Access routing issues with Apigee

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In some cases, external clients are not able to access/connect to Apigee in a desired manner. These include either network connectivity failures (TLS handshake fails) or 4xx/5xx responses from Apigee.

Error message

When sending an API request from your Client to Apigee, you see TLS handshake failure or a 4xx/5xx response even though the API proxies might seem healthy in the Apigee UI.

Possible causes

Cause Description Error codes
TLS errors at HTTPS load balancer You manage the TLS configuration of the HTTPS load balancer. Investigate any TLS errors in the HTTPS load balancer logs. TLS handshake errors from the load balancer IP address
Google Cloud Armor blocking the requests If you're using Google Cloud Armor, there may be a rule blocking the request. API response code may vary based on Google Cloud Armor configuration. Deny rules can return an HTTP 403 (Unauthorized), 404 (Access Denied), or 502 (Bad Gateway) response or even another response code.
Apigee proxy VMs are unable to forward the traffic to Apigee instance The Apigee API traffic router proxy configuration and its health need to be investigated 502 Server Error
Incorrect network configuration Ensure that the correct network is peered with Apigee VPC. 502 Server error
Unattached environments on the new Apigee instance created as part of region expansion After creating a new instance, for example a second region, you must attach environments to it, otherwise it cannot respond to API requests. 503 error response

Cause: TLS errors at HTTPS load balancer


  1. Find the TLS certificate associated with the load balancer.
    1. Using the Google Cloud console:
      1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

        Go to load balancing

      2. Click the load balancer Name. The Load balancer details page opens.

      3. In the Frontend area, in the IP:Port column, ensure that you are looking at the right load balancer by verifying its IP address and port.
      4. In the Certificate column, click the certificate name to view the TLS certificate.
    2. Using a gcloud command:
      1. List the load balancers with the following gcloud command. This command also displays SSL_CERTIFICATES associated with each load balancer.
        gcloud compute target-https-proxies list --project=PROJECT_NAME

        Replace PROJECT_NAME with the name of your project.

        Something similar to the following is returned:

        NAME: example-proxy-https-proxy
        SSL_CERTIFICATES: example-ssl-cert
        URL_MAP: example-proxy-url-map
      2. View the TLS certificate with the following gcloud command (this assumes you have jq or a similar tool installed on your machine):
        gcloud compute ssl-certificates describe CERTICATE_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_NAME --format json | jq -r '.certificate' | openssl x509 -text -noout

        Replace CERTIFICATE_NAME with the certificate name. For example, example-ssl-cert.

        Something similar to the following is returned:

                Version: 3 (0x2)
                Serial Number:
                Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
                Issuer: C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS CA 1D4
                    Not Before: Jul 11 11:51:52 2023 GMT
                    Not After : Oct  9 12:44:45 2023 GMT
                Subject: CN =
                Subject Public Key Info:
                    Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                        RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                        Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
                X509v3 extensions:
                    X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                        Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
                    X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
                        TLS Web Server Authentication
                    X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
                    X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
                    X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
                    Authority Information Access:
                        OCSP - URI:
                        CA Issuers - URI:
                    X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                    X509v3 Certificate Policies:
                    X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:
                        Full Name:

        Make sure that the common name (CN) in the certificate matches the Hostname configured in Apigee > Admin > Environments > Groups. Ensure that the certificate is valid and not expired. You may use openssl to perform these checks.

  2. To check the TLS certificate returned by the load balancer, run the following openssl command from your client machine. Check to see if this certificate matches the one returned in step 1 above.
    openssl s_client -connect LB_HOSTNAME_OR_IP:443 -servername LB_HOSTNAME -showcerts

    Replace the following:

    • LB_HOSTNAME_OR_IP: the load balancer hostname or IP address. For example, my-load-balancer.
    • LB_HOSTNAME: the load balancer hostname. For example, my-hostname.

    To verify that the certificates match, run the following command from your client:

    echo | openssl s_client -connect HOST_NAME:443 -servername HOST_NAME | openssl x509 -noout -text | openssl md5

    Replace HOST_NAME with the hostname configured in Apigee (Admin > Environments > Groups).

    And then verify that the md5 matches by running the following gcloud command:

    gcloud compute ssl-certificates describe CERTIFICATE_NAME --project PROJECT_NAME --format json | jq -r '.certificate' | openssl x509 -noout -text | openssl md5

    Replace CERTIFICATE_NAME with the name of the certificate. For example, my-certificate

  3. If the step 1 and step 2 certificates match (i.e., if md5 values match), then proceed to collect a packet capture on the client side to investigate the TLS handshake failure. You can take the packet capture on your client side with tools like Wireshark, tcpdump or any other reliable tools.
  4. Enable logs on the load balancer by following the instructions in Enabling logging on an existing backend service.
  5. Review the load balancer logs for any errors.


  1. If your self-managed certificate on the load balancer is expired or has incorrect CN/SAN values, you may need to replace the certificate on the load balancer.
  2. If the certificate returned by load balancer in step 1 and certificate in step 2 do not match, then it might mean that the load balancer is serving a stale/incorrect certificate, and you should file a ticket with Google Cloud Customer Care.
  3. If a tcpdump indicates a TLS handshake failure, investigate if the connection failure is coming from the load balancer or from the client side.
    • If the failure or connection reset is from the client side, then check your client application to understand why it is misbehaving. For example, you could check the network configuration on your client side or verify that the client application has connectivity with Apigee.
    • If you see the failure/reset from load balancer itself, see Troubleshoot general connectivity issues and file a ticket with Google Cloud Customer Care if required.
  4. If you see errors in the load balancer logs, see Unexplained 5XX errors and file a ticket with Google Cloud Customer Care if required.

If you still require assistance, see Must gather diagnostic information.

Cause: Cloud Armor blocking the requests


If you see a 403, 404 or a 502 error response based on Cloud Armor configuration, review the load balancer and MIG configuration to verify they are configured correctly and appear healthy.

  1. If you're using Google Cloud Armor in your Google Cloud environment, review the Google Cloud Armor configuration for any rules that may be blocking the request. The security policies can be found in Configure Google Google Cloud Armor security policies.
  2. If you're not sure which rule is denying the traffic, you could try to enable logging at the load balancer as described in Enabling logging on an existing backend service.
  3. Once logging is enabled, perform a logs query to find any requests blocked by Google Cloud Armor policies:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page.

      Go to Logs Explorer

    2. Paste the following into the Query pane:

    3. Click Run query.
    4. The name of the enforced policy is displayed in in the Query results pane:


Modify the Google Cloud Armor rules/configuration to align to your needs to resolve this issue. If you require assistance with this, reach out to Google Cloud Customer Care.

Cause: Apigee proxy VMs are unable to forward the traffic to Apigee instance


  1. If API clients receive HTTP 502 errors with the following error message, then the Apigee API traffic router proxy VMs might be in an unhealthy state.

    502 errors such as the following may be received by the clients:

    <html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type"
      content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <title>502 Server Error</title> </head>
      <body text=#000000 bgcolor=#ffffff> <h1>Error: Server Error</h1> <h2>The
      server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your
      request.<p>Please try again in 30 seconds.</h2> <h2></h2> </body></html>

    Review the load balancer logs for error messages such as the following:

    statusDetails: "failed_to_pick_backend"
    severity: "WARNING"

    There are a set of VMs (with an apigee-proxy prefix) running in a managed instance group (MIG) that forward the traffic to the Apigee instance. If you are seeing messages like the above, check the health of the apigee-proxy VMs part of the instance group through the following steps:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

      Go to load balancing

    2. Click the load balancer Name. The Load balancer details page opens.

    3. In the Backend section, verify that all load balancer backends have a green check mark in the Healthy column.

  2. Verify that the endpoint IP address in the MIG template matches the Apigee instance IP address.

    The apigee-proxy VMs are created using an instance template. The template defines the ENDPOINT IP address for connecting to the Apigee instance IP address.

    1. Get the Apigee instance IP address:
      curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer (gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

      Replace the following:

      • ORG_NAME: the name of your org. For example, my-org.
      • INSTANCE_NAME: the name of your instance. For example, apigee-proxy-example.
    2. Or, get the Apigee instance IP address using the Apigee UI:

      1. In the Apigee UI, click Admin > Instances.
      2. The IP addresses column lists the IP address:

    3. Get the ENDPOINT IP address from the template:

      1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

        Go to load balancing

      2. Click the load balancer Name. The Load balancer details page opens.
      3. In the Backend area, click a backend service name.
      4. In the Instance group members area, click a Template name.

      5. On the template page, scroll to Custom metadata which is where you will see the ENDPOINT IP address:

    Ensure that the ENDPOINT IP address matches the Apigee IP address returned in step 2. If it does not match, go to Resolution.


  1. If the apigee-proxy VMs in the instance group display an unhealthy status, then ensure that you have a firewall rule in place which lets the load balancing IP address ranges and access the MIG.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall page.

    Go to Firewall

  3. Ensure that an ingress firewall rule exists with target-tag like gke-apigee-proxy and source IP ranges like and over the 443 TCP port:

    If the MIG has a different tag than gke-apigee-proxy, then make sure that the tag is added to the target-tag in the firewall rule.

    If the firewall rule does not exist, then add it.

  4. If the ENDPOINT IP address does not match the Apigee instance IP address, it is possible that the instance was deleted and recreated, which would result in an IP address that no longer matches the IP address in the template. To update the template to use the new IP address, follow the instructions in Changing instance IPs.

Cause: Incorrect network configuration


  1. Locate the value for authorizedNetwork by running the following API call:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" ""

    Something similar to the following is returned:

      "name": "apigee-example-org",
      "createdAt": "1621287579456",
      "lastModifiedAt": "1674063833580",
      "environments": [
      "properties": {
        "property": [
            "name": "features.mart.connect.enabled",
            "value": "true"
            "name": "features.hybrid.enabled",
            "value": "true"
      "analyticsRegion": "us-west1",
      "authorizedNetwork": "default",
      "runtimeType": "CLOUD",
      "subscriptionType": "PAID",
      "caCertificate": "certificate-number",
      "runtimeDatabaseEncryptionKeyName": "projects/apigee-example-org/locations/us-west1/keyRings/my-database-key-ring/cryptoKeys/my-database-key",
      "projectId": "apigee-example-org",
      "state": "ACTIVE",
      "billingType": "SUBSCRIPTION",
      "addonsConfig": {
        "advancedApiOpsConfig": {},
        "integrationConfig": {},
        "monetizationConfig": {}
      "apigeeProjectId": "l09587a43efde330cp-tp"

    In this example, the value for authorizedNetwork is default.

  2. Verify that the authorizedNetwork value is the same as the network which is peered with servicenetworking:

    1. In the Google Cloud console of the host project, go to the VPC network peering page.

      Go to VPC network peering

    2. The value listed for servicenetworking-googleapis-com in Your VPC network should be the same as the value returned from the API call. For example, default.
  3. If you're using a Shared VPC, make sure that authorizedNetwork value has the value of the actual VPC in the host project which is peered with servicenetworking.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Shared VPC page.

      Go to Shared VPC

    2. Select the host project.
    3. The value listed for servicenetworking-googleapis-com in Your VPC network should be the same as the value authorizedNetwork returned from the API call. For example, default.
  4. Verify that the instance group associated with the load balancer is the same network as the authorizedNetwork value:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

      Go to load balancing

    2. Click a load balancer name. The Load balancer details page opens. A list of instance groups is displayed in the Backend area:

    3. Click the name of an instance group. The instance group Overview page is displayed.
    4. Click the Details tab.
    5. Scroll to the Networking section:

    6. Verify that the Primary network here is the same as the authorizedNetwork value. For example, default.
    7. Click the Overview tab.
    8. In the Instance Group Members section, click the name of an instance. The Details page is displayed.
    9. Scroll to the Network Interfaces section:

    10. Verify that the Network value is the same as authorizedNetwork value. For example, default.
    11. Go to the Overview tab and repeat step h through step j for every instance in the Instance Group Members section.


  1. If in either step 2 or step 3, the authorizedNetwork value is not the same as the network which is peered with servicenetworking, then make sure that you have peered the correct VPC network with servicenetworking by following the steps in Step 4: Configure service networking.
  2. If in step 4f and 4j, the network values are not the same as the authorizedNetwork value, then verify that the authorizedNetwork is the network peered with servicenetworking. If it is peered correctly, and the network is still not the same as the authorizedNetwork, then this means the instance group was created incorrectly and you should contact Google Cloud Customer Care.

Cause: Unattached environment on the new Apigee instance created as a part of region expansion


  1. You see a 503 error on the client side. For example:
    HTTP/2 503
    date: Thu, 08 Jun 2023 07:22:15 GMT
    content-length: 0
    via: 1.1 google
    alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
  2. If you are seeing 503 errors on the second region immediately after a region expansion:
    1. Ensure that the environments are attached to the new instance by running the following API call:
      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" ""

      For example:

      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" ""

      Something similar to the following is returned:

        "attachments": [
            "name": "9ed157df-5ef2-4cdc-b1d5-2643b480eb33",
            "environment": "dev",
            "createdAt": "1628153855420"
            "name": "a9e04dff-4ca4-4749-902f-5058e28c26a5",
            "environment": "prod",
            "createdAt": "1664517347106"

      In this example, the instance named apigee-proxy-example is attached to two environments: dev and prod.

    2. Ensure that the managed instance group (MIG) for the second region has been created and is showing as healthy:
      1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

        Go to load balancing

      2. Click the load balancer Name. The Load balancer details page opens.
      3. Under Backend, you should see two MIGs; one for region 1, and one for region 2. Verify that both are healthy:

      4. Validate the second MIG by following the steps in Apigee proxy VMs are unable to forward the traffic to Apigee instance.


  1. If the new instance is not attached to the environment, then attach the instance to the environment by following the instructions in Attach environments to the new instance.

    Another option is make sure the load balancer routes the request to the correct backend where the environment is already attached. For example, of a nonprod env. You may want to attach this to only one region; however, the load balancer may be routing the request to the wrong region. You would need to update the load balancer config to make sure it routes to the correct region.

  2. If a MIG is unhealthy, See Diagnosis and Resolution in Apigee proxy VMs are unable to forward the traffic to Apigee instance.

Must gather diagnostic information

If the problem persists even after following the above instructions, gather the following diagnostic information and then contact Google Cloud Customer Care:

  • Apigee organization
  • Environment and API proxy seeing the issue
  • Downloaded debug session (if the issue is intermittent)
  • Verbose curl output of a failed request.
  • Load balancer configured to send API calls to Apigee