API Gateway release notes

This page contains release notes for features and updates to API Gateway.

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July 01, 2024


As of July 1, 2024, API gateways located in asia-east1 are decommissioned and will no longer serve traffic.

Between October 2021 and October 2022, customers with gateways located in asia-east1 were notified of the planned decommissioning and advised to delete or relocate any gateways in this region. A final reminder was sent in May, 2024.

As of July 1, 2024, any remaining gateways located in asia-east1 are fully decommissioned.

March 16, 2023


Fixed issue where API Gateway used the IP address of the Google Cloud Load Balancer (GCLB) (specifically the address of the forwarding rule) to validate IP-restricted API keys in requests proxied by a GCLB. API gateway now correctly validates IP-restricted API keys using the IP address of the client calling the GCLB.

January 05, 2023

Bug ID Description
266369520 Fixed issue where gRPC requests to a gateway resulted in 400 responses following an ESPV2 upgrade.

When calling a gateway using gRPC with transcoding, every field provided in a request message must contain a valid value. For every field included in the request message you must either specify a valid integer value or remove the field entirely.

August 09, 2021


Released a Preview version of HTTP(S) Load balancing for API Gateway.

The integration of Google Cloud HTTP(S) Load Balancing support for API Gateway enables your serverless backends to take advantage of all the features provided by Cloud Load Balancing. By combining API Gateway and HTTP(S) Load Balancing using a serverless Network Endpoint Group (serverless NEG), you can:

  • Host gateways with custom branded domains
  • Configure TLS for gateways using certificates issued by a preferred certificate authority
  • Create a common entry point for a gateway routing to multiple backends
  • Deploy gateways in multiple geographic regions for high availability without managing URLs for each region

To provide feedback or to log issues with this release, see Getting support.

January 21, 2021


Released a GA version of API Gateway.

To provide feedback or to log issues with this release, see Getting support.

An updated REST API reference for the v1 version is available.

API Gateway is added to the gcloud command group. Users should upgrade to the latest gcloud release to access the API Gateway command group.

gRPC support is available for Cloud Run backend services. For more information, see Getting started with API Gateway and Cloud Run for gRPC.

API Gateway support for the us-east1 region is now available.

September 08, 2020


Released a beta version of API Gateway.

To provide feedback or to log issues with this release, see Getting support.

Newly created gateways have an updated default hostname pattern:


where GATEWAY_ID is the name of the gateway, HASH is the unique hash code generated when you deployed the gateway, and REGION_CODE is the code for the Google Cloud region where the gateway is deployed.

For more information, see Deploying an API to a gateway.

The API Gateway API is now publicly visible. Allowlisting is no longer required to view or enable the API in your Google Cloud project.

Deprecated fields are no longer present in alpha versions of the API and the API Gateway UI utilizes the beta API.

API Gateway is added to the gcloud beta command group. Alpha users and trusted testers should upgrade to the latest gcloud release to access the API Gateway beta command group.

An updated REST API reference for the v1beta version is available.

Projects with gateways created between July 14, 2020 and August 6, 2020 may encounter an issue when new gateways are created with the beta API. The *gateway.dev hostname of the new gateway may return a 404 error response. A resolution to this issue is in progress. In the meantime, we recommend creating or using a new Google Cloud project when using the beta API.

Gateways created during alpha with *.run.app hostnames (created prior to July 14, 2020) will be turned down shortly after the beta release. We recommend creating new gateways using the v1beta API. Gateways created with the beta API will have *.gateway.dev hostnames.

API configs created prior to June 2, 2020 can no longer be deployed to gateways. These configs will be deleted through an internal process.

API Gateway built-in IAM roles are not initially visible. As a result, management permissions are not displayed on the permissions panel within the API Gateway UI. However, permissions to manage API Gateway resources can be granted as expected via Project Owner, Editor, and Viewer roles. A resolution to this issue is in progress.

API Gateway does not support custom IAM roles. A resolution to this issue is in progress.

When creating an API config, and in particular the first config for a new service, the operation may take several minutes to complete as the config is propagated to downstream systems. Creation of a complex API config could take up to ten minutes to complete successfully.

July 01, 2020


Released an updated version of the Alpha version of API Gateway.

To provide feedback or to log issues with this release, see Getting support.

Newly created gateways now have an updated default hostname pattern:


where GATEWAY_ID is the name of the gateway, HASH is the unique hash code generated when you deployed the gateway, and REGION_CODE is the code for the Google Cloud region where the gateway is deployed.

For more information, see Deploying an API to a gateway.

OpenAPI specifications for API configs no longer require the host property. You can either omit the host property entirely or set it to the DNS name of the deployed API. API providers often set it to the DNS name when sharing the OpenAPI Spec with their API consumers. However, the value of the host property is not enforced by API Gateway. Do not set the host property to null or an empty value, as this will result in an error.

For more information, see OpenAPI overview.

Updated the REST API reference to the latest Alpha version.

When creating an API config, and in particular the first config for a new service, the operation may take several minutes to complete as the config is propagated to downstream systems. Creation of a complex API config could take up to ten minutes to complete successfully.

When creating a gateway, permissions can take more than a minute to propagate through the system. Therefore, you might see a "missing tokens" error when making a request to an API. If you see this error, wait several minutes, then retry the request.

April 01, 2020


Alpha update release of API Gateway

Released an updated version of the Alpha version of API Gateway.

To provide feedback or to log issues with this release, see Getting support.

You can now use the Google Cloud Console UI, a web-based, graphical user interface, to develop your APIs. See the Quickstart: Use the UI to deploy an API on API Gateway for more.

The gcloud command-line tool now supports new command options, including:

Updated the REST API reference to the latest Alpha version.

Previously, when the gcloud command failed while creating an API config, the API config was still created, requiring you to manually delete it. The gcloud command no longer requires you to delete the API config when the create command fails.

When creating a gateway, permissions can take more than a minute to propagate through the system. Therefore, you might see a "missing tokens" error when making a request to an API. If you see this error, wait several minutes, then retry the request.

Authentication is only supported for Cloud Run and Cloud Functions, not for App Engine.

March 01, 2020


Released the Alpha version of API Gateway.

To provide feedback or to log issues with this release, see Getting support.

When creating a gateway, permissions can take more than a minute to propagate through the system. Therefore, you might see a "missing tokens" error when making a request to an API. If you see this error, wait several minutes, then retry the request.

Authentication is only supported for Cloud Run and Cloud Functions, not for App Engine.