
Region ID

The REGION_ID is an abbreviated code that Google assigns based on the region you select when you create your app. The code does not correspond to a country or province, even though some region IDs may appear similar to commonly used country and province codes. For apps created after February 2020, REGION_ID.r is included in App Engine URLs. For existing apps created before this date, the region ID is optional in the URL.

Learn more about region IDs.

This document lists the quotas and system limits that apply to App Engine. Quotas specify the amount of a countable, shared resource that you can use, and they are defined by Google Cloud services such as App Engine. System limits are fixed values that cannot be changed.

Google Cloud uses quotas to help ensure fairness and reduce spikes in resource use and availability. A quota restricts how much of a Google Cloud resource your Google Cloud project can use. Quotas apply to a range of resource types, including hardware, software, and network components. For example, quotas can restrict the number of API calls to a service, the number of load balancers used concurrently by your project, or the number of projects that you can create. Quotas protect the community of Google Cloud users by preventing the overloading of services. Quotas also help you to manage your own Google Cloud resources.

The Cloud Quotas system does the following:

  • Monitors your consumption of Google Cloud products and services
  • Restricts your consumption of those resources
  • Provides a way to request changes to the quota value

In most cases, when you attempt to consume more of a resource than its quota allows, the system blocks access to the resource, and the task that you're trying to perform fails.

Quotas generally apply at the Google Cloud project level. Your use of a resource in one project doesn't affect your available quota in another project. Within a Google Cloud project, quotas are shared across all applications and IP addresses.

There are also system limits on App Engine resources. System limits can't be changed.

An App Engine application can consume resources up to certain quotas. You can view your application's daily consumption on the Google Cloud console Quota Details page.

Types of quotas

The following types of quotas apply to App Engine applications:

  • Free quotas give your application an amount of each resource for free. The details on free quotas can be found under the resources section on this page. After your application exceeds a free quota, you will be billed for any additional use of that resource.

    Only the App Engine standard environment provides free quotas.

  • Daily quotas protect the integrity of the App Engine system by ensuring that no single app over-consumes a resource to the detriment of other apps. If you go above these limits, you'll get an error. Daily quotas are refreshed daily at midnight Pacific time.
  • Per-minute quotas protect your application from consuming all of its resources in very short periods of time, and prevent other applications from monopolizing a given resource. If your application consumes a resource too quickly and depletes a per-minute quota, the word "Limited" appears next to the appropriate quota on the Quotas page in the Google Cloud console. Requests for resources that reach their per-minute maximum are denied.

Project owners and billing administrators can enable billing for a project.

For details about what happens when a quota is exceeded and how to handle quota overage conditions, see When a resource is depleted.

Tip: The maximum per-minute quotas accommodate high traffic levels, enough to handle a spike in traffic from your site getting mentioned in news stories. If you believe a particular quota does not meet this requirement, submit feedback in the issue tracker. Note that filing feedback is not a request for increasing your quota, but it will help us understand which quota is potentially too low for general use cases.

If you're expecting extremely high traffic levels, or for some reason your app requires particularly high quotas (for example, because of a significant product launch or large load tests), we recommend that you sign up for a support package.

How resources are replenished

App Engine tracks your application's resource usage against system quotas. App Engine resets all resource measurements at the beginning of each calendar day (except for Stored Data, which always represents the amount of datastore storage in use).

Daily quotas are replenished daily at midnight Pacific time. Per-minute quotas are refreshed every 60 seconds.

When a resource is depleted

When an application consumes all of an allocated resource, the resource becomes unavailable until the quota is replenished. This may mean that your application will not work until the quota is replenished.

For resources that are required to initiate a request, when the resource is depleted, App Engine by default returns an HTTP 403 or 503 error code for the request instead of calling a request handler. This behavior applies to the Instance hours resource.

Tip: You can configure your application to serve a custom error page when your application exceeds a quota. For details, see the configuration file reference for Python (2.7, 3), Java, Go, PHP (5.5, 7), or Node.js .

For all other resources, when the resource is depleted, an attempt in the application to consume the resource results in an exception. This exception can be caught by the application and handled, such as by displaying a friendly error message to the user. In the Python API, this exception is apiproxy_errors.OverQuotaError. In the API for Java, this exception is com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy.OverQuotaException. In the Go API, the appengine.IsOverQuota function reports whether an error represents an API call failure due to insufficient available quota.

The following example illustrates how to catch the OverQuotaError, which may be raised by the SendMessage() method if an email-related quota has been exceeded:

    mail.SendMessage(to='test@example.com', from='admin@example.com',
            subject='Test Email', body='Testing')
except apiproxy_errors.OverQuotaError, message:
    # Log the error. logging.error(message)
    # Display an informative message to the user.
    self.response.out.write('The email could not be sent. '
            'Please try again later.')

Is your app exceeding the default limits? You can contact Cloud Customer Care to request higher throughput limits. If you need a higher mail quota, you can use SendGrid to send email.


An application may use the following resources, subject to quotas. Resources measured against billable limits are indicated with "(billable)." Resource amounts represent an allocation over a 24 hour period.

The cost of additional resources is listed on the Pricing page.

Services, versions, and instances

The maximum number of services and versions that you can deploy depends on your app's pricing. Both the flexible environment and the standard environment share the same limits for services and versions. For example, if you have standard versions and flexible versions in the same app, those versions count towards the same limit.

Limit Free app Paid app
Maximum services per app 5 210
Maximum versions per app 15 210

There is also a limit to the number of instances for each service with basic or manual scaling:

Maximum instances per manual/basic scaling version
Free app Paid app US Paid app EU
20 25 (200 for us-central) 25

There is also a limit to the number of instances across standard versions that can be running per project and region. The service's instance class determines which limit is applied and the contribution of an instance of that service to the quota usage. For example, 1 F4 instance counts as 4 normalized frontend instances.

You can view your instance count quota consumption in the IAM Quotas page.

Description Limit Can be increased
Maximum number of frontend instances per project and region measured over a 1 minute period Depends on selected region. This limit might be greater in high-capacity regions or lower in recently opened regions. Yes
Maximum number of backend instances per project and region measured over a 1 minute period Depends on selected region. This limit might be greater in high-capacity regions or lower in recently opened regions. Yes

Note: You can follow the steps outlined in this page to request higher limits.

There is also a limit to the number of characters in the URL of your application.
Description Limit
Maximum characters in Project URL for VERSION-dot-SERVICE-dot-PROJECT_ID URL 63

Default Cloud Storage bucket

The Default Cloud Storage bucket has a free quota for daily usage as shown below. You create this free default bucket in the Google Cloud console App Engine settings page for your project.

The following quotas apply specifically to use of the default bucket. See pricing for Cloud Storage Multi-Regional buckets for a description of these quotas.

Resource Default limit
Default Cloud Storage Bucket Stored Data First 5 GB free; no maximum
Default Cloud Storage Bucket Class A Operations First 20,000 ops/day free; no maximum
Default Cloud Storage Bucket Class B Operations First 50,000 ops/day free; no maximum
Default Cloud Storage Bucket Network Egress First 1 GB free; no maximum


The following quotas apply specifically to use of the blobstore.

Blobstore stored data
The total amount of data stored in the blobstore. Available for both paid and free apps.
Resource Default limit
Blobstore Stored Data First 5 GB free; no maximum

Code and static data storage

Static data limit
In all languages except Go, no single static data file can be larger than 32MB. The limit for Go is 64MB.
Total storage
The storage quota applies to the total amount of code and static data stored by all versions of your app. The total stored size of code and static files is listed in the Main Dashboard table. Individual sizes are displayed on the Versions and Backends screens respectively. Apps will be charged $ 0.026 per GB per month for any code and static data storage that exceeds 1 GB.

Firestore in Datastore mode (Datastore)

The Stored Data (billable) quota refers to all data stored for the application in Datastore and Blobstore. Other quotas in the "Datastore" section of the Quota Details screen in the Google Cloud console refer specifically to the Datastore service.

Stored data (billable)

The total amount of data stored in datastore entities and corresponding indexes and the Blobstore.

It's important to note that data stored in the datastore may incur significant overhead. This overhead depends on the number and types of associated properties, and includes space used by built-in and custom indexes. Each entity stored in the datastore requires the following metadata:

  • The entity key, including the kind, the ID or key name, and the keys of the entity's ancestors.
  • The name and value of each property. Since the datastore is schemaless, the name of each property must be stored with the property value for any given entity.
  • Any built-in and custom index rows that refer to this entity. Each row contains the entity kind, any number of property values depending on the index definition, and the entity key.
Number of indexes
The number of Datastore indexes that exist for the application. This includes indexes that were created in the past and no longer appear in the application's configuration but have not been deleted. See the Datastore limits page for additional details about limits.
Write operations
The total number of Datastore write operations.
Read operations
The total number of Datastore read operations.
Small operations
The total number of Datastore small operations. Small operations include calls to allocate Datastore IDs or keys-only queries.
Resource Default limit
Stored Data (billable) 1 GiB free; no maximum.
Beyond free quota, billing rates apply.
Number of Indexes 200
Entity Reads 50,000 free; no maximum.
Beyond free quota, billing rates apply.
Entity Writes 20,000 free; no maximum.
Beyond free quota, billing rates apply.
Entity Deletes 20,000 free; no maximum.
Beyond free quota, billing rates apply.
Small Operations Unlimited

Note: Datastore operations generated by the Datastore Admin and Datastore Viewer count against your application quota.


In each App Engine application, you can deploy up to 10,000 times per day.

When you deploy, Cloud Build builds a container image, and stores the image in the Artifact Registry. You will incur charges if the total storage space consumed by the images exceeds the free tier.


The following quota applies to the total number of app deployment files.

Files Maximum
Default files per app 10,000 files
Contact Support to request an increase.

Instance hours

Instance usage is billed by instance uptime, at a given hourly rate.

There are separate free quotas for "F" and "B" instance classes (also known as "frontend" and "backend" instance classes). Note that when you use App Engine Services, the service's instance class determines which quota applies.

Resource Free Quota
F1 instances 28 free instance hours per day
B1 instances 9 free instance hours per day

Accrual of instance hours begins when an instance starts and ends as described below, depending on the type of scaling you specify for the instance:

  • Basic or automatic scaling: accrual ends fifteen minutes after an instance finishes processing its last request.
  • Manual scaling: accrual ends fifteen minutes after an instance shuts down.

If the number of idle instances created by App Engine exceeds the maximum you specify in the Performance Settings tab of the Google Cloud console, the excess instances do not accrue instance hours.


The Logs API is metered when log data is retrieved.

The logs ingestion allotment refers to request logs and application logs data for an application. Logging for App Engine apps is provided by Google Cloud Observability. See Google Cloud Observability pricing for more information on rates and limits.


Mail API consumption is available to view at the IAM Quotas page.

Note: To view an application's quota consumption on the IAM Quotas page, ensure that the App Engine Reporting Service is enabled for the project. If you can't enable the service, please check your permissions and the constraints/serviceuser.services org policy constraint.

Note: You can follow the steps outlined in this page to request higher limits.

App Engine bills for email use "by message," counting each email to each recipient. For example, sending one email to ten recipients counts as 10 messages.

Messages sent to non-admins
The total number of messages sent by the application to non-application admins.
Messages sent to admins
The total number of messages to application admins that have been sent by the application. The total size limit for each admin email, including headers, attachments, and body is 16KB.
Message body data sent
The amount of data sent in the body of email messages.
Attachments sent
The total number of attachments sent with email messages.
Attachment data sent
The amount of data sent as attachments to email messages.
Resource Default daily limit Maximum rate
Recipients emailed 100 messages 8 messages/minute
Admins emailed 5,000 mails 24 mails/minute
Message body data sent 60 MB 340 KB/minute
Attachments sent 2,000 attachments 8 attachments/minute
Attachment data sent 100 MB 10 MB/minute

You can add up to a maximum of 50 authorized senders for the Mail API.

Sending mail above your daily mail quota

If your app needs higher quotas for sending mail, you can use a third-party mail provider, such as SendGrid, Mailjet, or Mailgun.


Outgoing bandwidth (billable)

The amount of data sent by the application in response to requests.

This includes:

  • data served in response to both secure requests and non-secure requests by application servers, static file servers, or the Blobstore
  • data sent in email messages
  • data in outgoing HTTP requests sent by the URL fetch service.
Incoming bandwidth

The amount of data received by the application from requests. Each incoming HTTP request can be no larger than 32MB.

This includes:

  • data received by the application in secure requests and non-secure requests
  • uploads to the Blobstore
  • data received in response to HTTP requests by the URL fetch service
Secure outgoing bandwidth
The amount of data sent by the application over a secure connection in response to requests.
Secure incoming bandwidth
The amount of data received by the application over a secure connection from requests.

Free quotas for Search are listed in the table below. Refer to the Java, Python, and Go documentation for a detailed description of each type of Search call.

Search API resources are charged according to the rates on the pricing schedule.

Resource or API call Free Quota
Total storage (documents and indexes) 0.25 GB
Queries 1000 queries per day
Adding documents to indexes 0.01 GB per day

The application console quota section displays a raw count of API requests. Note that when indexing multiple documents in a single call, the call count is increased by the number of documents.

The Search API imposes these limits to ensure the reliability of the service:

  • 100 aggregated minutes of query execution time per minute, within an app and an index.
  • 15,000 Documents added/deleted per minute
In addition, there is a limit of 10GB storage per index. When an app tries to exceed this amount, an insufficient quota error is returned. This limit may be increased to up to 200GB by submitting a request from the Google Cloud console App Engine Search page.

Note: Although these limits are enforced by the minute, the Google Cloud console displays the daily totals for each. Customers with Silver, Gold, or Platinum support can request higher throughput limits by contacting their support representative.

Task Queue

When a task executes, its associated requests count toward the application request quotas

These limits apply to all task queues:

Resource Daily limit Maximum rate
Task Queue management calls (using the Google Cloud console) 10,000 n/a
Resource Default limit
Maximum number of queues (includes both push and pull queues but not the default queue) 100 queues.

Note: Once a task has been executed or deleted, the storage it uses is freed. Your storage quota is updated at regular intervals and might not show the reclaimed space immediately. See the Python, Java, or Go, or PHP documentation for more details.

The following limits apply to task queues according to their type:

Push Queue Limits
Maximum task size100KB
Queue execution rate500 task invocations per second per queue
Maximum countdown/ETA for a task30 days from the current date and time
Maximum number of tasks that can be added in a batch100 tasks
Maximum number of tasks that can be added in a transaction5 tasks
Default maximum number of task queues100 queues. Contact Support to request an increase.


The following quotas apply specifically to Cron jobs.

Cron jobs
Number of cron jobs.
Resource Default limit
Cron job 250 cron jobs

URL Fetch

URL Fetch API calls
The total number of times the application accessed the URL fetch service to perform an HTTP or HTTPS request.
URL Fetch data sent
The amount of data sent to the URL fetch service in requests.
URL Fetch data received
The amount of data received from the URL fetch service in responses. This also counts toward the Incoming Bandwidth quota.
Resource Daily limit Maximum rate
UrlFetch API calls 860,000,000 calls 660,000 calls/minute
UrlFetch data sent 4.5 TB 3,600 MB/minute
UrlFetch data received 4.5 TB 3,600 MB/minute