """ if whence == BlobReader.SEEK_CUR: offset = self.__position + offset elif whence == BlobReader.SEEK_END: offset = self.blob_info.size + offset self.__buffer = "" self.__buffer_position = 0 self.__position = offset self.__eof = False
[docs] def tell(self): """Retrieves the file's current position, like stdio's `ftell()`_. Returns: The file's current position. .. _ftell(): http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/ftell/ """ return self.__position
[docs] def truncate(self, size): """Raises an error if you attempt to truncate the file. Args: size: The size that you are attempting to truncate to. Raises: IOError: If you attempt to truncate a file in `BlobReader`. """ raise IOError("BlobReaders are read-only")
[docs] def write(self, str): """Raises an error if you attempt to write to the file. Args: str: The string that you are attempting to write. Raises: IOError: If you attempt to write to a file in `BlobReader`. """ raise IOError("BlobReaders are read-only")
[docs] def writelines(self, sequence): """Raises an error if you attempt to write to the file. Args: sequence: The sequence of strings that you are attempting to write. Raises: IOError: If you attempt to write lines to a file in `BlobReader`. """ raise IOError("BlobReaders are read-only")
@property def blob_info(self): """Returns the `BlobInfo` for this file. Returns: A string that contains the `BlobInfo`. """ if not self.__blob_info: self.__blob_info = BlobInfo.get(self.__blob_key) return self.__blob_info @property def closed(self): """Determines whether a file is closed. Returns: `True` if this file is closed; opened files return `False`. """ return self.__blob_key is None def __enter__(self): """Attempts to open the file. Returns: The open file. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Closes the file.""" self.close()
[docs]class BlobMigrationRecord(db.Model): """Defines a model that records the result of a blob migration.""" new_blob_ref = BlobReferenceProperty(indexed=False, name='new_blob_key')
[docs] @classmethod def kind(cls): """Specifies the kind of blob that you are migrating. Returns: The kind of blob that you are migrating """ return blobstore.BLOB_MIGRATION_KIND
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_blob_key(cls, old_blob_key): """Fetches the `BlobMigrationRecord` for the given blob key. Args: old_blob_key: The blob key that was used in the previous app. Returns: A instance of `blobstore.BlobMigrationRecord` or `None`. """ return cls.get_by_key_name(str(old_blob_key))
[docs] @classmethod def get_new_blob_key(cls, old_blob_key): """Looks up the new key for a blob. Args: old_blob_key: The original blob key. Returns: The `blobstore.BlobKey` of the migrated blob. """ record = cls.get_by_blob_key(old_blob_key) if record: return record.new_blob_ref.key()